Am I a real man now? '

Harun's face reminds me of a small smile that he and Ari spent five days on a dreamy vacation together in paradise and then took a short break at the central base.

It is common practice for unions with open sexual consciousness and those with short lifespans to experience intercourse between fifteen and sixteen, whereas Harun is quite late. Harun also never wanted such an experience, but he lived thinking that improvisational relationships without love for the opponent are meaningless.

After checking their minds about each other that had been piled up in the meantime, I wanted to see Ari even though they were not frozen. Her special physique, posture, and eyes were engraved on him like an imprint.

Harun feels full of his own deficiencies through his time with Ari. He felt that his narrow emotional breadth had expanded greatly through that time, not because he had established a relationship.

And more than anything else, it's planning for the future. The two of them spent a long, short time together, having a serious conversation with each other about the future of the storm base, and Harun was able to plan for the future.

I hope it went well. '

Ari leads the Secret Service to investigate the western sea. This was not determined by Harun, but by his own decision after Ari spoke to Azman separately, so he did not know the details.

Whether it was because of the awkwardness of meeting Bell or for the sweet future that the two whispered for five days, Ari immediately moved, despite Harun's current circumstances. It's a long and dangerous task, but I'm not worried about Titan with effective defenses and a group of combat-specific incognito men.

At some point, Harun, dressed in his usual outfit, enjoyed the scent of Ari for a while, then headed to the central base.

Should we have gone to the storm house? '

Harun came to the central base thinking he was ashamed to see others, and for a long time he thought he was alone. Seeing that I had nothing special to do but pursue a hobby other than Beyond, I felt lonely that I had not forgotten because this time was so boring.

After that, I hardly spent any time alone for a while. Ever since Belle came to her, she's been hanging out with other people almost always, both in reality and in Beyond. It was uncomfortable for me to be alone for a time that I had taken for granted, and now I feel like I'm wearing clothes that don't fit.


I got an idea. Something had to be done. Harun, sitting in the couch, sent an EEG to Azman after a long time.

- How have you been?

- Yes, Master.

It's been a long time, and I felt like Azman's answer contained warmth. It can't be true.

- Are you analyzing tissue samples from the animals?

That's why Belle was accompanied. Bell was able to gather a portion of almost every visible creature on her way back and forth with the help of a forger. Although the storm base can expand to 100 floors underground, it can't stay underground like a mole for long, so the base development committee and researchers are working on a variety of options.

- Yeah, I'm working on it.

Azman had already received Harun's blessing and was secretly running a lab at a central base producing biotype cyborgs specialized in research.

- What's the result so far?

Harun asked without assigning a target. I was curious, but more than that, it is a rather unspoken question to avoid boredom.

- I noticed something unusual.

- The odd thing?

- A plant they call Margaux absorbs a large amount of radioactive material from the soil. And once the crucible absorbs, the radioactive material turns inactive, not knowing what causes it. With the right amount of dry oil, you can remove any radioactive material that has seeped into the soil in as little as 1-2 teaspoons as possible. And then you can do farming.

- Hmm.

Harun doubts whether their farm operates this way. Despite being a cheaper civilization than Humans, they are living well adapted to contaminated environments. He creates a farm under the shadow of a khorn tree and lives by growing stock, Yam, and other vegetables and fruits.

Perhaps Oregon had planted and extracted mangroves to remove radioactive materials that contaminated the soil before the farm was built. That is why we can eat plants grown in the soil and live healthy.

Even though the fact that Org is far less intelligent than Human makes him doubt such a hypothesis, Harun soon became convinced of his lack of prudent vision.

This could be our best chance for Humans! '

As soon as Azman's analysis comes out, we'll have to do some deep research on this area.

- Anything else unusual? Plants adapted to contaminated environments would have some powerful effect on radioactive materials.

Samples were collected for that reason. It's because we can't live underground forever. One day we have to go out into the open, so we have to prepare in advance.

- We found a special substance against radiation in the cells of every animal that's being analyzed, as we surmised.


Harun wakes up with words he didn't expect.

- Yes. The original radiation has alpha rays that emit helium nuclei, beta rays that emit electrons, and gamma rays that emit gamma photons, which interfere with the three types of radiation that overlap with the moisture levels of the cells to create special harmful chemicals.

I thought they had something special to do with surviving in radioactive contaminated environments, but I didn't think they contained material that could block the radiation in the cell.

- I can't believe there was such a thing. Is it the power of evolution or the result of adaptation?

- Whatever you name it, I'm assuming it's a bionic force. Some scientists in the apocalypse argued that there was a piece of DNA that contained no information, that it produced new genetic information that could adapt to unexpected changes in the environment.

- What about the outsiders?

This is an important question.

- Unfortunately, nothing so far.

In response, Harun became a sad face. However, if there was such a substance in the outer cells, the life span would not be more than 40 to 50 years. Genetics, of course, accumulated since childhood. Outers often end their lives with various cancers.

- But the outside has radiation resistance until a certain amount accumulates in the body. Outers on the coast are more resistant than those on the mainland. Health is much better. Life expectancy is five to 10 years longer.

- Any idea why?

- I think seaweed caused it. Seaweeds like algae and sand are known in the last days to prevent or detoxify radiation. Among the plants that grow on the coast, there are species that have that effect. The seaweed Ari collected this time also confirmed that. There's a huge variation of the effect among seaweeds, so we need more samples.

Harun finally understood why Ari had told him there was something important to do on the way to the west sea.

- It's also not proven to be effective, but I think bird 's-eye has a similar effect on the spices they consume together.

- You mean the spicy, slightly aromatic flavor of the bird?

There was such a thing in the food they brought out. They ferment Yama dough and spread it widely over the oven. When they eat the yama, they must eat it together. A bird's eye is yellow and has a spicy taste, but the aroma is good. Orgash smashes a bird's eye with his bare hands and lays it on top of Yama with other dishes, wrapping it well and eating it well.

In the apocalypse, we called it the bird's eye, and it has excellent radioactivity and detoxification. We should investigate further, but it looks like the biohazard is preventing a significant portion of radiation accumulation and exposure to radiation.

- So eating seaweed and bird's eye would be better?

Humans have finally found a clue to a contaminated ground.

You can analyze and experiment more closely, but I think the unique effectiveness of birds and seaweed is far more powerful than that of the Apocalypse. I think it would be a great help to dragons who have to leave the base often.

- I hope this works. Do we have any other options?

- Better than that is to separate and take the substance that blocks the sun rays like a drug. Because without this barrier, Humans can live out there.

It's best if it doesn't work like that. Outers have short life expectancy due to radioactive contaminated environments, but are less immune and have extremely low basic physical strength or adaptability due to their presence in the barrier.

- That's a good idea. But is that even possible?

If there are substances present in the cell unit, separation or cultivation will not be permitted. There is not enough equipment to handle the fine process, and the base researchers are still not good enough to do it.

- Maybe one day you'll be able to do it.

- Yeah, well, keep up the good work.

- Yes, Master.

Harun's brain waves with Azman have been cut off and he's headed for the storm base.

'We'll have to settle down at the end.'

Since the majority of people who had moved from Union, as well as the outsiders, were accumulating radioactive materials in Chene, we had to solve the problem somehow.

Harmful chemicals that combine radioactive materials with moisture in the body cause an incurable disease that will weaken, but also twist the double-twisted structure of DNA to inherit the disease for generations.

If I didn't know it, I wouldn't be able to see it.

Harun has been contacted by Bell on his way to the storm base.

- Are you still in paradise?

- No, it's out. Right now, Azma is receiving reports from the Central Base about the research at the lab and is on her way to the storm base.

- Then hurry up, brother.

What's going on?

- Come and hear the details.

Harun makes a hasty move.

As you open the door connected to the wall of the house, Bell looks nervous and waits for him.

"What's going on?"

"Something serious has happened to Beyond and the merchant tribe is in complete emergency."

Beyond, which is currently controlled by the Merchant Guild, has a large part to play in stabilizing the storm base. Just the number of people who work as Beyond is close to 1,000. They're using Beyond to acquire the goods the storm base needs.

"Bora says the Storm Merchant Guild has been brutally attacked for the past four days."

"How much? Who the hell?"

Harun knows that Bell cannot answer that question, but asks the same question. It was that big of a shock.

"Who can attack the Storm Merchant Guild under the protection of the three empires, not to mention Empress Evelyn?"

"That's what I don't know. Anyway, Bora formally demanded a vendetta with her brother."

Bora looks young and clean, but has a strong and extraordinary character. He was definitely not the kind of person who would make a fuss, but seeing that he demanded even monopoly, he was sure to have a big problem.

'I don't understand.'

The Gust Guild is very different from the rest of the Guild. Since the main item was a medicine that had not been used earlier in Beyond and the drug had increased English mortality as well as the average lifespan, empires and the people are receiving absolute love.

The technology or the process of producing medicines was not confidential, but the margin is low, so other merchants dare not interfere even if they are greedy. Residents are more fond of the common people than the upper class, including nobles and symbols, so even the Bandits and Marks don't touch the Storm Merchant Guild.

In short, after being loved by ordinary residents, the Gust Merchants Guild has never seen such damage as the expected robbery of the time to come. I don't know what kind of trouble I'm in now, being brutally patronized.

"I'll call you as soon as I'm standing by."

Bell calls Bora on Harun's behalf, and she quickly enters the administration room as if she was waiting.

"I can tell by the look on your face the situation is serious. Let's hear it first."

Since it was an urgent situation, Bora immediately started reporting on behalf of her greetings as a ceremony.

"The current Storm Merchant Guild is under attack almost brutally by the three empires. I've already been attacked by an escort and escort, nearly 900 people, and I've suffered so much damage that I've been completely destroyed by five shops and warehouses."

"…… Hnng!"

Hearing Bora's words, a cry came from Harun's mouth. Recently, it was reported that the total number of the Storm Merchant Guild members, including more than 1,000 inhabitants of the Storm Base, was 2,200. More than one-third of 900 people were ambushed.

It's embarrassing to blame you for not reporting it sooner since you've been in paradise without any contact. And first things first, we have to deal with it.

"That would make it impossible to conduct a normal merchant guild."

"Yes, except for the production of medicines, everything at the top has stopped. At first, I started again, but then I got ambushed in a row, and now I've stopped working as a member of my staff."

Harun shakes his head. I'm just starting to make a lot of money by running a merchant guild in Beyond. At this rate, he hoped that even if it wasn't his own money, the storm base would have some sort of financial return.

"Fortunately, because unknown enemies raided during the night or during the ascent, the lives of local members who were involved in the production of medicines, commuting to work, and buying goods at the store were very significant."

That's really good. The Gust Guild employs many locals, many of whom work in the shop's sales or production plants.

"Have you figured out the identity of the raiders?"

Bora shakes her head at Harun's question.

"The NSA officials in charge of the crime sent in a number of investigative personnel to investigate the area, but nothing came up. That's all any member of the crew remembers is that the men in black hoods who covered their bodies ambushed them."

"Are you the ascetics?"

"It's possible, but it's not. There were ambushes, but some of them were openly attacking, and some of the men who were dealing with them said their swordsmanship and magic skills were unusual."

It's understandable for the atheists, but if not, the identity of the opponent becomes even more profound. The family was convinced that the Dwarves and Elves had commissioned a deal with the Three Imperial Empires.

"Did they buy it from another merchant guild?"

"That's what I thought at first, but the other merchants were attacked by them as well. The Giant Merchant Guild and its small and medium-sized merchants are being attacked. Our merchant guild is damaged, but the other merchants are playing exponentially, including the compensation."

"Is that even possible?"

A group that attacks the Merchant Guild simultaneously. That would require a tremendous number of people to leave the force. There can't be an organization in any country that has people who are capable of something like that.

"I'm not sure if they're knight-level or five-four days old, given their ability to ambush the temporary escorts they've hired and deal with head-on." All we could tell from such devastating damage was that we assumed that many foreigners would be included, considering that the body would not be expressed.


It's that serious. When Harun first heard about this, he was coming to the conclusion of the other merchants who were jealous of the Storm Merchant Guild. But if the raiders were foreigners, it would be a different story.

"The best of the estramorwn are probably in the Devil Mountains."

"I know. The Devil Mountains are becoming the core of a hurricane, and those talents are emerging simultaneously and concentrating on our merchant guild, so we don't know who they are.

"Don't you have any messages?"

It's strange to just attack. Isn't it normal to reveal a little bit of who they are?

"No. There was no sign of any abandoned warehouses or shops on the ground.


Bell, who had never experienced the game, was there, but did not give me any advice.

"What do you want me to do? Low fraud is a problem, but the loss of life as well as drugs burns or destroys is too great, making the top budget extremely worse. The margin is too low in the pharmacy, with the exception of selling heterogeneous items, so the proceeds saved so far are not very high. Stores and warehouse repairs are not only extremely expensive, but it is also expected to be an endless attack......"


Harun sighs so secretly that Bora doesn't even notice.

I was sorry to spend a dream time with Ariwa, but I tried to relax with Bell for a day or so, but the situation wouldn't allow me.

"That's right."

Harun, who received Bora's report, asked the lower lip tightly. The merchant guild's damage is much greater than expected. The Merchant Guild's power and funding situation have been greatly compromised.

"There seems to be too much reward for wounded or deceased Beyond locals."

Accident compensation standards for local people were already in place and compensation was paid accordingly. However, since the money situation is bad, Bora seems to be sad about it.

"That's the way it has to be. It's a matter of our merchant guild's credit."

"Yes, but......"

Bora shows grief for paying too much, but Harun shakes his head decisively. We have moved the Merchant Guild as one of the means for stable operation of the storm base, not to maximize profits here.

The other merchant guild said it would be compensated for three months' salary, but in case of a gust, it was compensated for two years' salary.

"Despite the significant increase in the upper image and recent inactivity due to the generosity of the reward, there are quite a few people who would like to join the upper and escorts through their accumulated connections."

That's a relief. If we can find the right people, we can easily resume the top activities.

"There are quite a lot of released medicines that seem to be in circulation for a few months, but once the merchant guild ceases to be active, the price of the medicines is rising rapidly and there are sequelae. If we don't resume our activities soon, the weeds may suffer from various diseases again."

That's expected somewhat.

"First stop the expansion of the branch. It will cost money, but use the Whipjean at the Currency Merchant Guild to increase the security of the remaining branches to a distance. It would be a good idea to include the Merchant Guild escorts at the storm base this time."

Harun only paused to avoid the showers, but he had no intention of avoiding the coming battle. The training is no longer in vain, so they are strong enough to work here. What I needed was a practical experience, so I thought it would be good to be looking for an opportunity.

"The fighting party is finally on the move. But will it be okay?"

"Expert beginners are funny if our base's combatants are skilled. So rest assured!"

"I heard you were counting, is that it?"

"Yes. For some time now, I've been training in the real world, searching for warrior parties and monsters inside Beyond. You don't have to worry, though, because your level is a little weak, and you're as good at fighting as any knight. And I'll accompany the sorcerer. It's time for you to experience some real combat. Join the sychists."

"Got it, boss. Then you really don't have to worry."

Bora's face, which had some anxiety, finally opened up.

Unlike merchants who do Beyond for a living, Magic Journals are recently created specialties that began as entertainment, but were chosen separately by people with special abilities to do magic. A total of 62 people are led by a resident of the lens, a powerful and leadership aspiration. With the permission of the base, they were able to spend 12 hours a day in Beyond instead of a job, and they began to practice magic in earnest as students of the fan tower Tanniele and Myrus mentioned.

All of those members have outstanding intelligence and were already high rankers, mostly wizards. Despite the manual personally written by the Taniella death penalty, they are now in the vicinity of 5 circles despite re-mastering the magic of the new system.

Psychics refer to people like Nine, including racing as a promoter. A total of 12 Special Forces crews joined Bjorn four hours a day to unwind and stress apart from the practice of the real world, demonstrating tremendous adaptability and advancement in the field of magic and magic.

I started PLAY a lot later than everyone else, but my youngest Nine became skilled enough to become a 5-Circle Bigyner Highranker at level 164. Among other things, they are exhibiting a remarkable adaptation to a new magic called resonance magic or magic that was born out of a combination of magic and magic.

Borado is the head of the base and knows the ability of magic tricks and psychics because she knows inside information. Moreover, many of them were from the same pseudophakic lens as themselves, so it was even more pleasant to be close to each other personally.

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