Harun's group, who spent the night at the aquarium, set out at dawn and took a nearby mino and sunny to leave Lake Tulam.

The arrival near Fort Matsurut was shortly before noon.

Harun, who had Mino and Suni nearby, entered the fort with his crew.

"There are more people in the keep and the atmosphere is much more lively than before."

Taniella says Harun nods.

More shops and more people than ever before. The number of foreigners and mercenaries, as well as those with gard markings, was enormous. However, people's faces were filled with anxiety, unlike before.

'Probably because of the appearance of the Dark Prince and the disappearance of Ibelin.'


When I heard a report from a clerk who recognized Harun while tidying up the Storage, the pilgrim tunnel shook his head.

"Hahaha! How are you?"

"Yes, sir, this fortress is safe. I was worried about the damage to the other branches." '

The merchant guild will go bankrupt if I don't get it right, so the geologist's face can't be comfortable.

"So how's the distribution?"

"I brought a lot of stuff in early, so it's okay because it's still in stock. But after about a full day, our shop will have to pull the door, too. When the distribution is blocked, shopkeepers show up and buy large quantities of goods, including weapons. Many of the other top branches are already closing."

Harun's face is getting worse when he hears a short report of geopolitics. If that was the case with the Gust Guild, which had accumulated enormous goods with the help of the current, the other Small and Medium Merchants Guild would be on the verge of going bankrupt.

'It's worse than I thought.'

"Try a little harder, things will get better again soon."

"Is that so? Haha! Then you have nothing to worry about."


Harun felt it was good to have the faith of the underlings who had their tongues filled when Gultan turned to him for no reason. It seems too much.

"I'll take you to your place if you're tired."

Thank you.

"No, we clean it daily so you can feel comfortable when you stop by."

Harun's group follows the self-guided referendum to a home behind the store.

After washing up and taking a short break, the crew left the fortress after lunch, splitting into warriors and magicians.

"Give me the commander's money."

The torturers don't just walk away. They all opened their hands to the Tinos. "

"What's wrong with this? I heard all the friends who came here last time got all the useful items here."

"Well, that's..."

"It will cost a little money, but it's a matter of strengthening our power."

That's right.

The Tinos head for Harun's room.

"Do it."

The sound of Harun's visit brightens the torturers' faces.

"Give the commander plenty."

Harun has every intention of buying it, as long as the torturers' greed is not in vain. It not only promotes torture, but it also enhances personal power, as they say.

"Oh, I see."

Thanks to this, the Tinos, who were managing the mercenaries' finances, had to vomit blood on their backs.

"Ah! The commander himself. because now you can call it expensive without a chin."

As long as the Tinos are reliable. Moreover, if a highly named fan mercenary buys it, he will not charge a ridiculous price.

The crew is all gone, but Dylan has always been with Harun.

"Aren't you bored?"

"Haha! I'm fine. I'll meditate."

Dylan has been obsessed with meditation and meditation ever since.

That's when the communicator vibrates around your neck.

I just got word from Gultan that you've entered the fortress.

"Ah! Look, where's the strap?"

- He's in the Imperial Circle of the Cyntherone Empire.

"Why there?"

- They let me use warp jeans at the Kohm Merchants Guild to get what I needed.

"Well done."

The situation was really serious that the underdog was going around by himself to buy things. In the case of the Gust Guild, there are many magical backpacks purchased from the Martha Guild, so they are distributing goods in this way.

"So, has anything changed in the situation?"

No, it's getting worse, because the distribution corridors are blocking, and the prices of the local specialties are falling, and the merchants are dying, and so are you, because the lords and the administrators are struggling financially, and if things go on a little longer, the empires are going to have a hard time getting hit by tribute or a procession of tax.

"How's our merchant guild?"

- Nothing's changed from what I saw last time.

It's still difficult. I'd like to start the ascent right away, but those people called Ghosts will be targeting the Storm Merchant Guild.

If anyone knew the situation at the Gust Guild, it was clear they would have looked at the heterogeneous crafting items, the biggest revenue source.

'By the way, what are you doing now that you said you were going on an adventure in the dungeons near Koem Castle?'

Thinking about it, Jinsu is enjoying the game really well.

Beyond is a reality game for himself and his friends, but it's only a reality game for Jinsu and his friends.

'I envy you at this time. You can't do this.'

I only paused to avoid the showers, but I thought about avoiding the incoming battle. Harun was not there at all. The training is now in vain, and there are armed men who are well trained here.

What I needed was a practical experience, but I was looking for an opportunity, and I thought it was good.

"I'll take action soon, so be patient."

Then you won't have to worry anymore.

"Anyway, get as much supplies and weapons as you can for this opportunity, because if things get better, the price will go up again."

Maybe it's for the best.

As Batun said, if an alliance of all the mountain tribes is launched, you will need a huge amount of goods, so it would be a big advantage to buy it when it's this cheap.

- What about the money?

"I'll give it to you in a few days, so Borana Midre can come here herself."

- Okay, I'll see you soon.

Bora's voice was much brighter when she finished communicating.

Harun immediately informed me of his decision on the EEG with Bell.

- Okay, well, your Wizards and Psychics don't have anything special to do right now, so I'm gonna take care of it, but they're all busy right now, so I'm afraid they can only take out a couple.

- Why is something wrong?

- No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, because the Ammu you saved last time is very motivated to trade, knowing what kind of tribal goods they need, what abundance they have, so I decided not to go through the Urssium Tribe, but to trade myself.

- That's great.

I received a report from Azman before I got into Beyond, but only trace amounts of radiation were detected in food grown in Oregon. Harun sighs at the fact that he can trust the agricultural products they produce.

- The Underground City needs a lot of food, so I think we can trade properly, and we're all looking forward to this.

Everyone is working hard for the future of the storm base, even if they are not confident.

Harun is sorry that Ari is doing something to keep others safe inside the base, but Ari is circling outside because of him.

- How's Mian?

- Heh heh! He's been hanging out with me since he was in training. He's been eating well lately.

Bell has more to say about Mian's story. It's a good thing that Bell's voice is bright, telling the same story in Mian's day. I felt sorry for Miang.

- But Ari's not here yet?

I was told we were at sea, but the analysis of the seaweed components and the harvest might be a little difficult, but we took an extra submarine, so don't worry.

Tell them to call me as soon as they get to the base.

And now you're taking it in the open, and your sweet little brother, Evan, is behind the scenes.

It's a grumbling bell, but Harun is as embarrassed as ever, so instead he soothes himself and laughs. I was just thankful and lovely to know what myself and Ari meant to Belle through the last work.

- Then suffer.

- You, too.

I've had a lot of work to do, and Belle just stopped calling today.

"Hehe! Pretty boy! '

It warms my heart whenever I think of my younger brother Bell. I really don't want to marry another man later. Can't we just stay together forever?

Dylan comes inside with a teapot as Harun takes the bell alive.

"What are you smiling at?"

"Lord Dylan."

Harun blushed his face. It seemed like the first time I had shown myself like this. Of course, there is nothing to be ashamed of as a father, but I am somewhat ashamed.

"Were you thinking of a boyfriend? I knocked a few times, but I was worried because I didn't hear anything."

After Harun appeared different, Dylan opened his eyes and looked at him with a slight grin, unlike usual.

"Haha. Shame. I thought of my sister, not my boyfriend."

"Oh! I see. But I've never heard of my sister."

Then again, I never talked about Belle. Not only that, I never talked about Ari.


Harun laughs in vain, and Dylan sits in the chair across from him, looking at him with a greedy face.

"The commander looked very happy to think of his brother."

At Dylan's words, Harun smiles big enough to raise his mouth.

One of the two most loved people in the world. He thinks he wouldn't have this future if it weren't for Belle, the identity of the capsule that gave Harun a new life.

"I wonder, what kind of sister is she?"

"Let me tell you, I didn't mean to not talk about it."

In Harun's excuses, Dylan nods softly.

Harun and himself, as well as Taniella and Mirus, never really talked about their families. Strangely, there was no room or room for it.

Maybe everyone is as focused on their own pursuit as they are on their own, because they have deep feelings of sorry for their families.

"My brother Bell..."

Harun told me a lot about Bell, hoping that Pell would wake up. When he woke up, I was going to take him with me as I wanted.

As Harun begins to speak, Dylan looks at you with strange eyes.

Dylan could tell by the look on his face that he had never seen.

'Belle must be a pretty and lovely girl. She must be charming and cute. She must be very smart and warm. She must be the kind of boy that Pellan's brother does sometimes grumpy and mean things.'

Dylan suddenly felt overwhelmed by the story of Harun's family. He instinctively knew that Harun had never told anyone about his family.

Harun, who Dylan knows, is very young, but has spent his entire life training for the sword, so he has a cold personality that is comparable to his dry self. Few emotions change and are always serious and cold.

That's why it's easy for everyone to leave their age and accept them as their own supervisor.

What kind of chest wound do you have? '

Dylan was born as a noble and lived an uneven life, even though he had spent his entire life with one sword. He could see Harun for what he really was.

A blacksmith who has hot love deep in his heart, but hides himself as cold and expressionless on the outside, seems to have suffered many injuries instead of love.

The identity of the commander, including himself, no one knows about.

Black people say they came from deep in the mountains to live with their Herbalist grandfather and some say they were foreigners.

'That's not the point.'

All Dylan ever felt in his life was that a man should be treated with his heart. His theory is that if he can meet at least one person with a good heart, he has lived a rewarding life with the goal of his life.

In that sense, there are colleagues who can relate their minds, not only to Harun that Dylan himself is happier than anyone else, but even to his sincere Tino or two wizard friends. No matter where I come from or what my life is, my colleagues who can open their hearts and share my heart and leave my back are more important than my family.

"What about your family?"

Dylan's thoughts take him by surprise as he hears Harun's story in one ear.

"Oh! You mean me?"

"Yes, I've heard it before, but I haven't heard it in detail."


Dylan remembers a family he had forgotten for a while, but soon began to talk about his family with an awkward expression of remorse and embarrassment.

It's been a long time since I've had a conversation about my family since I received both of them as residents. There was no smile on their faces.

It was such a comfortable and enjoyable time, but it did not last long.


The communicator is ringing.

- Where's Harun?

You hear Hersh bouncing through the comms.

"Matsurut Fortress, where is Hersh?"

I arrived at the fortress a few days ago.


You're not tired, are you?

"It's okay."

- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

"Hehe! I got it! Be right back!"

Harun smiles at Hersh's increasingly childish reaction. It felt good to have this warm and comforting name of a friend.

Hersh is immediately moved to the top of the storm. Tahon was with her.



Hersh plunges into Harun's foam like a girl. I had a strong body and a clumsy sensation, but I didn't think of any strange emotions that I had felt before because I had confirmed my strong love with Ari.

"Heard there's been a lot of trouble lately, but Hersh still has a face."

"Hoho! That's a compliment, right? That's it. I'm working on my skin care. Why would he even say that? Has something changed? And now you're showing your face, so you're just going to face the world?"

"Yes, I did."

Hersh quickly recognized Harun's change of heart.

"Haha! You look great! You're not handsome enough to wear a beauty like me, but you're charming enough."

"You're talking nonsense again. Come on in! How have you been, Lord Tahoe?"

In the long run, Tahon's prayer seems to have progressed much deeper and more heavily than before.

"I'm fine, sir."

Tahoe smiles brightly and greets you as well.

"I've worked hard to keep this place safe at such a dangerous time."

"Phew! You're the only one who knows me."


The reunion was very comfortable with Hersh pretending to be angry with an exciting joke and a gesture.

As Harun and Hersh enter the room, Dylan smiles and opens his mouth.

"I see you're doing well."

"Long time no see, Lord Dylan!"

"You've become quite strong."

In Dylan's compliment, Tahon bites a smile, but makes a gesture.

"What kind of training does Lord Dylan have to do so quickly?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I thought it was worth it the last time, but I don't think I can do it anymore."

"Is that so?"

The last time I saw him was when I just joined the Master of the Sword. However, now that I've definitely climbed to the intermediate level through a few performances and practices, it's quite remarkable for others to be surprised at the rate of development.

"Tell me the secret."

"What's the secret? I've only been instructed by Commander Harun about managing Mana, and I've fought against the Dark Ones and the Horsemen."

"Yes? The commander told you about managing Mana?"

Tahon was very surprised. It was because it didn't make any sense.

"Yes, even though I outrank you in my maturity, I can't keep up with your knowledge or skills in Mana's meticulous operations."

"Oh! I see. Can I ask you for a duel?"

"I wanted to see you again, too."

The two of them went to the corner of the patronage to avoid interrupting the lord's conversation.

Hersh told Harun about the bold things that had happened.

Harun already knew things, but there were many things he did not know. Especially when I heard the stories of the imperial kingdoms and nobles of the respective empires, I never got used to it.

"So, how's Garz Lord?"

"It's a mess because you can't be one in the first place, and you've lost your chief of staff."

"A mess?"

"Yes, it's a mess. The Martyrs' Union seems to be supporting it properly while maintaining that kind of strong relationship, but the Temples' Union is completely divided."

Harun is not interested in the Temple coalition, so he doesn't ask any more questions.

"What's the status?"

"We're being pushed so hard that since the advent of the Dark Prince, the Darkness has been heavily fortified, it can't be stopped by the Undead, making its killers more powerful."

Hersh took out a strategy map and told me about the situation, but Darkness was moving forward with a really frightening momentum.

"At this rate, it'll take four months for the Devil Mountains to reach full Darkness hold! Except for the castles that relate to Captain Harun."

"No, the mountain tribes wouldn't stand for that."

Harun once again realizes the seriousness of the situation through a conversation with Hersh. Once this condition persists and the Guild Alliance of Gaz Road and the Outlander are expelled from the mountains, then it's time for the mountain tribe.

'By then, Garz Lord's forces will be greater.'

The Darkness is not that great, as the dead and the horses are the cornerstones of our forces. Even though the mountain tribes were dramatically allied, it was difficult to win an intact victory over such a dark place.

If the Darkness takes over the Devil Mountains, will their advance stop?

Not at all. They will march out into the world with reinforced horses and undead. Then the world of Beyond will turn to hell, as it once did.

Many good men will be slaughtered, and justice and morality will be no more.

'We have to solve this situation somehow!'

I needed to break the rising Darkness' spirit.

A mountain tribe that will be the foundation for the storm troops after they die in this world.

"How about offsetting?"

"You do know, don't you?"

Hersh told me of the crisis of inheritance, with Harun nodding his head and simply enumerating the Ghost's existence and their foolish actions. There was only that much difference, not much different from what Harun had thought.

"Do you know who Ghost is?"

Harun nods recklessly, following Hersh's question.



Harun finally realizes his mistake, but Hersh insists on finding out the truth about his awkward behavior.

Harun eventually had to make a presumption as to who the Ghost was.

"So the Ghost is most likely the force behind the Golden Road force. A group called Golden Deal under Golden Road seems to have taken control of the cancer up to Heropa, which is a considerable amount of darkness."

"Yes, and Golden Lord provided the undead with materials through a deal with Darkness."

"Oh, my God! They're so scary! How did this massive force not get into our network? '

"That's what scares them. They control the cancer to a world where estramorwn live."

"Oh, shit! If the guild hadn't experienced reduced chaos at that time, they would have already caught the hook."

Hersh became very sensitive to the fact that there was a huge force of cancer he didn't even know existed.

"I don't think so. We need to find out about those who were hurt by the Empire Intelligence Guild's pride. I need to gather information from the Heropa Merchants Guild. If we leave them like this, the world is going to end."

When Hersh heard about Golden Road, he woke up at night to see if he had changed his mind. It was such a powerful shock.

That's why Dylan and Tahon, who have been guiding each other through the struggle for so long, have also had to break up.

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