
Aka Castle

Tino led the mercenaries away for three days and arrived at the bottom of the mountain he had promised the Akas. The vast basin between the mountains follows the old Ventra Tree. I was able to conceal my bird's vision with leafy leaves.

"You haven't arrived yet."

"I see."

As Tino and Taniella speak, Essen, the Burqa's protector, flew from afar and flew over the trainer Pamir's shoulder. Immediately, Pamir untied the cloth that was tied to Essen's feet and jumped up. Deputy Chief Chi () untied the cloth and reported.

"Warriors from Tantun Village will arrive tomorrow."

Tino nods when he hears the report and gives a new order.

"There will be over 3,000 warriors in total. Given that, make room for each eye in advance."

Each deputy commander led his troops into the woods. The sparsely standing Ventra tree was relatively capable of its trunk compared to its plentiful branches and leaves, so mountain tribes who were good at living in the wild could get used to it without much preparation, but there was much work to do.

It was very important to get rid of the poisonous herbs and to catch or eliminate the animals, predators, and toxins, in case there were any. All the crew are from the mountain tribe, so I'm very familiar with this.

"You two advisers should take a look at the water quality of the valley waters through the forest with your disciples."

"I see."

Taniella and Myrus led the Dagu shamans to explore the valley. There didn't seem to be any other risks, but we had to make sure that the water quality in the valley was adequate to melt or that there were no risks nearby.

"You need to prepare a meal."

Donnie was not sending five women to prepare for this, so he was able to prepare a meal right away.

"Lord Dylan will protect this place. I'll go around the block."

"Of course."

After seeing Dylan sitting down to lift his spirits, Tino develops his messenger skills and climbs the mountain to explore the planned attack.

Tino climbs up the mountain every single time it hits the floor. It's only a matter of time before he reaches the top. Pest skill extends with a considerable forward bend. It excels at climbing mountains. Since the posture itself is stable, if you can avoid obstacles with excellent fuselage vision, you can quickly climb the mountain.


In his vision, a large rectangular basin entered. In the middle of a fairly large basin was a huge fortress, with a darkness-specific building in the middle called Ziggurat.

The amount of water flowing around the outskirts of the castle, considering there are quite a lot of creeks and flat areas, I think I can farm in this basin if I do well.

"I must take it."

If the mountain tribes, who cannot farm because of their horses, are unable to feed themselves and have proper defenses in that castle, that would be a great place to live. I don't know where the other two castles are, but this is definitely the place to hit.

While those who move around the castle usually appear to be Black Warriors, there are some black knights dressed in proper armor.

As a result of constant surveillance, the number of people in the castle ranged from approximately 1,500 to 2,500. I can barely see the wizard's black robe because it's daytime.

The mountain tribes that joined the gale mercenaries over two days were the Akas, the Burkans and the Ains. Warriors who have already become storm troopers have joined the operation. With nearly 3,000 troops on the ground, the storm troops had to move frantically to meet them.

However, there was no great commotion even though a large group of people gathered in advance because each tribe had a place to stay and had food and preparation. They all knew why they were here, so they behaved with caution.

On the evening of everyone's joining us, a temporary chief ministry meeting was held. Each tribe's compartments, ammunition and elders were all present, with over 40 people present. Although it has a large number of people, most of them live in neighboring areas, so it is not awkward at all.

After confirming that everyone was here, Tino got up from his seat and turned to himself to say hello to those who were talking lightly.

"Thank you for coming all this way. I'm Tino, commander of the gale mercenaries."

You send a funeral to all of Tino's greetings and greet them. Everyone already knew that Harun, the blacksmith, had left for another job.

"Today, as you all know, we are here to create the Castle of the Darkness in the basin beyond the mountain."

I was already aware of it through Essen, the burqa's patron saint, and everyone was staring hot.

"As I told you before through Essen, the Darkness horde dreams of taming a sorcerer with evil wizards and black knights to destroy the world. So, the three empires adjacent to these mountains, the towers and the temples, and the castles that they built, are pledged a lot of rights, such as sovereignty and tax rights."

What Tino said was already known to everyone here. Essen and other members of the tribe informed us of this. That's why I came here.

"Those who arrive first have already ascended the mountain to check on the basin situation, but the castle they have built is 5,000 to 10,000 people, and the grasslands outside the castle are flowing in abundant quantities of water, so if the outer wall is high above the mountain and the boundaries of the five senses are blocked, the tribal group can farm and live."

"Indeed. I suppose our Cebu could live safely for decades."

Tantun Village's ammo speaks for itself.

"If you think about it, I want each tribe to occupy all three adjacent castles, but I think this place should be occupied first."

"Hahaha! We have no great greed. All you need is for the tribes to be able to live safely and not starve."

The castle is nothing compared to Kar, who is only a binder. If the beasts and monsters were unable to farm there, or if the outcrops were built and settled, the three tribes could have a safe life without hunger for a while. What the ammunition and cars leading the three tribes wanted was food and a safe place to live.

"We need to discuss something first."

Tantun Village's ammo rises from the ground, as promised.

"The great warriors and the Pomeranians who lived in Evergreen set out this way. We have a huge army on our side, and we need to decide whether to attack them after they join us or tomorrow."

Everyone heard the news through Essen and there was a discussion about it.

"Perhaps if we reduced the lives of the warriors, we could attack the castle after they arrive?"

One Burka elder commented.

"That's not bad either, but we still have to wait more than ten days. If the warriors' morale is high and the gathering force is not lacking in castles, we'd better attack them now. If the Great Warriors and the Foemkans join forces, we may want to attack the other two castles in a row."

Tan of the Ein argues differently.

We didn't have any other opinions, so we discussed them for a while and decided to settle on a majority. The result was an overwhelming attack. For generations, the challenging mountain tribes that have lived on the hunt for horses have chosen the challenge over safety.

"From now on, let's discuss how to attack the castle in earnest. Let me first tell you about the previous siege operations and situations."

Tino explained in detail about the siege with the KOM Guild. Harun and Virtuvik are missing, but we should attack them the same way we used to. As Tino set the table, the debate started in earnest. They had never been in such a massive siege, but they had been hunting their horses for generations, so they came up with various options, and they were slowly finding themselves as the night went deeper.

At dawn, the dawn is spreading.

"Kurata Aqtet Myrtgura" "

With dozens of warrior escorts escorted, the columns begin to chant at the promised time, settling on the outskirts of the basin brimming with dark, bitter and unpleasant energy. Khan's apprentices settle down next to him and hit the threshing machine made of horse bones and hides according to the rhythm.

The basin, which was hidden in the dark, slowly began to fade into the fog instead of the sunlight, and tevokes roamed outside the castle all night as if they could sense something unsettling, moving their ears upward. Tevok is a bull-sized, dog-shaped beast with powerful jaws and sharp claws. They are mostly horseshoes with fields in flat places.

As the spells of the columns continue with the playing of the instrument, the bristles of the horses slowly descend and their movements begin to significantly slow down. A sleeping spell worked. The landscape in the mist was similar. The guards at the castle walls began to fall asleep.

Taniella and Myrus begin their search for the Magic Cube's core as the beasts at the edge of the basin slumber. The two wizards who had already obtained the details of the Black Magic Cube from Harun spread Mana Detect, uncovering the abnormal clustering of Mana, and locating the nucleus of the core. As the two men pointed and passed by, the waiting men quickly dug in, and there were no more Manasik below. The quicker Taniella and Myrus' movements, the grim aura filling the basin fades away.

After removing three of the five cores, the black energy that had been staying on the upper part of the basin suddenly faded into the fog, and hundreds of Ein Warriors who were prepared lowered their stance and entered the basin.

All of the Ein Warriors had long pylons in their hands. The warheads with sensitive senses fell into a trance and saw a miracle approaching them. When they opened their eyes, the pylons were already in their mouths.

Tsk, tsk! Heave!

The power of magic is not as strong as magic, so the sleeping witches woke up when the warriors approached, noticing the miracle, but the powerful sting of the brow came out of their barrels. They were so strong that they were paralyzed even though they were strong Germans.

But that was enough for the warriors.


As the sorcerers' bodies became paralyzed, the Ein Warriors stabbed him in the neck and heart with their spears, killing him completely. The life force of the Shamans was so persistent that they didn't know when they would harm their colleagues if they didn't do this.

As they suffocated, other warriors with the rapid ladder followed as the Ein Warriors were approaching the castle. Despite the many warriors on the move, the fog hides their appearance, and the movements of the fiercely skulked warriors were not heard.

At last, when the enchantment is completely destroyed and 3,000 warriors have approached the castle, a tumultuous bell begins to ring in the castle.

Ding, ding! Ding!

"Intruder! Intruder!"

The alarm magic lying around the castle triggered, but the fog prevented the early Ein Warriors from finding it. Not only the guards who fell asleep, but also the crowds in the city moved and screamed, causing a calm basin to erupt.

At this time, there was intense light with intense explosions above the castle. Myrus, who had just eliminated all the dark magic, and two of the magic missiles that Taniella launched, collided in the air.

"Fire your arrows to your designated location!"

When Donneis' command came, the Burqan warriors shot their arrows at the wall. Unlike the border guards of an enemy invisible to fog, the Burqan warriors have activated Shaki's eyes so that they can penetrate the fog to some extent.

Tsk, tsk! Heave!

The arrow that flew from all sides of the castle was blinded, leaving the panicked vigilantes breathless. The guard at the castle walls leaps toward the castle with a sudden ladder of Aka warriors waiting behind them, fearfully knocked down.

The Burkan warriors raise their bows higher this time. It is also to shoot arrows at a predetermined location. Perhaps Darkness' hordes will be overwhelmed by arrows raining from the sky because the fog is obscuring them.

"Artificial fog! Get him out of there!"

You hear the sound of magic spells chanting from place to place. Soon after the rise of the magic of the Wind family, fog began to fade, but the mountain tribes had already climbed up the ladder to the wall. Once again, the Burkan warriors, who activated Shaki's eyes, began firing arrows at the magical wizards and Black Knights in the castle.


"The Dark Shield!"

The wizards spread their shields and dodged the arrows. The Black Knights who could use Mana injected Mana into the weapon to stop the arrow from flying, but the Black Warriors had no way to dodge it. He tried to run back into the building where he had escaped, but the arrows of 1,000 Burkan warriors killed the Black Warriors in their assigned territory.

Meanwhile, 100 Burkan warriors united into a group of 10, setting a goal for the Iron Fist and flying the iron bar to the Palace of Strength. Even though Mana was not injected, the iron bars fired into the palace by skilled archers broke the shield and killed one of the Black Wizards.

Donnes' flying iron flies through the shield, shining through Mana's chest and head.

"You bastards!"

The Black Knights, who broke the flying arrows with weapons, rush towards the wall in unison. Some arrows sometimes hit them, but the black plates they wore had strong defense.

"Let's go!"

Along with someone shouting, the Ein Warriors and Aki Warriors jump down the wall. We are in a hurry to fight against the Black Knights who use Mana because we know that relying on the walls is not a great advantage. The Aka and Ain warriors who raised the power of the beast started fighting the Black Knights in groups of five or six. The Black Knights' aura-bearing sword and Mana were able to block their permanent movements.


Even if you express an error-bearing sword or sword, you cannot defeat or break the opponent's weapon unless it is struck with power. The academic warriors comb or dodge the Black Knights' shining swords with honesty, and aim for more loopholes than their swords or swords.

It was a moment of debt that I had learned to deal with witches for thousands of years.

"Profit! You cowards!"

The Black Knights feel the need to slash the opposing Pokémon's weapons and torso at once, but they don't have the stomach for it. The movements and weapons of warriors using the power of a demon were not strong enough, and they could not wield their swords as long as they wanted.


As you break the opponent's sword and slash their heads, two spears plunge deeply into their sides and thighs. The outcome of being distracted by the rising of evil was truly great. Despite the excellent shielding power of the armor, the strength in the spear is enormous, so it is pierced and touched.

"Leave now!"

The Black Knight's neck falls down while he staggers because of the spear in his side and thigh, though he tries to avoid the cold and sharp waves coming from behind.

"Let's help the other couples!"

Unlike the thundering mercenaries, warriors who were limited in time to use magic power moved diligently to deal with one more enemy before their strength ran out.

The view of the castle with some fog lifted was horrifying. A large number of Black Warriors were slashed by arrows, and many of the Black Wizards died without escaping the Iron Fist. Only the Black Knights were moving fiercely, but they turned into a pile of collaborative warriors.

Because of this, the Black Wizards who survived were unable to cast their magic carelessly. Instead, they begin to raise the dead Black Warriors.

"There are not enough numbers! Turn the dead into zombies!"

The Black Wizards who survived someone's command cast a spell, and the dead rise to become zombies. However, that number was less than a third of the dead. The Ivans turned to ash sand and disappeared without leaving a body. However, as the number of Black Warriors that have become zombies increases one by one, the situation slowly begins to change as you deal with the Mountain Tribe Warriors. Zombies were constantly moving and harassing warriors when their arms and legs were cut off. It's a pity that they weren't properly refined because they were running out of time, or there were many warriors who would have been rebuilt by their fingernails and teeth.

The compartments that caused the basin to be covered in dark fog climb up to the wall and take their place and begin to chant. The spell that resonates with the instrument relays its low yet strange power to the warriors. It was a warrior's magic that elevated courage and morale, bringing physical ability to its fullest.

The warriors of each tribe, who regained the power of the sorcerer, were using magic to increase their potential again.

Taniella and Myrus observe the castle with the protection of the Burkan warriors.

"Hey, death penalty!"

Where Mirus is pointing, dozens of Black Wizards have been escorted by the Black Knights, chanting a spell to make Federation zombies. Among them were three fairly tall black wizards.

"Flame Bob!"

"Giga Thunder Sphere!"

A huge fireball and lightning bolt appear in front of the two and fly quickly to the target.

"The Dark Shield!"


The hard-working wizards sensed the flow of a massive mana, were furious, shielded or blinked, but most of the Black Knights and the Mages in the Circle faced fire bombs and lightning strikes.





With the explosion, the mass of flame expanded to over 10 meters in an instant, spreading all over the place. There were only five of the Bavarians who were gathered in one place with the goal of saving their lives, and only two Black Knights remained.

"Queek! The Magos."

Surviving Black Wizards grind their teeth. I never expected a Madosan wizard to appear in such a useless place.

"The Black Magic Clan unfolded around the castle has already been broken."

"They'll bark. We can't let them live!"

The three Black Wizards felt a ferocious slaughter for Taniella and Marus. The killing activated Margie, who had been accepted for a short period of time, and the three Black Wizards immediately lost their minds.

"The Dark Hand!"

"Dark Cloud Kill!"

"Black Poison Lane!"

The Black Wizards are starting to rumble. They begin to cast a spell on their allies' lives.



The black wizards' eyes flip over, causing the castle to become a mess in a flash. A huge hand breaks down with a powerful force from every bite, and the poison rains down like rain.

"The wizards have gone wild!"

"I told you not to lose your temper!"

The Black Knights quickly learned what their allies were like. The side effects of raising the alarm with the attributes were what they were afraid of.

"Stand down!"

The Black Knights begin to retreat toward Ziggurat with a thunderous shout. But the mountain tribe warriors did not retreat or falter.


The C.P., which was built to climb to its height, has caused the Black Knights to try to avoid magic at all costs, as well as the deterioration of their abilities. While the spell has drawn warriors close enough to the Berserker state to slaughter them.

"Ugh! I'm being beaten by these scumbags."

The Black Knight's mouth pierced by spears and swords makes the blood vomit red and hot. Under normal circumstances, a knight of Expert Intermediate skill, who dealt with twenty rather than ten, would only be struck down by warriors while distracted by his side's magic.

In the meantime, Dylan is dealing with the Black Wizard, presumed to be the Holy Spirit. The road he came down was littered with the bodies of dozens of Black Knights who were guarding him. They were all Expert-class knights, but they were unable to withstand lightning like movements and the power of the Error Blade.

"Magic missiles!"

I saw more than thirty magic missiles flying rapidly towards me, but Dylan's expression was indifferent.

Pa, Pa, Pa!

Blade disappears slowly from Dylan's sword, which defused the Magic Missile attack by swinging the blade to come in blind. The opposing wizard sees a gleam of joy in his eyes.

"What the hell?"

At the age of just the early twenties, the black wizard who had flown five consecutive circles of magic asked as he looked at Dylan's pale face, still pushing out his sword jewelry.

"What would you do if you knew?"

"Not at all! I'll kill them all." "

Unlike before, the Black Magician's eyes were looking for something to remember with a bitter smile.

A little while ago, he was very anxious. The opposing team is the Sword Master. The user has already made six magical attacks, but the opposing Pokémon prevents or destroys them all with an error blade.

'Even if the Master of the Sword is depleted, Mana will have no choice now.'

For this opportunity, the top knights of the castle took on the Sword Master. The opponent is no longer able to spread his blade, but he is able to do five more enchantments.

"Fire Lan." "

The eyes of the chanter widen. I was too surprised to complete my order. A small orb was formed in Dylan's Sword Hall, and was launched at his forehead in an instant.

'Sword....... Hwan?'

His eyes were gone, but his feelings were unbelievable. I can't understand why such a strong man would come here with such wild, beastly natives, but the expression still lingers on his dead face.

Dylan struggles to deal with the opponent in a short amount of time, although he's not quite good with the sword yet, but he shakes his pale face for a moment, steadying his stance and finding his next opponent. Unlike Taniella Myrus, she played the most important role in the siege in the Near War.

His gaze was on the top of the Ziggurat, where 12 black wizards cast their spells while ten black knights were escorting him like iron. The Black Wizards' magic has now drawn longer into the battle of the arena, which is almost cleared.

There's something! '

I don't know what it is, but something dangerous is happening.

'The commander told me to destroy that spire.'

There must be a reason. Dylan trusted Harun's judgment.

The spire at the top of the Ziggurat begins to glow. The dish-like structure resonates with the wizards' mana to increase its size and the blue light begins to spread throughout the spire.


Dylan realizes something big is happening. Seeing the hair plummeting, it seemed like a terrifying result. It can't be helpful for them because it's what they want. I had to stop him somehow.

Taking a look at Taniella's side, you can see that the warriors are doing their best to protect you and chant the spell with all their last strength. I was wondering if the magic would manifest more correctly with severe torso shaking. Donnes barely flies the iron bar to see if he has any strength left, but he doesn't seem to have the strength to deal with them properly.

There was still a lot of fighting going on all over the castle, but they almost completely turned the battle upside down. Dozens of warriors had already died on the way up to Ziggurat, leaving no surviving debentures for a magical attack. Warriors shot by dozens of black magic missiles have collapsed to their bones and flesh with screams.

Dylan squeezes Mana from an empty Mana Ocean. Unlike Harun, Mana Ocean was not created in the first place, but was not excavated from the ground, and Manat remained everywhere in his fine Mana Road. The manas were creating blades to come through their trembling hands, following his will. Dylan wields his sword vigorously with a willingness to inject a two-metre blue error blade. For a moment, Blade left his sword and flew quickly towards the place where the enemies had gathered. It was a flying error blade that had never been successful.


You hear a loud, deafening sound.

Is it… Success? '

Suddenly, his eyes turned dark. There was a cloud of dust around him, massive debris, but he could not see anything.

More than twenty black knights and black wizards have died from the scattering of the debris caused by the explosion of the Oracle Blade, but his eyes have already been closed.

That wasn't the end.

Taniella and Mirus cast their magic towards the Ziggurat Spire Tower, revealing strange signs with the last of their labor.

"Fire Lance!"

"Gee Thunder!"

Tsk, tsk, tsk!

The spire of Ziggurat, which was spewing blue light along with the thunderstorm, is shattered. The puffer chokes on the remnants of Darkness who barely survived Dylan's Flying Order Blade attack.


"I won!!!"

Although there are still rebellious groups everywhere in the castle, they have eliminated all those who were in Ziggurat at the center of the castle. At first glance, there were more than 1,000 casualties, but this is no exaggeration. The remaining warriors rush to a place where the battle is still unfinished. Now this will be a new home for three mountain tribes. In order to be able to protect the castle, Harun left two wizards with a pile of pure stone that had been purified by the filth. Over time, the mountain tribes will have the power to defend themselves.

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