

It was a good thing that Evelyn had a half-sister. Harun felt good the whole time he was coming back to the Merchants Guild. In addition to having a new sister, I felt confident that I had a colleague who dreamed of the same world.

'Ibelin and I dream of a world similar. It's definitely better than the world she's dreaming of.'

It was a pity that Evelyn could have done more wonderful things if she had been strong. I have great ideas and personal abilities to change the world, but I don't have the power to dedicate it to her now. Having lived so tragically so far, I do not intend to change the world and lead people to a better life. But I can help you open up that world. Evelyn is different. She shows weakness in herself, but she has the power to draw in firm political convictions and people, not to mention the gentle charisma he lacks.

'I don't have that kind of ability, and I don't care about that kind of passion. I just have to do the best I can.'

I was relieved to think so. I want to stop worrying about it. I just want to be satisfied with doing my best.

"I wish I had my people in GG and GPC anyway! '

This situation is slowly empowering itself, so I thought I could do decisive damage if I just had the information. Fortunately, the Forus memory was absorbed, but it was still incomplete, and there was no recent information of the two forces in reality and here in the world. There were some faces that came to mind.

"What about Peron?"

I am confident that if I can train with Peron, I will do huge damage to GG. But he had already given up his life in the real world. His dream is to bring the three gods and the brothers of the lens into this world using the magic circle.

What if the superego computer embedded in the capsule is inadvertently informing GG headquarters of the capsule's user behavior? '

If GG is secretly monitoring members of the organization like Human Guard, he could be in danger. If you hid the conversation by magic at the time, but do not know this, you will surely expose your thoughts or actions against the organization. Perhaps the existence of an organization called the 15 Apostles and their intentions could have been immediately exposed to the top of the GG.

'I hope to see you again soon.'

If he had not remembered the precautions that Feron had given him when he was at risk of being eaten by Forest in his unconscious world, his soul would have surely perished. Harun was feeling quite fond of Peron.

'How about some sea training?'

Harun considers for a moment and shakes his head. Clearly, she has a strong influence on information and power, but she was born a Noble and has lived her life loyally as a Noble. You don't even have to talk about it.

Is she the only one, then? '

The figure that came into Harun's head was the current. When I think of her, Harun looks strange. As a result of his father's self-sufficiency, the current incorporation into Noble was not as conscious as the sea training. I am well aware of the absurdity of this society while participating in the corporate race, as I have experienced both Nobles and the destruction of identity systems. But there was a problem.

'I have feelings that are burdensome to me, so I don't want to get involved...'

Harun also knows that his mind is not clear about him. Concerns about having a more intimate relationship at this point caused him to conflict with what might eventually make her difficult.

'But right now, I need something concrete.'

General information can only be obtained by Bell, Ari and Azman. But Harun, who has determined to deal with the great forces that rule the world in the dark, needs more special information.

'Let's talk to the currents first!'

You have to listen to the idea of currents. You will need to know what the world she dreams of looks like before you can ask for help. You can't force a friend to do it. After hours of carrying on, Harun decided to leave the cabin. He may be in Koem Castle, but he might be here, so I decided to go look for him first. Dylan sits outside the room, locked in meditation, and then looks at him and stands up. Harun's eyes widen. Before he was a nobleman, he was faithful to the knights, so he was Dylan who served as a mercenary, but Harun was always feeling unclean to him.

"Where are you going?"

"Sir Dylan, I'm going to the Koem Merchants Guild. Come with me."

"Yes. But some of the torturers seem bored."


Then I got here and I couldn't get the torture right. Outside, I saw advisors from the Great Warrior gathered to talk, but their expressions were overwhelming. They are not trained through meditation like Dylan, but they are still trained by themselves, so there is nothing to do in a place without a training ground. The Foucans have captured Taniella and Mirus and are still debating their relationship with magic.

'I see I haven't even given them the proper weapons.'

Harun comes out with all the advisors from the Great Warrior thinking it's a good time. Today, Matsurut Fortress has become infested with more people than the wandering eclipse. There were no branches here without the merchants, and a group of artisans from the Empire moved their Nodes or Branches there. If there is a difference in performance, it means that those with weapons are actively wandering around. It was the crowd of foreigners and mercenaries who were after the Darkness.

Advisors from the mountain tribes were attracted by many people. However, in the fortress, the attention was soon cooled, not only for foreigners with all kinds of different looks, but also for mercenaries. Harun enters the Workshop Street first and finds the Weapon Shop. Harun enters the place that looks the biggest because he doesn't know anything about it. He asks his advisors to choose a weapon. They've been fighting the beast their whole lives. They have already surpassed the level of weapon advantage in particular, but their love for weapons has remained distinct.

"Haha! What nice weapons."

"Look at me."

The torturers were busy looking at the various weapons with a genuine look on their faces as if they were children, away from the usual silence. The weapons here were of remarkably higher quality than their weapons refined by a tribal blacksmith who had been passed on in harsh conditions. All the hot heat flowed from the snow. However, his eyes were as tall as his own, so he could not choose his weapon easily. Harun, who saw it, whispered to his manager.

"Is there anything else?"

"Why not? In the basement, we keep a separate list of designs made by the great masters of the three empires."

The torturer's eyes widen as he goes down to the basement separately. Weapons that could recognize them as luxurious at first glance seduced their eyes.

'At least it's more than rare.'

Quality weapons and armor that appear to have been delivered from several places, not from a forge. Advisors only come here and eventually start picking out weapons one by one. They are weapons that anyone can see are prestigious, and since the Chosen One has a high status, there is no way to choose them carelessly. Dylan has a sword made by a dwarf, which he didn't pick, but Harun picked a belt with 50 well-trained slashers tucked tightly into it.

"It's going to be expensive, but will it be okay?"

The advisors who chose the weapon became concerned when they realized that the weapons they chose were not worth the price.

"Don't worry. I can buy as much as I want."

Harun yells loudly, but grimaces unknowingly when he makes the payment. It was much more expensive than I thought.

'Let's not think about their value for money.'

The new advisors have joined the mercenaries on different terms than Dylan. They were recruited with clues that they could leave the mercenaries at any time. In fact, they could not be fully part of the mercenaries because they were the last force the mountain tribes believed in.

"Thank you, Commander!"

"I'll work hard in the future."

"Haha! I was a little concerned that the children had better weapons than us. The commander is giving us a proper face."

A bright smile flashes across the faces of the torturers coming out of the weapons store. Even though the mountain tribes were more expressionless, the Great Warriors were especially more frightening and cold looking, they are now all greedy faces. Harun and Dylan, who saw it, smiled as if it was contagious.

'I need to find out if the torturers from Pomeranian need anything.'

Harun was quite surprised at the reactions of those torturers whom he had thought had been thrown away long ago, except for relief from his tribe and a higher hardship. No matter how old they get or how hard they get, they finally realize that they have all the basic needs. Harun, who left the weapon store in a pleasant manner, headed straight for the point at the Koem Merchants Guild.

The store at the top of the Koem was located in the center of the fortress. Large stores, which seemed to be more than ten times the size of the storm shop, were dealing with all kinds of goods. When I went into the store, the products were displayed in different types. Unlike other shops I visited briefly on my way here, I was able to take care of all my supplies and peek at my expertise.

'You've applied the mall.'

The intention of a KOM store was to allow all items to be purchased in one place, such as a physical mall. The shop was crowded enough that it would disturb others if they stood still.

"How can I help you, sir?"

While hesitating, the young lady with a clean appearance asked. He didn't look fabulous, but he had a very attractive eye. She was a strange girl who could see how wise she was with just her eyes.

"I'm here to see the manager, the crossroads master."

Harun's business makes the lady's eyes grow like rabbits.

"What business do you have?"

"My name is Harun."

"Ha.... Rune, if you're Harun, a gust?"

Harun nods, and the girl opens her mouth, closes it again, and swallows. Her eyes were filled with intense respect for Harun. I thought I heard something.

"I am Aileu, the innkeeper of Fort Matsurut. I've heard a lot about you from my sisters. So, what's the deal?" (Goldron: Oh… Y-you?)

"Is the current here?"

He looks nervous as Harun looks for the current.

"Yes, I'm in the backing now. I'll show you."

When he regained consciousness, his face was beautifully lit up with excitement. Seeing that the Currency Sisters were called sisters, it seemed that they were close. Harun and his advisors followed him to a huge amount of support. There were five warehouses on the third floor that looked like they had been stocked. Over 100 workers had unpacked and put their contents in storage.

"Sis, Seung Ryu!"

As he calmly guides the group, he sees the current conducting the workers and clerks, and suddenly starts running. Then he waved his hand calling out the name of the current. Suddenly, he acted like he was ten years old.


"Hehe! What a cute girl."

The torturers had already had a granddaughter of that age or had never married, so they watched him with warm eyes to see if his behavior was cute.

'Cute. I think it has something to do with currents.'

Whether his prediction was right, Currency struck her with a warm smile despite his uncivilized behavior. The face of the current next to him who was fingering Harun with his red face suddenly solidified, and it spread brightly after a while.


Currents start to rush in calling out Harun's name. She quickly ran in front of him, not intending to slow down at all, but jumping into his arms. Harun shakes his head slightly, but his arms are wide open. It wasn't an act between friends, but I didn't want to embarrass her in front of the others.


The long hair of the current leaping into Harun's arms, taking advantage of the rushing elasticity, gently strokes Harun's face and heads down. Her unique scent thickens into her nostrils.

"When did you get here?"


"Then why are you here now?"

'When someone sees you, they think they like each other, not their friends. No, our advisors are watching.'

"Ah! I have someone I want you to meet. These are our advisors."

It was the current that escaped Harun's arms. However, I was only slow to make sure I wasn't reluctant. However, the currents that turned their faces towards the torturers were transformed into a refined elegance.

"I am the current head of the Koem Merchants Guild. Nice to meet you."

After greeting him, he makes his own silent funeral to Dylan, who already has a face.

"Greetings, Miss Currency."

"Yes, Sir Dylan. Good to see you looking well."

Harun introduced Segae to the torturers by hand. Torture greeted her with a friendly face, accompanied by the story of her acquisition at the Koem Merchant Guild and her friendship with the mountain tribes. In fact, Harun accompanied me here to introduce the current to the advisers. In the future, dealings with mountain tribes will be devoted to the Storm Mercenaries and the Storm Merchants Guild, but if they are in a hurry, the Koem Merchants Guild may replace them, so they were intended to familiarize themselves in advance.

"Sir Dylan, I have a word with the current for a moment. I'm sorry, but it looks like you'll need to purchase some personal items from the store with others and head back first."

"I have enough money. Don't worry, boss."

Dylan goes back to the store after he has had enough of Harun's hidden bags of money.

"What are you doing here? I thought they were moving with the mountain tribes."

"I did. After I took two more castles, I came here."

"… how?"

It was recently reported that the mountain tribes had succeeded in the siege. It takes more than a full day to reach the fortress. Harun smiles at the eyes of the currents that are so large that wrinkles appear.

"There are Hidden crews in our mercenaries."

"Officer Hidden?

It's a face I don't understand any more. I suddenly felt that his face was cute. Given her actual age, she was much older than herself, but I didn't feel like she was older than everyone else.

"I came on a burroughbeak. It'll take them less than three hours to get here."


She had also heard that Harun was running a monstrosity called Virtuvik. But I didn't know that bird was going to fly this far in a few hours after it picked up a man.

"I see! The gale mercenaries are amazing. Are there any other Hidden crews?"

"Hehe! I'll tell you later."

"Tsk! Shame on you. You're not qualified to keep secrets from your friends. I don't have much of a secret for you!"


"Yes! I may not have told you something because I didn't have a chance, but I'm not hiding anything from you on purpose. I swear."

That's what she looks like. Suddenly I feel a little sorry. For her, it's not one or two things to cheat from an age.

"I'll talk slowly. It's not because I don't trust you. It's because of their position."

"Tsk! Okay. I know I'm pushing it. I understand, but I don't know why I'm upset."

Currents seemed to have a relatively good understanding of their emotional state, but were also sad.

"But what brings you all the way out here?"

"I'm here to get the necessities the mountain tribes need. There's also some work to be done here."

"What if I told you I missed you?"

"Haha! I missed you, actually."

That's true. I even thought about going to Koem Castle to see her. I was curious about how he was managing the castle.

"Haha! I would have done that a long time ago."

Currently, he smiled as if he had finally felt better. I can't say it's beautiful, but at this moment, she was charming enough. Harun's heart is slightly excited. Harun takes his eyes off her with difficulty and pulls the matter out.

"Is there something 100,000 people can spend six months on?"

At that point, the eyes of the current grew again.

"100,000 people?"

This is a lot more than I thought. Harun is not a difficult price to pay, so it will be a big deal.


The currents swallowed and opened their mouths in surprise.

"Yes. We'll take care of the transport."


The buyer is responsible for the transportation problem. This was the only way to swim to the ground. There were no problems with transportation problems in the Devil Mountains, full of monsters and horses. You've already installed a Merchant Guild Warp Wizard in the area facing the river with Matsu Plain. All you have to do is transport it from there to the fortress.

"You have to give me six days."

"It's possible."

As long as I think about it, I can afford it.

"Are you satisfied with 30% margin on the purchase price?"

"Great! It's nice to be friends with Currents."

Here at Matsurut Fortress, items can receive up to ten times as much. This is a really good price.

"Pay me back with magic hides instead."

"Magic Hide?"

"Yeah. I've been having some trouble with the armor I made at Tarim Workshop lately."

Probably. Leather armor in the Tarim Workshop, which was sold exclusively at the Gust Shop, was lightweight, wearable and had comparable protection to plate mail.

"It's natural that the number of people you're looking for has increased explosively, but they need supplies. Among the foreigners, the Pyrin Imperial Court, and the three empires, nobles, and knights, there are many who seek it. But if you're an excellent craftsman, what can you do? I'm out of ingredients."

Demand for rare armor has increased tremendously as foreigners level up. Foreigners hunting for level-up preferred hard leather over heavy plate mail types. That's why hardleathers produced in the Tarim Workshop were becoming so popular that they could be sold for auction.

"Great! I'll do it if you give me the right price."

I had to get rid of the magic hides anyway. The volume of Tarim Workshop contracted with the Gust Guild could be extinguished was less than one-tenth of the horsepower he brought.

"The profit from this deal will come from the magic hide. Don't worry about the price, because it's so rare and in demand, it has skyrocketed."

"Thank you, friend! Then we'll be ready in a week."

I was really confident. I was lucky to have someone to trade with. After completing the transaction briefly, the two of them sat face to face with a warm car in the separate room.

"Thanks to my friend, I've taken care of a few troublesome things."

"Hehe! It could have been so much simpler if she was my girlfriend, not my friend."

Seeing the currents mixing calm words with jokes, it seemed that Harun was still deeply engraved in his mind, but his sick time had passed well. This is the best time to talk.

"I have a question for you."


Currently, he asked with a grumpy look if he thought Harun was changing the subject.

"Have you heard of Bella?"

"Bella? Where did you hear that name?"

Currently, he looked at Harun with a surprised face.

"Seems like a pretty important person on the GPC..."

"Yes, but how do you know him?"

Currents revealed that they were good acquaintances.

"What's the location of the organization?"

"Yes, I'm the team leader for the GPC Beyond team. She was only an adult last year as the daughter of the Eurosix Union Administrative Commissioner, and she earned her place in Beyond with extraordinary abilities."

Given my age, I was born with a lens. Maybe her parents showed up and picked her up, just like Evelyn did. However, the position was bigger than Harun thought.

'Perhaps the apostles of the Pioneer Apostle Feron mentioned are in a considerable position in their organization.'

The currents looked at me with questionable eyes.

"I heard Bella has a knack for space, but I've never seen her do it myself. Then how do you know her? Did you meet him on a quest?"

"I don't know. I just heard a story. I just wanted to check in on her because she's a member of the Pioneer Apostles."

"The Pioneer Apostle? What's that?"

Harun, who was filled with curiosity in the eyes of the currents, briefly hesitated and told Feron the details of his story. I am also a friend, but in the future, I can do what I want to do.

"No way!"

The current that heard the story shook his head roughly, biting the wind in his mouth. He looked unbelievable, but his eyes were intense.

'Tis a fragile organization? What's more, it's a three-grade computer.'

She had heard stories about the ancient computer as she was also used in the organization. I've also heard that a super-elite AI computer named Leah gave the GPC the power to run the world and lost most of its capabilities in opening up the Human Age. However, I have never heard of any creature called God involved in the birth of a lens.

I also heard the story of the magic I'm looking for in Beyond, or the intention of solving it with a new spell to spread global climate control magic in reality, and I know that many organizations are still on the move to find it now. However, it was truly astonishing that the Pioneer Apostles had any intention of using it for any other purpose.

"This is a story I learned by incorporating the information that Harun of the four worlds has collected, the information I have acquired through many paths, and the stories I have heard directly from the people of the Pioneer Apostle."

".... I can't believe it."

Her voice is faint as she speaks.

'It's true! Harun would never lie to me. Moreover, there is enough probability.'

I can't believe this is happening behind the scenes! In a hidden place of intense reality where most human beings, including themselves, are faced with problems, they marvel at the fact that there are people plotting to overthrow the world. The currents did not open their mouths for a while. Her eyes were open, but her gaze was fixed on the void, and her unique passion and strength had vanished. Perhaps he was struck by a mental shock. After a long time, she opens her mouth.

"Then why are you telling me this story?"

"Because we're friends. I think you should know, the world you're in and the place is about to undergo a big transformation. Only those who are ready can lead the world."

Is it because Harun's words are too generic? The flows again remained silent for a while.

"What can I do?"

It was also a question that came up after a long time. I'm not asking Harun, a resident of this world, but I'm counting on him.

"We need to be prepared. In this era of transformation, if there's anything you can think of, you have to act proactively."


"I know the world you want is not the world you want. I don't know if I have the ability, but if I have the power to change the world, I don't think I should just keep moving with the tide at a time like this. That's one of the meanings of existence."

"Meaning of existence…"

Was it too meaningful? The beautiful eyes of the current narrowed.

"Everyone has a reason to live in a world. Whether it's a comfortable life or a happy Harem. The most unfortunate part of life is not knowing why you live, but simply repeating the same behavior, both dynamic and habitual. It has its own meaning in walking to die without hope or dreams, but it would be better if life was worth it."


"Harun, a different being and the same being, wanted to give hope to the hopeless Humans raised by Union in the world there. He just wanted to show people living in meaningless ways that fighting contaminated environments and mutants was worth saving their lives. It's human nature. It's what you live for. It's what you aim for."


"I want you to walk the same path as Harun. To do that, you might have to give up a lot of things that you, Jun Noble, have. Maybe we should accept an uncomfortable and inadequate life instead of a comfortable and enriching life. I don't know if you have any ideals in your possession, but if you don't, I want you to dream up new ideals."

Harun said that and was ashamed of himself.

"How can I say this to Seul? It's the currents that have learned so much more than me, and they know so much more about the world. '

Harun wakes up blushing, even though the current doesn't care. It seemed that the current was severely traumatized by his words.

"I want to create that world with you. Here or there. Think about it. I got work to do. I'll be back in a minute."

Harun leaves, saying that, but the current seems to have become a statue.

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