
Age and Rai

Perhaps the dragonflies had changed, Harun woke up a few times in the morning, then gave up and woke up. The group also sleeps late because they are in a strange place and potentially between the Orcs.

"Are you awake?"

Someone did, and it was Tae-ryong. He needed to eat and sleep the same way as Turra Human, made of biotype, and almost perfectly similar to emotions, so there was fatigue in his voice.

"Come on, I'll take a walk around."

"No, I'm all asleep."

His face was full of responsibility, but Harun stroked his hand.

"No, we're not hostile about what happened yesterday, so we don't have to do that. We have a lot of work to do today, so let's get some sleep."

"That's all you have to say and I'll do it."

Tae-ryong reads Harun's idea of taking a light walk through his abilities and then lies back down.

Unlike other biotype cyborgs, the Tai Yong and the Tai Sa San sisters have special abilities as well as various combat abilities. Unfortunately, he was inactive until he was awakened to a special occasion, so he has been diligently training to activate this skill with a special tide that includes nines and races every time he has time.

After exiting the building, Harun slowly starts to circle around the building, taking off his shoes. Naturally unfolding messenger skills begin to instill the air and natural energy of the concentrated earth into the body.


Unlike the deserts and deserts near the base, this region has a strong natural energy, thanks to the Oregons who have taken care of the earth.

Because the size of the lower half was so large and a lot of Mana storage was created and dispersed, the increase in energy felt marginal, but the purity and vitality of nature's energy could feel vivid.

Harun's gaze, while taking a short walk, suddenly turned out of the castle.

"I'm awake. Let's do what we have to do first."

Maybe their expectations are too heavy for them to sleep well. Finding such a substantial quantity of underground waterways was important. To do that, we need to figure out how to use the new crystal.

Out of the building, darkness was retreating in the dawn, and the resistance was unpopular.

Following the road that extends out of the barracks to the west, I could hear the noise coming from my residential area. There are hard-working people everywhere.

After walking along the boulevard for a while, Harun met the outer door made of thick wood. Two Org warriors yawning from the Federation were armed and guarding the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going for a morning workout."

The Org Warriors guarding the gates open their doors tilting their heads to see if the word "morning exercises" is unfamiliar.

Harun sees an unexpected tool on the floor in front of a small building next to the gate that Org Warriors made for a short break.

"Do you mind if I borrow that?"



Oregon not only used language, but also terminology mostly similar or identical to that used by Humans.

Probably because the knowledge received from the Humans is building a civilization.

"Of course."

Since Harun's group was ordered to be treated extremely by their Paya the afternoon before, the gatekeeper warrior gave them a nice shovel that they used while working.

Outside the outer sanctuary, a vast area of farmland with primitive but modest care was spread out.

After escaping, Harun turns west.

The west was a relatively flat terrain, including low hills, which could be used as a farm if water were abundant.

Harun pulls the crystal in place before interruption and leads it to Mana Storage on the soles of his feet. One end of the crystal that came down to Mana Storage was buried to the size of a soybean with a strong spin at Harun's will.

'Now, let's search!'

The soybean-sized crystal begins to vibrate with Harun's will, and the pulse spreads underground in a concentric circle.

"Boom! Already? '

Shortly, a match was detected.

Harun remembers the intensity and time of the wave at that moment and starts digging the floor with a shovel that he brought out.

At first, I shoveled with pure physical strength, so my whole body was immediately soaked with sweat. Even though the sun wasn't up yet, the atmosphere that was warmed the day before was still dreary.

Is it because he's using different muscles than he used to practice cowardice? Despite digging hard, the digging speed was only slow.

Ka 'ang!

There must have been a big stone in the middle. With the spark, the wrist is thickened with repulsive force.

"This is not going to happen."

It shouldn't take this long to do this for the test. Harun pulled the energy up and injected it into a canned iron shovel. Harun sees the golden shovel glowing blue. He starts shoveling again.

Puck! Puck!

The soil, gravel, and large rocks of the shoveling process quickly descended below.

I was able to dig down to 30 meters with significantly higher efficiency than before.

Phew! Pa!

The moment I shoveled deeply into the pie, water came out of that area and began to soak the dry soil.

The water ran up to my ankle in a few minutes, but I stopped there.

'At this depth, this amount is not enough for the wells.'

It is expected that he shoveled using chi. In order to dig a hole this deep with pure strength, quite a lot of people have to spend a long time. In addition to that effort, there is very little investment preparedness.

Harun, who came out of the pit in a mess of dirt, emitted a unique wavelength of sugary water back underground, and shortly thereafter began digging the pit again.

So Harun dug a hole a few times to get a sense of depth and quantity through the fit according to the wavelength.

'You can't have this much.'

The underground water source he discovered over the course of several hours may not be used as a well, but it is unlikely that he will be able to cultivate crops that tens of thousands of people can feed themselves.

One day, Harun decided to go back, seeing the sun surging with intense heat.

Bell will be worried if it's later.

According to Harun's concerns, Bell has been looking for him for a long time.

"Have you been out training?"


When I was out in the real world, Bell didn't worry much because she used to come out and train whenever she had time.

However, I was anxious to find Harun in the lair of the Orcs, so I ran around looking for him.

After their chief of staff and a modest breakfast, Harun listened to their request for a higher intensity than yesterday.

"This is a rude request from a very distant and unresolved guest, but we are in a great hurry. The water source is already flooring, and even with the shading coverings, there's not enough water, so the crops that everyone is struggling to grow are dying. Now, the water level in the Arisu River is so high that you can draw water, but if you go a little bit further down, you can't even do it because of the attack by aquatic mutants. Tungri understands."

Halal asked politely, unlike yesterday.

It's really urgent. At this point, if they listen to what they want, friendships can remain reliable and transactions can proceed in a fairly favorable direction in the future.

"Very well. I'll do my best to find it."

I caught a clue about how to find water with a crystal, so it's not as stuffy as yesterday.

Bell decides to move separately. She decided to use the Elodh to find a place to dig a well in Vere.

Harun turns north, which is higher than Vern thought in the morning.

After escaping to the area where production facilities, including workshops, and not residential areas to the north, the lush mountains were noticeable.

The underground waterway is a path through which rainwater from the rainy season has infiltrated underground and meets rock or hard ground. It no longer descends. It gathers and flows to a place where the void is widespread. The roots of more rocky and leafy vegetation were more likely to have underground waterways near the widened mountain voids between the soils.

Harun, out of Vern's territory, pulls out a premature crystal and connects it to Mana storage on the soles of his feet and slowly begins to detect underwater activity.

At first, his slow pace was gradually accelerating over time. It was not an instant messenger skill unfolding, but the range of manual detection was expanding as the crystal connected to Mana storage was activated.

Harun zigzagged one kilometer wide at an angle of about 30 degrees to detect a wider range.

It was close to the river, so there were more veins than I expected.

There was something lodged between the rocks, but most of it was flowing towards the river.

And as I began to feel the veins, a new path passed underground, like a map of the water in my head.

I remembered.


When the sun is fully rising in its yellow belt, it is deep underground, but the path of water flowing between the earth and the rocks.

I felt vivid as if I saw it with my own eyes. Waves and resonance emitted by manor storage and

Through the reaction of obstacles, it is possible to examine the underground strength of a certain depth.

"This is too small! This is too deep. There's not much.

Harun had forgotten that he was walking, and he had forgotten what the material was in the basement.

I was exploring the structure like watching a movie.

After moving for so long, Harun suddenly felt a great resonance.

It was like the resonance of the Arisu River.

Unlike other places, even if I moved forward and backward for a long time, I still felt a strong fit.

Is it an underground lake? '

Harun's eyes, which turned most of his consciousness into aliens, saw a large footprint from the fortress earlier.

It is not high, but as you ascend north as a staircase, you see small mountain ranges that lead to higher mountains.

'So this is the underground water source from the mountains.'

As I walked for a long time, I noticed that there was a huge underground lake about 500 meters deep underground. Most of the waterways that I sensed as I walked here were from here.

You can feel massive rocks in the depths of the region's basement.

There was a huge, naturally created space between the rocks, holding enormous amounts of water that flowed from the foothills.

They are releasing a certain amount into the gaps around them.



At Harun's words, Tae-ryong, who was performing him without saying a word, glanced at him.

"A vast rock formed 50 meters underground contains enormous amounts of water."

"You finally did it. But 50 meters underground, it's pretty deep. How do you get the water up?

I think I need an excavator. We need pipes, and it's never easy to think about.

It takes a lot of machinery and a lot of people.

It's about three kilometers from the Urssium Ver Outback, and the topography tells us it's very high.

Building a canal wouldn't be so difficult if only the water could be pulled up.

But putting a hole in a rock that didn't know how thick it was, or pulling water up didn't seem easy.

If you're not an expert, it's going to take a while.

This is embarrassing.

Harun had no choice but to sigh because he thought he was going over the mountain. Just in case you're wondering if you want to get a better deal going around.

I found a place, but there was no place with that quantity.

I was curious if Bell had found the well, so I returned to my quarters, but I still haven't found it.

Harun waits for the bell and is troubled. After all, we have found a large underground water source, so we can leave the rest to the Orcs, but if they can't penetrate the rocks, it's like holding a pictorial bread.

The residents of the Herb Village who remained in the lodge did not disturb his reflection.

The atmosphere of the house sank naturally, and Harun felt it had to return to the sunshine.

It's a machine like a thrashing. Even if Azman could somehow use the knowledge he had to build it.

There's also a transport problem. It's going to take a while. '

The problem is that he doesn't have much time. Beyond and I have a lot of work to do.

Everyone else is in charge of the base, but in Beyond's case, no one else can do it right.

It is not easy for someone else to stay here for a while with neither a friendly view nor proof of the existence of an underground lake. The base's top brass are busy moving around with no time to rest.

No one should have to give up this mission.

Let's go back out there! '

But first, I solved the biggest problem. Where is it?

Harun was carelessly barefoot, but unconscious, with an instant messenger skill set under a small mountain.

I headed to the source of the water. I felt a special energy that I had not felt before because my mind was at ease.


Is it because it's daylight? '

The amount of energy flowing through the soles of the feet from the high-heat earth was enormous compared to that previously. Harun felt a strange foreign sensation, turning the energy of the earth with heat rising from his bloodstream like a flame to the hardness of the Great Barrier, not a short circuit.

What is this energy? '

The familiar but special energy began to settle down a little before stopping.

where the energy of water resides. Unlike the cool and sticky water energy, the hot and gentle foreign energy began to become a small point.

The difference between these two energies is that they have their own will.

It felt like a living creature.

By any chance?

If there were crystals, there would also be a designation where the energy of the earth would be eroded.

Of course, unlike Beyond's spirits, including Nia, when it comes to crystals that feel like life,

That's also possible.

Harun was able to ascertain the existence of the designation.

- Show me who you are, Spirit of Earth! Where the hell are you?

The energy of the earth is much more familiar to Harun than the energy of water.

Harun, who was the first to feel the energy of the earth due to messenger's skill, is already familiar with the chi of the earth's properties.

Is that so?

The answer was heard in a short amount of time that was not comparable to when the revision was made clear.

- Who is it?

Unlike the crystal, Harun's face brightens as an intact doctor approaches. It is certain that there are spirits in reality.

- I wanted to be friends with you! Show yourself to me!

After a while, Harun's surrounding earth seemed like an earthquake.

You stir. Seeing them leaping out of the shade from a faraway farm, the strength of the earthquake is weak, but quite wide.

- Get to the inner lining!

Harun's relentless will repeats itself. At some point, a warm and gentle existence came through the soles of his feet, and he walked around looking all over his body, and then he sat down before stopping.

My name is Harun!

- I, I......

Unlike modifications, designations that were relatively clear do not follow.

Do I have a name? '

Harun thought that maybe he needed to be named after Beyond's spirits to confirm its existence.

- Do you want me to name it? I'm gonna call you Lai from now on.

- La, la, la.

- Yeah, from now on, you're Lai and we're friends.

- A friend?

- Yeah, a lifetime friend who stays with me wherever I am until I'm extinct.

- That's... that's your friend?

The sound of Rye accepting the concept of being a friend feels dull. It feels different than the life I met in Beyond.

- Me, me?

What is it?

Suddenly another voice echoes inside Rye's body.

- Who am I?

"Oh! Will the crystal also have a self?" '

I don't know if it was influenced by the designated Lai being in the same place.

However, it would be good for him to have a self until the crystal.

- You're my friend, too, Rei! I'll call you age.

- I... I... Hee-hee! I'm old!

- I'm a friend of Lai Harun's.

Is it because I have a name? Wonder what your friend's body was like? Rye and his age filled Harun's corners by expanding themselves like a joyful fog or like a stretching rubber band without straps. That feeling made the whole body clean and crisp as if it had been in a state of unconsciousness for a long time.

- Where has Lai been?

- I was sleeping so deep. A long time ago, I was out in the world like I am now, but creatures like you, who have appeared so many times, have treated me badly. The things they made made made made me sick, and I was horrified.

I was angry several times that I thought I was going to vanish, and I destroyed them, but before I could find all the power, other creatures appeared, and they still made me sick. So I gave up everything and scattered most of my existence to the world and slept deep underground, until my friend called me...

- So did I. All kinds of bad things hurt me, made me look weird and angry.

So I got mad and I destroyed the people who did it a few times, but the others showed up and made me sick again.

- So did you.

- It's been a long time.

- Yeah, we, uh, we met a lot, according to the memory of our predecessors.

- But I've never seen you before. What is this feeling and this memory?

This belongs to the good guys. It's what our roots, the good things, experienced and felt.

But how?

- The moment our good deeds and knowledge have a name.

Harun became a bystander and listened to Rye's conversation.

But I didn't feel bad at all. I could not understand their words, but I could only see that they had existed since ancient times and had different shapes and abilities from the present.

- The closer we are to each other and the more evolved we are, the stronger we are in this world.

- From what I can remember, you can have a new body.

From now on, we need to gather the hard pieces and have the power to help our friend who brought us back to life just before we were extinct.

Designation and fertilization have grown enormously quickly, and have become even more chatty.

I'd like to keep it that way, but I have work to do. No, I had to check if I could.

- I'm sorry to talk to you, but I need a favor.

- Do me a favor?

- Tell me.

- Can you get the water out of the underground lake through this rock in the maze?

- It's that easy. We just need to widen the original hole.

- If Lai drills a big hole in the rock, I'll pull the water out.

Harun asked for a difficult extraction, but they both accepted it so easily.

- So you can do it anywhere I want? Can we make a reservoir?

- Yeah, of course.

- It's that easy.

Rai and Age were confident that they could do the construction too easily, which would take a long time, even with a gigantic feat.

I knew the power of spirits was great! '

Harun admires the power of the Three Spirits. And I was so proud and happy to be a friend of the Spirit.

- Hahaha! It's good to have friends!

- I feel good about my age because my friend likes it.

- Me, too. I'll do it right now.

Nai and Lai rejoiced with Harun's emotions, perhaps because they had settled down before Harun stopped.

Rye pushes his body up into the ground as he treads on it. And a part of the body at the same age moved and soaked into the ground.

Finding the Water Source is only possible with waves, but it seems that in order to exert your own power, you need to send a part of yourself out of Harun's body like this.


The hot earth shook and quivered. Perhaps Rye is widening the gap or hole in the giant rock.


A short distance away, the ground settles down with a bang.

Then the ground seemed to be almost 50 meters in diameter and dug deep.

Phew! Phew!

A huge stream of water erupted. The stream that went up to 10 meters above the ground shined dazzling in various colors as it penetrated the sunlight. Then he falls to the ground and begins to drench the parched ground.

"Got it!"

Harun clenches his fist.

- You got it now, right?

One end of Rye, who had just escaped out of his body, returns.

- Well done, Lai. Thank you!

Thank you.

Lai was shy of thanking him as if he was emotionally unavailable. Similar to Bjorn's life, there were many other aspects.

- I'm here, Harun.

While looking at the rapidly rising reservoir, some of the age of going out came back.

- Good job on your age.

- Heheh heh! It's been a long time since I've used my own strength. I want my strength back.

- It must have been hard. Get some rest.

Raise a ball of energy down there for us in the future.

- What are you talking about?

Didn't you know that beings like us absorb the energy of character that suits us from the lumps of energy that lie beneath our friends' bodies.

Harun is able to tell the difference between Beyond's spirits and reality spirits as he grows older.

Unlike Beyond's spirit, which was summoned from the spirit system by contract, the real spirit grew up absorbing the spirit from the spirit, as seen in the book of the Apocalypse.

- What does it usually absorb? Give it a try.

- This much to replenish the power you just used.

Harun, who was concentrating his mind before he did, could sense that a tiny amount of energy was rising before the interruption.

"Thank God!"

Even if it lasted all day, it was not that big. Of course, there's also the word "wet" in the crotch.

I think you should pay more attention to Manaflo from now on. If you spin Mana Flow in Beyond due to the power of the capsule, the body of reality absorbs as much energy as the fairy tale rate.

If it's too much of a burden, we'll work on our strength more slowly.

He's worried about Lai.

- That's good enough. Don't worry, I'll train hard.

- See you later, buddy.

- I should sing it to you more often. It's been so long since I've been out. It's all so new.

Rye and Age have now returned to their stations before they were stopped.

I'm glad you made it out.

If I had stayed at the base to make myself comfortable as a commander, I wouldn't have gotten such crystals and designations.

Harun made sure the reservoir was completely filled and set out for Ver of the Urssium tribe.

Harun returns to Vern, where he can see how many Orcs are digging the well Bell found.

"I found you!"

Belle's face holding the Elrod reminded me of a strong sense of accomplishment.

"Haha! That's my brother. I found you, too. '


"Yeah, lucky me. I found a water source big enough to fill a pretty big reservoir."


Sephem was startled when he heard Harun's sister talk. He seemed responsible for digging the well.

"Where is it?"

"Not far north of Berber."

"Come with me to dig. Everyone will be delighted."

He said so, but he ran without hesitation as Harun slowly followed. Before Harun even went to his quarters, the Urssium chieftains came running for him.

"Is it true what Cecil said?"

Having thick skin, Halal rushed to Harun, who could hardly recognize the emotional changes.

"That's right."

"Let's go somewhere."

The Tribe leaders, including Halal, urged Harun with an anticipated expression.


Harun quickly walked to the reservoir, considering their minds. When the rumors spread or arrived at the reservoir for escort, their numbers increased tremendously.

"Water! Lots of water!"


"Oh, my God! I did it!"

"This was a rough land where nothing had grown....."

Orgash sees the giant reservoir and is greatly confined, and Orgasm rejoices at the presence of the reservoir as if it were their own water of life.

"Build from Sue now! And get the covers from the dried waterways and protect the precious water! Prepare to transplant a soul planted in another reservoir!"

Halal was excited and told him what he needed to do right away. The top brass command the Orgrims as they gather and begin their work. The curious Orgasm joined the task with a joyful face, regardless of identity.

Tungris who were watching it thanked Harun.

"Thank you so much, Human Tungri! I didn't expect to find water so soon."

"Our sister found a deep well that we couldn't easily find, but Human Tungri is amazing!"

Tungris, who had not shown much interest to Harun except Uchi, were also greatly embarrassed.

It was unimaginable for them to find underground water sources in such a short time, as well as make such a huge reservoir by gushing water.

"It's just a little trick." (God...)

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