
(To Aka Castle)

"What happened?"

"Well, that's..."

Feron, the leader of the Merak Combat Squad, was unable to understand English because the news was so devastating. What happened while he was temporarily away from dealing with this sort of thing in reality always drove him into a panic, which kept him calm.

"Is that true?"

Rather, I asked Mavinz, the leader of the Duvehe Fighting Squad.

"Phew! Is it true that the volcano exploded?"


"Yes, you returned to the headquarters and soon after a massive explosion, both the Grand Wizard of Forus and all of the Alliosz died. The castle and its surroundings were completely destroyed and transformed into lava fields infested with lava."

"All dead?"

Feron, famously intelligent, was acting foolish today.

"Yes, I know Iconlard, who's my family, and I flew over the area to check it out."

In Marvinz's words, Feron became a dazzled face.

"Not only that, but the people who died in the accident were in a state of total brain death from the shock, and some of the capsules exploded and saw significant damage to the secret base."


Peron tilts his head as if he didn't understand.

"Only a few of us woke up and mentioned a massive explosion, and we confirmed that there was an explosion in the area. According to the elders of the mountain tribes who have been working with us, the crater erupts in the area from time to time.

It seems like something huge was working..... "

In Marvinz's words, there was something going on inside Feron's head.

"Could it have been the magic effect of the Grand Wizard of Forus on Harun?" '

Using the knowledge of the Dark Moon Horse Tower and the Black Magic Power emanating from the Demon King's fragment, he was able to guess what kind of magic Harun would have cast on the fiercely unspoiled Grand Chamberlain of the Six Circles.

'Probably trying to absorb the venous blood. So we can build a body chain. But if they resisted.....'

The target's Mana absorbs everything in the body and can absorb its own Steady Blood Absorption Magic. However, if the opposing Pokémon persists, they will not know what will happen. The magic is the legacy of an ancient civilization, so there is only a wizard.

"No, strangers stay here as avatars. Unlike the inhabitants of this world, they are easily separated from the body and soul. He's an estramor, and he can create an avatar every time he goes online, so he won't be able to resist. '

Feron thought Harun could neither withstand nor resist the magic of the eight circles. Given the connection between the Avatar and the soul, this can never happen.

'Perhaps Captain Harun is not a foreigner!'

Suddenly, I thought that. He never said he was a stranger with his mouth. Maybe he survived pretending to be an estramor to match his attitude.

"Do you have any idea what's going on?"

"What's going on?"

The figure at the top was still fixated on the air with a stiff face. Marvinz frowns lightly and greets one of the Ferron's questions as he makes an inappropriate stupid face.

"Captain Harun, whom I met in person, had a strange angle to be seen as a foreigner, unlike the analysis of the headquarters. So I'm curious about a plan to attack a place called the storm base."


"If he were an estramor, he would have revealed himself to the world."

"Good. I'll contact you first."

Marvinz places his hand on the crystal ball on the table and focuses his mind. The atmosphere of the conference room, all eight of them seated, was just heavy in a strange silence. No one opens their mouths and no one can even hear their breath.

After a long time, the crystal sphere the size of the fist in the center of the circular table illuminated.

"I'm the Flyer Commander."

A middle-aged man with a fierce look of angled appearance who was sitting on his seat but had never said anything until now, said toward the crystal ball. Like there was someone else in it.


With a fine noise, the crystal sphere radiates periodically.

- My name is Deputy Chief Inspector Beetz.

The frozen face of the middle-aged man, who said he was the shear commander, loosened a bit. They were not close, but they belonged to the same line.

"Deputy Chief Beats. I'm Perrol Haike."

I've seen you outside before.

Seeing the joy in the voice flowing through the crystal sphere, he seemed to recognize Ferol as well.

"Then why is the X.O. in charge of communications directly?"

- It's an emergency, so I'm overseeing the comms.

Perrol was curious about the emergency situation, but for now he was curious about the situation of the members of the Alliosz flyer he was leading.

"I'm curious about the situation at the AlioZ base in real life."

When members were brain-dead, their linked superego capsules were shocked and they exploded in a chain.


As you know, Beyond the Beyond level capsules have superego artificial intelligence, and for whatever reason, they have a strong sympathy with the owner. especially soul tuning.

A high likelihood is possible because, like this one, if the owner suddenly suffers from brain death or a sudden death, the capsules malfunction or self-destruct at a greater than 50 percent rate.

"… I see."

I have heard that it has happened before and that it is a problem. But I didn't think that was gonna happen.

Perrol and the master of the flyers listened to Beats with a stiff face.

- Unlike before, the capsule exploded because a flyer was gathered at the same base in this case. And that explosion affected all the other viable capsules.

More than 70 percent of the base where the members of the Alliosz flyer were destroyed. As a result, the crew decided to abandon the base because they were concerned about the explosion at the meeting.

The sound hardens Ferwl's face and makes the other six look like rocks.


A sudden burst of tears emanates from Perrol's mouth. Disposal means complete annihilation. Like the Big Union, the bases that were built in the early Human Era have landfills deep underground, and I don't know what kind of facilities are in them, but I heard that whatever is thrown in there is completely destroyed and destroyed, whether living or inanimate.

"Damn it!"

Though a few are fortunate, 1,000 lives will end at once. Even though the dead have died at the gates of Elves or against the witches, their normal lives have become difficult, even if they are not brain-dead. Now the Alliotz are gone.

- A few people regained consciousness momentarily before falling into brain death.

"Oh, yes!"

Perrol was semi-colored.

- They say that shortly after Master Feron left, the process of condemning the heart, as well as the body, centered on Ziggurat, revolved and began to suck everything out.

A massive explosion that would blow up the entire forest centered on the castle, said the deceased, after being sucked into the traction a long way from the castle.


Perrol says nothing. No, I couldn't. It's unimaginable.

"Well done."

I'm worried about something else, by the way.

"What if it's another big case?"

- There's been a huge explosion at Kowon Union. Nodes outside the barrier and Nodes inside the Union also exploded into munitions depots and Imperial Company factories.

According to Beats, the meeting room was a panic. Especially the importance of Imperial Companies in the Kowon Union was well understood by everyone here.

"...... How could such a terrible thing happen? Where the hell are you? Human Guard? or GPC?"

The voice of the heavy Perrol grew louder.

- There are no reports yet from Kowon Union. Your station appears to have suffered considerable damage close to annihilation. That's why the members of the upper group who avoided the anger are rushing to Union to investigate.

It may take a few days for the report to come out. We don't think two competitors did that.


- We don't know that yet. But both of them also suffered enormous damage and were even motivated.

That's right. No matter who sees it, it will not happen while exhausting their most important strength. Moreover, their three forces have been enemies for a long time, but have maintained a secret relationship within themselves.

"Do you know the outcome of the attack by Kowon branch on those who volunteered to be the storm troopers?"

- Did that happen?

"I think it's going to happen because Blood Sadou has the job."

According to Perrol, Bitz has kept quiet this time. Then, shortly after, his voice flowed out of the crystal ball.

- We'll investigate it with the best payment. Anyway, the conference was convened because of this. You'll also have to attend the short Lord. We may have to watch the trends in the future.

"Very well, thank you for the good information."

- You're welcome.

"I'll see you at the conference, then."

I'll see you in real life.

The crystal sphere's light fades with Beats' greeting.

Perrol closes his eyes for a moment, then opens.


"Yes, Mr. President!"

Holden stood up with a sharp greeting in his mid-30s.

"Dubhe Flyer is in charge of investigating this case. Whether it's a normal volcanic eruption or an artificial accident. I think it's kind of chilly."

"I understand."

"Peron should carry out the five castle support duties of Dubhe Flyer instead."

"Yes, sir!"

Peron's eyes deepened, answering with a stiff voice.


"Yes, Mr. President!"

"Return to the Kowon branch of Alcohol Flyer in real life."


Jericho, an Alcohol Leaflet Leader, opens his eyes wide as he answers. I was surprised by the unexpected order.

"At HQ, Harun's mercenary commander and his group were considered foreigners. That's why we had Blood Shadow 33 attack the expected node.

That's when it happened. A huge incident happened. It doesn't make sense, but I think it's suspicious of the blast mercenaries being attacked by the Blood Shadow. "

The other captains didn't quite understand it, but Feron was very empathetic to what General Ferrol had to say. I had an idea that made things complicated in my head as if I knew something, but I'm not sure yet.

Then Perrol said:

"Looks like the Blood Shadow failed. Given the reputation and power, it is unlikely, but it seems to have made me angry because I can't show my strength properly.

If the forces of the blast mercenaries that are present in reality are similar to here, I think we can do enough.

You are currently experiencing a significant power outage due to the Dead Bunker situation, and you are more likely to have experienced this kind of experience for a long time due to a disruption in your perimeter.

So I'm going to have to take the flyers myself and erase them if they're alive. "

"I understand."

"I will apply for subrail permits for each Union to move a unit. Make sure you arrive at Kowon branch in at least a week."

"Leave it to me. I don't know where the hidden rear boats are, but I'll wipe out those who imitate the mercenaries in this world."

Jericho's aggressive tendencies brightened his eyes to see if he was already getting excited.

"Was he not a stranger? So it's not even a pseudo-lens. Then why did you feel that familiar to him? '

Peron frowned lightly with his gaze fixed on the table. When I met Harun at the end, I thought he might not be a prosthetic lens, but I didn't really think he was a foreigner.

He felt much more familiar than the other apostles. Such feelings were felt by no one but the apostles.

'You weren't alive, were you?'

There was a massive explosion of the alliotz shear and the entire castle. That's why I don't know right now, but I felt anxious that Harun didn't seem to be alive during the explosion.

"I hope I didn't tell you about the early apostles. '

Peron's mind was uneasy. Now that the plan was going too well, it was difficult for this case to become a variable.

Harun was able to reach a distance of more than a full day in just a few hours. I was struck by the wind from the sunset sky, and I felt ecstatic beyond words, but there was no endless feast.

Harun landed his mino on the hillside at a glance of Castle Aka, fearing that people would be surprised.

"Well done, Mino!"

Harun, who brought out two sacks of Jerky and gave them to them, looked down at the vibrant Castle of Aka as a commuter.

Give me some more, man.


Turning around, two Jerky quickly disappeared. I didn't think they were getting bigger.

"Okay, I'll give you more."

I took out six jerky sacks. I patted their necks, putting jerky in their mouths one by one, thinking about their balls that brought them here so quickly.

Their favorite color is polishing their soft necks with fluffy hair compared to other places.

I don't know if they can understand, but I spent some time talking about what happened in the fire zone. They were too busy eating jerky to react, but after spending time like that, I felt even more familiar.

The darkness of the mountain has come quickly. Darkness began to fall while we were playing with them. The torch started to burn in Aka Castle.

While gazing down at the castle, Mino and Sunni were sweetly shining their feathers.


Sunni rubs her beak against Mino's neck and shows kindness. It seemed to have been reproduced after the Awakening. Anyway, it looked good.

"I'm going downstairs. I'm staying in the neighborhood."

- You got it, buddy.

- I want more jerky next time.

"Excuse me?"

It was Sunny who had never said anything so far.

- It's good jerky from a friend. Next time, I'll give you a ride to your friends, so ask for more next time.

"Hahaha! Okay. Sure."

Is it because she's a female? I feel better about Sunny's thoughtless attitude. Both of them were now proud to have accepted him as a friend.

Harun entered the castle in the darkness, starting to hate the commotion. It was easy to find where the crew was.

It was gathered on the first floor of the Ziggurat building. Before that, the crew was given a sword correction by Dylan.

Dylan suddenly sees Harun in sight.


"Hahaha! I'm back."

Dylan, who finally recognized Harun, rushes to his senses and grabs Harun's hand. The warm heart of Dylan, who cares about himself, is brought to life through his hands. I finally felt at ease as if I had come home.

"When did you get here?"

"We're just getting there."

"You've changed a bit."

"That's it."

Dylan wanted to ask Harun a lot of questions when he came back alone, but without saying anything, he led him to where his crew was.

The faces of the crew, who saw Harun tied up neatly with his head up and back, expressed their excitement.

Until now, Harun had covered more than half of his face with his hair.

"I've been back."

"Haha! You really are our commander."

Myrus recognized Harun at home first. It changed, and Tino and the mercenaries turned their heads for a moment.

"How have you been?"

He looked younger than before, but the voice and atmosphere from his mouth were not at all different.

"He's changed a lot. You look so young. I almost didn't recognize him when I met him outside."

Dylan mentioned a different look with a soft smile indirectly, and I'm sure the rest of the crew did, too.

"Is there any discomfort?"

Seeing that I was worried, I felt quite worried. Dylan's stubborn, but heartfelt insides gush forth through the question.

"I've been working with the Darkness, but that's okay."

Mirus grips his hand as Harun's gaze reveals itself.

"Huh-huh-huh! I never showed my face, so I didn't know it was this great. I almost didn't recognize you because you tied your head to it and showed your face properly. I thought I was having a bodychain.

"Well, something similar happened."

Dylan, Taniella and Marus, who also experienced a body change, were not perfect, but easily accepted Harun's different appearance.

Body change?

Low-level people did not know what it sounded like, but the three torture reactions and Harun's unique mood and voice made their leader clear.


The crew huddles to Harun in the lead of Tino, screaming violently.

A few moments later, the calm mercenary commander heard what happened in the fire zone from Harun.

"I was very surprised and worried when I heard about the fire zone and the senior horses from the foreigners, including the competition."

"So I decided to run to the fire zone without attacking the castle."

Harun thanked the Tinos for holding their hands tightly instead of their words.

"Anyway, thanks to your concern, I was able to take care of what I went to."

"So you found the Demon King's Eye?"

Taniella and Myrus show great interest.

"Yes. But it's too dangerous, and I couldn't find a place to use it right now, so I hid it in a secret place."

Harun said it was because of the situation in his body. The two of them had a sad look on their faces, but they soon broke it off.

No matter how precious a thing may be, it is not Harun who will not show you anything.

"Now that the commander is here, we should concentrate on the siege we've been putting off."

"Lord Dylan is right. Now that the commander is back, we need to listen to the Burqas and the Eins."

Dylan and Tino worked out the details.

The three tribes gathered to attack the castle, but they were tied to a scorpion brought by Essen flying from Evergreen. I had to wait for them to tell me that the three tribes of great warriors and the Fomercans who were training in Evergreen had set off.

"If possible, we should reduce the sacrifice of the clan."

"They should be able to create two castles that won't be difficult to target."

The three tribesmen gathered here sought to reduce their casualties, as well as the opinion of the commander of the Blowing Mercenaries.

While waiting, foreign fighters, including the duel, resurrected and reported the situation in the flame zone. Without the help of the Pomerkans and the Great Warriors, the faces of those who heard stories about the terrifying power of Illinois entering the flame zone and the superior horses with the power to process became pale.

"We have to go now!"

"We have to save the commander!"

Donnes and Hennie are in a commotion.

"Calm down!"

Dylan calms the two of you down and leads the meeting in a heavy atmosphere.

"It doesn't help the commander that we're going right now. It's a long way to go, but starting now won't make a difference."

In Taniella's indifferent opinion, people grind on it.

"You have to trust the commander! Even if we move, it is only fitting that we move after the three tribes of Great Warriors and Foemkans arrive. Not now."

Dylan said the same thing.

Although the three tribes were not hostile, they were not close friends. The mountain tribes took great pride in their tribes and, depending on the issue, they were hostile or allied and could have collided.

The Burqas and Ains were envious and jealous of the Aka Castle they occupied immediately. Since the blood-boiling warriors were gathered in one place, there was frequent quarrels, and if they were wrong, there could be a big fight.

At the moment, the blast troops were the center and buffer of the three tribes. That's something everyone is aware of. Instead of talking directly to each other, the three tribes were coordinating each other's opinions through the blast mercenaries.

The gale mercenaries have slowed down the assault on the new castle and returned to Aka Castle. He was uncomfortable with food and familiarity. It's because the warriors only gathered with dry food for a few days at the most.

After returning to Castle Aka, the atmosphere of the Burqas and Eins was unusual. The Akas, who have already become the owners of a castle, have renovated the castle and summoned their clans from the Node Village. Aka Castle had various facilities that could hold 10,000 people, and the food stored by the Darkness horde was piled up in every cellar.

The Akas have found a safe place to live because of the storm troopers. Diligent Aka women began to sow and prune some of the grasslands outside the castle, and others, other than warriors, began to gather their strength and build their outer voices. Once the outer sanctuary is complete, there will be no more damage from the horseshoe unless it is hunting.

The Burqans and Eins were looking forward to the arrival of the Great Warriors and Poker Khans as soon as possible.

"How far have they come?"

"I expect to arrive tomorrow morning."

Harun's eyes widen with Tino's words. I was looking forward to the amount of force they had. As I thought, I wanted to quickly go to Fort Matsurut and conclude the deal with Princess Evelyn. He wondered what was in the last fragment of wisdom.

'But first, we have two castles!'

The Burqans and Ain Warriors will become the undrinkable water of the blast mercenaries along with the Aka Warriors. Instead, he will give them a new culture while also helping them pioneer a new way of life through the storm troops.

'Anything that gets stuck rots.'

For an indescribable period of time, mountain tribes have been hunting horses and preserving their unique cultures with the teachings of their ancestors. However, despite their remarkable abilities, the world treated them as indigenous peoples, and in fact, their standard of living was incredibly underdeveloped.

The infant mortality rate, as well as the average life expectancy, was not 40 years. The population rapidly declined when the demons exploded on such a large scale.

It was once a mountain tribe with a glorious history of saving the world against the Demon King, but it was humble. Harun thought it was because he had neglected his interaction with the world or other tribes.

At least three tribes who were related to themselves wanted to be saved in this situation. That's why I was looking forward to meeting the great warriors who rule over them and the Fomercans.

They wanted to know what they were thinking and how to move forward. I wanted to use their influence to open up new indicators of life to the mountain tribes if I could.

The same is true for Unions. Since they stopped interacting with other unions, they have quickly begun to walk the path of destruction. Dr. Hwang put it out, but Harun now thinks the same thing.

The vast amount of knowledge that led to the opening of a new human era, while the forces that possessed power and gold had completely stopped the challenge, was being presided over and the end of the plot was ending.

GG and HG and GPC. I disliked all three of them. Everyone was working hard to preserve power and gold for generations to come. They have transformed society into a closed identity society, and the transition between identities has been completely blocked.

However, the GPC was better to make life possible without barriers. Since GPC was relatively easy to move identity compared to the other two tissues, new blood was transfused and the idea was most progressive.

'If I was born with a really special ability, I want to do something useful in the world.'

I didn't believe everything Feron said, but if he really was born with a special gene, I wanted to do something rewarding for the majority of ordinary people who live hard lives.

Until now, I've only tried to be strong. I tried to sweat to get stronger, but the result was somewhat stronger. But being strong was an endless goal. Now I needed to have a different purpose in life.

If it had been his dream to live peacefully with his beloved Bell, Ari and the brothers and sisters of the storm base, he would now want to give hope to more people. Nothing came to mind yet, but there were minimal goals.

"I will deal with GG and HG, who make the world sick and yet continue to greed! '

If you think about it, it seems impossible.

'But they also have a weakness!'

The weaknesses of Bell, Ari and Azman are that their organization is not properly maintained. With the exception of the head office, it is often the placenta that we do not even know each other's existence among the members of the organization.

All because of the greed of the upper class. He was operating individually with many organizations separated to serve his servants as he wished.

Since it is viscously organized, if only the brains do it, it will naturally become violent as the seal flows. It is different from the GPC, which is a loose association of administrative members of each Union.

Harun, who had experienced death so vividly, was engraving this new goal on his heart. Harun, who had a meeting with his superiors without any special formalities, summoned the gale mercenaries.

The crew showed great interest in Harun's exposed face, but soon after the cup began to spin, they forgot the awkward feeling.

"Commander, don't cover that handsome face with your hair anymore."

Remy rubs his hands on Harun's face as he pours a few glasses of wine. When the alcohol got in, it took off its usual modesty. Harun also accepted that kind of behavior.

"I was first told I was handsome."

"No, and I like a tough guy like the commander."

"Heh heh! Lemi's just like me. If I thought the commander was this cool, I'd break up with him."

Durbone jokes and secretly raises his fiancé Chichen's pills.

"He's not handsome, to be honest. He's a commander. He's normal, except for his eyes. I look much more....."

According to the drugged Chichen, Tino slashed his back.

"The commander is much more handsome than he is."


The crew bursts into laughter as Chichen looks down on him. Harun, who appeared to be quite young, soon became accustomed to his crew. The words that came out of the three advisors made everyone think he was a Body Chain.

They also heard about the body chain. There were fewer of them than there were of the Grand Warriors or the Fomercans.

As the drink rose to a certain degree, the dance floor started as before. Each of the mountain tribes had a dance with its own meaning, and the dance of the warrior mercenaries was both fierce and powerful.

The energetic crew stepped into the dance floor and began to relieve the stress of their training. The Tinos and Mirus are shaking in the middle of something.

At that time, the men who were with him in the fire zone approached him and offered him a glass.

"I'm so glad you're alive."

His eyes turned red when he said that. Harun seems to have gone through a lot of trouble.

"I got lucky."

Harun pours the liquor out at once and gives it to the duel.

"What happened to Nicken and Erifian?"

"Erifian is dead, and Nicken..."

Harun tried to hide it, but he told me the truth. The contest, the bunker and Marie take an angry Federation breath while listening to Niken's story.

"You followed him around calling him your brother!"


The three people who had been born into the lens and had lived a difficult life were loving. That's why I felt more angry at the identity of Niken and what he had done to Harun.

"How's it going with Balt?"

Harun suddenly changed the subject.

"I contacted you yesterday in real life, but you must be very busy. I think something's going to happen to Union."

Harun thought it was because of his revenge.


"Yes, it's a little strange that we're moving from District F to District E. And I think we need to move the capsule down a notch."


Strange thing. Then the bunker answers instead of the fight.

"We were supposed to help Baltran on the condition that we use capsules, but since we've been away so long, I find his position embarrassing. In fact, we're uncomfortable with this."

As it turns out, the capsule used by these three friends was a special capsule among the capsules that have come out to date. A capsule with a built-in artificial intelligence superCom that was a factor in the Valtran GPC, all three of whom served in the Special Forces and were also highly qualified in Beyond.

"Speaking of which..."

Marie hesitates for a moment and asks if she can't get into the storm base.

"Of course you can. Don't come into this world for a while until those thugs come get you."

"Thank you, commander."

The three of them were afraid that they might not be able to go to the fan base because they had nothing but useless bodies that were completely paralyzed or paralyzed.

The world they experienced was a cold and cold place that was abandoned without ability.

"I heard from my brother that there is an excellent medical facility. Now, if you can keep track of your condition, you might want to get surgery or rehabilitation.

If you don't have enough people, you could really use your service experience. "

"...... Thank you, Commander!"

Marie barely pressed the feeling of blessing and thanked him. The fighter and the bunker are speechless, their tears squeaking.

"There are a lot of friends out there who look a lot like you, so you'll be able to enjoy yourselves. If you go, you can do whatever you want to do."

The three of them shed tears because they could not say anything more.

"Oh, my God! What if all the big guys start ringing?"

Thor, who doesn't know the language, comes to urge Harun to drink and yells in shock.

"Don't talk nonsense, just follow the drink."


Thor turns his eyes to look back at Taniella's rebuke and shivers three men.

I fell to my knees and followed the drink, not the face he had rebuked, but three tears of joy in his eyes.

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