After Bora left, Harun thought about leaving the office for what Bello was doing.

"What if there were a force of foreigners with that many eyes? '

I thought of the foreigners in the guild unit, but I shook my head. I don't know what the numbers are, but foreigners are still incompetent. Strangers are faster to level up than residents of Beyond, but at some point it becomes incredibly difficult to almost the same extent.

If so, using force and funding......

"Human Guard? Yes, they are!"

GG can't afford that. Also, most GPCs are related to guilds against the Darkness. The most likely was the Human Guard. Harun thought they had joined the Darkness, but that can't be all, considering their forces are equal to GG.

'Are these two forces holding hands?'

Likely Harun's conjecture of the two forces is actually getting closer.

I need information! '

Harun first sent an EEG to Jericho on GG.

- Jerico, Jerico!

- Chief!

Jericho was very pleased to call Harun because it was his first time communicating that day.

- How are you?

Thank you for your concern.

After a shocking defeat, Jericho had to wait a long time without any job, with severe reprimands. Lately, I was only able to rejoin the organization.

-At least there was a new reorganization and the waiting period was short. I'm in charge of supplies at HQ now.

- Well done.

- No, thanks to you, I was able to focus on bringing my colleagues together in real life.

Jericho, who had no access to Beyond, reported that he was actively mobilizing in reality and had already gathered up to 100 comrades.

- Sir, here's the big news.

- Big news?

The top layer of tissue that was hidden in the fog finally revealed itself.

What do you think?

Harun quietly asked. GG, like the other two organizations, is a secret organization that the public still doesn't even know its name. There is little known information about the Viceroy. Of course, I was surprised.

- I appeared to Beyond first with the title Dark Prince instead of the name. The official from the High Council said it was the next Lord.

You don't have that position at GG, do you?

- Yeah, so I started talking a lot. It was later discovered that the leaders of the organization called the chairman of the Senate Lord.

I thought the leader of the three large groups, including GG, was not an individual, but a group leadership system of several people called the elders. Just hearing the name Dark Prince gives me a sense that the person is the next Lord.

- Then why did he show up?

From walking until now, I wondered whether it was because of safety or because of the nature of the slime tissue, but the brain damage was rarely revealed.

- We think it's a surprise. Despite supporting the Madosa class with Sword Masters, Strangers, Allies and Mountain Tribes were forced to reveal themselves in order to clear the scene. As soon as I showed up, I managed to repair the organization and flip the situation that was pushed away by pulling out the reserve power that I had hidden.

- Turn the tide?

When Harun returned to reality, he thought that no matter how resistant the Darkness was, the castles would be taken from the rest of the castle except the castles. Above all, the number of foreigners was growing exponentially.

- The Dark Prince has assembled three combatants that have lost half or a third of their strength due to the battle, and is leading his own Guards, 10 Reserves, a Garrison, and a Reinforced Undead squadron to take back the castles that were looted.


One day, I was so surprised that I screamed without my knowledge.

- When was Nittana?

-Real time was four days, and game time was about 12 days. Filled with about 150,000 reinforcements of undead and 100,000 horsepowers of soldiers of the Unsullied and Sword user rank, who had no idea where they were hidden, they have now restored six castles with nearly 400,000 horsepowers, and in the process they have slaughtered over 100,000 foreigners and 30,000 allies with incredible magical skills.

It's time to flag.

Harun felt like his heart was going to pop out.

300,000! Where did such an incredible strategy come from all of a sudden? With 50,000 SS, 150,000 reinforced undead, with Sword user grade skills, it's unlikely the cremated mountain tribes have left that many bodies behind.

But solving that question is pointless. I have something more urgent to check on.

- Do you know what happened to the castles where the mountain tribes lived?

- You're not the target yet. The dark forces led by the Dark Prince march in three directions, mainly from the east and south of the Devil Mountains, where allies and foreigners are gathering. Your castles are in the mines, so it seems to be the main target.

Thank goodness! '

Looks like we'll have to get things done quickly and get back to Beyond. Beyond's situation is spreading too rapidly during the delicious time of Ari and Honey.

- I have another piece of good news.

- What is it?

- Capsule's artificial intelligence computer is gone.

They're not going to give up gratitude.

- Well, it turns out there's a reason for that. It seems that the capsule's artificial intelligence computer, the superquantum computer that worked so hard, was hit pretty hard with the massive brain death of its users. That's why paper reports or publications have been frequently used by organizations recently. So now I can work seamlessly in Beyond.

- That's good, but be careful.

- Don't worry, but is it possible to use an EEG to communicate with Captain Harun of Beyond?

- I don't know about that. I'll ask him to try.

- Yeah, page came in. It looks like you have another support request you can't ignore. I think I need to access it.

"Yes. Let's work hard and get back to you.

Harun finishes his communication with Jericho and is lost in thought.

I feel like something big is happening!

The Dead Bunker has developed a massive new drug that has attracted Glory Gaia's elite. In Beyond, a new boss, the Dark Prince, has emerged and is destroying the Guard Road and the Foreigner's Guild. The Empire is robbing merchants of a mysterious group.

There must be something! '

One day I explained to Aziman and Bell about his resurrection and was ready to access Beyond. It seems that Beyond's work was in a hurry, and there was a sense of longing for a major incident involving the future of the storm base.

As soon as Harun reached Beyond, he spread his messenger fast skills and ran to Castle Ewen, where the essence of the blast mercenaries was supposed to stay.

Eyjab Castle was already compromised for protection and concealment, making it visible only to the naked eye, but Harun had activated Shaki's eyes.

The outside wall, which was seven meters high, was completed when it was built when it penetrated the perimeter boundary. Even if you go through the barrier at this height, the horses won't be able to climb properly. And I was relieved that the warriors were on guard at regular intervals.

"Who…… is the commander!"

The warrior who found him and was about to blow his trumpet recognizes his face and shouts. Immediately, a warrior commander ran through a vast wall.


"Ah! Hobono."

He was the leader of a few faced Siege Warriors. Harun remembers how he fought bravely at the forefront of all his battles. Luckily, I remembered the name and liked it a lot.

"Everyone's waiting for you. I'll show you."

Harun walks quickly through the open gates with Hobono's guidance and looks around. The land from the outer sanctuary to the fortress was divided by plots, grazing crops or domesticated mountain goats. I don't know when it was planted, but when I saw the wheat growing to my knees, my anxiety sank.

The landscape where so many people were farming and grazing was truly peaceful. In the future, Harun, who traveled about three kilometers thinking that he wanted these mountain tribes to live this peaceful life, could see many people gathered near the fortified gate.

All mercenary captains have left the fortress until word of Harun's arrival has already been heard through the horn signal.

"Welcome. Commander!"

Seeing the crew greeting greetings, all of their anxiety disappeared. There were some invisible advisors for Dylan, but the look on his faces suggests nothing.

Harun greets his men, and goes inside the castle.

The entire Fourth Floor of Ziggurat was taken care of by the Fellowship. As I entered the large room used as the meeting room, I came to the head of a tribal coalition that was working.

"I'm glad you're back in one piece. The Devil Mountains, of course, were very noisy, so I was a little worried."

The words of Howdon, who became the leader of the Tribal Union, are true. They also seem to be somewhat aware of recent changes.

"Thanks to your concern, I was able to get the job done. What's the status of the castle?"

"Haha! Still a mess. But I was a little less worried because I had more residential facilities and outdoors. We're opening a field right now. Approximately 3,000 migrants have come in since the commander's departure, but there's not a big problem as the supplies are stockpiled and housing is being built near the fortress walls."

Although he looks a little thinner than before, the leaders of the Tribal Alliance, including Howdon, have been giving a bright look. It seems to be stabilizing.

"How are things out there?"

I think I know a little, but I don't know the details. The people's gaze is directed at Harun.

"Hmm, it's a bit serious. A man named the Dark Prince appears along with his own kin, and countless castles are returning into the water of the Darkness."

"We've heard of the Dark Prince and his bannermen. They slaughtered thousands with dark magic called the Dark Field. They carry fearsome undead and horses with immense power to warriors, as well as strong resistance to divinity." "

It looks like I have relatively accurate information. I'm really glad they're not insensitive to information.

"I've heard that. They're very powerful, and they're going to come this way one day, so you have to be prepared."

"We're not afraid. It is a haven for generations to inherit. Our mountain tribes will never run again or hide in the barren mountains, no matter how powerful the enemy may come."

The Tribe leaders, including Howdon, showed a united attitude. The mountain tribe has been living in the Devil Mountains for thousands of years as it deals with horses.

"Hahaha! You're so trustworthy. But if you don't think you can handle it, you have to retreat."

"Haha! That's what I'm talking about. Already, with the help of the storm advisory board adults, we have established a close cooperation system among the castles and strategies for the USA-city march, and have taken advice on some measures to take in case of an emergency."

"That's comforting."

I was relieved that the leaders leading the castle, including Howdon, were aware of the situation and seemed to have the appropriate readiness.

By the end of Harun's words, Howdon realized it was time to talk about Mercenary Bay.

"Then we'll see you at dinner later."

"Yes, I look forward to it."

Harun's eyes turn to Bashu of the Torture after the head of Yeshun Castle retreated.

"Lord Bash, have you installed all the Warp Wizards?"

"Yes, it's all done. And the wizards who are going to run the Wizards are already deployed."

Thankfully, the Warp Wizards installed this time can move 1,000 people within 10 minutes, so defending the castle should be enough unless they are pushed sharply in the beginning.

"I don't see many of them, including Lord Tanielle."

"Ser Taniella and Ser Mirus and several other advisors are giving lectures and magical maps in the basement of the lab."


"Yes. I'm guiding the magic of our gale tower against the compartments from each tribe and the wizards from the outside." "

Seeing the story of our Stone Tower coming out of the Pomican's mouth, the advisors seem to agree now.

Freedom Wizards who have been in training from the Military Tower or Nomad Wizards have been stunned for a long time because they have not received the right guidance. If they have received the right guidance, they will achieve remarkable results within a short period of time.

Considering the magical cult and the psychic that practiced magic at Castle Aka, the number of storm towers has now grown to a size of close to 1,000.

"I don't see Ser Dylan or any other military advisers."

"They took the men and the warriors they had chosen and sent from each tribe and went to the red-haired mountain outside the castle. With hands-on training and a hunt for the beast, I've been out on a weekly schedule, and I'll be back tomorrow."

While he was returning to reality, the rest of the crew was spending a meaningful amount of time strengthening the storm troops, from torturers to regular troops. I wasn't just playing around in real life, but I was somewhat sorry.

During dinner time, Harun secretly went out to the castle and called Mino and Sunni after the half-price of the faculty, including Taniella. They had already finished reconnaissance of the Devil Mountains and had gone on a leisurely hunt nearby.

Harun assimilated Mino and Sunni to confirm their memories.

Also, a large group of people who appear to be a dark prince have recently been identified by flight memories.


With 300,000 horses, the dangers of Darkness advancing into three divisions are also transmitted vividly through their memories. They're using the warp jeans that the old castles possess to move quickly.

Fortunately, there were no exceptions such as the appearance of a new castle. However, many procession proceeding east of the Devil Mountains in the direction of Monster Land bothered me. Minos and Sunnies also found it fascinating enough that 10,000 people were on a spectacular march to confirm that they were a Darkness horde.

Why the hell are we going to such a dangerous place? '

There was something more important than that. Harun asked Mio and Suni to remember all the places where Humans were gathering. Considering the map of the Devil Mountains in Harun's memory, there were many such places.

'There were more mountain tribes than I thought.'

Most of the places were definitely home to mountain tribes, since mountain tribes usually live on a village level.

Harun somehow liked the evil tribes more than the continents.

At first they thought they were for trade, but now they are a mountain tribe that are acting together because they like it. I want the rest of the tribes to live a safer and higher life, like the three tribes, instead of living such a crude and dangerous life.

'After all, it is they who have stopped the demon's proclamation for thousands of years.'

The continents do not know, but they have lived a difficult and dangerous life according to the teachings of their ancestors, so I wish they could live a more comfortable and safe life now.

Harun takes advantage of Mobius as he pulls the transponder out of his room after people retreat, but is unable to get in touch with him.

What the hell is he doing? '

Harun grumbles for a moment and sends a message to Hersh, but she can't reach him either.

Are you saying it's that big a deal? '

The heads of the two information organizations seemed to have faced a situation that made them unable to pay attention to communication. I was in a hurry to get on the Mino and Sunny to Fort Matsurut, but I didn't see the whole crew yet, so I calmed down.

"May I call you Mer? '

I think I've seen it for a long time. I'm sure Belle is grumbling a lot.

= Fell, Summon Fell!

Pell was immediately destroyed.

"Tsk! Tsk! What is it, brother? Why are you here so late? I can't even find out where……"

A bell with its mouth like a duck's mouth.

"Something happened in my world. I'm sorry."

"Cheers! Let's get the next one up and running."

"When you're Awakened, can you come with me?"

"Of course. I've traveled to other dimensions before. It's not that hard."

"I hope you have that ability soon!"

If that were the case, we would be able to effectively cope with the urgency of the situation. If Bell's power could be used there in real life, Harun would be more powerful than ever.

"I can't wait to see Belle and Ari. What do you think of me?"

He even remembered the existence of Bell and Ari, who told him once.

"Hey! Don't worry. I bet you'd be cute."

Bell who fanatically likes to do cute things. Of course, even that's what I learned through Miang's work. A cute looking fel will surely receive Bell's love.

"Ah! I can't wait to see you. I wonder what kind of world my brother lives in, and I want to see Belle and Ari too."

"Haha! One more to go."


"There's a girl called Miang who loves Bering very much. Mia, I think you're in love with Mia because she's so cute."

Harun's words make Pel's eyes sparkle.

"Hehe! I'm so excited. Collect more horseshoes so you can get up quickly, brother."

"I see. Have you refined everything you've collected so far?"

"No, but the more the merrier. It doesn't take that long anymore."

"Are the other spirits still awake?"

"Yeah. Me and them, and unlike the Spirit Stone so far, I think we need Ikem with a lot of power."

After spending a long time with Pell, Harun sent him back to subspace. Fel seemed sad that he had to break up quickly after meeting him for a long time, but he didn't have time to rest to increase his abilities.

"More powerful than Spirit Stone?"

I obtained spirits from reality, but I wanted to see them because they were less mature than the spirits here.

'Maybe we should look for a pure stone. Pure stone!'

At that moment, Harun recalls a video of Darkness moving towards the monster.

'They must be heading to the land of chaos to find the Pure Stone. The Demon King's remains have been consumed in the training of the Dark Prince's Guards, who appeared this time. That's why this time he's after the Pure Stone!'

I think I need to get to the land of chaos quickly. Pure Stone is an item that they need, but they also need it for Awakening Spirits.

Once things settle down here, let's get moving! '

With Minos and Sunnies around, you don't have to worry about Darkness leaving first. Moreover, the land of chaos is an unknown land that no one has ever allowed to invade.

In the evening, Taniella and other advisors came to talk for a while and asked me to sleep, but I couldn't sleep because of my worries. So I went up to the Ziggurat rooftop and studied my skills, including Mana Flow.

Late the next afternoon, a group of disorderly men returned to the castle. After a week of intense hands-on training against monsters and witches, the crew was exhausted and exhausted, but their eyes were still alive.

The proud eyes all proved that the worms had accomplished something, and the vigor of those who walked in an orderly manner impressed them with a meticulous yet deep impression. Because of this, many virgins who worked in the field read their hearts and watched the procession.

Harun picks up the horn and heads to the front of the Resistance, where he can see Dylan and Bovette returning from the front. The rest of the advisers and the Tinos were behind it.


"Sir Dylan! Lord Bovet!"

The Tinos and their advisors quickly ran to Haroon to pay their respects.

"When did you get here?"

Dylan asks with a busy face.

"I arrived yesterday afternoon."

"Let's get in touch."

"I went out for training, but I can't do that. So, did it work?"

"Yes, most of the crew has created Mana Ocean. This exercise was a practical exercise to use Mana efficiently."

"The commanders and the torture squads have worked hard."

"Haha! No. It's all because we like it."

People waved their hands with a slight glance at Harun's words. However, when I saw their proud faces, they were very weak because they were born warriors.

The mercenaries went into the castle as they talked, disbanding for food and rest. Harun stands behind those who line up for the ceremony. For a week, the eyes of the mercenaries were still burning, purposefully pushed to the extreme.

Harun spoke to each other briefly. Now that the number has increased, it is not easy to do this, but we are sharing our minds because we are together but do not know the individual well.

At the end of the conversation, I reached the front of the line. There, foreigner deputies, including Marie, were waiting for a delivery that was about to begin.


"How was the festival?"

"Yes? Oh, yes!"

He looked surprised at how he knew the ear of reality, but he looked surprised at the fact that reality and Harun here knew each other almost as well as the same person.

"I'm not sure I enjoyed the festival properly because I'm not feeling well. So, how's the treatment going?"

I spent quite a lot of time in reality, but I was sorry that I didn't have time to pay attention to those who had already moved to the base.

"We've already had surgery that connects the severed nerves and are currently undergoing neurotherapy and rehabilitation."

"That's a relief. Harun cares a lot, so if you work hard enough, he'll be fine, but he won't be able to move." "

It was strange to call out their names, but they didn't know the details.

"I don't know how to thank you both for your attention."

They were all grateful faces.

"So, how was the wedding?"

"I couldn't make it to the ceremony, so I watched a holographic video, and I was really jealous. Until now, I had no interest in love or marriage, but after the wedding, I quickly got better and wanted to marry someone I loved."

Seeing the chief Marie stepping up and answering, she seemed most impressed.

"Everyone was jealous. Moreover, after the landscape of paradise was known, he was physically ill. Even our combat team was only focused on training until now. because now I'm taking the time to try and find a partner."

Harun was very satisfied to hear the words of the tournament. Though it was important for him to work hard to get what he wanted, it was also important for him to have love or marriage as a person.

Harun, who had resolved his awkwardness by dining with the crew, gathered for a meeting after the meal.

"It's good to see you all in good health. Commander, can you briefly tell us what happened in the meantime?"

Thus, Harun's gaze turned to Tino instead of the opening company.

Tino reported on the mercenary's activities carefully.

"...... The actions of the advisors allowed our forces to build a close cooperation system. The training commissioned by the three tribes has done some good, making the warrior chiefs and general warriors significantly better."

"Well done, Commander."

Harun, who reported the overall situation to Tino, gave Taniella his attention this time.

"Magic tale advisors worked hard?"

"Phew! That's right."

Taniella worked with the torturers on an ancient grimoire she had received from Harun before, and developed a new warp sorcerer in the system. His power source was pure stone, which not only greatly increased his stability, but also increased the number of people he could move at a time to up to 100. He was an excellent magician who waited less than a minute.

The magical advisors have now set up the Ewarp Wizards as they go around each castle, home to the mountain tribes, and as a result, numerous advantages have occurred.

"By the way, have you obtained any information about the Devil Mountains and how noisy the world is?" "

Harun finally looks back at Tino.

"Yes. Let's hear it for Remy. We discussed it with our advisors, and Lemi decided to take over the information in the future."

Even though he is a Khan candidate, if he is wise and curious, he will do a great job. Of course, Mobius would later need a head of staff or an intelligence specialist, but her capabilities were also sufficient.

Tino, on the other hand, is overworked by the use of mercenaries as a whole. I was sorry for not being able to take charge of information work earlier.

Tino brings Lemi in as soon as he leaves, making sure he has something to say in advance.

Remi was frozen when he first attended the Prime Minister meeting, but soon recovered his color after remembering why he came here.

"Very well. I will formally appoint Remi as my new advisor." We'll make sure we get up to 50 people onboard, so keep an eye out for the information as we slowly replenish for the situation. "

"Thank you, Commander."

Remi greets Harun with a cheerful face and opens his mouth again.

"The first thing I've done since I worked in intelligence is communicate with Mobius, who has a close connection to our hurricane."

Harun has assisted Mobius in establishing the Guild of Information. It is known to all mercenary captains.

"I also communicated with Seung Ryu. I communicated with the storm merchant."

All she had to do was communicate, but now it was the only way she could gather information. No one thought what she had done was lacking.

"I've already given the information to the torture council and the executives, but I'll tell you again."

Remi reported in detail that Ghaz Lord is currently under heavy attack by a new adversary and attacks by merchants across the three empires.

"The Black Wizard, who has emerged with immense power, is called the Dark Prince, whose power is so great that the current Guard Road and the Foreigner Guilds cannot be dealt with properly. We think that there's going to be a big change very soon. In addition, due to an unstoppable robbery at the top, the recently stabilized empires are in dire internal and external crises and further assistance to the Devil Mountains has become difficult. The Mobius intelligence organization expects the Darkness to take control of the Devil Mountains completely outside our borders in three months without further assistance.

Remi's words harden the officers' faces. It was worse than I had heard the last time. This is because it is certain that the castles occupied by the mountain tribes will also be in great danger.

"The key players in the dark prince and robbery will appear to be the same force or coalition forces, and the unfortunate Devil Mountains without any sudden variables will be controlled by the Darkness, and the three empires will be in great turmoil due to the fall of the Merchant Moon. The merchant guild that this mercenary invested in will also go bankrupt."

A more hopeless prediction made the meeting atmosphere heavier.

Boom, boom! Even

Harun applauded and gathered the attention of the crowd.

"Thank you, Promoter Lemi. Please take a seat. We heard about the situation. It's a dark reality, of course, but who are we? We are the storm troopers. We've solved a lot of things that have never been possible. I'm also confident that if we work together to prepare, we can cope with this in a way that is not too difficult."

"You're right."

"The commander is right."

Harun relaxes people somewhat. Harun's words contain a strange power that makes him naturally believe his words.

"The important thing is to get more information. And then the next thing that's important is to be prepared to be defeated whenever someone comes in. So I'm going to visit Fort Matsurut. I have a life-saving problem, and I think I need to know more about it. So I want you to do your best to maximize the power of each castle."

"I'll go with you."

"Sir Dylan?"

"I'm done here. I have nothing special to do." "

But I'm done with my training. From now on, executives from the mountain tribes were busy taking care of their tribes, but the existing executives were free there.

"Moreover, flying with the wind on the Hidden crew is as stimulating and exciting as practicing swordsmanship."

I thought you were obsessed with swordsmanship and you knew the taste of flying. The hesitant Tino couple also left.

"We want to go, too."

"I have something to get."

"So am I."

All the torturers have no interest in education or their training these days, so they try not to interfere, but they're a little sore. Everyone wanted to follow me without saying a word.

"Then Lord Dylan's commanding officer and..."

The moment Harun decides who goes to the keep, one person interrupts him.


"Ah! Sir Ashen, speak."

Torture, the oldest of the Pomeranians, is the most ill-mannered of all.

"I'm disappointed."


Harun blinks, not understanding Ashevine's words.

"Aren't we the storm troopers?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"If you're not a favourite, why are you taking only the first year members?"

The executives, including Ashen, were disappointed. It was an unexpected reaction for Harun.

"Then...... you have a lot to do, don't you?"

"There's not much we can do. Well, I do declare a physician on a few important issues, but the ammunition and the cars of the time are doing just fine. When we get older, and we retire from our jobs, all we do is interfere."

I thought I was busy, but I guess I wasn't. However, the order system will become chaotic when Tan and Khan come to lead the clan, and even if they want to, they won't be able to easily.

"Huh! I guess I was wrong."

I didn't think of an excuse to avoid this situation. Harun frankly admits his rash judgment.

"Then what do we do? In the case of Ser Dylan or the commanding officer, I have to work with people who know their faces in the meantime, so I should go with them. That way, there won't be enough room for a ride......"

There's nothing special to do, but the anticipated eyes of the crew who are excited about the flight to withdraw after making the decision to go together already feel burdened.

Shall we expand the expedition? '

With Mino's and Sunni's abilities, he was able to beat five more each. They are growing differently every day because of the crystals they have already taken.

"Can we spare the torture we went through last time?" "

The faces of the torturers who were half as firm as Ashevine's words.

"That should do it."

It's not enough to expand your mount right now. Harun's words have crossed my mind.

"I couldn't help but notice how flustered I was with the experience of riding the Hidden Crew."

"Huh-huh-huh, now we can have the right weapons too!"

The torturers who decided to go this time were happy as children. The torturers who have been to Matsurut Fortress have been bragging.

Even though he had traveled with Hidden crews, he was jealous of his colleagues who had weapons to recognize him as a luxury fighter at first sight.

'I didn't think so.'

I was originally going to buy more weapons for other advisors, but I forgot to buy them later because I had to like them and I had to like them. Weapons are very important to warriors, even if they are not greatly affected by the quality of their weapons.

After the meeting, Harun returned to his room, relaxing and traveling along the Mana Flow, he felt the vibration of the communicator. Looks like Mobius and Hersh have finally made contact.

I got a call and it was Hersh.

- Why aren't you answering your phone?

You're the one who hasn't been contacted, and I don't know why you're yelling.

- I called you yesterday and you didn't answer.

- Anyway, I called a few times in the meantime.

Actually, I was sorry about that. So now I'm going to instruct Remy to stay in touch just in case.

- Anyway, I'm sorry. I heard you've been having a little trouble lately.

- Yeah, it's a pain in the ass! Not to mention the Three Imperial Empires, and the merchants are in a damn crisis soon.

- I need to see you about that. Where are you?

- Ceph Castle.

I've never heard of it.

- Where is it?

- It's the trade city of the new Terron Empire. I came here to investigate because the precinct was completely destroyed, but there's nothing to salvage.

I had no idea the Imperial Intelligence Guild was under attack. There was something really big going on with this huge organization.

- I thought only the merchants were being attacked......

- At first, but two days ago, they were attacked by information guilds and other large forces. Even temples are publicly attacked. The Horse Towers are off target, but there's no peace of mind.

I can't speak. I don't know what kind of attackers are attacking this many targets simultaneously.

I thought it was Human Guard, but it's not? '

No matter how big the Human Guard is, it doesn't make sense.

- Who the hell are they?

- There are a few clues, but I don't really know. We found out that the foreigners were intertwined and that some of the best were recruited, but they're not. I'm so frustrated!

If the head of the Imperial Intelligence Guild is like this, no one else needs to talk. A reality where everyone is helplessly attacked in a state of devastation.

- There goes Empress Evelyn, the head of Gaz Lord, and...

What do you mean?

- Lady Evelyn has gone missing all of a sudden. Seems like you're looking for Garz Lord and even the Empire secretly. Since you didn't get any clues, you've asked our guild for a favor.

This is Evelyn, my half-sister. My body trembles when I think something happened to Ibelin, who has strong convictions.

- Since the sudden disappearance of the head of state, surrounding the different coalition forces, Garz Lord is being badly pushed by a hybrid known as the Dark Prince. I called to see if any of my friends had any leads.


It is possible to communicate brainwaves with Ibelin, who has high mental abilities such as Jericho.

- We'll call you later!

Is there something we can do?

- I'll let you know later.

- Then I'm going to Fort Matsurut now. The commanders of Garz Lord have decided to assemble there.

- All right!

Harun hurriedly disconnects communication. I was anxious to see if anything had happened to Evelyn.

Harun struggles to calm his anxiety.

Fortunately, Ibelin has the ability to communicate with the brain waves. Harun asks Dylan to escort him into his room and concentrate.

- Evelyn, Evelyn!

In Harun's head, Evelyn's footage is clearly drawn and she begins to recollect with a strong will. His will began to amplify his brainwaves. Waves that spread in all directions, like a concentric circle, spread to the world of Bjorn regardless of the spatial distance.

- Evelyn, Evelyn! I'm Harun!

The desperate brainwaves continue to spread, but Evelyn doesn't reply as quickly as she thinks. I was uncertain whether it was because it was a virtual world that was not real, but it was also possible with Bell in the real world.

"Did something bad happen?" '

I don't know why my heart beats so much. I haven't known her like Belle or Ari for a long time, but I can't stand the thought of what happened to Evelyn.

Later, a weak but presumed Ibelin message was conveyed.

- Oh, brother.

- Evelyn?

Brother Harun!

Something seems to have happened due to the waves of anxious convulsions. Moreover, Ibelin's consciousness felt a faint sense of anxiety and fear.

- Yeah, it's me.

- I'm scared, bro!

It was unthinkable that Evelyn, who had always shown her true nature, would tremble with fear.

- Where are you?

- I don't know.

Harun's eyes widen with an unexpected answer. At last, the concentration shifted and the brainwave communication was almost cut off.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- I've been kidnapped. It looks dark and cold, so it looks like a sealed area, but I have no idea where it is.

- Who, who?

When Harun and Brainfarona spoke, Harun's emotional state was rapidly shaking, unlike Evelyn, which was rapidly calming down.

Evelyn told me the details of what happened to her.

- That's what happened.

- So you returned to the Imperial City to investigate the recent disappearance of the bandits and their enemies, but you defeated the imperial guards, along with the guards guarding your palace, and kidnapped Earl asleep with sleeping pills?

I don't know how long I slept, but I warped a few times when I woke up. And it's been over a full day since I've been locked up here.

This is ridiculous. Even Hersh, who holds the information of the three empires in one hand, is completely unaware that the Empire Empress has been kidnapped. What the hell is going on?

- Why didn't you sign out?

- I tried, but it didn't work, and I don't understand, but I'm definitely stuck here, and I can't log out because I'm doing something else.

What do you think it means?

You're trapped in a confined space, and the server accepts you for being active? Or are we in a special place where we can't log out, or are we in combat, or are we not logged out until we die?

- You have no idea where it is?

- Yes, there's a woman who comes in to bring food or simply clean... ah! She's no ordinary maid. It's my gut, but it must be the same user as me.

- You were abducted by the same users? I don't know what your level is, but when you think about the enchantments, the fraternities and the Imperial Court.

- Yes, the Sword Master and the other Imperial Special Forces, given the level of the sorcerers... ah!

- Why not?

- Turns out some of the guys who kidnapped me are part of our organization. No, it's got to be. Some of the SS guys who were guarding me, they were working together inside. I wouldn't be a kidnapper if I didn't.

It is truly shocking to think that she is the current Empire princess. However, Harun nods, thinking a little. It's not unlikely that what she said to me before will be inconsequential.

Ibelin must have been cautious of the behavior against the organization. But it's clear that her tissue, which was monitoring her behavior through an artificial intelligence computer embedded in the capsule, picked up the signs.

- Did something happen to you?

- Yes, brother, I was gathering a group of thinkers after meeting you. My comrades who have embraced it by acting cautiously were reliable and thought, but I didn't think so. I think I was in a hurry to think about it. So... ah! It was guillotine!

Ibelin talks to Harun and makes a strong wavelength to see what comes to her mind.

- Girotine?

- He is the leader of the Divine Power within the Human Guard. I started a mining industry called Cucumbers, and in 20 years I was a global entrepreneur, and when I was a qualified and unemployed member, I contacted the organization's head because I had a lot of complaints. Oh, my God!

Evelyn blames herself and lets out a long sigh.

- It's a defense, but I underestimated the fact that his family also belongs to the Supreme Council. You can't honestly think that his opposition to the Organizational Branch was a lure to attract hostile people like me. I'm so pathetic!

Harun didn't know much about Girotine or Human Guard, but Evelyn, who had a clever brain, was able to solve the stumbling accident by overcoming fear and calming down through a conversation with her day.

- Oh, I have some surprising news for you.

- What is it?

- Uh, maybe the head of Human Guard and Glory Gaia are the same. Or just part of it.


Harun's face changed when he said something unexpected.

- W-what does that mean?

Two out of three forces dominating the world's power and gold in the dark!

- I'm not sure, but I've been looking into the subtle walks of a well-known council of overseas leaders, and I've found out that they're in close synchronization with Glory Gaia's head of staff. According to the ongoing mid-management of Glory Gaia, who was secretly in contact with her brother after she broke up with him, the heads of the two organizations were conducting strangely similar schedules and making similar decisions. The most suspicious thing is that even the people at the top of their own tissues don't really know what the bottom line is, because we and Glory Guyana are the same, and maybe Human Guard and Glory Guyana are two tissues with one head. No matter how much I think about it, it doesn't make any sense.

In the final conclusion of the fever, Harun felt a thunderbolt in his head, though it was Ibelin's will not be confident.

Harun recalls the Human Guard who was accompanied by the Alcohol Combatants who attacked the storm base, and became very confident that Evelyn might be right. Although we are unsure of the lack of information, it was doubtful that two groups known to be hostile on the same route could pose a threat to them.

- Have you heard of any recent trips or disappearances to the head of the Human Guard?

- I don't know about that. Why?

- Oh, no, it's not. I got caught up in something.

Harun doesn't talk anymore because he seems to be too weak.

- If this is true, there's too much to remember, brother!

Evelyn, who was thinking of something on her own, summons Harun.

- Yes, tell me.

- If you find out where I'm being held, will you come and save me?

- Of course.

With Minos and Sunnies, it's not that hard. The only problem is she doesn't know where she's being held.

- Then I'll do whatever it takes to find out where it is. We have to save her. Right now I need to know that I think I'm a mess in my head.


- Then I'll trust you. Haha! It's so nice to be in touch with you. I thought I was going to die of anxiety and fear just now, but now I'm too confident.

Since when did Ibelin become ungrateful? It would have been that easy to accept him. Harun did not detest such changes in Ibelin. Unlike Belle, who is a sister with the same genes but is so smart that sometimes she is not like her sister, Ibelin has another lovely thing that makes her provoke her protective instincts.

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