
The Tapas' Crisis

Harun's group takes the Mino and Sunni to Fort Matsurut.

Harun had to take his place on Emino's neck because there were so many people who wanted to go beyond the garden.

Although there was no safety net, his posture stabilized as he sat between his long neck feathers, grabbing the long feather and interposed it between the protruding cervical bones on both legs.

- Come on, Mino, Sunny! After Harun's determination had been conveyed, Mino and Sunni threw themselves towards the compassionate as if they were about to fall, and the boarders put their safety guards on the urgency to fall to the ground soon.

Minos and Sunni, who have massive fuselage, fall down, slowing their wings down gradually, and begin to soar in the wind.



When they quickly flew to the sky at an angle over 50 degrees, they felt the shock of their innards protruding out of their mouths, screaming and closing their eyes without their knowledge.

Immediately, Mino and Sunni ascend to a similar elevation as the clouds, and they quickly begin to fly on a swift jet stream.

So strong; even a small wing gesture can stabilize the airflow.



The oppressed groans came from everywhere, but those who had already experienced flying began to enjoy flying, tasting the passing clouds and wind.

As time went on, even the beginners who could not even open their eyes properly began to enjoy the taste of flying fast as if they had adapted to flying.

"This is amazing."

"I see. This is what it's like to fly on clouds. I didn't think this was possible."

Thanks to the proper airflow, he was able to glide away with little fluctuation, and was able to see the blue sky, white clouds, and the small ground like an ant, and be fully conscious of his condition.

"Huh-huh.I bet these old people peed just like me, huh? 'Mirus struggled to think of the old age when he saw the faces of the super-teachers who felt uncomfortable at some point.

But there were exceptions. Remi, riding in front of Sunni's mount, is facing a violent wind with a joyful face.

'Excellent!' I've never felt such excitement.

Sensory organs that were sensitive to their peaks had sent out extremely expanded senses, but her brain turned them on as tingling, tingling, and fascination.

I was embarrassed when I took off, but my underwear was a little wet, but I had the best delivery.

Around an hour later, when people started enjoying their flight, Harun was sitting with his neck feathers in his hands, looking down.

What is that? 'There was a strange sight below. There was a wooden fence burning on the hillside, just like a slope, and within it was a large group of small ants.

There was definitely a fight going on.

- Mino, go down there.

Harun sends his thoughts to Mino.

- Where you can see them.

- Copy that, buddy.

The slowing mino makes a large turn and starts down, followed by Sunny.

Dylan noticed something unusual first, among those who were enjoying a sense of speed.

"What's the matter, commander?"

Dylan shouts aloud, and the attention of the crowd turns to Harun.

"Something's going on down there. I'm going down for a moment."


"There's a fight going on. Uh! It looks like a mountain tribe, under attack from the Darknesses."

As the altitude drops and the sight is focused, the situation on the ground catches my attention.

The mountainous tribes who look no different than the Aka are under attack from Black Knights and Black Warriors ahead of the fortified Undead.

But what was unusual was that the horses were dealing with the Darkness.

Hundreds of horses rush towards the reinforced front, and the undead swing their weapons at the torn parts of their bodies.

There were many bodies near the burning wooden ledge, and the Black Wizards were acting suspiciously there.

The undead, comprised of skeletons and zombies, fought the warriors with their lifelike agility and outstanding joints, as if they had been further reinforced than previously seen. Their long, powerful nails, as well as rusted weapons, were enough to bear the weapons of the warriors.

Soon after, all the mountain tribes with majestic bones began to retreat.

The alliance was frightening, but the warriors' swords and roads could not cut or break the bodies of enhanced skeletons and zombies.

But the command of the warlords and the skill of the common warriors was unusual. Even after retreating, the battalion commanders alternated their positions and tried their best to prevent the undead from attacking, allowing the rest to retreat safely.

The witches were also doing their part under their command.

Harun was greatly impressed by the sight.

'Fantastic!' You've fought over a thousand undead with only a few hundred. Several heavy casualties and dozens of injured men were being transported under the protection of fellow warriors.

Though not directly against the undead, this level of combat strength is equivalent to the skills of the lower squadron of the storm troops who have been training for months using Pure Stone and Beginner Slash to make Mana Road.

"Wow! You really understand tactics."

He even admires Dylan more than he focuses his eyes on the situation.

A consistently elevated drop in Minos and Sunnies maintained altitude while turning widely. Then Taniella and Mirus began to practice the magic of the Magic Child without suppressing their curiosity.

"He's not on our side."

"The others are similar, but they're unusually blue."

In the words of the two, the eyes of the mountainous tribal advisors grew, while the former parishioners cast the spell 'Saki's Eye' and the shamans' Inner Eye '.

After a while, information flows from the mountainous tribes that are being pushed from the mouths of the torturers.

"The Tapas."

"I can't believe the Tapas lived in this place!"

The sound of amazement tells us that there are not many deals between them and the Tapas.

"What tribe are the Tapas?"

In Taniella's inquiry, the advisers opened their mouths one after the other, informing them of their progress.

"With a small group in the middle of the mountains and in the eastern Hemisphere, the other tribes, along with the mystical Egals, have the most powerful force in our mountain tribe.

Mainly resident at the foot of the mountain and in conjunction with hunting and farming, the number of warriors is small, but not only is their natural body conditions exceptional, but their martial arts are so powerful that they are occupied by middle-class horses. "

As it turns out, the more you head towards the middle and east of the mountains, the stronger the horses are.

It is a place where many herbivores live because the land is greasy and there are few grasslands between mountains and mountains.

Naturally, there are a lot of demons living here, and strong ones are making this place their territory.

It must be hard enough to live with such magicians.

"The Tapas are strong and strong for generations, and they have the strength to stand alone against the horses that three other tribe warriors must face together. It's even more powerful because it has a special ability to tame magic. However, because he lives like a beast, his personality is obstructive, so he has little interaction with other tribes, and the magic side is completely cut off and he cannot assist with its powerful power."

It seemed to be exclusive to other tribes due to its outstanding physical condition and strong power. Maybe it's because of the confidence that you can protect yourself without having to interact.

"Are the echals the same?"

"It's similar. But for the Ekal, they live deep in the forest and use magic to bind them together and live like elves, making them more obstructive."

I'm more curious from what I've heard. I was also very curious about the Echels who live like Elves.

As we speak, the Tapha warriors retreat to the rocky shores. There, the elderly have already taken refuge.

The demons' strength is fierce and the vanguard is undead, so they don't want to go up on the rocks yet, so they face each other. However, the Black Knights and the Black Warriors have been working underneath the rock with the undead, and the Dark Knights are guarding when they appear on the mountain, so they are stuck.

Those who appeared to be the heads of the Darkness were enjoying the situation a little further away with more than 100 escorts.

The tall, sharp rocks prevent the Darkness horde from attacking, but the Tapas are also not in a good situation. It is because he is completely surrounded. I don't know how long I can stand without food or drink.

"But I don't know where those monsters came from."

"I see. Such enhanced bones."

You hear chattering behind you. Harun examines the fortified undead by strengthening Shaki's power. The bones of the damaged skeletons and zombies are glowing black.

Did you absorb Margie yourself? 'Quite likely. According to Forus' memory, Darkness was plotting many things with the powerful magi flowing from several pieces of the Demon King. He was using Margie to train Black Wizards and Black Knights, as well as to make magic, including chimeras.

Forus didn't care about that, but he knew enough about what was going on. While it is unknown that Forus' memory is not fully regenerated, Darkness is working on a plan to create an enormous number of undead forces.

'The undead army to be processed is finally ready to withstand the chaotic Divine Power.' These must be the reinforced undead led by the Black Wizard called the Dark Prince. This is why I was so strangely anxious. We need to get to the fort as soon as possible and make sure we know what's going on.

'But we still have to take care of things here.' It is not the three tribes that are like one family now, but we cannot leave them like this.

If the war had been in the best interest of the Tapas, I had no intention of interfering, but at this rate, the tapas, the minority, will kill them.

The battlefield, which remained silent for a short time, launched an attack to kill the horses and climb up to the rocks with the Black Knights available to Mana.

I don't know how long the horses can hold out, but I don't know how much longer, judging by the power of Darkness.

"Be prepared, everyone. Let's test how powerful the enhanced undead and the demons are. They'll be bandits to us anyway."

Harun's words unravel the faces of the crew watching him. They also had no exchange, but they didn't seem to like the situation where the same mountain tribe was threatened by the Darkness.

"Huh-huh-huh! I don't like helping scumbags who've never stood up to other tribes, but I couldn't see any more scumbags messing with the mountain tribes. Good." "

"Now the Tapas will be able to reevaluate the power of our three tribes."

"You're right. Let's show these fools our power."

"Let's go down!"

Harun gave his word to Mino and Sunni to land near the battlefield at the entrance to the forest. Fortunately, the Darkness horde is focused on combat and doesn't notice the situation in the sky.

"The Tower Advisors take care of the Black Wizards, and the rest of you hit the enemy as soon as the signal goes down. The attack signal is where I strike. Commander, please take a look at me for a moment."

After a brief discussion, the Tower Advisors settle down on a rock overlooking the battlefield.

Foreigners, including the tournament, took up positions to protect them. Their fingers were fitted with 10 artifact rings with embedded shield magic.

While the warrior advisors spread to the sides of Harun and hid themselves for a moment, Donnes and Marie took the iron bars out of their magic backpacks and climbed to the nearby tall tree and Tino remained by Harun.

Harun quickly took the Holy Grail from this place and made holy water.

Not just any undead, but an enhanced undead. It will take a long time to process it as a weapon. I gave Tino a bottle of five vials of holy water as soon as it was made.

"Just a few drops on the head after approaching the undead."

As Forus recalls, they were refined using sacred stones and wouldn't be hit by holy water, but if they were hit on the head, including the eyes, their combat strength would have dropped sharply.

A bottle of holy water was sprinkled on two weapons to add its power.

When ready, Tino makes a discreet move toward the warrior soldiers.

- Nia, summon! Harun recalled his previous experience and inadvertently summoned Nia. However, Nia did not show that she was still awake. I couldn't help but summon Pell.

"Fell, summon!"

"Bro, you called me quickly this time."

The summoned fel has been out for a long time and is excited. Then he looks around and notices the situation.

"There's something I need you to do."

"Yes. Leave it to me."

"We're dealing with that reinforced undead over there against the witches."

"Poor bastards. What do we do? Do we burn it, or chop it off with a wind blade?"

"It takes a lot of time, so let's use this holy water."

"Okay! I'll take care of it."

Fel, who had received the three bottles of holy water, glanced at whether he had come up with a good way.

Gulp! Gulp! Pel takes three bottles of holy water in a heartbeat and turns himself transparent. Then it turns into a single breeze and flies towards the targets.

Harun also unleashed a messenger fast skill and hurried to the battlefield.

"Aquazang, Aquizzia-Slim-dong, fried with bari ram '' '' '."

Taniella and Mirus prepare their spells as the Fomercans' spells low as they spread.

"Magic Arrow!"

"Magic Arrow!"

In front of the advisors, a Magic Arrow has been created and is rapidly growing in number. The Magic Arrow, which continues to unfold in seven circles, is useless, but also an induction with target awareness, which is enough to attack these scattered targets.

The Magic Errors continued to be produced, but as the impact of the spell delayed, they grew to over 200 feet in an instant. And gradually, it grew in size and stretched in length, turning into a thick window. This was the magical power of the magic crafting by the Cyclone Horse Tower.


Some of the Black Wizards, who were searching for magical ingredients such as cobblestones, bones, and tendons, dismantled the corpses of the sorcerers, saw Harun rushing like a thunderstorm and shouted.

"Fell, it's time!"

Harun's words were sprayed with holy water. Immediately, the water spread into the battlefield like fog.

Chihuahua! You hear the sound of boiling water touching metal from everywhere.

Rrrrgh! A peculiar scream that cannot be heard by the ears shook the atmosphere.

At that moment, the crew and the warriors who were waiting were terrified to death.

He felt that something terrible was happening instinctively, even though he could not sense it with his ears.

Harun, who was still looking at the widespread fog, clenched his fist.

We confirmed that the monsters were melted down even by the sacred prayers of the priests or by the sacred magic.


"Wind blow!"

As the opposing black wizards cast their magic, the fog of holy water that Pel had developed slowly begins to fly around the place. As the Holy Water melts, the reinforcing undead begins to appear to everyone.

Zombies are zombies, but the skeletons collapse screaming as the bones in the holy water melt, making the reinforced undead no longer a object of horror. Zombies will look like Skeletons in time. "Pick up your sword! Now is the time for revenge!"

The chaotic Tapas warriors have finally been able to escape their fears. These are brave mountain warriors who are not afraid of knights or wizards, unless they are reinforced skeletons or zombies who couldn't cut or hurt.

"Attack them all!"

When Harun's command came, the men and warriors who were holding the weapon rushed out from ambush like a spring. The numbers were overwhelmed by error, although only about a dozen of them.


"Sweep every last one of them!"

As the crew and warriors rush toward the enemy like sledges, half of the shamans work with the wizards to prepare for the resonance spell, while the other half begin to cast spells that boost their morale and physical abilities.

"Derraj Hartenchen Cuambroldong Aiengkarchum '' '' '."

As the spell echoes through the atmosphere, the stride between the reinforcing undead and the warriors melts away.

Warriors who felt so strongly that nothing could stop them started swinging their weapons at the Black Knights and Black Warriors rushing in at them.




The Black Knights and the Black Warriors' limbs flew in all directions with a sudden scream.

The swords of the torturers running ahead of Dylan bear more than a meter of blade. There was no weapon to stand against the blade. At best, the Black Knights who produced the swords were not screaming properly, and their limbs were being cut off and dying.

Afterwards, the Tapha warriors, who were swarming towards Darkness, were emitting a terrifying energy.

I don't know who they are, but they're probably colleagues because they're dealing with their enemies.

In response to the attacks of those who want to believe they are colleagues, a flame was rising from the eyes of the Tapas warriors who have been racing towards horsemen such as families and enemies who have killed their families.

The Fomercans' spells gave them strength to move, and their vengeance for losing so many of their comrades made them even more courageous.

They weren't the only ones.

As the undead collapse, the horses find a new target, which unleashes a terrifying roar, bringing sharp teeth and claws to the target. The smell of blood and the scent of slaughter completely eroded, and the horsepower left only by hatred towards the enemy was fierce and violent.

Harun's group swoops in, and the situation changes completely.

Those who watched the situation with arrogance a little distance from the battlefield and the Black Wizards were stunned and stiffened.

"Oh! Where did these people come from?!"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

The people behind you turn away screaming for retreat.

But at that moment, they were desperate to see more than 100 Magic Heroes flying towards them.

Those that were so big, they were so big that they couldn't even see the Magic Arrow, they went head-to-head before it was too fast to cast Michère Shield magic.

Kuaang! Kuaang! "Kuaak!"

"Th…… aah!"

"Bling........ Ka-ching!"

"No… no!"

The situation was the same with those up on the mountain. Magic missiles flying down the mountain are flying towards themselves, which are converging at incredible speed, even though they are a long distance beyond the limits of magic.


"Up, no, down! No, sideways!"

It's not a magic missile. Their ability to block or evade magic missiles, such as giant spears, is too weak.

Boom, boom, boom! "Grrrgh!"


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