- What kind of people took Darkness' castle three times?

- They're a mountain tribe. Rumor has it the Devil Mountains have been battling horses for thousands of years, with a strong level of warrior tribe.

- Story has it that the storm troopers were harsh. Even when the Koem Guild attacked the castle, there was a storm.

Is that a gust? I heard there aren't many of them.

- No, there's over 100 of them. Over time, the reality began to emerge, and even the average crew was able to deal with shotgun on their own. They say it's better than knights in rugged mountains.

- What a bunch of mercenaries.

Anyway, I need someone to keep an eye on them and reveal their siege strategy.

- Rumor has it that reporters from each game station are heading there soon.

The GlobalNet is hot from Beyond's siege. This interest is high because the mountain tribes, who thought the indigenous peoples of Beyond and the savages had succeeded in the siege that failed even though the guild was united.

There, I couldn't help but notice that the impressive force of the blast mercenaries in the land of tranquility was harsh.

The average gamer knows that at least 5,000 of Darkness' castles are stationed there. Severe cases reported more than 20,000.

A little less than half of them are Export-level Black Knights or more than four circles of Black Mages. The fact that the five large guilds were beating relentlessly on how well they were funded, but also had items that were not dry enough to finally give up, impressed by the gamers, Darkness gave the mountain tribes three castles.

In the case of Koem Castle occupied by the Kom Guild, we were unable to get detailed information about the Siege War because the undertaker had already given the guild member a secret order.

Reporters from each game broadcaster, as well as from the large guild, headed to Castle Aka. The mountain tribes stepped in to get strategies or tips on attacking the castle.

"Please tell me."

"I'll pay you whatever you want. No, I will supply you with everything you need."

In front of Ares and Rum's group, reporters arriving at Ain Castle were in town as soon as they met the storm troopers who were staying at Ain Castle.

"I don't know. You alone know the whole thing."

The crew showed kindness, including answering a small question they had never seen before, but raised their hand to the increasingly persistent question. He gave everything to Harun.

The situation was the same with the mountain tribes. Despite the proficient use of the Empire's common tongue, many of the captains turned their attention away to the storm troopers.

"I have so much to do."

"I'll help and ask for it. Eww!"

Unlike the Akas who had already entered the settlement phase, the Burqans and Eins who recently secured their castles were devoted to escorting the tribes of the Node Village.

They were in a hurry to evacuate, and now they are emigrating, so there was a huge shortage of food, clothes, weapons, etc., but when Harun opened the sub-space, he was able to get everything he needed. The huge quantities of necessities purchased from the Currents were evenly distributed among the three tribes.

The mountain tribes gave Harun their horseshoes, magic hides, and rare herbs, as well as Manasik or Spirit Stone. It was full of Pell's sub-space.

While Harun and the mercenary leaders were reviewing reports containing Ziggurat and Ein Castle facilities and quantities of goods, Bish and other great warriors and Poker Khans came inside.

"Well done, everyone."

Myrus rises to greet them.

"Well done. More gusts."

Bashu grins and holds Mirus' hand.

"So, what's going on? You're not already going to die, are you?"

Myrus already asks with a pitiful face if the friendly Great Warriors and the Fomercans had interpreted it as trying to return to Evergreen.

"That's not it. And I realized that moving along with you, to get to higher ground, training and researching in a quiet place is great, but now I also know that it takes a variety of experiences, including practice."

"Of course I will. It's easier for many to join forces, isn't it?"

"You're right. We didn't know that for a while."


In Bash's words, Harun and the mercenary leader were silently listening. I felt like we were all here for something else.

"With your active help, we are just the beginning, but our three tribes have fulfilled one long-standing wish."

Bashga bows down and thanks you for being the oldest of the Akkadian warriors from Evergreen.

"Haha! This must be the work of our mercenaries." All of this was done by the three tribes. We've just filled you in on what you're missing. "

Harun takes Bash's words with a big smile to clear up the atmosphere that looks familiar.

"No, if it wasn't for your amazing abilities and your provocative thinking, the three tribes would still be living in passive seclusion and retreat against Massu or Darkness.

Thank you so much for leading the storm troops ahead. "

"And we admire the breadth of a squadron of blast mercenaries who give us that ball and then give us what we want more than anything."

Among the three tribes, Boron, the most respected member of the tribe, also expressed his gratitude.

"Haha! Thank you so much for thinking that. Since you trusted us with the warriors leading the mercenaries, you're like a family. It's natural to take care of your family."

Dylan smiles.

"That's why the three tribes want to be closer to the storm troopers."


Harun's group's expression strangely changes.

"Please welcome our three tribes of great warriors and Pomeranians as mercenaries."

The gaze of those who looked after Boron was directed at Harun.

Harun's eyes widen with unexpected suggestions.

"As Bash the Great Warrior has said, we have with you more results than we have trained alone in Evergreen for many years to many decades.

In the struggle and debate with the commander or Sir Dylan, the Pomeranians gained many new things through the debate with Sir Taniella and Sir Mirus. "

"I want to congratulate you on your many accomplishments. But that's what you get for struggling with your clan. We didn't do anything."

"You don't have to be so modest. We've seen, learned and felt a lot with you. We all thought it was more important to learn and learn from different experiences than to train in seclusion, as Bash the Great Warrior said.


I was so surprised that I didn't have anything to say.

"After the battle, the three tribes of great warriors and the Fomercans gathered for a meeting. After attacking a few more castles for the clans, they had an open discussion about what to do, and for a long time, everyone opposed the trip to Evergreen.

In fact, I didn't think it was a good place to study, or a place where the world is becoming so noisy and the safety of the families is at stake. "

You're right. The horses are growing rapidly and Darkness is pretending to be the master of the mountains, so we can't focus on training.

Bashu opens his mouth again.

"Still, you cannot let the work of the great warrior and the Pomeranian pass on to future generations by mastering and advancing their craft and wisdom.

After a long discussion, I found a way to train while keeping my family safe. "


Harun can finally understand their thoughts.

"Lord Dylan has told me that the gale mercenaries will share our three tribes' fates, and that they will carry out many harsh quests in the past, but in the future.

We, too, want to take on the storm and take on the risk with our bodies and fill in the shortages. Please accept as a member. "

"Oh, my!"

Dylan, Taniella and Myrus have no idea what the Grand Warriors and the Fomercans were thinking, but Tino is a little different.

'Now is the time for the blast mercenaries to spread their wings!'

22 Great Warriors and 17 Pomeranians. There are four Great Warriors of similar stature as Dylan and six Pomerkans of equal size to Taniella and Myrus. The rest have outstanding power and magic skills.

Tino commented before Harun for the first time.

"I'm pleased to make your offer. Even though we have more hidden men with incredible abilities, if we can recruit these skilled men, we can be reborn as the greatest mercenaries in the empire, or on the continent."

Tino's expressive gaze overwhelms those in place. For Harun, Tino's reaction was more shocking than their words.

When did Tino, who had always been so timid as to be a slave, become so actively minded? As a commander, Tino's opinions were impressive, yet he was proud.

"We have some Hidden crews that are still out there, but a large portion of our mercenaries are now Aka, Burka and Ain warriors.

Together, not only will our mercenaries power up dramatically, but the Great Warriors and the Fomercans will be able to naturally transfer power to the three tribes and boost their pride. "

Donnes also expressed his opinions, shining his eyes. Harun ponders for a moment. The pros and cons of accepting them quickly came to mind.

And if he did, he had a vague idea of what to do.

All right!

Maybe there's no reason to worry. Regular warriors may not know it, but with the Great Warriors and the Fomercans, the power of hurricanes is increased tens of times at a glance.

"I thought about it for a moment because it was a surprise. It's not hard for you to get into a storm trooper. because each tribe is already together, and the wind has decided to join the three tribes and the future."

With positive words flowing from Harun's mouth, the nervous Grand Warriors and the frozen faces of the Pomeranians loosen like melting ice in the sun.

"What I was thinking about was how I would treat you and accept you as an identity so that you wouldn't be baptized."

"We don't want to be treated as well as we want to be treated."

Everyone nods forcefully at the words of the Great Warrior Bash. Harun feels lighthearted by their reactions. Recruiting outstanding characters took some funding to do well.

"Very well. I will establish two new advisory councils. The Grand Warrior, with Lord Dylan, the Warrior Advisors, and the Pomeranians, with Lord Taniella and Myrus Keys, lead the Magic Advisory Council."

"Hahaha! Welcome."

"Now we can have an open discussion, Voron Pommercan!"

"Maybe we should build a real blast tower later on."

The three advisors welcomed him, and the Great Warriors and the Pomeranians rushed together to hug. It has been a great pleasure to have accumulated intimacy through debate or struggle, but now I am a member.

One of the reasons the three advisors were particularly fond was that the alliances of the great warriors and the Pomeranians were similar. I didn't have a bad time with the young crew, but I liked that I still had a lot of friends to learn.

Fortunately, the armor brought by the Storm Merchant Guild has enough room to make it back to everyone.

"Hehe! What do you think?"

"Less than me, but still cool."

Although they were the greatest warriors and foemycans who knew magic hides better than anyone else, they had to admire the feel and function of the armor made by the master's hands.

"Looks like you really are a fan mercenary now."

"I feel weird, too."

Tortured Great Warriors and Fomercans no longer felt the difference between their identities between the subtle tribes they felt when they wore uniform mercenary defense gear.

That's how uniforms used to work. It wasn't just the armor that the torturers acquired. The right weapons were given as a gift.

Advisors from the Great Warrior were more than happy with the quality of their weapons. For a warrior, a weapon could be another life.

"I will repay you for this kindness. Commander."

The torturers who came one by one returned, blushing their eyes and resolving their resolve. In fact, it wasn't much money, but the meaning of defense gear and weapons to defend themselves to those who had lived in the remote world was very large.

Harun gave it to them, of course, but they didn't think so. A squadron of Torture mercenaries took in more than 100 warriors from each tribe to augment three more.

There was no reason to augment the crew more, but it was what the three tribes wanted. I couldn't resist the eager plea of those who joined the mercenaries with torture.

While Harun was preparing to go to the fortress, some happy guests came to see him. They are Ares and Rum's group.


"There you are!"

Ares and Rum are exhausted from their long journeys, but they shake Harun's hand with an impressive look.

"How did you get here?"

"I'm here to see the commander. Huh? The commander's changed a bit."

Ares was surprised at Harun's appearance, unlike before. It was very much like Harun who saw it in reality.

"It used to be like this."

"Is that so? I've always had my hair over my face, so I didn't know. You look quite handsome yourself."

"Hahaha! Is that so? Then that's good."

While saying hello, Donnes came in with his car.

"Hello, sis! She's not here, is she?"

The adjoining Ares recognizes Donnes and shakes four years. Donnes smiled at Ares and Rum like that.

Though you may be a stranger, you can't go wrong when you meet people who pack things like this for Tino and Donnes.

"Henny says he hasn't been here in a while."

"Is that so?"

It seems they have not heard the story of the storm base yet. Henny has decided to quit the game and focus on the base for a while.

Dr. Hwang and others advised him to take charge of the work and medical part of the site for the phacolens brothers.

"So, what brings you so far?"

Harun knows it, but he's willing to act accordingly. Reporters already dispatched from other stations and those dispatched from the Newbie Intelligence Guild.

"I always thought the storm troops were great. The estramorwn haven't hit one yet, but the tempest has already succeeded four places."

"Hehe! You want to know what the Siege War strategy is?"

"Hehe! You know."

"Please, sir. You don't just mop up the top."

The two who realized that Harun had already figured out their business revealed themselves to be honest.

"It's not that hard. I'll give you some rough information about their castle, so you can use it on your own. But just because a strategy is known doesn't mean it can be used properly.

If the public finds out, Darkness will, too, and it won't work. "


They didn't say anything. The information about Darkness' castle will, of course, be of great help to both of them.

However, knowing what strategies were used by storm troopers and mountain tribes did not necessarily help the Foreigners' Guild. As long as Darkness is not a fool, he can't stand the strategy of getting on the air.

"So what do I do?"

Ares frowns and asks.

"I'm going to Matsuru tomorrow. And I intend to be justified there."

"To the fortress? What righteousness?"

"Are you expecting a request from the estramorwn?"

A wise rum quickly understands Harun's intentions.

"If you come with us, you'll be able to capture good footage. If we can get some live footage, we can make a big ball of it, right?"

"Wow! Excellent!"

"Thank you."

Ares and Rum expressed their gratitude with great cheer for Harun's thoughts. No matter how many siege battles are described in words or writing, the quality is significantly worse than the video.

If you look at the live Siege War footage, other guilds will find something in it as well. In addition to that, if you add only the weaknesses or things that are essential to their siege, it really becomes big information.

"But you're the only ones here?"

"No, I came to Koem Castle with the Abyss mercenaries."

"With Abyss?"

Harun's eyes widen, thinking of Elser.


"Then where are they?"

"I was going to come here with you, but I was asked by the Koem Guild to stay there."

Perhaps the currents hired them to protect the castle. They would be a great force.

"When you see the commander, shorty and Miss Elzer asked me to stop by."

"Got it."

I'll probably see you soon.

"We leave at dawn tomorrow, so get some rest today."

"Yes, sir."

Donnes showed me where the two of them could stay. Ares and Rum returned to their room and lay down on their beds, bringing all the missions they had brought in as a gesture of goodwill to greet the faced crew.

"Ukiah! I almost died coming here. How else?" "

"Yeah, that's the problem."

On my way here, I met Saw Sue over ten times. Two of them almost died. I was lucky to get here safely, but thinking about going back was horrifying.

After dinner, Harun called a meeting of the chief minister. The commander and his chiefs, as well as the advisors, attended a meeting.

Tino now presides over the status quo, leading the meeting.

"I've called a meeting to discuss the future course of our mercenaries. I'd like your undivided opinion on what our mercenaries are going to do right now."

Then Bashu got up from his seat.

"It's time to hit the candy bar."

"Candy cane?"

"Yes, it is home to three tribes and three castles of the Darkness. If we can get there, the Northeast Mountains will fall under the influence of our three tribes."

People nod at Bash's words. I unfolded the map on the mason leather endothelium prepared by Bashu. For generations, the Netta Basin and the topography near the candy peaks in the Aka Castle were in detail.

"There are three castles in the Nether Basin surrounding the candy cane. If we take control of three castles, like this one, three or four days' walk from each other, the north-eastern part of the Imperium and adjacent Devil Mountains will all be in our hands.

Then all three of our tribes will have stable homes. Not only that, but if you get the Mana Stone mine at the center of the candy bar, you won't have to worry about the operation of the storm troops and the conscious owners of the three tribes. "

"How are the three tribes doing around there?" "

At Harun's question, Bashu became a little stiff.

"It's a bit dangerous. The number of horses is much higher than here. The village of Orundi, the Aka Node Village, has already gathered over 3,000 people and will be gathering three times more in the future. The Burqans and the Ain Sages are similar."

"We'd better hurry."

"Yes, I think we should. There are a lot of damage while fleeing to Node Town."

According to Marsh, the faces of those who attended the meeting were gloomy. In fact, many people were killed by the dark knights who led the warlords before the great warriors and the Pomeranians who lived in Evergreen heard of it.

"The Burqans who contacted us were so consumed by the iconic rads that they were tamed by the Darkness that it was hard to understand the details."

The Grand Warrior Masram reports with an intrusive face. Hearing his words, all three tribes were the same. The situation of the three tribes on the inside of the mountain ranges was worsening compared to the outskirts of the mountain ranges that had been assisted by the storm troops in the first place.

Even with the threat from the demons, there was a particular need for food. Now the three tribes are like mercenaries. Regardless of the request, there must be an intervention.

Harun thought about what Bash said. Actually, he was going to Fort Matsurut. There was work to be done. However, I had no choice but to think that another group of three tribes, like brothers and sisters, was in danger.

"What should I do? I have business at Fort Matsurut...."

Harun's words stiffen people's faces. I had just become a mercenary, so I had to follow the mercenary's position first.

However, it was difficult because he could not pretend that he did not know that his family was in danger. The meeting room was silent for a long time.

After much thought, Harun came up with an idea.

"If about 400 people move fast, how long will it take to get to Orundi?"

"If they're all senior warriors, we can get there in six days."

Mibra, an Ein Pomeranian, replies. He had a dangerous path in mind.

"Very well, then. Advisor Bash has chosen 400 men to leave for Orundi, except for the minimum number of men to defend this place."

"And what about the commander?"

"I'll drop in with 20 members of the torture squad at Fort Matsurut to take care of business and head that way."


People looked at Harun with a face that they couldn't understand. Among them were some of the existing crew members. Harun smiled at them and explained.

"Combining our advisors with the blast mercenaries and the 400 warriors from each tribe's elite warriors, attacking the castle shouldn't be difficult."

"But the commander..."

Bashu couldn't understand Harun. The situation was the same for others. I couldn't understand what Harun was doing.

"I will join you there in time for your arrival in Orundi."

"Yes? How?"

I opened my eyes to Myrus.

"I don't know if you know this, but there are Hidden Men in this mercenary army. Among them are non-human beings.

We can do that with Hidden crews. You'll see for yourself. "

Harun leads the people out.

'Minos and Sunnies are possible. It's more than ten days' walk away, but with their help, we can get there in an hour or two! '

I don't know how many people we can burn at once, but we can use them to solve our mobility problem.

'First, we have to build a device to get them on board.'

I wanted to talk about it first, but I didn't say it out loud because if they refused to burn Humans.

Harun, who had led his crew to the top of the Ziggurat, summoned Mino and Sunni.

- Mino, Sunny, where are you?

A moment later, their answer was sent to my mind.

- Dude, we're in the big field. You hunted the young bulls.

- I need to get over here.

- I'll be right there!

A decade after hearing the answer, Mino and Sunni plunge down through the clouds and reveal the giant pair. As they landed, the top of the Ziggurat seemed to be full.



Surprised by that, the crowd huddles together in a Demibeast pose to pull out their weapons or cast spells.

"It's all right. These are our fellow storm troopers. This is Mino and Sunny."

When Harun introduced himself, people relaxed.


"Weren't you Birthday Beak, the Lord of Heaven?"

"Those who fear witches are the members of the gale."

The first glances of the great warriors and the Fomercans who had seen Virtuvik were astonished. They were initially frightened, but Harun's words became known and they succumbed to the forces of the gale mercenaries more than ever.

"This is different from the last time I saw them."

"I guess the Bertrand Vicks we saw back then were just cubs."

Even the crew who had seen Mino and Sunny before didn't recognize them, despite their names. That's how much they've changed.

- How are you?

As a friend of mine asked, I caught a lot of bad stuff nearby and killed it.

- Here you go.

Sunny opens a big loop and grunts and a huge number of cobblestones spill out. He had a stable stone in one of his neck pockets.

- I didn't bring any leather.

Mino rubs his beak as if apologizing. He knows that Harun reveals the hide of a sorcerer.

- No, that's enough. Good job, both of you!

Harun put the horseshoes in the sub-space, complimented them on their hard work, and took out the jerky.

Heave-ho! Delicious jerky!

I'm sure they haven't starved in a while, but the two of them were eating jerky in their sleep. Since he had grown several times his size after Awakening, he now had to remove twenty sacks of meat.

I liked that it was not enough to eat as much as I could, but it was not enough.

- It's so good!

- Awesome!

The two of them were fascinated by the special jerky made by the mountain tribes who had risen to the level of master in making jerky. The meat I had eaten before was delicious, but the jerky I ate this time was not only smoked moderately, but also seasoned with salt and spices, so it had a taste and flavor.

- Give me more!

- Me, too!

They quickly ate the last jerky and begged for more.

Harun turns his mind to open the sub-space. I had enough carnivals, but I had something to say before.

- No more, and I need a favor.


The words Harun asked for led to Mino and Sunni's yellow eyes, which were tearing open the jerky.

- I have somewhere I need to be. Can we burn some other humans?

The words immediately cool Mino and Sunny's eyes.

- Another human being?

We have a long way to go, and there's no other way but you.

- I don't want it!

Sunny refused without thinking. Except for Harun, he didn't want to put another human on his back.

But luckily, the minos seem to be listening a little bit more.

- These are my friends, I have to go.

Harun's desperate request moves around as Mino's eyes contemplate.

- I'd like to listen to a friend's request......

- You're the ones who made the jerky. If you do me a favor, I'll ask you to make me a lot of these Jerky.

- Are you sure?

Mino and Sunni's attitude changed in the story of jerky. Their intelligence rises alongside their Awakening, but their natural appetite seems inevitable.

The jerky that they ate was delicious enough to put on their fingers when they were born.

- I'll double it!

Supreme Sunny exclaims. Then the minos followed.

- Me, too.

Harun sighs of relief into his two reactions. If being a friend didn't work, I was going to give him pure stone and give him color, but fortunately, he went over to Jerky.

- It's a long way.

- Doesn't matter.

Flying in the sky is normal, so there is nothing difficult about it.

- And you need to put something in your body that makes it safe for humans to ride. I know it's annoying, but I can't.

- Tsk!

- I can't.

Sunny expressly said no, but Mino said he didn't care if he could eat Jerky.

I'll call you as soon as I'm ready.

- Copy that.

Minos and Sunni rise up into the sky, raising a massive dirt storm.

"What a marvelous crew."

Bashu said with an admirable face. After a lifetime of fighting the beast, he seemed to be drawn to the prestigious and majestic image of Virtuosovik, feared by the beasts themselves. Others had the same face.

"A mino and sunny ride will get you there in a few hours."

"I see. I'm impressed."

Fast and safe passage through these rugged Devil Mountains is of the utmost benefit. The torturers had to be busy that night.

Harun picked 18 men for his fort. With the exception of Dylan and the three existing advisors, Tino and Donnes, 13 were selected.

All the fighters have been included in Bash's group. Bashu and his advisors divided the elite warriors into two groups, one with a candy cane and the other with three castles to defend.

Most of them were bullets and cannons from the battlefield, so the warriors had no shaking.

The next morning.

Those who meet Harun's group leaving the keep have to be frightened. The crew who had seen them before was also surprised.

What I saw at night and at dawn was the heavenly bodies.

"Oh, my God!"

With an enormous fuselage that spans more than 20 meters from head to tail, and its wings spread to 15 meters, Birthday Beak swirled over the castle several times, showing himself as if he were the Lord of the heavens, and came down to Ziggurat.

In that overwhelming power and tempesture, people only built resilience.

"This is driving me crazy!"

"The commander is an unknown man."

Ares and Rum shake their heads. The more I knew, the more I admired Harun who didn't know the depth, the more I gave up.

"Come on, let's go."

Tornado mercenaries, including Ares and Rum, set out for the fort on a 10-man mini and sunny ride, respectively. They were able to move safely thanks to the large, two-and-a-half compartments of saddles made from horse bones and hide on their bodies.

People had to lay flat on their faces the whole way. When I saw my torso, I felt like I was going to be blown away by a strong wind. They had no choice but to admire Harun's attitude as if they were sitting on their seats, straightening their torso and enjoying the surrounding landscape.

"This is the best!"

"Hehe! Hehe!"

Most of them were white with great speed of flight, but some were excited to get off the ground when they were riding. Among the torturers who had little fear of power or magic, there were quite a lot of people who were afraid of heights, so they seemed to be stunned.

Most of the crew were intoxicated, and it was only then that the pale face returned to my color as BertrandVick landed close to the fortress.

Fear remained in the eyes of Mino and Sunni, who disappeared into the sky after enjoying the jerky they received from Harun.

"I didn't know this was what the great warrior Kal would look like without fear."

"Huh-huh-huh! What about you? If you're gonna say that, I'll clean up your vomit and say it."

"Phew! Oops!"

Since they had never shown such a weak face before, they could not lift their faces at first, but not only themselves, but most of them looked the same, so they laughed loudly.

After that, I felt much closer than before. The user sees the opposing Pokémon's weakness, and for some reason, it clears his mind and makes it easier to deal with them.

"How the hell did you tame Bertrowwick? I haven't even heard of Virtuvik being real, but I've never heard of him being tamed."

At last, I asked him, watching Bertrand Bick fly by, barely a Dallan mascara.

"He's not tamed, he's our friend. They are the guardians of our gale mercenaries."

"Ah! I see. As expected, our storm troopers are amazing."

Maslam and other advisors took pride in being part of the storm troopers. Especially in the case of the Burqans, the pride was even greater because they were taming a bird called Essen as a guardian.

Essen, the tribal patron saints, dared not even look each other in the eye when Virtuosovik appeared, whipping their tails and pounding their heads into the ground. The tribe's Guardian Party appeared to be an embarrassment, and I was proud that the target was the Guardian of the Storm Mercenaries who belonged to me.

"From here, we will guide you."

Ares and Rum's group head to the fort, looking barely alive.

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