
Siege War

Harun greets the heads of the three mountain tribes early in the morning.

"I heard you were back last night. I'm glad you look healthy."

Rather than anyone, Latika Khan welcomed him. He was thankful for his disciples' many accomplishments after the storm.

News of Harun's return soon spread throughout Aka Castle. Harun had to spend an entire day entertaining guests from three tribes without even enjoying a reunion with his crew.

In the meantime, the great warriors and the Pomeranians have all been waiting for. They are welcomed by three tribes. After a short rest, they come to the storm troops.

"Harun, leader of the gale mercenaries."

"I am Bash. And these are the Great Warriors and Fomercans of our three tribes."

Bashu had an irresistible appearance of age. White beard on the chin, dark hair. My skin was taut, but my eyes were deep and my eyes were clear.

'Looks like you've been through a body chain.'

Bashu was over eighty years old, whether he was incompletely body-chained.

"Greetings. These three are advisors to our mercenaries, Ser Dylan, Ser Taniella and Ser Myrus." "

When Harun introduced the three torturers, Bash and the Great Warriors and the Pomeranians gave three people a fierce look. The three great advisors' prayers were recognized at a glance.

"You guys are amazing. Nice to meet you. I heard you've done a lot for our clan."

Bash's party shows an unmistakable appreciation for Harun's party.

"You're welcome. We've been very helpful to the three tribes, including the Aka, and we will continue to be like brothers in the future."

That's when Donnie and his crew came in with the Omicha.

Sarah drank a mind-blowing Omi tea and began to unravel her curiosity in a casual conversation.

Harun had a long talk with Bash, the head of the Great Warrior. These were serious stories about the current situation in the Devil Mountains, the Darkness, and what was to come.

"Hm. Then we'll have to keep taking these castles."

"It would be a great help to the Aka and other mountain tribes if I could. If safe living spaces and plenty of food are available, a lot of good things will happen in the future."

"Captain Harun is right. I wanted to go home forever, but I couldn't agree between the tribes, and I couldn't try because there were fewer clans."

As Latika Khan once said, the dream of the mountain tribes was to return to the Tar Basin, the land of the Eternal Life where their ancestors lived.

"Whatever they are, they are a great opportunity for our mountain tribes. We don't have the skills to build a castle like this. We just wandered around the mountains looking for a safe place and they gave us a good place to live."

"That's right. I heard from Tantun Village that the number of Aka scattered over the mountains reaches tens of thousands of castles, so you'll have plenty to live in for a while." "

"I heard from Latika that our tribes regularly provide what they need."

"Yes, there's a merchant guild run by our mercenaries. It's not big, but it can handle what the mountain tribes need."

"It is fortunate for us to be friends with Captain Harun and the Blowing Mercenaries according to the tales of each tribe's ammo and the Khans. Please take good care of it."

"Please do the same for me."

It was a friendly encounter, and from the very beginning the negotiations went smoothly. There was no reason to be anxious that the promise was made only verbally, especially without any formalities or promises, because it was a tribe that mattered.

Harun, who finished speaking with Bash, looks around the intestine. The Great Warriors were talking to Taniella and Myrus, but their expressions were both serious and serious.

"Sir Dylan!"

"Yes, commander!"

"Now that you're related to your brother, why don't you go out and greet him yourself?"

Dylan smiles faintly at Harun's words. Dylan has become a Sword Master, but he's struggling to see the end of the sword. Many of his warriors have been good opponents. Wouldn't it be exciting to hear that each one of them has a power comparable to the Master of the Sword?

"Hahaha! I'd like to start with me."

Bashu winks and reveals his curiosity.

"Then please."

That's how Dylan and the Great Warriors fought. The Great Warriors have also been fighting each other for a long time, but since they have mastered a sword based on the power of the magic, the battle with Dylan, who practiced the original sword, was an important opportunity for them as well.

"Captain, we want to have a deep discussion with these people about magic and magic."

The ancient Ra's Magic Group, handed down to Harun by the two of them, said it uses ingredients that are closer to magic than the current magic system. The sorcery I saw at the Tower last time, and the ancient sorcery they acquired, were also deeply related to shaman, and their encounter with Pomeranian was very much anticipated.

Taniella's face has been glowing red for a long time. They seem to be discussing something interesting. Myrus is so wrapped up in debate that he doesn't even know what's going on here. Their appearance was somewhat similar to that of drawing something on the floor and discussing it.

"Yes, do that."

In the small square in front of Ziggurat, people gathered in a flash.

Word of the battle between the Great Warriors and Dylan spread quickly within the city. Along with the Akas, the Burqans and the Ain warriors are gathering.

Bash and Dylan's struggle has produced tremendous repercussions. In addition to creating its own Mana Ocean and simultaneously using five magical powers, Bashu's 30-minute hands-on swordsmanship reveals more than a mid-level Sword Master.

Dylan also exposed everything he had sharpened and polished against Bash. Their struggle to remind them of the battle of the superhumans that existed in the mythological age boiled the blood of the three tribe warriors and gave a vivid representation of the real power that everyone was headed for.

Dylan drank six bottles of the superior potion Harun gave him and once fought all the Great Warriors. Dylan had to feel the pinnacle of tension and crisis in every battle. Bashu's strength, which combines the power of Manawa and the power of Magic, as well as the sword running from the ark with the sword he learned, makes him nervous.

It didn't take very long because it was a duel, but it had a huge impact. It was Harun's turn next.

"This is your chance to get your messenger sword engraved perfectly! '

Harun fought the Great Warriors with the power of a sorcerer and pure swordsmanship, without using animosity or dogma. Harun already had a lot of experience with Dylan, and in the area of flames, he faced superior sorcerers with swords, though he failed to produce blades, but faced swift struggles, sophisticated swords, and un-dried Mana.

As opposed to the best swordsmanship on the continent, the Great Warriors were very old at Harun's swordsmanship. Moreover, Harun was an even more difficult opponent because he used the power of magic like them.


Bashu was so resilient that he showed great skill. Bash and the Great Warriors clearly understand why Tantun Village Tan and Khan called Harun their brother.

Harun, who is more proficient at wielding the power of magic than they are, was more shocked and agitated than Dylan.

"I'm next!"

Harun has fallen three times and Bash has fallen two times before the great warrior Fidran takes his place. He's already finished his duel with Dylan.

In the square, the Akkadian Great Warriors fought Dylan and Harun. That's how the mighty struggle ended, but the warriors do not intend to disperse. Warriors who saw a great duel couldn't stand the blood boiling.

"I'm Becca, the Burkan warrior. I can shine all over the sword. Teach me."

Becca, the Burkan warrior leader, steps forward, and Tino, the blood-boiling man, steps forward.

"My name is Tino, commander of the Squad. I hope you have a good fight."

Tino, who has just become an Exporter, has been instructed by Dylan in swordsmanship, and even added to his long life of mercenary life, is fine to call it intermediate, showing off his skills against Becca.

"I am Arca, the Ein Warrior. I can shine all over the sword, too. Please, somebody."

"I call it the Tribal Tribute Competition. I hope this is a good battle."

As Arca steps forward, the battle for the face is set in motion.

All the warrior captains of each tribe were better than the Expert Intermediate. That's why the battle of recognizing the opponent's skill turned out to be a happy face.

The square has turned into a dugout. Throughout the generations, the three strong-willed warriors pleaded with the members of the squadron without missing this opportunity.

The crew also did not hesitate to take this opportunity. In the end, Dylan and his crew had to face off against all the warriors of the tribe, and the process allowed them to gain a great deal from each other.

Although it was not a practice of bleeding and being careless, it was because there were many things to refer to each other.

The duel in the square continued for two days, except at meals and at bedtime. The rivalry expanded rapidly among the warriors of each tribe.

These three tribe warriors who had not had the opportunity to fight each other's battles without dealing with their horses gained many things.

There have also been many changes during discussions with Foemkans and Khans. Sorcery was originally one root, so it was easy to find a union, and it was easy to find the pros and cons of each tribe.

I was able to accept the advantages and reduce the disadvantages while having discussions with my vision. It wasn't just that.

I had a different system, but I gained a lot from the knowledge Taniella and Myrus had of the sorcerer.

"I wish I had an opportunity like this..."

Vitals, the Burqan elder, speaks for everyone's minds. However, even though I have the same roots, I have lived far away for a long time, and I have never had this opportunity because someone like this has never become a mediator between tribes.

For a long time, we have had invisible competition with pride among tribes. If a threat had been posed on the inside of the clan through the juniple of the corn, and there had not been a central point of the three tribes, they would have lived in seclusion for a long time.

Unlike Dylan and Harun, those of you who chose Tino had to drink a lot of potions because of their streaks. The potion was essential because Henny was away for a while because of the base work. Although the three tribes' compartments used to heal, their healing was fundamental to their herbs and spells, making it impossible to recover them in a short period of time.

"Whoa! You've got to be kidding me with these potion prices."

I said that, but I didn't regret it. After two days, the atmosphere of Aka Castle changed. The exchange of vision between the struggle that sparked the battle and the bottom was that the three tribes were bound together.

Since the three tribes were together, I felt threatened and uncomfortable, but now I feel like a tribe. Of course, there were some who could not ride in this atmosphere, but even they were transformed to perceive other tribes as brothers.

Now it is time for the goal to be achieved with the power of unity. Aka's performance was a two-day triangle of two castles.

Burka warriors and Ein warriors felt the castle was a useful place for their clan for a few days at Aka Castle. I firmly insisted that I would definitely get the castle.

A castle situated in a basin between deep valleys. There were hot eyes looking up at the castle on the mountain. The hearts of warriors who think of the welfare of their clans are among the many needles that are swallowed while looking at the fertile meadows outside the castle.

Operation began at dawn. With the help of the shadow of the night, the shamans carefully descended the mountain, ready to cast their spells, protected by warriors in a secret place where the basin meets the foothills.

A group of wizards led by Taniella was also preparing to go down the mountain to break the Black Magic Clan when the time came.

"Remember! Detect Mana magic quickly pinpoints the core's position and ensures that you are in charge of your own territory, so that the warriors will not be harmed." "

"Yes, sir!"

Following the five circle wizards, Piace, Darian, Kazen, Myserine and Digov, a free wizard who came in contact with Taniella and Myrus, he snuck down to his own district.

In front of them, twenty warriors make their way. The first to move was a shaman with an instrument unique to the tribe, two metres long.

As Rovine, a musical instrument made of pure and dark Mana, slowly spit out the air of the Moon Shaman's mouth, sound waves that exceeded the human audible range spread through the atmosphere to the basin.

Due to the sound wave, the atmosphere of the basin began to rapidly activate.

"By-atra Sequinta Dalla Ikutara!"

Located in five places on the outskirts of the basin, including the Arcacan Pomeranian Doroch, a group of shamans began to chant the incantation as one.

Then something strange happened. Even though the sound of chanting was not small, it could not be heard from the distance slightly away as if the atmosphere had eaten it.

The atmosphere of the basin was slowly heating up. It seemed to be a temperature-raising spell. At that time, another spell came from the mouths of the Burqans, including Pomeranian Besuits. Their hands were buried in the dirt.

"Bocum Ashria Tette Beatty Shram!"

The entire basin was slowly cooling down as the odd odd odd odd odd odd odd odds continued, even though their spells were still within a certain radius.

Other shamans were also prepared to cast their spells. A group of wizards, including the Ein Pomeranian Cantaret, chant their spells and slowly swing their hands to grab something and pull it down.

Then fog slowly rises from the surface of the earth.

'Ah! Their spells are amazing!'

Harun was able to sense something he had never felt before.

'Cool the surface of the earth and warm the atmosphere. And you're creating fog by pulling the hot atmosphere that's about to get lighter up close to the surface.'

Surprisingly, magic was well versed in the principles of science. The principle of magic is still elusive, but magic can be explained by science.

This is why they tried to use magic scientifically in GPC. The fog spreads across the basin in the darkness. The fog is rising to the middle of the wall in a flash.

At that time, a group of shamans, who were preparing in advance, put their spells subtly into Robyn's sound waves.

As the spell with a modest long rhyme mixes with Robyn's sound waves, life in the basin begins to unravel without even knowing it. The strained muscles loosen and the raw nerves sag.

Harun was greatly impressed with the vivid sensation of such an effect in his body.

'Spells have a weak interpersonal effect, but they are broadly effective!'

Magic has a narrow range but strong effect whereas magic has a weak direct effect but instead a very broad range of action.


Harun, who was focusing on magic, realized that it was time to move, took a surprise and snuck out of the big rock and into the basin.

There are 100 storm troopers following him. Harun's feet stop as he enters the mist. As a result, the crew stopped.

"Wait here for a moment!"

I didn't know English, but the crew stopped without asking any questions.

'Wait! Maybe it'll work.'

Harun, who was secretly about to move around the walls and kill the sorcerer, suddenly remembers the dark magic he absorbed from Forus.

'I have no choice but to shout when I'm dealing with witches. That will break the spell the shamans worked so hard on. I don't have Mana hooks, but I also have a lot of dark Mana that is better than dark magic.'

I didn't know how effective it would be, but I didn't think it would be bad to give it a try. Harun spits the Dark Mana out of his body from six Mana Oceans in place.

Due to the smoke from the Temple of the Moon, the Mana Road is now impenetrable, allowing it to absorb or expose Mana through the skin.

The Dark Mana spreads through the basin in a mist.

"Amazing! '

Manat, who was sent to the alien, but whose will was planted, brought the taste of grass, stone, and atmosphere to life like another sensation. It felt like it was another layer of skin.


The horses are sensed.


The Broyles roam around the walls, feeling a different sensation than usual, raising their ears high. Prozli's eyes widen and his muscles tighten.

Come to me slowly, without making a sound!

Dark Mana spread throughout the basin, excluding the castle, spreading Harun's will. Manah's familiar, yet fearful will seduces the shamans.


One Prozli stood up. Mana, pure and dark, possessed a charming and powerful power that shook her overwhelmed soul.


Harun can feel the sensation of the beast slowly killing the sound and gathering towards him in front of Prozli. I didn't know this would happen.

It's amazing how you can move your magic without using a magic formula, without casting a spell.

There are over a hundred horseshoes that have broken through the dark fog and are gathering around Harun. Harun was able to feel the black magic embedded in Prozli's head when he first arrived.

Perhaps the Black Wizards spilled it through the sorcerers to subdue and enslave him. Harun plunges a darker Mana into Prozli's head and draws on the Black Magic Power.

The hazy Black Magic Power was easily drawn to Pure Dark Mana and soon escaped Prozli's head. Prozli opened his mouth as if he had felt the black magic restrained on him until now.

Prozli's eyes became supple as soon as the causes of headaches that could not be tolerated were removed from time to time by restraining the free-living horses.

All right!

Harun successfully attempted to siphon Black Magic power out of Prozli's head, this time injecting Mana of Darkness into all the horses. After a short while, Harun stumbled upon the exhaustion of excessive mental strength as it was bitten by the gray of all the devils.

Again, attempts to remove Black Magic power from all the horses at once without being used to exert its power must have been exhaustive.

Harun takes a break, then opens his eyes. The horses had not left the table because they were drunk with a dark mana that was strong for their souls.

- I am your master! Your restraints and torture are gone. Now we must avenge him. We must make you sick and avenge those who have imprisoned you.

The moment Harun's will was conveyed in a dark mana, a scar burst from the sorcerers' eyes. My whole body swells up like an explosion and starts to flow out of my mouth because I can't boil.

Go break down the gates, climb over the walls, chew on the flesh of those who are tormenting you, and break bones! Time for vengeance!

The moment Harun's will was conveyed, the horses started running towards the castle, breathing down their necks.

'Hahaha! It works!'

Harun can't wait to see what the barons will think when they are attacked. There will be chaos one way or another, but it's enough to kill only those who defended the walls with their horses.

At some point, Harun stops after he tries to fire a flare that will fly high into the sky.

'Maybe it will.'

It was now a dark Mana that was able to be used completely on her own free will. Like Manah of nature, when he came out of his body, he did not scatter, but was a mana of darkness that never scattered within a certain range by his own will.

Harun expands the Mana of Darkness. As the crew and warriors expand beyond the basin to the hidden foothills, their actions come alive.

Warriors breathing rough because of boiling speculation. When the signal comes up, you feel like the tense actions of the wizards are right next to you in order to cast a memorable magic.

Harun conveys his will through Mana of Darkness.

- General Harun! You will now be struck by the vanquished horsemen who will breach the gates and attack those on the walls. The wizards will fly the prepared magic to the destination, and the shamans will bless the warriors with Valmon's blessings. When you're ready, fight your way to your stations with all your might!

- Shamans, cast prepared spells!

- Lord Myrus, find the Dark Magic Squad's core.

People open their eyes to Harun's commands in their heads.



There were many people who were shocked, malignant or elastic, but they all listened to Harun's orders.

"Amazing. Is it transmitted by the Wind Spirit? '

Most of them understood spiritual magic because they knew Harun was a spirit, but the Fomercans and some wizards had a face that they couldn't comprehend.

I can't believe you're telling me what to do! What kind of power is this? '

But the question can be solved later. It's the war now.

"Prepare the attack magic!"

"Cast the spell!"


Following the undercover orders from the Prime Minister, the people focused on their respective missions.



"Wagons are attacking!"

Suddenly, a scream erupts from the wall. The horses, including Broyles, kicked the wall one by one and jumped over it.

Boom, boom, boom!

At the gate, a noise erupted. It was the Prozlers banging on the body.


Steel-cast gates do not break easily, but hinges and walls do not hold up like doors. The five Prozlers slam the gate repeatedly with the elasticity rushing at once and the swollen shoulders of the castle, and a tight hinge falls out and the stones of the connected wall are pushed back.

"I don't want a Foucao Chitare cauldron!"

The shamans chant Balmon's blessing spell in unison, and the power that springs from the body begins to flow into the warriors' muscles.

The heart was beating fiercely, supplying fresh and hot blood to the whole body, and the liver doubled and the courage and morale rose. Another shaman casts a short, violent spell that empowers the eyes of the warriors. The power to see properly through the fog is given to warriors without using the power of a magic spell.

Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo!

The shamans' spells fade. As the warriors draw hot breaths and apply themselves to the irresponsible power, the command that awaits comes.



The warriors begin to run toward the foggy castle as a whole. Myrus and the Magic Troops are doing a great job. Myrus' led sorcerers spread Mana Detect magic to check the core one by one and find the Mana Stone buried there with Dig magic.

When the Manasik, who is a force behind the Black Magic Group, disappears, the bad feeling that was holding on to the warriors' steps, fades. There was still a fierce battle between the Black Warriors and the Shamans over the walls of the fog.

The Black Warriors, however, were not able to withstand the ranks of Expert.



Black Warriors with their throats ripped out and their hearts dug out are growing everywhere.

"You bastards!"

Though I see a shiny blade intersection through the fog, the error fades and a desperate scream echoes through the joints shortly.

The warriors climb up the wall through the rapid ladder. On the wall, the bodies of the Black Warriors brutally brutalized by the horses were disappearing, leaving their light sand behind.

They must have killed the border guards already on the wall and jumped into the castle.

"Hurry down and open the gates!"

The gate has already been broken down by Prozli, but the other gates are still firmly closed. Warriors come down the stairs and open the gates, under the command of the Aka warlord.

Through the wide open gates, warriors and shamans from each tribe led by the Great Warriors entered.

"Wizards must secure their place with the Guardian Warriors."

When Taniella's orders were issued, the wizards moved quickly to their predetermined location under the protection of five guardian warriors. They will go up to the rooftop of a tall building with a view of Ziggurat.

"Magic Kid!"

Taniella peers into the castle through the dark fog.

That's right!

The castle was in extreme confusion. Those who woke up in turn came out of the building, but the horses who thought they were on their side came forward and died.

However, as the number of people who received the black plate mail increased, the numbers dropped dramatically. The place was filled with great warriors and mountain tribe warriors.

Warriors who were able to see through Shaki's eyes even in the fog were like tranquil slumps to a horde of surprised and bewildered Darknesses.

Pork chops!

Through the mist, the flare rises above the sky.

All right!

The flare starts coming up one by one. It was a sign that the wizards who followed him had settled in a predetermined location.

Faster! '

I was detecting some scattered movement in Ziggurat. The Black Wizards, who had just fallen asleep or logged out, were waking up or connecting. Taniella is preparing for the right big spell.

Cannon Exploration was among the enchanted attacks contained in the ancient grimoire. Cannon Exploration magic was not personal magic, but group magic, which ran the system from the magic of the present era.

Hanging a Secondary Magic Time Accord will give you up to 8 Circles of Power depending on how many people are participating in the Magic Missile Magic Illusion.


Taniella looks at the Latika Khan next door as the last flare rises.

"Ahm Traqen blames Ureke!"

Latika and five other compartments chant the spell in unison, and a membrane of spheres appeared in front of them. The membrane is a medium through which Mana in the natural world can be typed and spread widely by magic.

"Time accord! Magic Ad!"

At the end of Taniella's spell, the runner engraved on the globe's membrane begins to glow. Then, the runner grows in size and blurs at the same time, riding a membrane that spreads as widely as fog.


There is a combination of magic and magic. Taniella smiles satisfactorily and pulls the strap from the flare in her left hand. The flare rises up and scatters a bright light.

"Magic missiles!"

Located everywhere, the wizards have completed a memorable spell. By then, thin, widespread membranes made by shamans, including Latika Khan, had already expanded to the entire castle.

Magic missiles fired by wizards flew to Earth Lat at different times in different trajectories, but at some point Magic missiles began to collide.

Taniella's eyes flutter with tension without even knowing it.


Taniella clenches her fist. The collision magic missiles were not exploding, they were combining to make each other bigger.

The larger the number, the larger the size of the magic missile. He's not breathing heat. It was transformed into a massive magic missile over 10 meters in diameter.


A giant magic missile flew towards Ziggurat when Taniella stopped the spell the shamans were reciting. Precisely the tip was headed for the fifth floor with a spire.

At that time, many black wizards were already coming out of Ziggurat, or had just come out. They were stunned by a giant magic missile they'd never seen before, and they couldn't breathe, and then they cast their magic in a hurry.


"The Dark Shield!"

"Fake of Magic"

Invaliding the opposing Pokémon's magic is a failure. Mana, contained in a giant magic missile, did not even work the magic of the Seven Circles Grand Wizard.

Multiple layers of dark shield were ripped apart like a signpost, and the fake targets that were created to lure the magic missiles were useless.


A giant magical missile flew towards Ziggurat with an enormous sound wave.


Surprised Wizards and Black Knights jumped out of Ziggurat like locusts or ran out.


The sudden burst of sound caused everyone to stop. Some of the warriors and the Black Warriors were sonically stunned.

Everyone's eyes turned to the fog and dust of the Earth latte. The moment the ancient magic of Cannon Exploration hit Ziggurat became the dividing point of the Siege War.



Avoiding the solstice, the group of dark nis forgot to mention that they wanted some cloudy dirt to be washed away and the appearance of a completely collapsed Ziggurat. Only 8 circles of magic can bring this much power.

"Take the shot!"

The Great Warriors awaken the spirit of the warriors who were momentarily stunned. Mortified mountain tribe warriors swirl their weapons towards Murr in the frozen Darkness.



Screaming, living cry, and the sound of a weapon collision awaken the dawn locked in the fog.

"...... I broke the magic circle."

The Holy Master Turpin looked around with a dejected face. It was so unrealistic to see the men dying in the attack by the savage mountain tribe warriors with powerful power tattooed on their faces.

He couldn't understand how this happened. Without the help of the sorcerers, Ziggurat collapses. We don't need support anymore, and we can't even communicate.

"Seong-ju, we must escape."

The face of Fortune Teller Dalke sprints up, lightly killing a few fearless warriors.

"..... Where?"

"We have to set a course everywhere. The arrows flying out of the fog cause the Black Knights to be unable to perform properly, causing great damage.

Moreover, the enemies who appeared are very skilled. It's so huge that you can't even fathom that number. I can't believe it, but there are more than 10 warriors in the Sword Master.

Black Knights are dying like straw piles. In the worst-case scenario, black knights and wizards with Beyond grade capsules will die in real life. "

While they were resting on the mainland, they were also hearing a secret rumor. Holders of capsules with high fairy tales can level up significantly faster than regular gamers, but rumors have spread that if they die in virtual reality, they will be brain-dead or unconscious.

Turfan stood in the middle of the SS and 30 + magical groups and looked around, but the fog still made his vision not so good.

"Where's the simplicity in that? '

It's stunning. There's a teleport scroll, but it can really be used in the worst situations. The quantity is less than 10.

Despite the coordinates, the Devil Mountains are more likely to die during a teleport due to the irregular flow of Mana unless you borrow the magician's power engraved on the Citadel of Ziggurat.

Where the hell are all the horses? Why did you break the circle? '

Despite being the Dark Wizard of the 6th Circle, I couldn't think of any magic to use in this situation. Most dark magic wizards, who used the Demon King's Fragment to absorb Black Magical Power and without circles through the Grimoire, faced similar conditions as the Holy Spirit Turfan.

In Beyond's case, ordinary wizards have been practicing magic for a long time, so they can adapt and know a lot of magic, but even if they are in high circles, there is little appropriate magic to utilize in these situations.

Thirty warriors swarm at them before Turfan makes a decision. The Great Warriors of the Three Tribes activated all of the power of the Magic Master and clearly illuminated the weapon, whether it was pulled up to Mana.

"You bastards!"

The Knights of Dalke, Bu-Seongju, united to raise the odds and greet the enemy. Since Expert's beginner days are over, he thought he could defeat the weapon without a problem.

Boom, boom, boom!

The moment the weapon and weapon collide, an explosive clash sounds. It was a struggle for error, but the result was so unexpected.



Despite using the same error, the dark knights of the Darkness were devastated and left their weapons unattended or bounced back like broken plates. Red blood flows from most of their mouths.

The assault of the great warriors, coupled with the power of a horse, was too strong for the Expert Swordsmen to deal with.

The moment the Black Knights collided with the warriors of the mountain tribe, they were badly pushed away, and then the wizards regained their senses and began to fly inducible magic. The other attack magic was useless because it was too close.

"Dark Magic Arrow!"

"Dark Magic Sphere!"

"Dark magic missiles!"

It was similar to flying magic because thinking was similar.

For a brief moment, the attack magic flew through the masses, but the Great Warriors avoided or destroyed the enchantments with quick movements or weapons that left a shadow.

"No way!"

The wizards panic, acknowledging that their magic attacks are of no use. The Black Knights were horrified by the ruthless, armor-bearing attacks of the Black Knights.

"Well, how...?"

Most Black Knights emit a sharp error of short finger lengths and long forearm lengths, but they are unable to withstand their opponents' weapons, only with errors.

It was a ghostly movement, but it was an outrageous way to break the Knights' common sense. They do not know the power of the horses used by the mountain tribes.

The Great Warriors do not use blades, but they are more than beginners of the Sword Master. The error of the Mana Ocean combined with the power of the Magician was different from that of ordinary knights.

It was unparalleled in the density and strength of the error and the cutting force.

The outskirts of the castle were now finished. The horses are all dead, but the rush makes it easy for the warriors to deal with their enemies.

Warriors who have cleared their territory are gathering at the center of the castle. After reviewing the situation with the Magic Kid, Seongju Turfan finally gave the order. There was a void in his eyes.

"Heading east!"

'You didn't leave it empty on purpose, did you?'

That can't be right. The fog will make the enemy's vision unsanitary. That's what Turfan wanted to believe. I never wanted to believe that these barbarians had opened their path on purpose.

The number of Darknesses who retreated to Ziggurat Square reached nearly 200. The Black Warriors have already been slaughtered.

I will come back and avenge you! '

Turfan grips his teeth. Perhaps some of the dead Black Knights will be brain-dead or unconscious. Although the main institute instructed us to lower the fairy tale rate, very few people followed the instructions because the fairy tale rate was weakened.

The Great Warriors were unable to break the solid mass that the Black Knights piled on them. The Holy Spirit Turpin and a few of the High Wizards enchanted the dwindling Black Knights with enhanced magic.

"The Dark Hand!"

"Dark Magic Arrow!"

The magic flying away from the Black Knights' error was also dangerous. The Great Warriors begin to push back a step or two. Ordinary warriors were already at hand.

The warriors who were with the Great Warriors were the ones who could use at least two of their horsepower or generate Mana Ocean to use Mana.

Finally, the ranks of the warriors surrounding the east are broken.

"Breached! Escape at full speed!" "

"The Dark Shield!"

"The Dark Shield!"

As the wizards work their magic together, two hundred darknesses hide inside the Black Shield. At the cutting edge, five knights, including the Viceroy, pulled out an error of the length of their forearms and opened the way with a swing of the sword.

Warriors try to attack, but other shields are created that are terribly different from the ones that break the overlapped Dark Shield. Moreover, the order of the five Black Knights at the cutting edge was so fierce that even the Great Warriors couldn't handle it properly.

The group of darknesses, shaped like arrows, breaks through the siege and marches east of the castle.

- We must tear down the walls and get out of here. When I give the signal, strike the wall with all your might!

In case you haven't noticed, Turfan, who sent his physician by messenger magic, puts the scroll back in his arms and prepares for the magic to unfold.

The same was true of the other wizards. It was when they approached the wall and about 30 meters away. Strangely, all those who stood in the way fled to the sides.

What is it?

Turfan quickly looks around with a curious face, but the relentless attacks are gone. Keeping the shield alive, the wizards sigh roughly as if they were alive. The Black Knights are wary with sharp eyes everywhere.

They also felt strange.



Turfan's face is pale with endless magic spells. Between them comes a spell with an odd odd odd odd odd ratio. Suddenly, a wall of flames surrounds them.

Like you did before? '

He was right. The Alliance of Wizards and Shamans has struck again. The wall of flames grows thicker and narrower inward, and the heat rises quickly accordingly.

"Scroll! Scroll!"

Turfan screams and pulls out the scroll to quickly tear it apart.


As the scroll tears, a white swarm of light rises, tearing the scroll along the turf, creating a white swarm of light. Teleport magic will now be triggered and will travel to nearby castles.


"It's hot! Grow! Help me!"

Suddenly, a scream erupted. A wall of flames narrows down the bodies of the Black Knights who were standing outside.

The Black Knights are caught in a blaze so quickly that for some time, the heat of the flame burns black.


Turfan stares at the screech with an unbelievable white glow.

"How did this happen....."

Not just his own, all scrolls were the same.

"Range Cooling!"

"Range Vaughn!"

A few wizards were unable to endure the heat, and the cooling spell did not work. The same was true of back-blocking magic to eliminate the rapidly approaching flames.

"Aah! Help me!"

Most of the Black Knights on the outskirts were helpless and became a ball of fire. They dig deeper, screaming at the pain of their bones and flesh.

Suddenly, I became a lump and broke into a dense state. At some point, the wall of flames no longer narrows inward, but this time the arrow begins to fly through the wall of flames.

Just as archers can see inside through the flames, the arrows blaze for the blood of the Black Knights and the Black Wizards.


Even the shield magic doesn't work, so the damage is immense. Screams erupt from everywhere. Still, those who were killed by arrows were happier. It was because I didn't feel the burning pain all over my body.

The number of those exposed to the flames narrowed down by those fleeing from arrows and flames has increased explosively. Both the Black Knights and the Black Wizards are in complete panic.

"Range Lane Paul!"

Turfan did six circles of magic, but it didn't work. For some reason, the magic never triggered.

"What the hell is going on?!"

There was something in Turfan's eyes that irritated him as much as there was.

"Ugh! That one?"

On the flame-soaked floor, a strange pattern was painted with mythril dust. It was a peculiar symbol that had never been seen before, but Turfan could quickly see what a sorcerer it was.

"Mana Freeze Mage"? '

His eyes turn out of the flames. A sorcerer with this kind of range had to have at least seven circles of sorcerers.

It should be eight circles, since it's been completed in an extremely short time.

'If Mana Freeze Mages are magically incinerated, the flames must be extinguished...'


Suddenly, his whole body is on fire, and Turfan screams because his throat is bursting. Suddenly, there was no one alive around him. I can only see them crumbling around in a ball of fire.

Uh, how is this possible? '

It was a question that passed through my head screaming in the burning pain of my whole body. Turfan had no idea that Taniella and Mirus were as good at magic as any wizard on the continent.

Also, on the floor inside the Mana Freezing Magic, a special flammable substance used by shamans was sprinkled onto the floor and died without even knowing it.

It was a great victory. All that remains now is items dropped by the estramorwn where there are only burnt remains. Harun has officially declared victory in front of the gatherers.

"Congratulations to all of us! This is now Burka Castle."

Whoa, whoa!

"Hooray! We've won!"

"Now we have a proper home for the Burqas!"

At Harun's words, the Sanak tribe rejoices in unison. Aka warriors and Ain warriors also rejoiced with the Burkan warriors.

After clearing the medium of the spell, the fog quickly lifted the castle, despite the tough battles, was quite clean. Bodies and bloodstains are all gone. Most of the dark knights who lived here were foreigners.

The warriors of the three tribes collected and piled up their items in one place in the streets, and they could be called a small mountain. The damage to the building was minor.

Most of them were fine except Ziggurat because they had a purpose to take the castle and use it immediately. The thundering mercenaries and the tribal leaders entered the meeting, slamming into a huge barracks in front of the collapsed Ziggurat building.

The damage was much less than expected. It is uncertain if there are no bodies, but the number of warriors who died after winning this victory to kill all of the enemies estimated to be 3,000 did not exceed 200.

"This victory must be returned to the wizards and shamans. Thank you very much."

"Haha! We had no idea this would happen."

Taniella, Mirus and the Pomeranians enjoyed the encouragement and applause of others with a joyful smile. The deep debate overcame the possibility and exerted incredible power this time, and the scope of its utility was unbelievably wide.

Given the quantity of items found while clearing the Ziggurat, the number of dead Black Wizards and Black Knights did not escape the Ziggurat before it was over 300. Considering the case of Castle Aka, the percentage of the Black Knights and the Black Wizards in the world is roughly 30 to 40 percent, so the amount of power is treated at once.

Moreover, the usefulness of the combustible substance of Mana's frozen sorcerers and shamans' vision of disposing of the remaining talents was utterly overwhelming. More enemies were burned by the Burqans than by their arrows.

"Today is the day to relax here and leave at dawn tomorrow. We must make a nest for the angels before this place gets out."

Harun said, with a satisfactory smile on their hands, they left to do their job.


"Yes. The future of our tribes is bright now. No matter how many horses fly, we're safe now."

They occupied the castle much easier than they thought. Warriors who do not fear death, but it was hard to endure the death of their comrades or descendants. So I had to have a good mood.

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