
(Evelyn Empress)

Harun returns to the keep, communicating with Hersh.

It's me, Harun.

Harun, why are you so late? You were worried.

Hersh greets his communication with a strange shout. I felt excessively welcome because I had no friends other than him, but it was good to hear a bright voice.

- There was a lot going on.

- I know that. But are you feeling okay?

- Yeah, thanks to you.

After exchanging greetings for a moment, Harun told me very little about what he had been through.

- That was close.

So, how about going back to the world, including the fortress?

Hersh returned to the headquarters in the Pyrin Imperial Empire for a moment and provided information that Harun was curious about. The Pyrin Empire and other emerging nations have now entered a calm period. It was because of the lack of anxiety that the armed forces were heading towards the Daggerbill Mountains. The Pyrin Empire, which has carried out the abolition of identity empires, including slavery, has remained somewhat uneasy, but the emperor's strong territory and excellent administrative organization has been using its life force to stabilize its citizens.

- Looks like the three empires are deploying an army into the Devil Mountains soon. The central armies and knights of each empire have already set out for it. I think I've got some alignment between the Temple Alliance and the Horse Tower Alliance. Seeing the High Council held yesterday in the three empires, he must have gained valuable information about the Darkness. Maybe it's information on their home base.

That's the information I sent to Queen Evelyn.

- Oh, right! Well, if it wasn't Harun, who would have found out about it? Anyway, I think the three empires are marching towards the mountains at the same time.

As time went by, Darkness had a terrifying power, though he felt that with every reference to the memory of the Forum being restored. Not all of the memories have been restored yet, but it is unclear that they are building an enormous number of reinforced undead and horse-drawn troops. We don't know why yet, but according to what we learned through fragments of memory, if we can get the natural stone that Darkness is in the land of chaos, their power will be increased two to three times more than it is today.

As time went on, their power became stronger. If we don't move faster, the three empires could collapse. No, not just that, but this whole Beyond world could be in the hands of Darkness. Harun was able to hear a lot of information from Hersh, including what was going on in each country.

- Soon the center of the world will be the Devil Mountains. So I'm going back there, too. When's Harun moving?

- He'll be near the fort for the next week.

- Okay, then I'll reach you inside the fort.

- I'll wait.

With Hersh by his side, there's nothing wrong with him being able to get information easily. I'll escort her myself so she doesn't have to worry about her safety. When you have just finished communicating with Hersh, you hear the sound of looking for him outside.


"Come in."

It was the oysters that came inside.

"What's going on?"

"The Empress has sent word that she will wait in the leaves of Ikel."

The tunnel inside whispers in secret. Harun informs his crew that he has an appointment and secretly goes out through the back door of the inn. I was well aware that 'The Leaf of Ikel' is the best restaurant in the fortress, set up recently by the most famous chef in the imperial province. Upon arriving at Ikel's leaf, Harun enters the room on the top floor, which the waiters promised not to notice by going inside through the back door. There, Evelyn, accompanied by two escorts, waits for him.


"Have you been waiting long?"

Ibelin asked me about her serious face.

"No, it's not a timeline. Don't worry about it."

Evelyn, who escorted her out, picked up a teapot that she had prepared for the dining room. It was already cold, but it seemed that the cup was full of tea, so I was in remission the whole time. She stops with a serious face instead of trying to say something to Harun. I suddenly thought of seeing her unable to speak easily and restless.

"Do you need security?"

Harun looks around carefully, seeing Evelyn's anxious attitude, he approaches her and whispers to her. Evelyn nods slightly instead of answering. I don't know what it was about, but I was interested in the fact that the princess had something to be nervous about.

What's going on? I don't have Lord Taniella or Lord Myrus, so I can't use my soundproof magic. '

I had an idea at that moment.

"If Ibelin were capable of this, wouldn't she be able to communicate using EEG? '

There are many kinds of abilities. But it was a common use of strong will, so it could have been as possible. Harun focused his mind on just in case, and sent his will to Ibelin on an EEG.

- Can you hear me?

At first, there was no reaction, but several times I sent her my thoughts, and suddenly her eyes widened as if they were tearing. Harun, who was sitting in front of him, clearly heard his voice, even though his lips were tightly closed. It was also a voice that was conveyed directly into my head, not through my ears. Evelyn nods unconsciously and glows. A few moments later, her little mouth moves silently. Harun was able to understand what her lips meant, even though there was no sound.

- Do you want to know how?

Evelyn nods.

- I was using my brainwaves to convey my will. Think of it as focusing your will and sending it to me. So desperately.

Since Harun's explanation was rough and this was the first time, Ibelin could not easily send an EEG. I wanted to explain something, but Harun also did not know the detailed process or method.

- Look at me. Look me in the eye and open your mouth. This time, look at me and think slowly about what you want to say in your head. I can hear something faint. Okay, let's make it stronger.

After trying for a while, the two of them are finally able to match the frequency of the opposing brainwaves. It started with a word and then expanded to a sentence with meaning, but it was very fast.

- Captain Harun, do you copy?

- Yeah, it's all natural now.

- What the hell is this?

- As I said before, this is an EEG conversation, an EEG communication. It's also called a running aptitude conversation.

I've heard it before in real life. They say it's a considerable level of ability. But I'm amazed it's even possible here!

Evelyn was surprised at what she did.

- With EEG communications, no one will be able to intercept. We don't even know if it's an AI computer embedded in the capsule you're using.

In Bell's case, the AI computer embedded in a super-class or special-class capsule is imprinted. The capsule's owner is spiritually connected, but the imprinted opponent, against the owner's doctor, is unconscious and will send the desired information. If what Azman said before is true, the EEG is unique to every image that comes to mind, so it cannot be detected by any machine. The sound of the capsule surprised Evelyn as she opened her eyes wide. I didn't know Harun even knew that.

How do you know this? '

Harun is a complete stranger to her. I lived in another world and knew too many of the great secrets of reality that I didn't even know myself.

- Excellent ability to transmit EEG communications in such a short time.

That said, Evelyn smiled at the vase, but it looked beautiful like a bud.

It's the most pleasant compliment I've ever had in my life.

Evelyn frowns at her nose with a cheeky, fresh look she's never seen before. Having performed her extraordinary abilities at a young age, she has heard many compliments in her life, but has never heard such compliments as Harun's.

- Captain Harun seems to know, but in fact, all capsule users who are more than specialized are under scrutiny.

Harun didn't pretend to know, but he didn't even ask.

- Our organization is outnumbered, but we're still connecting the highest level of artificial intelligence computers to their capsules so we can monitor their progress in real time.

Evelyn didn't know about the engraving. She meant watching the capsule in the Human Guard. Harun didn't want to talk about imprinting.

- All capsule users?

Almost. Normal capsules made by Imperial Companies, as well as special capsules, were hidden away before they were released. You can keep track of the members of your organization in real time or at a later time at a special institution in your headquarters. I can't believe you're even doing that.

- And the special grade and the super grade capsules?

- They're not the same. For two capsules, it's hard to do that with an AI computer built into it. However, our organization is limited, but the words of the capsule users are automatically recorded on the built-in computer and communicated to the main computer.

- Does that mean GG and GPC are more likely?

- Maybe.

- Does anyone else know about this?

- No, I also stumbled upon it.

Evelyn did not reveal how she found out.

- That's amazing.

Harun's words reveal his sympathy with a serious nod.

- So what you're trying to tell me here is that you're against your own organization?

- Yeah, so I hesitated. I tried to have a conversation in writing, but if you ask me to have a pen and paper ready, it might even take a while. But thanks to Captain Harun, I know how to do this. But can you communicate with everyone on EEG?

- Not that I know of. It may be possible to convey unilaterally in some cases, but both must have some capability to be interactive.

- Amazing, 'cause you're a man of your talents.

- It's an ability that I've somehow acquired.

In Evelyn's eyes, she looked at Harun, and with an intense curiosity that had never been seen before, she came to the light of awe.

- You're a very mysterious man. I don't know if I'm a stranger or a resident of this world, or if I'm confused, or if I don't know where it ends.

It's true. Known as a Spirit Warrior, but excellent swordsmanship as well. In addition to using strange powers, I am now more proficient than myself, as well as having these abilities. Harun's eyes were overwhelming with the heat of Ibelin's eyes.

- You've changed your appearance a lot over the years. I showed my hair and looked much younger, and the atmosphere was much smoother. And so is behavior.


Harun's disappearance is absurd. When I heard that Evelyn looked young, I felt a little offended, but I realized how presumptuous she used to look.

- Anyways, no one's gonna hear you. I'll talk to him.

Actually, I have a request to make to the chief.

- Is this about your world?

- Maybe, maybe not.

What the hell is this? '

Harun looks at her with interesting eyes.

- For now, I would like to serve as a foreigner, not as a princess of the Pyrin Empire.

In Ibelin's words, Harun had a hunch that she would be as honest as that and ask for something.

- Okay, if that's convenient for you. because I'm not an identity person.

I'm well aware of that.

Ibelin smiles a little, reminding of Harun who was beaten in front of her.

- First, let me give you an update on my situation. I'm part of an organization called the Human Guard, as you know. I was born with a lens, and I lived with my foster parents until I was seven. It was a horrible nightmare for me, and I was abused by my foster parents and my childhood because of the support that Union paid me. It turned out that they had a great potential for this ability, and they were transferred to a special institution at Union, and they met with their parents shortly after.

Ibelin also has an intraocular lens? '

This is amazing. Is she one of those lenses that was born by three new identities?

- They told me the secret of my birth. And they pulled me out of the facility. My parents were great family people. They were also at the top of the organization, but within Union, we had so-called Nobles with immeasurable power and power. I hoped that I would find my parents who were not loved and that I would be able to live with them in a new environment.

I've already heard that there are artificial lenses that find their parents like Evelyn. As the New Human Project became known around the world, there were quite a few people looking for lenses that were born with their genes, just in case.

- But was he expecting too much? I wasn't recognized by them. They were just children, parents, and they had no love at all, and they thought of me as more of a guarantee of their power than a child. They were sent to special educational institutions run by organizations instead of their own homes.

Harun felt a heavy feeling on her face that had just fallen away. It reminded me of the despair everyone felt in the lenses.

- I grew up in a special place where I collect and educate non-capable people. Later on, I found out that it was an educational facility called Human Guard, a girls' hymn school that nurtured these abilities. There, in addition to the general curriculum, we trained them to express their cerebral education and abilities to Iresin. The girls' hymns were brutal. Once a year and a half, if I failed the assessment, I was sent somewhere.

Damn it!

Why do lenses have to live like this for almost everyone? Most of the lenses he knew did not experience a happy childhood. No, I'm still having a hard time. It's horrible and unfair to be born without a parent, and I can't believe I have to live like this.

- There was an orphan with a placenta. I was in good hands. I don't like it, but my parents come to see me sometimes. The other kids were so jealous, but I didn't feel loved by them. When I tried to get close, my mother's unconscious reaction and my father's cold reaction gave me more grief and loss than ever before. Now I wonder if they're really my parents.

Harun was also able to fully sympathize with her emotional state as she had grown unfamiliar with the lens. Ibelin's eyes are warmer than her pride. I could feel Harun accepting his heart completely, not feeling sorry for himself or wearing colored glasses.

- But he was a Noble and a little skillful, so he went from a 10-year high school girl to a platoon commander, and when he graduated two years ago, he was considered a top talent officer and assigned to the Soho Special Forces at the top of the Human Guard's battlefield. And before Bjorn came out, he came into the world as a beta tester.

Even Harun's face was stiff because of the despair and pain she felt during her life, although the past was briefly explained.

- I owe you too much. But I always wanted to tell my story to someone. Commander Harun is from here, so it's nice to talk about him like this.

- I don't believe in God. But I think anyone who's born with a soul has the meaning of life. Maybe that's what life is all about.

- Yeah, it doesn't hurt as bad as it used to. I found my own meaning in living the world.

- What's that?

- It's a new world, not a world defined by identity, but a world made up of effort and ability. I want to create a society that is fair in its abilities and outcomes, yet caring about its weaknesses. not only this world, but the world in which I was born.

'This woman… she was much more amazing than I expected!'

Harun was greatly impressed with Ibelin.

'I've only dreamed of becoming physically strong, but this woman has been dreaming big for Humans in her miserable life.'

It is not to be judged that her life was more comfortable than Harun's. Life is confronted.) can only be judged by people. In other words, objective judgment cannot be intervened. Life is what makes me feel unhappy, no matter how envious people may be.

- You're having the same dream I am. That's the kind of world I dream of. Where people live, it's explicit or not, but I want a world where they can be recognized for their hard work and where the strong can live with the weak.


Wouldn't a world like that be worth living in?

Ibelin's face turns red when she hears Harun's words. Those who dream like themselves have never even met in real life. although I hardly had a chance to speak up and confirm that.

I had no idea Captain Harun, who was so different from me.

- People don't think because they haven't broken the framework around them, and if someone gets ahead and breaks the framework and breaks the limits, they all dream about it.

For a while, the two of them were able to have a joyful conversation about their dream world.

- But to achieve that dream, you need to have more power and influence.

Evelyn looks ashamed of Harun's question.

- In the meantime, I was able to become one of the three Amad Junior Vice Principals, an intermediate rank of Human Guard, with the help of many people and efforts. The Amad Youth Group consists of six armed forces, 22 corporations and two political organizations. It's an organization that encompasses reality and the world here. As a new vice owner, I work for one of those organizations and three corporations. They're all very relevant organizations in the world.

Perhaps it has something to do with Evelyn becoming the Empress of the Pyrin Empire.

- But here's the weird thing. I wasn't given what I deserved if I did what I did here.

- What if I have to?

- The right kind of power and power. For example, we have 100 super-grade capsules and 10,000 users in our organization. They are of course high rankers because of the amazing power of the capsule. But I, the deputy director of the Amad Youth Corps, had no idea what their game was like. Not only that, I have less than 1,000 members of my armed forces. We don't know anything about the trends in other minorities or minorities.

That's definitely weird. In the eyes of the Human Guard, as she is the Empire's Empress, her utility is infinite.

'Even if HG isn't distrustful of Ibelin, something special has been happening in secret since before she became a co-owner.'

Harun closes his eyes with a sudden thought. Some of the broken memories of the Forus were united to see if they were stimulated by Ibelin's words. There are quite a few warriors in the Tar Basin, aside from the dark knights of Darkness. Many of them wore gold plates. Forus knew they were the escort warriors of the Hell Merchant Guild, but he was strangely surprised at how many of them didn't fit the upper ranks. Forus worked with the Darkness, but he didn't have a deep relationship, and he didn't care about anything but magic. But Harun is different.

Did you have a slut? '

Those who rebel but have the benefit of joining forces and controlling the world among the rocks are quite possible.

- You have no idea where they are?

- Yeah, that's why I'm nervous. It's clear that the Amad youth shorts and their co-owners are here in the world, but they have no idea where they're doing it. If you ask your superiors, they are training in some kind of place to improve their skills, but I don't think so. It makes no sense that the Darkness is still practicing in such a compulsive state.

You're right. I should have seen the move already.

- So you want information about them?

- Yeah.

Harun hesitates for a moment. Whether to accept her as a quest or make her a friend.

'Let's show them my hand and find out what Evelyn thinks. We don't have enough inside information, but if we're friends, we can help each other.'

Harun finally opens his mouth, deciding his mind.

- Just in time, there's one highly classified piece of information that might be relevant.

- What is it?

Harun told me a series of facts from Forus' memory, looking at Evelyn's anticipated face.

They're dealing with the Darkness?

She seemed to be familiar with the Hell Merchants Guild. (Goldron: The typos are making me crazy... She's a bitch › m2.)

- Yes, at least a thousand knight-class warriors have entered their strongholds because of the Merchant Guild escort.

Ibelin's face turns cold as she hears Harun's words.

- Eventually, the top ordered it to swallow up the Hell's Guild. I was against it.

Is that what happened? '

- Is there anything you can deduce from that?

I think they're trying to ditch me or keep me out of something important.

- How does that lead to a conclusion?

After the pyrine empire was founded, there was a recommendation from the great Senate of the organization. It was more about taking over the dark side and getting to the Hell Merchants Guild, which is moving the underground economy than it is about raising taxes against the existing merchants of the world.

- What about it?

- But I turned my back on that order. Smuggling and manufacturing, prostitution, drug trafficking, merchandise -- it took a little bit longer than it needed to take place in the world, but it took a little bit of convincing. That's the dirty work of Glory Gaia in our world. It eats the world and pollutes it, and eventually it kills them all, except for a few that are exclusive to themselves and wealth. So I got the right to speak at the Amur Youth Enhancement Executive Conference to announce the injustice of that recommendation, and I ultimately withdraw it.

- So that's what this is about.

Something I said that day must have gone up. The world view or the social institution in my speech would have been completely interpreted. So I understand a series of situations that are happening around me right now. And yet, some of the things that I've done have been very conflicting with the interests of the organization, so maybe that's a good thing.

Ibelin finally realized all the situation, grumbled a lot and eventually sharpened her teeth. Somehow, I was anxious. I expected many requests from the organization after becoming the Empress of the Pyrin Empire, but there were no oddly excessive demands. In particular, he expected to use his power to establish the Human Guard Guild, but that did not happen.

Besides, I wasn't given the right kind of force! '

Most of the members of her Human Guard are merchants. I'm working with the administration. Although the knights and wizards were in her group of forces, none of them were very good. They all went to the other battlefield before being assigned to them. So there were very few strangers in her knights.

"If you look at this, you'll either get rid of me in the future or you'll do something else without my permission!" '

You tremble. No matter what anyone sees, she has become the Empress of the Pyrin Empire and gained a substantial share of the empire's power, but the Human Guard has not admitted it. In his opinion, the organization seemed to think differently, although it was an enormous public offering for short-term seating rather than vice owners.

- I'd like to make a request.

- Do it.

- Identify the weak human guard's movements in my world and here in the world. I don't think the goal is just to take over the Hell's Guild.

Obviously, the two forces are up to something. There are self-immolating Harun and a squadron of thundering mercenaries on Earth, so I'll leave that to them.

- Please, now that I know the truth, I'll be more active.

- Okay, then I'll take the quest. No, it's not a quest, it's a request from a colleague on the same path.

Harun had no intention of taking the commission against Evelyn, who had become a kite strapped from the Human Guard. She was willing to accept what she wanted as a favor from a friend.

So we're partners now?

- Hehe! I'm sure he's a colleague on the same path with the same intentions.

Evelyn looks at him with a strong look at Harun's words. Her eyes felt a warm feeling that had never been seen before.

- I need a favor.

- What is it?

- Promise me you'll listen.

- Yes?

His face was reminded of a playful expression, but his gaze was filled with shyness.

- I've been jealous of other people my whole life.

- You did?

- I found my parents, but I knew I was a tool at a young age. For them, I was the one I didn't want. He was recognized as a child because he had an innate ability that he expected from the organization.

Harun looks at Ibelin, his eyes moistened with pity.

'Maybe it's better to be on my side.....'

I'd rather have no parents like that. Harun hates the current Union system for a number of reasons, but the most fundamental one is that it encourages the collapse of the family, the smallest unit of society. Instead of family values, Union is taking material and competent topography.

Growing up in such an environment, Humans became more concerned with themselves as family information and worshipped material things, including money and power. Harun's view of society was the family expansion, the smallest unit. The concept of expanding from family to friends and neighbors was the right society for him to think.

- I feel lonely and meaningless when I think that if I start living like this and die, there won't be anyone to cry for me.

Of course, nowadays, in Union society, when a family dies, they don't grieve much. I have never been so sad about it. Human relationships were basically shallow and narrow. Union promoted such a relationship. The more selfish people are, the easier it is to manage. Societies where everyone only cares about individual persistence do not have large variables.

- So I've always dreamed of having a real friend or family.

At this moment, Evelyn's face showed no visible shadows of cold light. There is only one girl who needs to be cared for like Belle. The image of a little girl who was weeping bitterly in loneliness because she was not loved, provoked his feelings. Maybe that's why his heart suddenly popped out.

- I'll be his friend and family.


Harun nods heavily at Ibelin, his eyes wide open. Evelyn's eyes became more intense and a bright smile came to her mind, and her tears grew thick and flowed on her face.


Ibelin just cries, not knowing what to do with the overwhelming emotions. I learned and experienced a lot in the organization, but never in this case. When she received this warmth, she did not know what to do. Harun raises her like that and hugs her still. Unlike when I saw her as a princess, I could feel her body trembling, shaking, not overcoming the stimulus caused by intense emotions.

- Don't cry, Evelyn. I'll protect you!

Ibelin can't answer Harun's words warmly and calmly, but just bursts into tears, holding him in his arms wide and firm.

- Brother, Harun, Brother!

Evelyn took Harun as her guardian. He is confident that he will be able to protect himself in any situation. Harun's decision was impulsive, but he didn't regret it. My heart was warm and full just what she liked.

'I'm not your brother, I'm your friend.'

Harun was a little disappointed that Evelyn accepted him as a brother instead of a friend. Its presbyopia never goes away, even though it's been through a body chain.

Harun will protect you from the world you live in. He's my alter ego.

- Self immolation?

He and I are like souls. Believe it or not, we share our souls, acting differently in different worlds.

- Is that even possible?

Was it too much to try? Ibelin did not understand at all.

- We didn't know this was possible. It's hard to explain, but he and I are the same. So if you have any trouble in your world, ask him.

Evelyn couldn't quite understand it, but she believed Harun for some reason. Thinking about what he has done so far, his knowledge of the world he lives in, and his conversations through brainwaves, two Harunns have abilities that cannot be understood rationally.

- We have a little sister named Belle. He'll be your brother now, too.

Belle? Haha! I'm so excited.

Evelyn was excited about the existence of a sister she didn't even recognize as if she had gone back to her own heart.

- What do they look like? Do you want me to admit my sister's sudden appearance? Would he like to be cool and cremated like his age?

Evelyn is unconscious that her thoughts are being conveyed to Harun through her brainwaves, and is briefly obsessed with Bell's existence and wakes up.

- It's good to have a family! My heart feels warm and comfortable just thinking about it.

It was a completely different feeling than when I met my parents, but for some reason it was good. Even though she was no longer alone, her feelings that had made her lonely and difficult at every turn disappeared. Surprisingly, when I called him brother, I was taken for granted and confident as it had been for a long time.

- So do I. You have another family to rely on in this rugged Sesame.

- Thank you, brother. I'll be a good brother from now on.

I don't know how much work we can do to help each other because we live in different unions in real life, but there will be a lot of work to do here. Moreover, she is being ignored even by her own organization.

I didn't know you sounded so good, Harun.

Evelyn recalled how many times she liked the word "brother." For a while, the two of them were getting to know each other, building up brotherly love, and talking about many other things. Evelyn moved out in a footstep that wouldn't fall until nightfall.

- Next time, call me Evel, brother.

-... got it. Please be careful.

You're worried about me, aren't you? Somehow it warmed me up. I really think I have a family.

- Please be careful and send an EEG at any time. I'll get back to you as soon as I have any information regarding your request.

- Thank you, Harun! I'm leaving now.

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