You notice a peculiar sighting on either side of Harun's group, who are walking diligently with them.

In the highway, unknown trees with tall and leafy leaves were planted like street trees, and there was a strange sight in between.

After putting a strip about three meters high into the ground, he mixed the dried leaves of a plant similar to a reed growing by the river and connected them for a long time, and the roof-like structure spread out widely. Inside and outside the structure, you see some Orgs dressed like skirts.

"What's that?"

"It's no big deal. Oh, just a moment."

Words do, but there is tension in the eyes.

Seems like there's something secret about him. He quickly moves and whispers something to his servants.

Bell's gaze grows stronger as she stands still. At the center of Bell's forehead, a powerful force gathered and headed toward the structure.

I didn't notice the rapid firing.

A moment later, you hear Bell's planted Heart Speech. (Brainwave communication.)

- Brother, that structure seems to be blocking a certain amount of intense sunlight, and there are a lot of plants growing in there that we don't know about.

- Yeah? - Yeah.

Surprised by Belle's unknown ability, Harun shakes his head and wakes up.

Now was not the time to wonder.

Harun breathes energy into his eyes and focuses his eyes toward the structure, revealing a dark interior.

According to Bell, many plants were growing under artificial shade.

And quite a lot of Oregons were coming between them.

- I think they care about plants growing under the shade. Although it was parched, the canal starting from the reservoir is connected to there, so I thought I'd grow crops vaguely, but I was really growing crops.

Harun agreed to Belle's guess. In fact, except for the vertebral mountains, the rest of the land is almost desolate or desert-based. In the case of vertebral mountain ranges, dense forests allow farming to take place in only a few narrow places with adequate sunrise ― large scale farming was difficult due to the difficulty of watering.

- But what do they grow in radioactive soils? If the soil is contaminated with radiation, the crop will also be contaminated, and that shade is too lazy for a magnetic wind to blow away.

- I don't know, but there's got to be something.

As I pulled up my eyesight like that, the farther away plantations were expanded and caught my attention. The cultivation inside was slightly different from nearby. The trees were planted at regular intervals with support, and they seemed to be used to block magnetic winds or for other special purposes.


Harun, who improved his eyesight by operating his energy, looked carefully at the side of the crop field and was amazed.

Like Bell said, if you get hit by a lull wind, it will get messy, but you're defending yourself.

The trees were still small, but they were growing densely and were growing at a constant interval between the plantations.

Unknown species of trees strangely did not grow upward anymore, but only branches from four to five meters high. It was not yet fully grown, but it seemed that the leaves would replace the reed once the branches had spread out.

If they can cultivate crops like this, the Gust Outpost can do the same. or their agricultural environment,

The technology was crude, but there was a lot of room for application.

Elsewhere, he was grazing livestock that grew big and long hairs. There were Orchids all over the pasture, taking care of their livestock, keeping them occupied, and I couldn't get a closer look at them because of the sergeant.

When I looked at the livestock, I could see what materials they were wearing in a similar skirt.

Meanwhile, Seychem, who has done something, returns and guides the way again.

Harun's group enters their city on a 20-minute walk from the river.

On the outskirts of the city, semi-circular tents of unknown fabric set a certain distance apart.

Further inward, you see large semi-circular buildings made of clay.

Probably a transition period, moving from a migratory form to a settling form.

- I don't think there's much damage unless it's a whirlwind in shape.

Harun was impressed, even if he didn't plant Bell's words.

Unlike Humans living underground or in the barrier, Orgash, who are of inferior civilization, wanted to applaud the wisdom they found while facing a barricaded and contaminated environment.

What was curious was that there was no sense of popularity in semi-circular tents or buildings that were thought to be going home as they moved. It feels desolate as if it's empty.

Harun's group's questions are cleared as they move further inward.

Inside Vere is a large, semi-circular, muddy building where you can hear loud noises.

Although there is a lot of screaming and a strong accent, the same language as Human has been heard in the buildings.

Seeing the bells staring at the buildings with curious eyes, Cecil blinked at the purchase.

"That's where the adults take care of their children during the day."

"Is this school?"

"It's similar, but the only difference is that the parents who leave to do their job will take care of them until the time they come home."

It is a combination of school and nursing home. It is good to be relieved as parents who leave the house all day, and because children have friends to play with as well as education, it can be a very good program if they operate properly.

With Harun's preconceptions of ignorant and vicious mutants deeply embedded, the Org was bound to be surprised in succession.

'These guys are just like Humans.'

You have to accept reality. Now I have no choice but to admit that Oregons are like Humans.

Harun's group, past several large buildings, finally enters the fortress surrounded by a four-metre wall.

The resistance, as seen from the outside, was a semi-circular building, but filled with regularly spaced buildings centered on four roads and a large semi-circular building at the center where the roads meet.

As they headed inward, the semi-circular buildings seemed to grow larger, and they seemed to have an identity or class.

Instead, invisible places such as markets and shops seemed to share a thorough cohabitation.

Seychelles glares at Harun's group and guides them to the largest building in the heart of Vern with a proud look.

"This is where our Paya and Tungri handle Ver's business."

It's like a city hall, for example.

Harun's group goes inside and is surprised that the interior is composed of several floors, centered on massive wooden columns. I didn't know they had this much architectural technology.

Seychelles lets Harun's group wait in an open space to the entrance, then moves inward.

Curious Bell's eyes looked around the room, but it was very modest because it was not a decorative space for the waiting room.

"That's strange."

The old man in labor opens his mouth with an anxious face.


"Well, when we were captured here, I was as scared as I was going to kill you. I had to spend three days in a shabby tent on the outskirts of this place."

The old man in labor seems more anxious about their hospitality because of what happened to him.

"Don't worry. They brought everything they wanted, so it's going to be okay."

The Prince, who was sitting next to him, stabilized the old man in labor who was anxious.

Meanwhile, he went inside the building and again appeared to lead Harun, Bell, and the Tagha-san sisters and maternity elders to the place where Paya was waiting.

The place where they were guided was a huge room where 50 people could enter.

In the middle of the room, the grass seemed to shrivel as if it could be lit.

There were hides of beasts on the floor, and stuffed walls with various weapons and predators.

"Welcome! I'm Halal, the Paya of the Urssium Tribe."

Halal greets Harun's group in a colourful, rough piece of clothing compared to Seycheb.

Unlike Orcs, whose palms are smaller than normal Humans, Halal is as tall as Harun.

Though it was difficult to age due to baldness and supple skin that appeared to be caused by small hats, it seemed that at least thirties were surpassed due to intense eyes and heavy prayers.

Next to Halal was Orgash, covered in a rich, colorful cloth. He looked at Harun with wrinkled skin and clear, strong eyes. This climber seemed quite high in stature, with a good sense of age.

And on either side of Halal is a contrasting orgy.

A few spots of red dye were placed on the forehead without a hat on one side, an orb that was rusty but emitting strong energy, and an orb that was emitting hard but cautious energy on the other.

"The people next to me are Tungris, the spiritual guardians of our clan. And these are the warrior chiefs Gafar and the Chief Warriors, and these are the eagles who handle administrative tasks."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Harun with the blast troops." This is my sister, Bell, and these four are the senior guardian warriors. And this is old man Baek, who is the representative of the people of the Herb Village that you are protecting for a while. "

Both sides greeted each other in a friendly atmosphere. The atmosphere peaked when Harun showed me the various items he had brought.

When they saw things they couldn't find, they were very happy with their resilience, regardless of their position.

"I've come with the right price for temporarily protecting your fellow travelers who are weary of traveling."

"All the essentials we need, thank you.")

Halal looks satisfied with his mouth. The expression distorts the old man's face, but Harun's group takes care of his expression.

Anyway, now I'm the underdog. It's Oregons. They just took their stuff and they don't need to give it back to them.

"Fifi, get ready for the people we're protecting to leave now!"

When Halal's orders have been issued, Armored Org, standing by the gate, answers vigorously and steps out.

Even though I received something like this, I felt relieved to see the old man's face who was nervous about not knowing me.

"Thank you for your attention."

"No, but I have a favor to ask..."


"How did you get these things? This White Salt doesn't even make a tribe that settles on the seashore... I thought only moles could make things like this."

Even though I was disappointed by the word mole, I felt like I could become a basic friendship for the future.

"Our storm troopers are with the Merchant Guild.

"The Merchants Guild can get us whatever we need at any time?

Harun said that Halal and other Orcs who had still been distracted by the goods showed great interest.

"Yes, it's not easy to get things out of Union, but you can continue trading on conditions.


Oregon shines its eyes. Being able to buy the goods you need reliably is very important to those who are on their way to settlement. Humans were desperately in need of various products for the Orchids that were behind the civilization.

But human beings living within a huge energy barrier do not allow the same human beings living outside of the barrier to trade, not just themselves.

Recently, we have been unable to approach the situation because of the further enhanced barrier while reducing the scope.

So the only way they could get their hands on the Humans' supplies was by plunder. But the looters didn't have all the goods they wanted. So the recent raids are aimed at female humans, representing Org women, who are significantly outnumbered compared to men.

"By the way, do we have anything you need?"

The problem is that, among the things that they have, they need to have the goods that Humans need in order for continuous transactions to be made.

"If you look around, you might see something."

Aside from the rugged vertebrae, the Orcs control most of the flatlands. The tax collector has told me that he occupied a significant number of mines, so you can trade metallic raw materials as a commodity. As the base size grew and the researchers and production tanks' activities diversified and activated, the amount of raw materials needed at the site increased greatly.

I already have a few things in mind. I don't know the name, but there are livestock, and there are crops where they grow shade.

But right now, we just need to form a friendly relationship. I only give rice cake and expect it, and I intend to take care of the transactions in earnest the next time I visit.

"If you don't have what we need, you can trade. Why don't you broker without having to deal with the other Orgasms?"

"So we mediate in the middle and take advantage?"

"Yes. I don't think we need to risk our lives to find another tribe." "

As originally planned, I thought of a lucrative direct transaction, but I thought it would be good to create a friendly tribe through mediation.

"Well, that's a good idea. If our tribe were to broker, you wouldn't have to go so far to fight the Harks or the predators or the aggressive tribes. We can benefit from our brokerage, so we won't complain, Paya, accept it immediately!"

"I understand. I'll do that."

Until now, the old man Org has been intertwined with the thugs without a word. Seeing that the anamfatha advised Halal for sure and he immediately accepted it without much complaint, it seems to have a significant influence.

"The guests must be tired from the long journey, so let's take a break and join them for dinner."

"I was going to. Vero, show our guests where to rest and bring the people we were protecting!"

Halal simply listens to the old man Org.

Harun's group steps out to the guide of a warrior, and Org the old man grabs Harun's collar and whispers.

"Can you look at me for a moment? I have something to say quietly."

"Very well. Belle, I'll be back in a little while, so go ahead." "

Bell is by Harun's side, so she hears everything coming and going. She and the rest follow behind the warrior.

The old man's Org takes Harun upstairs. There were many rooms upstairs, but the room he guided was much smaller than before, but the interior was almost similar.

The floor is covered in leather and on one side you see a furnace where you can cook food, but nothing soot seems to be cooked by you.

Nogu's Org instructed Harun to sit on the floor and brought out the presumed drink in a cup.

"This is our favorite turret, and I don't know if it'll fit you."

"I'll drink to that."

Harun's eyes widen unknowingly after a sip of tea. Harun, who was known to be in moderately warm water, tasted the unique flavor of bitter and sweet with a pleasant aroma despite the cold water.

"Hehe! Turret's buds have a unique ingredient that not only clears your hair, but also relaxes your mind."

"What a nice car!"

Harun believed in his unusual qualities and drank tea as suggested, even though it may contain radioactive materials.


It's not as good as the Omicha I've tasted in Beyond's world, but Turretcha also has excellent flavors.

Not only did I keep my mouth clean, but I could taste the clean feeling that remained after I was handed over to my neck in Beyond.

Thanks to Omicha, Harun was able to enjoy tea in reality, but in reality, he had never drunk tea with this much taste and flavor.

"Once a year, it can only be harvested in certain places for a week, so it's precious to us, but we can put it in the merchandise if we want. But I don't think there are enough of them."

Tea with this much fragrance and flavour will be sold at a good price to Union. Of course, only a handful can enjoy it. After a awkward moment of tea, the old man Org opens his mouth.

"I would like to formally introduce myself. My name is Uchi, and I am Paya of the Urssium Nation."


Uchi briefly explained the Org Society.

Orgies from the north usually live in 50,000 to 100,000 tribes. Uchi now knows a total of twenty-two tribes, an average of seventy-one million, and there are more Orients in the north than that. The Urssium tribe has been independent of the Galas, the Org's largest tribe, and has come down to the southernmost, looking for a place to settle for only four years now.

Orgies live a unique lifestyle, such as hunting or farming according to tribes. Recently, many tribes have empowered agriculture.

The top of the Org Society is composed of warrior chiefs, managers, shamans, and wise Thunggris. The main policy affecting tribes is said to consist of many consequences at conferences, both sides of which are called Tauru.

Tarura, the head of the conference, is called Paya, and is replaced once every few years, and he will use his administration and wisdom for his clan until his death.

"I've heard that some of the Humans look like our Tungris, but I didn't expect to see them."

I don't know exactly who he was when he said Tungrin, but this friendly attitude had what I believed to be Harun's Tungrin on the ground.

"I heard you walked across the river. Is that true?"

Uchi looked at Harun with strange eyes and asked. Hadn't even mentioned Halal, but apparently Uchi told us separately by looking at what Uchi knows.

"That's right."

"So you have special abilities related to water."


Harun lightened Uchi's face as he did so.

"My clan and the gale mercenaries will make good friends in the future."

Harun was frustrated because he didn't know the meaning of his expectations in his eyes, so he only showed a smile.

"Commander Harun, I need you to do us a favor."


"I don't know if you know this, but we're farthest south from the newborns than any other tribe. However, thanks to the difficult migration that the whole family has overcome, they were able to settle on a flat land close to the river, but there was a problem. My family, who was trying to settle here, was in danger of leaving behind a hard foundation because they couldn't solve a serious problem.

But Tung, who cares about my family, sent me such a strong Tung Gris. "

The word Tung will probably mean the same thing to them as the word Deity.

"If this is a crisis, what is it?"

"Less rain last rainy season, and the underground canals, reservoirs, and wells that were essential for making Ver here are drying up. Our clan is physically stronger than Humans, but the intense sunlight is putting a lot of pressure on us. In addition, the fee we raise, as well as our stock, Yam and Maya, and our vegetables and fruits must grow well."

Burritos are probably meant for livestock with long fur, but I've never heard of them.

"What about the Tree of Soul?"

"Thorn is the tree we brought down from the north. It roots deep underground and, to some extent, extends its branches long, not upward, but sideways. Its leafy, intensely shading the sun, as well as filtering out bad ingredients contained in the air and earth. We are brave and strong Orientals, but if we stay away from the pine trees for long enough, we are indispensable because of the air that contains bad ingredients."


Harun has finally figured out what a Twin Tree looks like.

'Does a tree called Thorn have a special effect on purifying radioactive materials mixed with soil and air?'

Though I don't understand it, the conjecture seems clear from the attitude of a serious Wuchi.

"Holy shit!"

Harun clenches his fist. If Uchi's words are true, the Twin Trees will provide the foundation for expanding not only the Twin Towers, but also the storm base that is running toward saturation.

"Besides, unlike other trees, the hardened branches of the tamarisk tree and the shade that the leaf produces can grow well, so we absolutely need it. However, we need a lot of water as well as nutrients to grow properly, but we are dying of thirst because we don't have enough water to contain the soil in which we live.

Our livestock and crops also need water, so we need a lot of water. If we run out of water, all the betrothed trees will dry up, and we will have no choice but to find a new place and relocate. "

I finally have a sense of what's going on.

In the last rainfall, the small streams and reservoirs connected to the Arisu River dried up, and the small amount of moisture contained in the soil caused problems. They wanted Harun, who had special abilities related to water, to solve the problem for them.

However, the old man in labor said that these tribes were quite aggressive and rough, but it was strange that Harun was being very kind to himself. Maybe Alhal didn't mention it on purpose.

Harun was unable to answer directly after hearing Uchi's words. It was an unexpected request.

I can't believe I have to find a stream. I had never done anything like that, so I was stunned.

'If we are to have a friendly relationship with them and make a deal afterwards, it would be better to solve this problem, but we have never done this kind of work.'

No matter what you do, you have to find the stream.

If I was wrong, this friendly atmosphere could have turned violent in a flash.

With both self, Bell and the Unsullied 'abilities, even 20,000 Orcs can break through the siege and escape, but if they do, the outsiders from the Herb Village will be in trouble.

'Dammit! The atmosphere was strange somehow.'

They are fundamentally progressive, although Oregon has similar intelligence and high culture levels as Humans, unlike what has been known for some time.

You're in trouble! '

It was awkward. The deal is now behind us. Harun sighs deeply, trying to engage them in a battle of breaking the dead bunker by expanding his trade base.

I have gained special abilities related to water, but I know very little about how to use it.

How do you solve the tremendous amount of water that Oregon relies on for just a little more than 20,000 trees or agriculture?

"You've come a long way. Rest well today and solve our problems. I'll do anything for you if you solve the water problem."

"I can't be sure if it's going to be my ability."

"Even the great Tungris of our clan and of our close tribe have failed, and even if they were wrong, they would not blame you. We have promised to keep trading with us as gifts, and nothing will happen if we fail. But if you help us, I will help you make a deal with the entire tribe."

Now I feel a little relieved. Considering their civilization level, this should be normal.

Once I was relieved, I actively thought about looking for water.

If you can make a deal with the entire Org tribe, the profit will be enormous. We haven't decided what to trade yet.

Since the barrier has been strengthened, Arthurley and others are running out of stuff.

"Then I'll do my best. But don't get your hopes up."

"Thank you. Let's rest until dinner, eat, and talk again."

Gumi is frustrated because he doesn't have the ability to satisfy their desires while pulling. But Harun left without showing it.

After learning his face about when he was waiting, he waited for him outside and led him to a large building not far from here. It was a huge building with only undisciplined rooms, but the people of the Herb Village who had been detained in the outskirts recently moved here.

When Harun told Belle what Uchi had said to greet him and tried to comment on the room, the eyes of those who were resting suddenly looked behind him. Turning around, more than 100 people were coming into the building under the guidance of the climbers.



After a long time, people saw the chief's face and surrounded him.

"How are you all?"


"Fortunately, I didn't look rough, but I was very anxious to pull it out and kill it soon."

The faces of the townsfolk who had been overwhelmed gave me a sense of the old times. The chief individually takes care of a family and introduces Harun's group.

"Harun, master of the storm base and commander of the storm troops we are about to live in. You've come all the way here to save us by preparing the goods they want. '

"My name is Harun. I've had a lot of hard times. Soon, a new life will be on its way to our storm base."

The villagers were surprised to hear that the owner of the storm base, who was going to visit unannounced, went out to rescue them.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

A few adults who were leading the village have stepped up and thanked you.

"No. I was on my way to be a member of our base, so of course I came."

The faces of those who heard Harun's words reminded me of a smile.

As things got worse and worse, the town council decided to relocate to the storm base, but many people were anxious. In that situation, it was hard to believe that the leader of the place went out on his own to save himself who was afraid of when he might die because he was caught.

The gaze of the people was drawn to Harun, but no one could easily bring it up. Harun's expressionless face and intense gaze that seemed to pierce his insides caused him to awe, along with the identity of the commander.

In the meantime, Bell feels a small force pulling at her collar. Turning around, a little girl under 10 looks up at her. It seemed quite clever for a particularly large eye to sparkle like a star.

"Are you also from the storm base?"

"Hehe! Cute kid, yes! I'm Belle."

"I'm Ari, by the way. What's the storm base like?"

Bell briefly looked into Ari's eyes, filled with fear and curiosity, and told him the details of the storm base.

Suddenly, the attention of the people of Herb Village came to Belle. When the birth of the storm troops and the inhabitants of the entertainment village joined, and the current system of storms, facilities and programs came out through Bell's mouth, people surrounded Bell and focused on the story.

Harun is relieved as people's attention is drawn to Bell.

It was because Harun was not used to receiving other people's attention.

"I'm going out for a while."

I wasn't going far, I was going for a walk nearby. I was concerned about how to solve the problems I faced.

"I'll do it."

Tae-ryong followed him as if it were natural.

He pauses for a moment, but Tae-ryong doesn't budge. However, there is no denying that what the SS is doing is guarding Harun. There are no populations around the tall buildings the group has been assigned to. If there is no one to protect, that means you can trust them.

'Azman or Saw, there must be something we can do. Should we try EEG communication?'

There seemed to be a way for Azman, a man with knowledge of the age of the Apocalypse, to reach an unparalleled level in either machinery or science.

'Why don't we draw water from the river?'

Harun shakes his head as he tries to draw the Arisu River here using a force source.

This water requires 20,000 orchids and many of the crops they cultivate. Even if there are amniotic waters that draw up the river, it is an enormous amount that can't be done without a few.

"Fundamentally, we need to solve this problem! '

I wish I could cast a spell to make it rain at this time, but it would not be possible even if the Azman and the Firebearer Apostles considered the three ancient computers as gods exert their own power.

After that, Harun went around the building for a long time, but he couldn't come up with a good idea.

We planned to provoke Oregon to attack the Dead Bunker in the first place, but their intelligence is higher than we thought, making this difficult. If you can, it's best to have them attack the dead bunker on their own.

But in order to do that, you have to know them well, including their lives and their disposition. So we can figure out what to do. For this reason, it was important to have a friendly relationship with the Oregons now.

You have to find water to do that! '

Find water

Of course there is only groundwater. Since it doesn't rain much in the rainy season, we are satisfied with the quantity. There is no other way. It is not far from the Arisu River, so it is common sense that there is a subterranean canal to the river.

Will it work?

Although I have become friendly with the waters, finding groundwater is another problem.

Harun walks slowly, focusing on his consciousness before he stops. I felt the energy of pure water, that is, a crystal, tightly clumped together. Unlike the length of the lower half, the crystals felt familiar and strange like life.

The energy of water with soft yet rough bilateral properties feels familiar, similar to that of Nia. I felt very familiar with it. It's a world without spirits, unlike Beyond, but unlike the one before it, a crystal produced with a certain energy is distinctive.

'Hey, can you hear me?'


Harun's heart beats roughly with anticipation as the crystal reacts, even though it was willingly handed over as a joke.

It was not wrong to feel like a living thing. It was clear that he had a self.

Are you a spirit? What's your name? '

Perhaps too much, the crystal did not respond to Harun's subsequent question. However, Harun was convinced that the crystal had a self unlike that of the lower half. It felt just like when Nia came into her body from Beyond.

Would you like to find your colleagues out there? '

This time, I was confident and willing.


With a small tremor, a small wave spills out into the alien. Then I feel a strong fit that responds to the wave in a certain direction. resonance is the resonance that occurs when a wave encounters an object with the same frequency.

"I feel it!"

I was delighted and almost distracted, but I could barely hold on to it.

Where is it?

Harun's face distorts momentarily as he sees the resonance. The resonance was happening on the Arisu River.

The river, of course, resonated easily with the waves that emitted a great energy of water.

No, I need groundwater! '

Harun thought of a way, but eventually he took off his boots and barefoot. The intense sunlight in the middle of the day caused a hot heat like skin peeling off when my bare feet touched the floor, but I was able to endure it after a little while.

Harun's will leads to his feet before he stops.

Get down!


As if he had realized Harun's thoughts, one end of the crystal that had remained before the interruption loosened and began to settle down along the bloodstream to the center of the foot. Rather than just extraterrestrial waves, they began to clump together in Mana storage in the middle of both feet.

The mana storage at the center of both feet and before interruption has remained connected by the energy of water.

Find those who have the same energy as you! '

Along with Harun's will, a crystal situated in the Mana Storage on the sole of the foot caused a wave. The waves begin to spread the ground down through the medium. The waves from the crystals spread through the soil and deep underground.

Not here! '

Harun, who had waited a moment, couldn't feel the resonance in the basement near where he was standing. The range of waves spread underground around where they stood, but the sensory perceivable radius was not so wide.

Although not detailed, the intensity of the waves could be felt at a depth of 30-50 meters up to a radius of 10 meters.

The cognitive range needed to be checked later.

Harun walked slowly, relying on the energy of the water to stir up waves and check for resonance. Harun soon falls into a morbid concentration. His consciousness focused on managing storage and waves on the soles of his feet, as well as unconsciously avoiding obstacles such as buildings or walls.

How long has it been? Suddenly, Harun's gaze intensifies. Finally, I felt resonance in the basement.

It is not strong, but there is definite resonance.

Harun suddenly regained his senses that he was standing near the well. In order to prevent evaporation, Harun examined the well covered in detail and found that the well had dug several feet deep underground and was filled with quite a lot of water.

I can find it! '

As close to the river, the speculation was right that there would be underground canals leading to the river.

I don't know how deep it is, but Harun was able to escape from anxiety after confirming the existence of a canal underground. I don't know how long it would take, but knowing how to find water made me feel lighter.

'But where am I?'

After looking around, Harun was able to see that he was still inside the Resistance and that the sun had fallen.

Thankfully, Tae-ryong, who was performing him, remembered the way and soon found a place to stay.

"Hey, we've all been looking for you. Where have you been?"

After worrying, Bell barely opens her face and nags.

"Haha! I took a little walk."

"A walk? What kind of walk is this? I'm in trouble."

Bell frowns at his head with a small fist that looks like it's in trouble. The people of the Herb Village were resting and sleeping because the anxious mange had been released. Bell was trying to figure out what Harun was talking about.

"Hehe! Anyway, our bells are the best!"

The bell that troubles me made my frustrated mind more comfortable.

"Don't worry. Everything's gonna be fine."

"Tsk! You can't be too confident."

In Bell's hand, he said, there was an object made of metal bars in the form of 'L'.


"A tool for finding veins called Elrod. It was discovered by an EEG communication with Azman's sister, and at the end of an extremely advanced era of scientific civilization, they found veins with these simple tools."

It was fascinating. A simple device like that could find water. Bell taught Harun how to find the vein using common sense and Elrod of the Apocalypse.

"There's a way to use the Chute, and they spelled it out in the Elodna Chute to find out its depth and quantity. It seems superstitious, but surprisingly effective, and it turns out a lot of blood vessels have been used to adversely affect human health. Although it's a simple tool, I'm surprised that people with a good sense of humor could find both a vein and a subterranean canal."

Harun walks to the well with the Elrod. Keeping a light grip on your thumb, as Bell pointed, the elrod faces forward, and your arm is perpendicular, slightly falling off your chest, naturally leaning over your body, and then slowly walking on normal steps.

The Elrod, which remained unchanged, mysteriously moved inward toward the well and became an 'X'. The Elrod reopened as I moved a few steps aside in my curiosity. It is out of the control of the vein.

It's not just about the existence of water, it's about the existence of a vein.

"Hoho! The way my sister taught me worked."

Bell also faintly liked it and soon became dull.

"They say it takes a long time to know the depth or quantity of water there....."

Bell then told me a story he had heard from Azman.

To know the depth of the water, it is effective to use a search trend called Pandullum. In this case, the depth and quantity can be determined by the number of revolutions or the intensity of revolutions.

It's nothing special, but "If your vein is just a few meters below you, move it! 'I ordered Chu and counted slowly' 1 meter, 2 meters, 3 meters…. '

It was amazing that such primitive people were able to know the depth and quantity of water in this way. I called them Dodgers, but they were actually quite active at the end of the age when advanced science developed.

Harun and Bell went out thinking they had some time until dinner. Then you use the Elrod to find the vein.

Crap! Crap!

Soon after, the Elrod moves and is excited to see Bell and Harun moving toward the aqueduct. There is no place for Elrod to move, though he wanders about like that.

"It works, but finding the canals they want won't be easy in this primitive way."

Bell struggles with Elrod for a long time with curiosity and makes an impression. The way to find the vein was like heading to the ground. I had no idea how much effort it would take.

Harun watches the bells whine and chant the spell, moving some of the energy of the water to the Mana storage on the soles of his feet to generate a wave and observe its resonance.

'There is a difference!'

I didn't know it at first, but the waves and resonance and intensity of each well were different.

When Harun reached the fourth well, he was able to sense some depth and quantity through waves and resonance.

"Let's go back."

"Hehe! It's not working!"

Harun still wrestling with Elrod and Pendulum, Bell frowns and puckers her lips.

"You should eat."

"Is there a problem with eating? You have to find an underground water source before you can interact with them properly."

Bell says so, but grabs Harun's finger to see if he's hungry.

Meanwhile, the sun was setting.

Harun and Bell, near the fortified wall, were able to climb up to the wall and see the Orgasms returning to their homes after a day of work on the workplaces and farms on the outskirts.

"Brother, there are also Humans."

Bell's eyes widen to see the Humans intertwined between them. There are quite a few Humans with long hair tied behind their backs among the hairless Orcs. Another difference is that while Orgash reveals his torso and only wears a piece of skirt that barely covers his cheeks, Humans are dirty, worn but properly clothed. Perhaps they are allies with Oregon.

Oregon, as far as the residential area near the fortified wall, looked at Harun and Bell, throwing curious eyes, but did not see any particularly excited reactions. Humans aren't that special. You've probably seen a lot of Humans up close that you wouldn't think of them as special. The look on their faces as they enter the house is only the tiredness of labor and the tiredness of everyday life.

Harun's gaze is on the Humans intertwined between them.

The expressionless face and eyes were telling me that this life with the Orcs was hard.

"Human beings are supposed to live alone. '

Whatever the story, Human's life in Oregon seems far from happiness.

They are Demihumans and highly intelligent Orcs, but there is a fundamental difference.

Harun returned to his quarters and had dinner with the food they had prepared for him along with the news that the dinner invitation had been cancelled.

Still, you're quite a wealthy man.

Powder from bulbs such as yam was baked in an oven with water and dough, vegetables, and small and strange shaped fruits. I also had meat, but I could eat it well if I sprinkled spices with spicy but good aroma.

That was the end of the day.

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