Harun's group, ahead of Ares and Rum, quickly descends to the keep.

"The road is much better."

It's probably under extensive construction by the Fortress. In the past, the narrow path through which the wagon had barely passed had become even wider, and it has now changed closer to the road so that the crash does not occur.

On the other side of the keep, you see a horde of wagons forming a path through the hooves. Dozens of wagons full of cargo stand ahead of the wagons, slowly but slowly coming up toward the keep.

Harun's party, who has diverted to the keep, arrives shortly after arriving at the vacant lot in front of the entrance to the fort.


Elasticity flows from Harun's mouth. Hundreds of warehouse buildings appear in the empty space like fences.

On one side, horses counting thousands were resting, eating food, and merchants were gathering on the other. It seemed like there was a deal going on between the merchants.

The keep's gate is open. The last time I stopped by, I collected a number of passage taxes, and now it seems to have been abolished. The four soldiers standing at the front gate of the fortress were looking at those who were going back and forth ignorant.

'Indeed! Collecting trade taxes should be enough to secure your finances these days.'

The fortress will be well financed if we pay a certain trade tax on goods sold to the forces who are gathering to occupy the Castle of Darkness. It may have been abolished by the breath of the three empires adjacent to the fortress, but it will be a free zone for merchants.

Harun's group, dressed in gray defense gear, is dressed like mercenaries. The area is full of mercenaries, so no one was paying special attention to them.

Harun's group picks up the fort and heads to the main street where the Wind Merchant Guild is located.

"Commander, we'll break up here for a while and then head to the Merchants Guild later. We'll take care of the information just like before."

"At ease."

Ares and Rum rushed to report the information Harun handed over to the broadcaster and to the top. Because it was lunchtime, the neighborhood's restaurants and inn streets were crowded with shops.

The store at the Gust Merchant Guild also had no customers and two employees sorting out the merchandise.


Opening the door, the waiters greet Harun's group.

"Welcome, sir."

They are faceless. However, the brothers and sisters who have joined us have gotten used to their faces once or twice due to the invasion of Blood Shadow, but they do not know.

Probably a local or part-time gamer.

"What we deal with at the Merchant Guild is high-end armor and medicine. What makes you different?"

I was very satisfied with the greeting posture and the loving response.

"I'd like to meet the pilgrims who live here."

"A zipline? Where are you from....."

A waiter with a soft impression asked if something like this had happened in the middle of the 20s.

"I'm from the gale mercenaries."


The waiter finally noticed the markings of the blast mercenaries engraved on his defense gear and shouted.

"I've never seen you before. My name is Alces, and I'm the head of this store."


Harun asks for a handshake, but does not speak his name.

"Zidane is organizing things at the warehouse. Wait a moment."

As Alchemy's eyes opened, he nodded as if he knew the waiter who appeared to be in his late teens and went out through a small door leading to a separate house.

"So, how's the sale going?"

"Of course. It's a little rare these days, but there are still a lot of big trades, so the volume is huge. The reputation of our Mercenary Guild and Captain Harun is well known for their deep relationship with the Gust Mercenaries."

Alchemy was curious, keeping details to himself.

"Are the current zippers purple?"

"..... Vice-commissioner has returned to the headquarters."

When Bora's name is mentioned, Alchemy replies cautiously with a surprised face.


I was supposed to be informed of Beyond's situation when I met the base family. It was a mistake to just say hello. I was nervous because I didn't even know who the zipper was sent to this point while life was a real merchant and I didn't even know Bora was a vice owner or what she was counting and doing.

A awkward silence followed.


It looks like the Gust Mercenary is the one wearing the unique markings of the Gust Mercenary, but there is a suspicious angle to not mention his name.

They appear to be mercenaries as well, but some of them appear to be noble wizards, not mercenaries, so they can't determine their identity.

At that time, a person came out.

"Who came to see you?"

He was about twenty years old, but his voice felt heavy and heavy. The moment I heard that voice, a slight smile came to Harun's face.

"Uh, sir? How did the commander get here without any contact?"

After tilting a few times, Gultan finally recognizes Harun.

"Gultan was a zipper."

Gultan was originally from a pseudophakic lens that joined Bora. Bora was temporarily managing this place, but it seemed to be officially entrusted to Gul 'tan when things settled down.

"Let's get you inside."

Harun moves inward with Gultan's guidance.

"Captain"? You mean Captain Harun? No, it's not. Captain Harun said he was about 30 years old. '

The rest of Alchemy's eyes were filled with awe and wonder. Harun's group is escorted to the conference room, but Gul 'dan doesn't come inside until he gives the order to get the car.

"These are the mercenaries I saw."

Harun introduces the group one at a time. To prevent Gultan from making a mistake in the future.

"It's called Gultan. It is an honor to meet you.

Gultan greets the group with a salt of respect. Soon, the atmosphere became warm. Now those who are completely free of intoxication have a light conversation with the car.

Gultan looks at the atmosphere of the intestine and lowers his voice to ask Harun.

"What happened?"

It was a question with many meanings.

"Haha! I have business to attend to."

"Ah! I see."

"How's business?"

"Yes. It could be the reputation of the gale mercenaries. There are several times as many transactions here as all the other ones combined."

Gul 'Tan replied with a full face.

"Maybe it's because the oysters are working hard. How about selling drugs?"

"We are importing enormous quantities from the Synterone and Mino Empires. Chief, I think we should call him Captain now, right? It is known to the inhabitants of the three empires very quickly, based on the Master's reputation.

Demand is tremendous, as these doors sell very little. Not only the top brass, but the pharmaceuticals are in a frenzy. "

Gul 'Tan's face filled with pride, answering. Due to the minimal profit and sales of medicines, the recognition of the Wind Merchant Guild was enormous for the ordinary residents as well as for the foreigners.

There were no residents looking for a temple or a horse tower because of the mild symptoms. I wanted to go, but the cost of treatment was enormous. Therefore, it has been common until now to receive treatment from therapists who simply tolerate life or are treated with local private therapies.

"The locals love it. I like herbalists who have found stable sources. But the therapists are a bit of a problem."

Some of the great things were done during private therapy, but few of the therapists had a so-called consciousness. Many of them used horse-drawn treatments, most of which were largely ineffective.

Because of this, many people died because they did not receive proper treatment. Drugs handled by the Gust Guild were universal and did not require any special treatment to take and apply.

Residents who have used medicines once realized how absurd the therapist's treatment is, and the more they propagate its effectiveness through their mouths, the more they use it.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see Queen Evelyn. Is it here?"

"Yes. I haven't returned to the eclipse yet."

Gul 'tan replied and looked at Harun with strange eyes. Captain Harun felt like he had a face with Princess Ibelin.

I had never heard of Captain Harun meeting with the Empress Ibelin.

"Then why is she…?"

Princess Evelyn is not someone you can just meet. Although he was a gamer, the next emperor in the world was a powerful man.

"Tell her to come here because I want her to meet me in secret in order to make contact with Empress Evelyn. Tonight would be good."

"I understand."

Gultan looks like he doesn't understand, but he answers unhesitantly because Harun gave him an order. Contacting them was now sufficient with the reliably placed capabilities of the mine in the fortress.


Gul 'Tan smiles gladly, remembering how surprised his friends were when they heard the news.

Evelyn comes to the Wind Merchant Guild in a hood robe with only two attendants, and sees Harun greeting him in the conference room, her eyes wide open.

Harun's long hair tied behind his back and his forehead was not the dull face she expected.

"Captain Harun?"

"It's been a while."

"You look a little different."

"The crew decided to make a scene and show their faces."

"It looks refreshing."

Unlike before, I liked that he didn't show his expressions. Although they had little tattoos engraved on them, I could not hear that they were handsome, but I could not hear that they were ugly.

"How can you be here?"

"Fortunately, the Queen Dowager has fulfilled her quest."

"Are you sure?"

Evelyn had a vague hunch that Harun was secretly asking for it, but she didn't really think she'd completed the quest.

"Yes. This is information about the Darkness' stronghold."

One day, I took out what I had prepared and gave it to the princess.

It was two maps. One was a map of the entire Devil Mountains and the other a map of the Tar Basin where the Darkness Basin is located.

"Hmm. Here it is."

Ibelin considers the map of the basin and the mountain centre where it lies for a long time. Harun drank his tea without a word because he knew how to target the place.

"Phew! This area is hard to reach."

After a long time, a sigh comes out of Evelyn's mouth when she takes her eyes off the map.

"At least six castles must be captured to get from here to there."

"Is that right? But did you say occupation?"

"Yes. That will ensure a smooth supply."

Ibelin nods severely. The current attack on the Castle of the Darkness will be unavoidable.

To date, the number of castles taken from the Darkness has been the total of three castles occupied by the Koem Guild's castles and mountain tribes. It is a challenging situation for the dark forces to be much stronger than expected, although the rest of the forces have not participated, leaving it to the estramorwn.

"Very well. I will confirm that Vaughn's deal with the Wind Mercenaries or the Wind Mercenaries is complete." "

Ibelin pulls out her magical pouch, just in case. An ancient engraved pouch clearly had an excellent subspace pouch. Harun did not check the contents, but put them in his arms at a time.

"It was a good deal."

"We had a good deal, too. Can I see you tomorrow?"

Despite the conclusion of the deal, Evelyn mentioned the following day. There seems to be a different quest. He also had a secret story to share with the princess.


"Of course."

Evelyn left the Merchant Guild with a shotgun. Now that you have information about the enemy strongholds, you'll be moving quickly.

After she left, Harun wanted to examine the fragments of wisdom she had received in return, but there was no time for that. There was another man who came to see him.


It was Mobius who grabbed his hand in greetings. It seemed that Ares and Raleigh Harun had heard the news.

"It's been a while."

"Yes. I've been working on it."

"So, how have you been?"

"I became an information merchant, so I lived in information."

Mobius' mood was much different than before, as if that were true. Even though I still had a slim appearance and fancy and spicy outfit, unlike before, I had a heavy prayer, so I couldn't easily deal with it.

"Looks like you made some money."

"Hahaha! This is all thanks to you."

It was true. His awareness had risen considerably as he opened a huge fire. Reality or Beyond's intelligence organization was walking the expansion day, and the incoming money was a pretty good shot.

"I've heard stories from Ares. Mind if I join you?"

After tasting it a few times, he wants to be a part of this.

"Take care of it."

With his ability, I can take more than Ares.

"Thank you. We will keep the compensation issue the same as before."

It didn't matter because it wasn't a big deal anyway. The face of Mobius, who had achieved his purpose here, has finally been completely unravelled. Harun asked because he suddenly remembered something about him.

"How are you doing with the tide?"

It reminded me of a flush that didn't suit Mobius.

"Yes. Last time I was invited home to dinner."


That's great. I may have lived a life of shame before, but I'm now the head of an information organization. To the extent that his father admitted it.

If you try like this, it won't be difficult to become a Noble like Seung Ryu's father.

"How is it today? I haven't heard from my brother in a while."

"Ah! I see. I heard the commander went to a dangerous place to handle a secret quest."

It was also the head of the information organization. I didn't think I'd be keeping track of myself that far.

"Our world is not in chaos these days."

"Is something wrong?"

I'm still curious about what I did.

"There have been major explosions in several places, including the capsule factory."

"Really? Was there an accident?"

"That's not it. I've heard that the safe houses there are natural or accidental explosions, and I've heard that the scale of the explosion is terrorist.

The capsule manufacturing plant is neither a place to produce hazardous flammables, nor is it an accident. "

"Hm. Then there won't be any more estramorwn coming here."

Mobius was the face described above compared to Harun, who showed a subtle interest.

"That's not it. Most foreigners don't care. The entire factory didn't explode, only the capsule production line of high specifications was destroyed.

From what I understand, there will be no more advanced capsules in the future. "

"Hmm. Who would do such a thing?"

"I see."

Mobius pauses, his eyes gleam and whispers low.

"I heard a strange sound. In fact, there was a very important study going on where the explosion happened. That's why unions around the world have dispatched outstanding scientists and engineers.

and precision instruments, including rare materials. "

"Then someone must have been after him."

"I think so. I tried to use all the lines I had, but I didn't know what they were."

Möbius was a poor face, but Harun bought his ability to acquire even that much information. It is not easy to get that far without belonging to three tissues of cancer.

"In the process, we acquired more unintended information."

"What is it?"

"There have been large explosions in zones F and C, and unlike capsule factories, there were warehouses and entertainment facilities. It is said that entertainment facilities are related to the large forces that govern the underground economy and that the warehouse is also a secret place.

The story from the Pentagon has something to do with a dark organization called Glory Gaia. "

"Oh! Yes."

In the meantime, the intelligence has expanded tremendously. I didn't think Glory Gaia's name would come from Mobius' mouth. That's how powerful Mobius is.

"That's actually not the point. There is a story that flows secretly among the Nobles in Sector S. Soon we will be reducing the barrier considerably in our Union, and as there has been precedent among other Unions, we are quite reliable."

That's an amazing story. I've heard that story before. But when I heard it from Mobius, it sounded completely different.

"Then what about the villagers?"

"I don't know about that. When they got the information, they started a covert information ship, and at least the residents of Union in Area F were moving inward towards the border with District E.

From what I see, at Union, we're going to try to shrink this by half or up to a third. "

"Hm. We should let your brother know, too."

"Yes, I think we should. So I'm moving fast, too."

If what Mobius says is true, the Borders' habitation, which is often called Beehouse, will all be exposed outside the barrier.

Perhaps Union is trying to put all the Borders, who have decided this time to be useless, into the mouths of mutants.

"By the way, do me a favor."


"A few large guilds I know would like to meet some storm troopers."

If a large guild finds itself, it's easy to know what it's about.

"Is it the siege?"


It was an unexpected offer, but I was intrigued. He thought the same thing. At least one place came here with the intention to participate in the Siege War.


"It's okay. If the commander accepts, I'll tear it out as much as I can." "

Mobius' negotiating power was reliable. Even if it wasn't, I didn't have to go through a bothersome process as much as I was thinking about it in the first place, so I liked it more in some ways.

"All right! Push it. I will participate in three places in two days' time."

"On a daily basis?"

Harun sounds impossible to Mobius, but he has nothing to worry about for Mino and Sunni.

"We will deal with the witches in each castle, the Dark Mages and the Warp Mages. In other words, most sieges have to be fought on their own. However, once the Black Magic Team is gone, we can use intact power, and if we destroy the Warp Wizards, we won't be able to get reinforcements, so we should be able to do that."

"Yes? A warp sorcerer? I heard that the Mana flow is unsettling here, making warp impossible."

Mobius, of course, had no idea.

"No. The number of Darknesses stationed in the mined castle is on average 5,000. But the top floor of the building in the middle of their castle is a drawing of an ancient sorcerer that allows for warp."

"Ah! I see."

Mobius has finally understood the enormous power of the Darkness. The secret of Darkness' power, which has grown to 20,000 people, was the result of the possible warp that everyone thought was impossible.

"Tomorrow, an article on the secrets of the Darkness will be spread by Ares. So you won't have any problem talking."

"He'll take care of it again, thanks to you."

Mobius envies Ares.

"Take care of yourself this time."

"Huh-huh-huh! Do you have one? I'll take care of it."

Mobius leaves with a joyful face.

'I need to give Mobius more strength. He's as powerful as Hersh for information as he is for the future.'

Harun nods, looking behind him.

'We'll have to report this to the base sooner than later.'

I wanted to see Belle and Ari, and I wondered how things were going with the GPC, and I thought it was good. Harun took care of the situation and logged out discreetly.


As he came out of the capsule, the bell ran and put him in his arms.

"Belle, are you okay now?"

"Yeah. I'm not really hurt. I'm injured."

There were no real traces on Bell's face and neck that gleamed with Harun's apprehensive reaction.

"I'm so glad!"

Harun holds the bell in his arms and turns a few times.

"Ouch! I feel dizzy!"

I don't know why he likes dizziness.


"She went to the Titan Walker Hangar. They'll be here soon. We've notified them."

"Now the dead bunker has less attention. It was a close call."

"Okay, brother. I'm just afraid to think about it. I didn't know it was so dangerous to share consciousness. If I'd spent my abilities entirely on base work, I'd have caught those guys blending in, and if I'd just focused on the replacement, I wouldn't have gotten caught by them.

I'm so sorry to think of the brothers and sisters who got confused and died because of me, who became a prisoner, after taking care of many things at the same time because I was arrogant of my own abilities. "

Harun strokes Bell's head, looking at her sad eyes. They talked about base work for a while. Hearing Bell's words, he doesn't seem to have anything to do with it right now.

The brothers and sisters of the base were already working on repairs, and Bell was returning safely and smoothly. But Bell wept for a moment as she was still feeling guilty.

"Bel, this is not about you. Maybe we had to get up once to make our base stronger. But where did it end like that?"

"That's true, but I'm sorry. Anyway, it helped me figure out some important things."

At last, Belle's eyes glow brightly as the conversation changes.


"Yes. Our vengeance drove the dead bunker crazy. I've outlined some of the most important things they're trying to do."

"What's that?"

Harun swallows a saliva. It was instinctively tense.

"A long time ago, the researchers at Dead Bunker found anti-aging genes and body strengthening genes in mutants and humans.

We can't propagate those genes with current technology, but it's possible to extract them and transplant them into stem cells. That's why the dignitaries at GG are swarming for results. "

"Is that even possible?"

Harun couldn't be trusted. Whales have always hoped for a healthy body and immortality. Even in the age of the Apocalypse, the truth and many powerful people used to "crap" to achieve such a life.

"It's possible. Some of the data Azman's sister has suggested that tens of thousands of years of extraterrestrial intelligence have lived on this planet. And at the end of the Apocalypse, there were cases where they were actually sold for anti-aging substances."

"So the purpose of the Dead Bunker was immortality?"

"Yes, according to a researcher who embraced fleas, Glory Gaia's key figures were given periodic injections of anti-aging substances as well as periodic treatments to convert the body to a new body using biological cyborgs born with gene replication techniques."


It's amazing.

"According to Azman's analysis, the unidentified group leading GG may have been alive since the dawn of Human Resources."

It's not surprising. It's terrible. Even if you're born with human strength, if you're more than 120 years old, if you think you're going to be somewhat old, you're a monster.

"But the genes that we've discovered and a lot of experiments that have allowed us to secure these things are not only preventing aging, but also improving them into a body that can move around in contaminated environments outside the barrier."

"..... I can't believe it."

If that's true, it's natural that GG's factors will converge into the dead bunker.

"Based on the researcher's memory, Azman's sister guessed that hundreds of thousands of human beings were dissected and experimented alive for the work to date. Mutants are more than that. They're horrible."

"Yes, that's right!"

Harun sharpened his teeth. He was unwittingly subjected to them and almost died at their hands, but he was fortunate to meet Belle and Ari. Others, however, would have had to undergo anatomical experiments, suffering desperately from their ambition without committing any sin.

"Anyway, that's the procedure you told me about. So there's a lot of people in the dead bunker now. But the bombing that we're having is a riot."

"Is that why there were so few perimeter guards?"

"I will. But if it wasn't for your work, you'd be cautious because you were working closely with each other in cancer."


At that moment, Ari leaps in, opening the door. Ari, in his oil and greasy work clothes, ran toward Harun, making sure he was touching the machine.



Along with a soft fuselage of coarse arii, a distinctive scent makes Harun smile tightly inside her.

"Tsk! It's too small for me."

Ari, who gave away one item, gives out his lips.

"What's the matter? You're so skinny that one breast is enough for your brother, but she has volume and is narrow on one side. Will you leave the child out of this for the love of your life?"

At Ari's words, Bell glances at Harun's shapely breasts and her breasts, pressed against Harun's hard chest, and her lips flutter silently.

"Haha! Sometimes our bells get beaten."

"Tsk! I'm not being beaten, I'm being ridiculous. I have nothing to say. We can't accept that a mature woman is ignorantly comparing her body's developmental state."

"Oh! Really? I think your head is better than yours."

That's also true. In terms of brain capacity, Azman's subchain arri is much higher.

Bell turned so cute with a blush of anger, but if you leave it in an ideal state, it will definitely make you pinch. Harun, who had once been scolded by a girl during puberty, quickly stepped in.

"I have important information!"

When I think about it, Bell and Ari immediately turn their attention to Harun's frozen face.


"What is it?"

"The information Mobius brought is that Union is likely to significantly reduce the barrier soon. I think he's right."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. It would have a big impact on our base, too, if it were true."

I don't know if it's a simple barrier reduction, but what if I abandon the people who live there?

"That doesn't give us the exact date, so we can't call a base chief meeting right now. Moreover, I was asked by the sun to do this. Right now, I need to focus my strength on the dead bunker....."

I was going to ask you about it.

"Oh, dear! How'd it go?"

"Thinking about the future, we decided to get the materials we needed for the business that the three of us had planned. for at least a hundred years."

"Well done!"

I wasn't going to let the dead bunker get away anyway. If barrier reduction is imminent, the work on the dead bunker may be slowed down. A troop will be needed to clear up the chaos due to barrier reductions.

"Now we need a strategy to minimize our damage and target fisheries."

"Let the three of us figure that out. Maybe there's a better way."

It's strange how Ari looks when he says that.

"What's a good move?"

"Do you remember the outsiders who became members of the base a while ago?"

"Yes, I remember. They gave us intel on HG."

"That's not all they told me, actually."

Harun urges Ari with hot eyes.

"Actually, they met up with the Orcs on their way to our base."

Bell interrupts you to see if you're jealous of being left out of the conversation for a long time.


"But they were looking for the dead bunker."

"How did the ogres know about the dead bunker?"

"That's it. They don't know. Anyway, if you give me the names of the kidnappers and the location regularly, I'll let them go."

"Is that even possible?"

"They have taken five children captive."


"We should go. Since we've already accepted them as family members, we should negotiate or go to war to save our children."

Ari's words interrupted like that felt strange.

"Those Orcs called themselves the Paru Clan, and they were in the middle of the Ford River, but they were more than tens of thousands of warriors. And they're not only looking for the dead bunker, they're looking for all the South Korean tribes in the north."

Hearing Bell's words, Ari seems to know what he's up to.

"Let's join forces with the Orcs, then?"


Ari nods.

"How can you trust them?"

"You can trust me. According to the latest intel from reconnaissance Hawks, from the north to the south, Oregon is quite intelligent, unlike traditional Oregons.

It uses dirt bricks to build buildings, and it also draws water paths and farms, and it has a variety of workshops. There are also a lot of outsiders who live in harmony with them. "

"Did you absorb Humans' civilization?"

"I think so. The warriors' power is much higher than I expected. It's unparalleled to Humans who use chi, but it's just physically proven to be several times more powerful than Humans."

"I and Azman were able to analyze their information from various routes, and they were progressive, but unlike Orgs so far, they were progressive, but not as destructive as Orcs so far.

Considering the ease of adoption and use of human civilization, including language and technology, it seems intelligent, and above all, does not shake its head like a human being. "

Both Bell and Ari are happy to see the new Org.

"I'll have to tackle them first."

Harun's words drop, and Bell and Ari look each other in the eye.

"They could be a big help to our base, brother!"

"I think so, too. Having an alliance can be a big force at the same time."

"Good. Consider them both. Then I'll take care of what happened to Beyond, so you two go ahead with it. And talk to the base members about the barrier reduction we talked about earlier. Get me an EEG as soon as you can."

"Okay, leave that to us, brother. I'll see you in four days."

In four days, I can finish what Earl Harun was thinking.

We'll see about that, Glory Gaia! I will break your ambition with Beyond and reality. '

Harun regrets not being able to have a good time with Ari, but he had to return to Beyond because the situation did not give him that much time.

To Be Continued!

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