Harun returned to the Storm Merchant Guild in a hurry to return to reality because of Belle and Ari looking for him. In case of an emergency, they stay at the storm base instead of the central base. I hurried to the storm base, and they were waiting for him in the warden's office.

"What's going on?"

"Last time I checked, I was scouting the basement for vibrations, and I noticed people coming toward our base."

"According to Azman, the number of vehicles without orbit is all vibrations in their 20s. Judging by their weight, they have a lot of equipment. They have about 1,000 people."

Bell and Ari's reporting face is hard.



"What a pain in the ass."

His fist trembles.

"Did you notice that we did it?"

"Maybe. Maybe they found out Blood Sadou had failed and sent the assailants back."

"Whatever the reason, I can't let it go, brother."

"You had a plan, didn't you?"

"Yes, brother. I think I just need to fix a few things."

Bell explained her plans with Azman and Ari. Harun called an emergency meeting. I was just restoring my composure, so I was worried, but I couldn't do it. The brains of the storm base have gathered in the Warden's office shortly. It was time to get active.

"Commander, what's going on?"

As soon as everyone sat down, the furious Saw bites.

"We've detected a massive movement targeting our base."

Harun's words changed people's faces. I was nervous because something terrible had happened not long ago.

"We expect them to be GG's enforcement organization."

The eyes of the people all came together to Ari who said it.

"They are now 25 kilometers northeast of our base. It's traveling at a speed of eight kilometers per hour, using sub-loads used by Union. The subroad is connected to our base for about 12 kilometers, so it's expected to breach another passageway or come through the ground from there."

"Do you have any evidence that they're coming for us, Chief Ari?"

In the words of Dr. Hwang who asked me that, I desperately wished that there would be no more invasion. People's lives are back to normal, but the aftermath of the shock is still intense.

"Of course, it might not. But given the vibrational data, the vehicles are orbitless, and given the weight, there are between 40 and 50 people in each vehicle. For your information, no orbital vehicles are primarily used by HG or GG armed forces, and there has been no unusual situation with the recent movement of Union Special Forces or Defence Forces."

In Ari's report, some closed their eyes. The people here knew that there were advanced devices and accurate information providers at the storm base, like satellite access devices that are now hard to find in Union.

"He's convinced that these are GG's enforcement organizations."

"How many people?"

"A minimum of 800 and a maximum of 1,200."

Ari's words caused the warden and the people's faces to settle.

"As you've heard, the base is in serious danger. Dr. Hwang and the warden report this situation to the base and immediately move the elderly and non-fighting members to the 11th and 12th floors underground. Chief of Staff Hyeryun prepares medicines for after the battle and checks on medical conditions, including surgery. Please hurry."

"Yes, commander."

The three of them left the College Hall in a hurry. It was a lot to do.

"The research promoter wants you to make explosives."

"Don't worry. We've already made quite a bit of it, and we have enough ingredients, so we should be able to make enough to use it until they get here."

"What's the situation with the captain and the weapon?" "

"The armor has been retrofitted to produce over 100 of the suits we captured last time, and 250 more in total for the refining wave guns and particle guns."

As expected of you, Saw. You've been preparing well for a short time. The satisfactory smile on Harun's face also made him smile with a clear dark circle on his face.

"Very well. Hurry, then. The more explosives, the better."

As soon as Saw left, there were only five combat captains left in the wardrobe.

"What is the situation with groups and quarantine users?"

I heard from Bell and Ari that there were quite a few brothers and sisters who moved from the Merchant Guild to the Battle Party because of the Blood Shadow incident. The battle party has a large number of troops, so you can now call it the battlefield.

"We are a group of 121, including 18 trainees. There are three swordsmen in total."

"Two-two is a total of 120, including 15 trainees. There are three swordsmen, including me."

"I will report in trillions. 123 of them including 17 Trainees. There are a total of 3 capable swordsmen."

"This is Specialist Group 4 reporting. There are 84 of them without training personnel. I have five swordsmen, including myself."

"The counterfeiters are 20 members. There are three swordsmen."

After Iron, Rossu, Daesan and their use, Tae-ryong reported. In the case of Article 4, the use of the temporary relief during the last incident was formally promoted, and each group selected specialized in swordsmanship.

"The novitiates will be excluded from the operation."

It is natural for you to have your life at stake.

"The novitiates will be assigned to the 1st Cohort to take charge of the base's internal defenses, so put them in the right place."

"I... will."

I thought of Iron Woong and wanted to attack myself, but I couldn't help but notice the commander's orders.

"First mate, cover the base's internal defenses and escorts just in case." And the second group will stay hidden near the base entrance and attack those approaching. Use as many Particle Cannons as you can to break the enemy's Precept. "

"Four, sir!"

"Leave it to me."

Iron and Rosu answered vigorously.

"The Triads and Tribes will follow me with the Counterfeiters."

The three elders' faces, including the Great Mountains, rose with intense excitement and their eyes became stronger. They were on the most dangerous but exciting mission they could ever hope to accomplish. The trio had all the remaining members of the cyborg, except for the 20 members led by the Tagassa Brothers. The other captains also wanted to take the lead, but did not complain much because they knew the cyborgs who had learned combat skills and trained during the differentiation were the first storm troopers. The cyborgs were capable of many things.

"The detailed missions of each group will be taken down again later. First, the Tributes must prepare for battle with the Tributes."

I had a lot of work to do. We had to hurry before we could assemble our troops and assemble our armies. More than half of the fighters are currently connected to Beyond. I was practicing my combat skills in the game because it was morning. As the crew set out to prepare for deployment, Harun, Bell and Ari were the only ones left in the wardrobe. Harun's facility is headed for Bell.

"How did they get here?"

"Hmm! Outdated in HG, but with the fact that you're running a drillion, there are variables, but you probably won't see many of them, and the weight of an orbitless vehicle that's vibrationally determined to be moving on a bike."

However, considering the topography of the wasteland or desert outside Union, the bike type is most suitable. For non-orbital vehicles, the protection is excellent, but it is difficult to operate in the hot sun because the operation of the cooling system is problematic.

"I think they're on their way to the bike, brother."

Harun, who heard Ari, thought for a moment and looked at Ari.

"Ari, do you know how to make a mine?"

"A landmine? That's an effective way to do it."

"But we don't have much time. Besides, we don't know where the enemy is coming from."

Despite Belle's concerns, Harun has something to think about.

"I don't know about sophisticated mines, but if you could just focus them on a certain area and detonate them with a wireless remote, you could make them right away."

Ari seems to have read Harun's thoughts.

"Very well. Then go and ask Comrade Saw to make it his best payment right away." No, tell them to take all the cyborgs with their explosive manufacturing knowledge and skills and build them. "

"I will."

"I'm sure the enemy will attack from everywhere. What are you going to do?"

Bell still doesn't understand, but Harun is confident.

"We must drive them away."

"Seduce him?"

"Yes. We have to work in one direction."

Harun decides to use the drillion to change the entire geography around the base.

"When they enter a single march, they reduce the number with mines and take a fatal blow with a particle cannon."

"That's a great idea. Then add it to the list and increase your minefield as a gift to the fleeing enemies."

Ari came up with a good idea.

"With rocket launchers, mines, and 30 gates of heavy artillery, any number of them can melt away. The enemy has little information about us."

"Well, none of the last attackers made it out alive."

"Your role is important. They're going to be swarming with numbers and chunks of them, so I'm sure they'll use wireless communications. Bell, you and Azman need to appropriately stir up a lull and disrupt the comms. They could be using a communications satellite, so they'd have to control it."

"Ah! That's what you're trying to do!"

Bell has finally understood Harun's plan. It causes extreme chaos and tries to melt predators into a set trap at once. The third of Glory Gaia's specialty flyers, the Alcohol Combat Squad, came to the ground 12 kilometers from the target. Alcohol fighters, including suits, were fighting bravely under the sun. Their suits have thermal capabilities, so this heat was not a big burden.

"From what we know, they're hiding underground like moles. They may not notice our approach and rush out, but just in case, we'll divide it from here by five."

Jericho, the Alcohol Warlord, reorganized a total of 10 units to five. Normally, you would have chosen to surround the target in five directions and narrow it down inward, but the information they have doesn't seem to be necessary. Target is flat terrain. Although there are several forests, the forest is small and the rest is a wasteland. The terrain is clearly open, so there is no effect of ambush. However, their numbers can crush an ambush even if it is an ambush.

Each road, consisting of 200 people, decided to travel side by side at a distance of about 100 meters. Though not supported by the drillion, it was easy to navigate with the support of a giant bike that could move quickly through the desert or marshlands.

"Wipe out anything that stands in your way!"

There are 1,000 combat members of the Union's elite who can compete with the special forces they boast of. 1,000 combatants with advanced weapons, including small particle cannons, can inflict immense damage to a small Union unless it is a Big Union.

"Poor bastards!"

"Yeah. I guess we're lucky enough to be sitting on an early Human base, and we're screwed." "

"Anyway, we need to get rid of it quickly and access Beyond. The world isn't that much fun."

"Yes. Reality is boring these days. It's no fun. There's not much to enjoy because the supply of medicine is cut and the barrier is reduced to pleasure. Beyond has been a downfall lately."

"Huh-huh-huh! You know the taste of murder."

"That sense of freshness and pure black magic, full of flesh and principle, is stronger than drugs."

The Alcohol fighters, who were waiting for the operation to take place, were gathering for three days to talk, but no one thought the operation would be difficult.

'Dammit! Our entire battalion has been deployed to eliminate a small base of fewer than 1,000 residents. Looks like they got nothing better to do up there.'

Even a trillion of them fought hundreds of Org hordes. The newcomers are a bit different these days, but the battalion itself was a waste of power. With the director Jericho in mind, the whole team did not reveal themselves, but I was proud of the operation. Each of Roe's Alcohol fighters approached the base with a uniform distance with a brand-new particle gun and a wave gun in their black full-body suits.

"It's a lullaby! Scatter!"

Beyond the barrier is a frequent flurry of wind. In some cases, tens or hundreds of magnetic winds blew into tornadoes. If so, it will have tremendous power to shock the energy barrier. However, experienced alcoholic shearers quickly stepped off their bikes without further instruction and pulled out the multi-tool that was inserted into the back of their respective suit. A 50-centimeter multi-tool was fitted with daggers, field shovels, and several tools in one frame.

The shearers who controlled the multitool into field shovels had already turned into a few tornadoes, and had dug a familiar, fast wasteland floor and made beats that could fit into their bodies. A luxe tornado caused by Azman's elaborate manipulations unfortunately did nothing to the alcoholic shepherd. However, through the dusty winds that caused the tornadoes, Harun and the squad members were able to move to their predetermined locations safely after their scheduled work had been completed.

Ari, what's going on?

- Almost done.

The upper portion of the drillion, which Ari controls, creeps into the slowly setting yellow dust for a moment before disappearing. Ari uses the drillion to drive his enemies down a planned path, leaving only a section that is about 500 meters, and making irregular porches that are about 10 meters wide and 4 to 5 meters deep on either side. Enemies traveling by bike will be forced to avoid deep, wide furrows.

- My Ari is having a hard time.

Thank you for your trouble. Even the Dowager.

Well, even the talented Tailbird was working with the drillion we acquired last time. However, when the enemy approached four kilometers ahead, the deep and irregular corridors were already completed. As the dark dust from the tornado settled on top of it, it was not known that it was rapid.

Now go back to the base and tell them the whole story.

I'll wait in the basement away from the blast zone because that's what Azman's doing.

Ari still doesn't seem relieved. Harun couldn't hold on to his Ari any longer. There were many things to check.

- Joshua, what's your visual?

- All right.

Rosso responded confidently via a communicator to operate the Particle Cannon and Rocket Cannon. A total of 30 large particle cannons are held by the blast base. Although it is small, Saw was able to fire three shots per minute as well as a range due to improvements made in the research journal of Dr. Harun's Deputy Cheongil. The large particle cannons, 30 doors and the rocket cannons, were placed 300 meters away from the base. Since the experienced gallery and shelter have already designated the firing direction, all you have to do is press the fire button.

- Gastrointestinal status of the cannon?

- Yes, as you said, I completed the base with all the base members.

The canopy and body of large particle cannons are planted with shrubs from nearby sources. Although not tall, the camouflage trees with plentiful branches and leaves hid the granules as well as the base entrance. When all the preparations were made, Alcohol Leaflets marched all the way to a place that was about four kilometers away with reporters. They were unable to make a planned advance due to the uneven burrowing in broad ranges. After the flyers rested by the road and took off the second five UAVs owned by the shear, a temporary meeting was held inside the barracks.

"The terrain is very different from information in advance."

Jericho's face was hardened as he saw the results of the first UV examination. In front of the storm base, there was a large, deep cave that looked like a giant snake in a wide area about 20 kilometers away. Of course, some of them were still intact with a width of about 500 meters. The data I received shortly before I was put into my work did not have this terrain near my goal.

"It looks like you're the only one who wants to come that way."

Shucken, who was in first row, was also suspicious.

"But we can't create this terrain in a few hours. I think the big tornado that was blown just now was invented."

Saatchi's words on the 3rd row shook the heads of the leaders. Other than that, I couldn't think of any particular reason.

"Records show that there have been several strong magnetic storms in the vicinity over a short period of time, even on the days of the last Blood Shadow operation. Tornadoes are easy to form if the magnetic winds are blowing this frequently. If there is a lake nearby and the geology is very dry, it can be created by powerful tornadoes."

The leader of the five took a sigh of relief while giving this analysis. His five was responsible for the advancement course that went the farthest to the goal. Even though the bike was moving and the suit had a thermal function, it had to be as hard as having to leave the bike and walk for some distance.

"But I can't help but notice that this particular area is intact."

"Could it have been that the enemy only cared about that area for movement? It's enormously wide, but it's very well-maintained, like a giant road."

In the words of Agumi, who was in charge of 4, many lights of doubts and worries disappeared from Jericho and the face of the head of the brain. I thought everyone would. If they had an idea, they would have managed to secure the minimal area necessary to move. Then one person came in from outside. He was in charge of operating five UAVs owned by an Alcohol shear.

"Is the UAV back?"

"Yes, shepherd. But the aftermath of the magnetic storms that just blew is hard to control, and the jamming is too intense. Three centuries after takeoff, local magnetic storms crashed, and two of them barely managed to fly around the target and return, but the quality of the footage was extremely poor."

"Dammit! They're in an easy place to defend themselves."

They haven't been exposed since they were hunkered down in this place. Despite the changing weather outside Union, the surrounding area was unusually severe. Especially the lullaby. Impossible on a targeted base scale, but they may have facilities or natural resources that cause them to go beyond their sleep.

'Of course not.'

Jericho felt his heart cooled by the possibility, but he broke his heart.

"Report only the scouting results!"

"Yes, Master. The distance to the target is about four kilometers. 300 meters in front of the target is a small shrub forest. With the exception of a section about 500 meters wide, the rest of the area is cruel terrain that cannot be moved by bike or by foot. Highs of 7 to 10 meters wide and more than 4 meters deep appear to be naturally formed, not artificially formed, when analyzed in various ways. It's not accurate because of the jamming, but we couldn't detect any unusual life signs or metal signals except for the target."

When Jericho heard the results of the unmanned reconnaissance, he sent him away and turned his eyes to the brains.

"If there are no signs of life, we can rest assured."

Igumi's words raised suspicions from the other leaders.

"If reconnaissance is the case, I think so. Moving fast to the forest in front of the target. But in case you haven't noticed, we're changing formation and running a reconnaissance team. Let the First Tribe of Special Forces take charge of the mission."

"Yes, Master."

"And the rest of you, the original 10 go across four columns, 30 meters apart. Individual distance is 1 meter."

It didn't bother me, but there was nothing else in particular.

"Proceed to the bike a kilometer away from the target."

As Jericho made his decision, the alcohol shearers formed a formation and began to move quickly. Azman, who was operating as a reconnaissance hawk, immediately informed Harun of his brainwaves.

- Master's hostiles are moving again.

Jamming did it.

Five UAVs, but three were destroyed by magnetic storms and two couldn't have picked up the right information due to radio interference and interference.

- Okay!

Harun's group leaves the base wearing suits that are all stealth-colored. Harun, who was lurking about 500 meters away from the base, immediately informed his crew. The crew carefully moves to the predetermined location and grabs the wireless remote.



First, the ten sleek bikes scout the area slowly. I originally expected to go for a walk instead of a bike before here, but then I ran into a tornado and the scouts still ran toward the base. As they pass by, a few heavy bikes rush towards the base, raising a violent dust storm. Alcoholic shearers were on bikes' auxiliary vehicles, followed by small particle cannons and other weapons.

There are five people on each bike, a total of two hundred, and the rush of the bikes has left a huge amount of dirt, making it difficult to see properly, but Harun was receiving real-time information from Azman through reconnaissance Hawks and satellites.

- The lead is about to cross the target point. All targets will enter the target zone in the next 14 seconds.

I'm not a human, but I feel nervous as Azman's voice becomes stiff.

That's enough! '

It was only a matter of time before the reconnaissance team found the particle artillery, but it won't be easy to communicate properly in this situation. Moreover, due to the dust blooming, the field of view is only 7 to 10 meters, at most. Harun counts exactly 10 inside and presses the button on the remote control.


A powerful explosion erupts from the front of a section pre-mined.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!



Screams erupted along with the dust oil after a series of high-intensity explosions, widely buried about a meter underground.


When the mass of a kilometer exploded almost simultaneously, the ground shook violently and cried out. Bikes, auxiliary vehicles and wagons with giant wheels fly into the air with dirt, and a fleet of alcoholic shearers in suits rise and fall screaming.

Although I was wearing a suit, I was shocked. Those who are unlucky get crushed by heavy bikes. Screams and shouts continue to erupt in the dust. A long time later, when the dust cleared up, a miserable sight appeared. Thanks to its outstanding protective suit, there are not many casualties, but there are quite a number of injuries that cannot walk properly on their own.

"You suck at chewing!"

Jerico worries about their surprise attack, but no sign of them after a while. They didn't even detect any signs of life, so they're probably just landmines.

"Clear the ranks!"

Experienced members of the platoon commanders were quickly lined up, including wounded. Although a large number of bikes and small granule cannons cannot be used, there are not many deaths, this shaming should be able to be repaid quickly.

"Let's chew on all those who provoked us without being cowardly! Ten cars will travel four columns, each within a distance of 30 meters."

Alcohol shearing soon began its march. With the exception of about 100 people with severe ruptures and fractures, they all saw beyond the shrub forest and sharpened their teeth.

"Advance Guard to engage metal detector!"

Jericho decided not to run the scouts anymore. Instead, I will keep a close watch on the situation and move slowly. Anger grows with patience, so their base will be destroyed miserably.

Okay, we're stuck! '

The cannon is stationary due to lack of personnel skilled in handling particle cannons. That's why Harun scattered the nearby terrain to the Drillion in fear of the enemy moving in another direction. Harun sends word to Rossu.

- Captain Rossu, fire those cannons immediately!

- Yes, sir!

It's a shame about the loot, but you have to take it out when the enemy isn't awake. In the case of rocket launchers, the effective range is only 500 meters, but a large particle cannon weighs 1.5 kilometers. The target therein will degrade and collapse without a shape.

Shhh! Shhh!

A particle beam measuring a radius of 3 meters and a small particle beam measuring a radius of 1 meter pierced the dust globe. Immediately, a huge dust barrier, 500 meters wide and 4 meters high, punctured numerous holes. The passage of the plasma-shaped particle beam emptied without any noise.


The flow of time seems to have paused. There was no gunfire, no target, no noise. I stopped breathing in unrealistic scenes. A few moments later, a terrible scream and a violent aura pour out of the dust.

"Aah! My leg! The bridge is gone!"

"Enemy attack! Avoid it!"

"Particle cannons!"

"Survivors, get to the ground now!"

"Activate the Suit Barrier!"

Among the panicked alcoholic shepherds, there were those who lost their minds and flew particle matter to all directions, but not as many experienced combatants. Survivors take out their field shovels and start digging the floor or actuating some sort of instrument attached to the suit.

"Move to the trajectory where the cannons passed, just in case!"

Survivors of someone's command move to a place where everything is clean and gone. Among them were those surrounded by a floating energy barrier. That's when the individual rocket launches in unison.

Shhh! Shhh!

The atmosphere shook like a haystack, and the beam of plasma particles flew to the enemies who had just recovered the chaos.


"Fooled! Stay where you are!"

Since it was a personalizer, the range was short and the radius of the beam was narrow, but the casualties were enormous because it was fired for hundreds of years at a time. Since the trajectory of the particle beam was revealed by the dust pierced through the hole, many people moved to that spot. They thought it would be safe, of course. There is an order to calm the chaos between the screaming and the horror.

"Survivors move to full speed and eliminate the enemy!"

"Rrrrgh! Smash the enemies!"

The surviving members of Alcohol have turned their eyes upside down as numerous colleagues have particulated like dust and died or had their limbs blown off. The particle cannons were already fired twice, so there was nothing rough. Survivors of the two rounds of artillery run quickly toward the enemy artillery nestled in a small shrub forest. In the case of a large particle cannon, it can fire up to two times, and it will take about an hour for the particle acceleration to be sufficient for restart, and we must eliminate those firing particle cannons in it.

"Hehe! Yes, that's how you run!"

Rosu smiles whiteningly as she sees a group of alcoholics in black suits rushing in. The moment hundreds of surviving enemies reach 300 meters ahead, the flag in Rossu's hand rises.


Swoong! Swoong!

Plasma particles were fired continuously in a powder that could be refined by the SAW and fired up to three consecutive rounds. Instead of decreasing the power of the firing particle cannon, the number of shots that could be enhanced two to three times.



The number of artillery guns that have escaped common sense makes the faces of the alcoholic group running towards the cannon pale. At the moment the Particle Shot was fired, a large number of Alcohol members fled the mountain like monster locusts, disappearing like dust. After two shots of the particle cannon, the dust cloud that was pierced sinks slowly. The radiance that appeared before Harun was absolutely devastating. There are alcoholic shearers between the broken and missing bikes and the wreckage of the wagon. They were lying on the floor, and they got up carefully, and that number was surprisingly close to a third.

What's going on? '

Though the cannon was stationary, the aspiration was quite dense because it even had individual rocket launchers. However, I was surprised that so many of the enemies survived even though they were shocked to be able to walk properly. At that time, something caught Harun's eye.

What is that? '

Surrounded by the bodies of the survivors. Focusing on their eyes, they saw a kind of transparent membrane surrounding their bodies.

'A new defense weapon.'

Harun considers the membrane to be a personal defense weapon of similar nature to the barrier. That said, they are a much higher ranking combat organization than the Blood Shadow at GG, or these defensive weapons have been developed very recently. Harun's face became more serious when the result was not as good as he thought. Jericho, the leaflet master, survived. The impact of the explosion knocks your shoulders out, causing your left arm to sag and no other injuries. His sixth sense and innate luck had saved him from the myriad battles he had fought so far.

"Retreat quickly to Camp 1!"

Jericho gives the order and the enemies begin to retreat quickly. Enemies making their own way to Zigzag, taking care of the injured, quickly become a handful. The user sighs of relief and moves quickly as there are no more shots. Jericho gathered Murro, who judged them to be completely out of the area where the blast occurred, as well as the range of the Particle Cannon.

"Ugh! Master!"

Jericho's eyes blaze with the mourning screams of surviving flyers.


"This vengeance will be avenged!"

Suddenly, a third of the power is dust from the explosion and the artillery attack. Even if the damage was this bad, even if I returned to the headquarters, it was clear that I would be purged.

"Get the wounded first!"

We can't go back like this. Organizations do not recognize losers. We have to do whatever it takes to meet our targets. The cannons were no longer a threat to themselves.

How many particle blasters are there? '

If you think about the number of mortars and mortars that are 500 meters wide, it will be far more than 100 statements. Jericho's heart sank as he came here with a light heart. How is it that forces with this kind of power are not known? Fortunately, a third remains, despite the enemy's determined surprise. Moreover, the validity range is far enough out.

Furthermore, even in the case of a small particle pellet emitting a plasma beam with a radius of 1 meter, it takes more than an hour for the particle acceleration to complete. A large particle cannon is nothing to talk about. While more than 350 surviving members were freed from panic and inspecting personnel and equipment, Jericho was pouring his eyes out as if he could kill them all. But the boiling blood came to my senses.

"No! Something's wrong! I think the information is wrong! '

According to the intel he received, there are only a few more than 500 people who claim to be storm troopers. They are mercenaries that can be seen in the game. They may be as good as their own, but they cannot possess a particle cannon of this size.

The organization doesn't know about them! '

It's not for sure, but they have more than a hundred particle cannons.

Who the hell are they? '

There were no groups that had particulate packs of small or large except Union and GG and HG. That's the common sense he's ever known. In addition to that, the explosives that were installed in a radius of 500 meters to 1 kilometer in width are definitely not abbreviations.

Fourth Unknown Force! '

Maybe there's a way to live. He has done nothing particularly wrong. I just walked the path that anyone would have to choose. This is not the fault of themselves or their members, but the responsibility of the organization.

That's why the intelligence department is responsible! '

If you have this kind of power, it is not a leaflet or two. At least it must be the size of the war, not the battle, to be able to fight the enemy. Self- and alcoholic shearing have been defeated in vain by false information. Jericho misunderstood the number of shots fired and the amount of explosives. It was originally Harun's intention, but he was convinced it was based on Jericho's knowledge.

"Freeze! There's no way those guys with this much power can just shoot them!" '

I changed my mind. I didn't think it was possible to just let the invaders go if there was a powerful organization with about 100 particle blasters.


Jerico felt a chill.

I think we should retreat! '

"Commander, 284 people, except the injured, are ready to attack. Of these, there are 245 suits that can activate your personal barrier."

"A quick start-up ahead of the special suit wearers wins."

"The 30 small granule barrels left in the camp are immediately available."

Despite the loss of many of his comrades, Jericho decided to retreat, even though the commanders and members seemed to want to retreat immediately.

"Shut up! Now is not the time to strike, but the time to retreat!" "


The blacksmiths who gathered around him after fixing the chaos didn't understand the unexpected reaction the leaflet was showing. However, Jericho urgently opened the communication channel without explaining why.


Thankfully, Jamming was released. Jericho informs headquarters of his judgment, along with the battle situation.

"... given the number of particle cannons they have and the amount of gunpowder they've planted, the blast mercenary's power is at least ten times stronger than known. This leaflet will be retreated. I am confident that this operation was clearly unsuccessful due to incorrect information from the Information Department."

The doubtful expressions of the commanders who were listening to the contents of the communication by my side were cleared. Jericho ignored the fact that he had lost his henchmen in vain, and told everyone through communications.

"So what do you do with a small particle gun?"

"Damn it! My bike's broken, too! What are we gonna do? We're gonna leave it here."

Jericho answered, cursing at the question of the first captain.

"Hurry and retreat."

"… but there's no sign of them attacking."

"Bastard! I'd be attacked for no reason if I were you. Will you let me walk away with enough power?" When do you get to wear your head? Useless bastard! "

Jericho glances at him with fierce eyes, seeing his face as red as a crack in his primordial rebuke. Just one more word and I'll make a fool out of you. Shucken turns away, shaking roughly once to see if he feels that way. As a Noble, I could no longer see the straw coming from the leader of the Hochtam himself. Perhaps Shucken chose to take responsibility for his retreat as his own.

"Hurry up and get your crew!"

In Jericho's cry, the commanders hurriedly rush to retrieve their men.

Where did these guys come from all of a sudden? '

It is fortunate that the attacks of the enemies can be observed with the naked eye since the area was clearly open. Now we need to retreat quickly before they attack.

"Retreat to full speed!"

The members are preparing for an attack, but they don't move as soon as they receive an unexpected order.

"What are you doing? You don't expect them to just shoot at us and let us go? Does everyone want to die here?"

Members of Jericho's group are barely aware of Jericho's shout and are starting to retreat.

"I'm nervous!"

Jericho's eyes widen as he looks behind the retreating members. I wanted to run the scouts again if I could, but all the metal detectors and life detectors I brought with me were destroyed or gone, and now is not the time to be so reckless. Jericho's hunch was terribly well suited. Survivors retreat in a frenzy, as they pass through the ambush area where Harun and the squadrons ambush, they fire a particle bomb at them from the rocket launcher of the ambushed blast mercenaries.

Phew! Phew!



Enemies moving in clumps of more than a dozen are bewildered by unexpected ambushes and unable to react properly.

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