
(Crowd cheering)

Not long after Hersh left, Mobius came to visit this time. I found out Harun had entered the fortress in case someone else was the head of the intelligence group.

"Has the guild gotten bigger?"

He said, "Yes, there were many people who were able to help him, including him and Ares, to quickly take his place. You now have more than 10,000 guild members, including sub-informants."

"Movey must have put in a lot of effort."

"No. It's all thanks to your support."

Seeing the attitude of genuine humility made me feel better. Mobius, who at first looked like a fraud and later looked like a woman or a weasel, started running an information guild, and now he looks like a big businessman.

"No. It looks good, by the way."

"Hahaha! Thank you!"

Mobius looks fabulous at Harun's compliment, but is genuinely pleased.

"How are Ares and Magnum?"

"Ares and her friends have now turned to freelance. Usually, I only work with the guild when there is a big incident with me. Their foster home had just been moved to a full blast site. They tried to go there, but they moved to a place close to me because I thought being at Union would help them in many ways. Magram has given up his GM position and is working hard in charge of the Information Analysis Director of our guild."

Harun's heart is warmed by the news that people who were initially connected with him are working hard.

"Yes. How is your world going these days?"

The Typhoon Information Guild, created by Mobius, has completely settled down in Beyond, but it has definitely settled down in reality. Big Union and almost all Union sources were gathering information from two worlds based on a virtual reality called Beyond.

"Strangers have been shaking up quite a bit lately."


"Nearly all unions have reduced the city to a lack of electrical energy and a stronger barrier due to the aging of power generation facilities."

Harun knows that better than anyone.

"Because of this, many residents have been pushed out of the barrier safely, which is why the rest of the Union feels strongly anxious about the government. The Union has been preaching that it has eliminated social anxiety, including incapacitations and dissidents, which has allowed them to live a safer and more comfortable life than ever before, but residents are accepting it differently. Anxiety toward all residents is increasing over time because at any time they may lose their abilities or get deported from the barrier as they get older."

It was already a predictable reaction, and it was actually happening in Cowon Union.

"Almost all unions have announced that they will be repairing or developing new development facilities in the long run by adding more support to universities and science departments, but no one believes them."

A villager with a certain level of judgment wouldn't believe Union's announcement. Skills of that degree are not easily acquired. Considering the behavior that the Union has seen before, it is even more unbelievable.

Numerous scientists and technicians have publicly been killed as dissidents or banished from the barrier. Furthermore, education in the science and technology sector has almost completely disappeared from secondary education, and the university has continued to shrink its gardens, with the exception of minimal operational workforce.

As a result of this barrier downturn, even the average resident has come to believe that 30 years from now, the infrastructure supporting the Union system will be destroyed.

The knowledge or skills of various production facilities or machinery that have been in operation so far has almost disappeared.

As the sun grows older, more facilities and machines are being disposed of, but less than 10% of them are repairable.

"But we're not close enough to do anything. It's obvious you'll get out and see the blood. It's just anxiety. Among the top sectors, non-Noble people are shaking violently."

Mobius is also somewhat unstable in terms of anxiety and grief.


Suddenly, I felt a tingle in my head. Something big was drawn momentarily.

"Beyond Beyond is no trade with Oregons, but there is a way the storm base and the Underground City can survive! '

Harun recalls the work Ari is doing now and thinks of the increase in Titan Walker numbers.

'What if we could refurbish underground roads that are now blocked or out of Union's control, or make new connections to unions?'

Harun's eyes widen.

'Given the minimal amount or size of trade between Union governments now, it is possible to control the distribution of logistics among Union very quickly. That way, we can have the power to defeat the three existing forces without having to wait long.'

Even if Union prohibits the export of goods out of the barrier, entrepreneurs will have to risk their lives to make money. There are many entrepreneurs in the world that are not included in the three forces.

In the beginning, only a handful of people were accepted into the organization for the sake of self-interest. The father of Seul, who runs the company in the 20th place in the financial class at Kowon Union, was only able to become a qualified congressman for Noble a few years ago.

"If someone lights a fire like this, soon the Union system will look as solid as steel and collapse like sand. Survival is of paramount importance to most of the inhabitants of Union because they have very little. If you are severely threatened by survival, even ordinary residents who have been so kind as to accept the abuse will have to stand up."

Mobius was right about that. Many people, including Dr. Hoa, were predicting the situation.


We should discuss this with Bell, Ari and Azman. My heart fluttered as if I could get a really cool picture that would cover the entire planet.

Mobius waits a moment for Harun to finish his thought.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I have to think..."

"No, but when it comes to big information, I'd like to ask you to type it first. Typhoon belongs to you anyway."

"Hahaha OK, but even if I applied, Moeby made Typhoon and he's running it right, so that's wrong."


Mobius seems to have been greatly struck by Harun's words. The larger eyes revealed complex emotions.

"I've only sponsored and will continue to help as I please, but don't think that Typhoon was made by Movey."

"But Typhoon is an organization built from scratch with your money. And with the information the commander gave us, the organization was repaired. We know there's a commander behind Typhoon."

"It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. It's because I like you. Of course, it's not something I don't want, but I've never thought of the Tarpaunu guild as mine. If you need support, just do what I ask of you, because, to some extent, you can sell my name, and I think Taripnu Guild is an ally of the Storm Mercenaries."


Mobius has never dared to look Harun in the eye, but he hasn't avoided it now.

Like I want to know Harun's sincerity through my eyes.

"Hooray! Got it. But allow me one thing."

"What is it?"

"We haven't reached the breakeven point because we still have a lot of investments, but if we do, we will pay you back on a certain level of return."


"Yes, so we can make what we've been saying true to our users. Knowing that Typhoon was behind you and the storm troopers, Typhoon was able to grow so fast, and he was able to cover his initial investment, so he deserved a share of the party and its profits."

"Whatever… do it."

I have no intention of stopping you from sharing the profits. It's Harun who doesn't have much in common with money now, except when he first started Beyond, but he doesn't hesitate to pay. The more money you make, the better.

Mobius' eyes heat up as he shortens the situation around the organization. Until now, if an organization's subordinates had treated their superiors as if they had never been greedy for management, they would have treated their supporters or business partners as if they were never greedy for management.

"By the way! Have you heard the news?"


"A short time ago, a holy woman representing the Temple of Light, a representative of the Union of the Temples, was destroyed."

"Excuse me?"

Harun was surprised by the unexpected news.

"The temple is so heavily guarded that it is not yet known to the public. In the battle against Darkness, the Temple of Light was rarely active, and the general order found that the saint leading the priests and the paladins lacked faith. So now they say they've lost their sacred power and become ordinary women."

"Tell me more!"

Mobius now gossips in the keep and details the story of the Ten Thousand Saints.

After the appearance of the Reinforced Undead, the Temple has seen little resistance among the members of the Garz Road. The Holy Water was not very effective, and the paladins and priests were worse powerless than the opposing Black Mages and Black Knights.

Something's wrong! '

To put it another way, I could never admit that holy water didn't work. It is Harun who has already seen how powerful the Holy Water works on others many times.

"What happened?"

"I don't know about that. because there are so many secrets in religion. But if you listen to what intelligence officials say, instead of the eunuchs' recommendation, the eunuchs who confused the holy woman representing the Temple of Light, priests and paladins who were deliberately lacking in faith or weakened, were sent to Gaz Road. They convinced the other temples to keep up with the attribution of power weakness."

"You maniacs!"

I was shocked that the temples that thought they knew the importance of Garz Lord better than anyone. I didn't understand how those who believed in God could do such things.

"That's the way the religions of the Apocalypse behaved. It was not the word" antichrist. "There are priests here who bend the will of God to keep their authority, to have gold or even compassion."

"Do you know where she is?"

"I don't know right now, but if you're determined to find it, you'll find it in no time. Why?"

"I need to see him."

"Very well. I'll look into it right away."

Mobieus notices Harun's urgency and hurries off to his quarters.

Late night.

An unexpected guest walks into the room where Harun's secret party is staying.

Harun is surprised to see someone coming in under Dylan's guidance.

"Master Huberon!"

"Haha! It's been a while. How are you?"

Huberon appeared with four companions.

"Oh, yes. I was going to see you tomorrow. How can you be here so late?"

I was supposed to meet Huberon today, but I postponed it until tomorrow to find out what's going on in the world.

"It's a little late, but I'm in a hurry because I'm old enough to know you're in the keep. These two fellows have been here to help Garz Lord this time with my old erase. And this is the leader of the Pearl Secran Merchant Guild, and this is Director Furotte from the Pyrin Empire."

Harun examines the characters that Huberon introduced.

First, the two people who were introduced to be erased by Huberon were the wizards in robes. With a similar relationship to that of Huberon, one person seemed to be very frustrating, but the other one seemed to be very frustrating.

Pulsecran, the leader of the League of Merchants, was a large figure in his early 50s who was the owner of a comfortable impression, but the way he looked at Harun was very sharp.

Director Furotte, who came out of the Pyrin Empire, was an ordinary middle-aged man with a cold, realistic atmosphere.

'That's a bad combination.'

Harun thought it was a strange thought, but he said hello first.

"Nice to meet you. This is Haroon of the Storm Mercenaries."

"Greetings, Perusau of the Blue Brain Mart."

"You've been a devoted young man, showing your face like this, Novane of the House of Alcasis."

The two wizards, known as the acquaintances of Huberon, greeted Harun with a greeting, but the other two simply introduced themselves instead.

"Pearl Merchant Guild Master Pearl Secran."

"My name is Furot."

Harun cares about the eyes of the two who seem to be exploring him, but he thinks about Huberon and just gives up.

"These guys are amazing people."

Following the description of Huberon, their identity was really great. Both of them were former towerheaders of the most powerful tower in the Old Theron Empire.

"Welcome. Sir Dylan next to me is someone I personally admire and follow, like my father. My mercenaries are leading warrior army advisers."

Harun thought he'd roughly greeted them as Dylan brought them in, but he introduced himself again.

Dylan briefly introduced himself as bold to his distinguished guests, and none of them accepted his existence very differently.

Huberon's group heard the story of Dylan being a nobleman and daring to become a mercenary to walk the sword path, but they greeted Harun when he showed up to say he was a follower like his father.

"Have a seat, please."

Dylan prepares the car naturally as people take a seat at the table.


Dylan's teapot in both hands begins to boil instantly.

The eyes of those who had seen it grew wide.

Minimum Intermediate! '

It is well known that when you reach the intermediate level of the Sword Master, you will be able to do something similar to elemental magic even if you do not know magic. That's all I heard. The prosecutor couldn't help but be surprised to see the first three people to actually see the teapot warming by hand.

Huberon's group barely knows that there is such a strong presence in the mercenary army.

Howlot's eyes were hotter than anyone else's. He is the proof that he is the prosecutor.

Harun's eyes also reminded me of the light of pure joy.

'You've finally managed to isolate and operate Manat's detailed nature.'

Dylan, who spent every waking moment meditating and digging for fragments of wisdom, was able to open his eyes to Mana.

Based on that effort, Dylan was able to accept knowledge from an ancient civilization, recognize that detail and pull it aside for use.

'It may not be complete, but you will soon be in the ranks.'

Dylan finishes preparing the car while everyone's feeling stunned.


Dylan pours in the dry tea leaves and waits for a moment to come out. He throws it out once and receives a second cup of tea. Harun enjoys tea, so he also knows that the second tea is good to drink because it has risen to some degree.

Harun thanked Dylan for preparing his car.

"Thank you, Lord Dylan."

"Speak, then."

Dylan leaves the room with a blunt face.

Huberon's group catches Dylan's attention for a moment.

"You mean he's a torturer?"

"Phew! What a surprise."

"Huh! I knew you were the Sword Master, but I didn't know you were that good. How many strong were there in the blast mercenaries?" "

Pearcekran and Hurotte remain silent, but the wizards, including Huberon, do not hide their surprises from Dylan.

Harun's heart is full of pride, listening to the three men. I felt as good as my crew's progress. As a skilled mercenary, I was not overjoyed no matter how happy I was. However, he was not overly interested, but luckily Huberon turned to the topic.

"Yes. You went north of the Devil Mountains, right?"

"Yes. I had a request from the mountain tribes. '

"I heard you brought down the three Castle of Darkness near the Tavern."

I don't know where I heard this news.

"Yes, we did some research and support, but the mountain tribes were much more powerful than I expected. Living apart, they gathered in one place, and the Darkness was too powerful to be easily defeated."

"Of course, with such power and power, you could have lived for thousands of years in these monstrous Devil Mountains, and yet you have eyes so small as to recognize the abilities of a gale mercenary without knowing the world."

The mountain tribes that used to treat heterosexuals and didn't care much about them, but now they don't. I think I can find out what Harun's Hurricane Mercenaries are capable of by just finding out what they are and making a quest.

"If you get a chance later, can you connect the Gazslod and the mountain tribes?"

"Yes, sir."

Harun was also thinking about that. Harun thinks that no matter how powerful the dark forces of the Garz Lord are, the Gentiles and the mountain tribes become united, they cannot last long.

"I hear things haven't been very good."

"Well, I'm sure you're aware of the fact that the storm troopers have their own information organization, too. In fact, things have been going terribly wrong lately."

Huberon details the appearance of the Dark Prince, the disappearance of Empress Evelyn, and the shattering front of the holy woman, as if he didn't have to hide it.

"This is really bad."

"Yes, but the heirlooms of the three empires are shaking because of people called Ghosts, and things like this have been happening and the atmosphere is very troubling. '

Harun is familiar with that, too.

The morale of the current Garz Road was entirely bottomless. The five castles have already been taken back by Darkness, but the command is experiencing a great deal of confusion due to lack of clear orders. In that situation, the underlying knights and soldiers had nothing more to say.

"If we go on like this, within the next six months, Darkness will reclaim all the castles and expand into three empires."

Harun already has two information organizations that are judging him. Without special variables, the ability of the Guard Lord is no longer enough to stop the Darkness.

"Individual abilities don't fall that far, but there are systematic limitations..."

Harun looks sad to see Huberon's attitude in referring to Garz Lord's blind spot.

Knights and soldiers from the three empires came together from the border and from the National Guard. They are experienced in the field and best adapted to rugged mountain topography. So we can't judge him as incompetent.

Harun knew the guidance system of Garz Lord was composed of representatives from five forces and was a loose agreement.

Neither the Temple Coalition nor the Tower Coalition belong to any of the troops, but they operate in a manner that is less efficient when requested to cooperate.

In other words, Ibelin was the leader, but the command had considerable limitations.

"Actually, I've been wanting to see you for a long time, but I don't think I can do anything good."

"Yes? Is there any way I could do that?"

As Harun, it was an unexpected quote from Huberon.

"No, you may be a mercenary, but unlike us, you have a flexible and free mind, and you offered us a way to lure the estramorwn into battle with Darkness the other day."

"That's it…"


Harun frowns unknowingly at Huberon's eyes, expressing overly anticipated expectations.

"I too have never met Commander Harun, but in the meantime, I admire the resounding solution beyond common sense by hearing about what the storm troopers have done. Please lend us your wisdom."

"I've never seen that arrogant Huberon impress and inspire anyone in my life. I've been competing with each other my whole life, but if my archenemies admit it, I can admit it. In fact, the emperors of the three empires are very concerned about the situation. That's why we were originally summoned to live in an old laboratory deep inside the tower. Even the Holy Spirit of Light was strangled and ultimately drunk from the pressure of the three empires, so our horses are in a very awkward situation. I don't know if it's just the empires shaking, but if the Demon King comes down or the gates of Mach open and the horses spill out, I'll complain to the priests and wizards that a lot of people didn't do their best."

Pulsecran and Hurot, which had nothing to do with Gazslod, were still tightly silent, but they listened to Peruso and Novane, and they could clearly see how difficult the head of Gaz Lord is now in.

"But we can't fight the Darkness with a loose organization like the one we have today."


People focused intensely on Harun's words.

When Harun notices their gaze, he opens his mouth.

"Go on."

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I think we need to organize to get out of this. If you have a lot of power, you can replenish it, but you have to overcome the command problem to solve it."

"You need to be an organization with a strong command system."

"Yes. No matter how hard we try, the five forces will come out, and in the end, we won't have half the power. Someone has to step up and bring the five forces together to overcome this situation."

"That's a good point."

In fact, three of these five empires were like hostiles, and the league of towers and temples that would become their links were deeply related to the three empires in the dark. Because of this situation, we cannot unite.

"By the way, when did you think so deeply about your arrival when I heard you had just arrived?"

"Yes? No..."

"Ah! You've been listening to that information from time to time. We're thinking the same thing, but there's no way to tie the five forces together."

Huberon shakes his head to the left and to the right with a stiff face since he asked the question and asked the answer himself. Why didn't they come to this conclusion when they didn't have a head?

"Actually, I came to see you because I have some business to attend to. The most important of all is to hear your thoughts on this matter."

"What's that?"

"Even the Emperor of the Three Empires thinks this is not the way it should be. In fact, these two friends came here, each with a special request from the Mir Empire and Emperor of the Cyntherone Empire, breaking the silver. Many of us, and many of us, have had our doubts about this, but we haven't thought of a good way to solve this situation because we're all part of the Five Forces. But I was hoping you could come up with a good idea because you're a free thinker and have nothing to do with the five of us."

Huberon has finally told me about his visit on an ambitious night.

"Don't take any chances. Tell me if you think of anything."


Harun had something on his mind, but his eyes were so intense that he was afraid to speak.

But the Darkness' reign cost him so much that he spoke his mind as Huberon had said.

"I think we should take the leader of all five forces and give him command of the Lord of Gaz for a short time until he is destroyed by Darkness. even though it would be better to pay for the ball later."

As if he had been thinking about it, he was a great wizard, but he didn't think about it that much.

Harun took a few moments to reveal the name of the person he was thinking about.

"I'm Agressia."

"Empress Aggresia? Oh, right."

"Agh… ah!"

"Huh! What a fine vessel!"

After hearing the name Aggresia, the three who had a serious look for a moment lifted their knees with a bright face.

You even have the same reaction as Pulsecran and Hurotmart, who were silent as if it wasn't even their job.

Empress Aggresia is deeply related to four of the five forces.

Relationships with the owners of the three empires are not bad. Magic skills are a little low, but they are wise enough to be called wise and have been acknowledged by almost everyone in the shadow of the Old Theon Empire.

The Knights and Soldiers of Garz Lord will follow her without fail. The Temple was the only thing that mattered.

"The alliance with the Temples is weak, but there can't be anyone more reasonable."

"Yes, yes! If it were him, everyone would admit it and follow it with loyalty."

"Haha! Why didn't we think of him?"

The three wizards admired Harun's leadership while blaming their lack of thinking about Empress Agressia.

It was natural. She couldn't recall the existence of the Princess Aggressia as she had somehow craved to use the power of Gaz Lord to her advantage. In fact, it wasn't this urgent a while ago.

Huberon calms his excitement and gazes back at Harun with a dark eye.

"Then I'll ask you one more question."


"As you said before, our forces are far outnumbered by the Darkness. How would you like to solve that problem?"

Harun felt embarrassed by Huberon's question. He didn't understand why he was asking himself that.

Having read Harun's expression, Huberon smiles bitterly.

"We need reinforcements, and not all three empires are worthy of it. You know that, but the Ghosts who raid mercilessly and without mercy from the Merchant Guild can't withdraw their reinforcements." "

However, the position of the three empires is also embarrassing. We're touching the merchants now, but we don't know when or how their attack targets will change, so we can't withdraw our troops.

"That's the problem with catching Ghosts, right?"

"Right? But who's going to deal with those ghosts?"

"It's hard, but it's not impossible. With close cooperation between the territories and a few elite Special Forces, we should be able to deal with them."

"Is that so?"


"Not to mention, I'm really curious, but how many of your mercenaries have sod masters and go-circles wizards?"

Harun felt really embarrassed, but he responded appropriately knowing that Huberon couldn't ask useless questions.

"There are five sod masters, two madas who have mastered six circles, and two mados who have just joined six circles. They all serve as advisors.

I didn't have to reveal it yet, but I thought it was time to reveal some. It was time to look at the liver in advance to announce the existence of the Cyclone Horse to the world in the near future. That's why I hid my skills appropriately.

It was a significantly reduced number compared to the current power, but Harun's words made people's mouths pop. Even Huberon, who seemed to have some assumption, was frightened.

Although the number of sovereign masters held by the empires was secret, it was a general assessment that each country had between 20 and 30 sovereigns. Moreover, many of them are beginners.

In addition, the average number of Madosas in six circles owned by the horses.6 Mastering a circle means you can be in seven circles, qualified to open a tower at any time.

Those skilled enough to open the kingdom are powerful enough for Harun.

This is why the people here are so surprised. Moreover, I can't believe I've already seen the Sword Master's mid-level Dylan firsthand.

"I heard there are quite a few hidden crew members, but how many are there?"

"That's a secret. What's clear is that the problem we can't solve is that no mercenary group can."

Harun draws a Maginot line. No matter how much Huberon said to me, I didn't have to go there. It is foolish for a trader to give away his or her hand.

"I think he has the ability to solve it. How about that?"

Suddenly, you turn to Pulsecran, sitting across from Huberon's eyes.

The moment Harun's eyes turned to Pearl Secran, he suddenly opened his mouth.

"As the leader of the Merchant Guild, I am formally requesting a request from the Storm Mercenaries here. Take care of those nasty ghosts that are destroying the offspring. I'll hear what you want.

The first time I saw it, I saw the outward age and I saw the footprint of Perlsecran, but now my attitude has completely changed. He looks as if he's holding a hole in his face.

"Our Guard Lord will also formally request a quest. Please deal with the Ghosts. We are also willing to give up whatever the Storm Mercenaries want within our capacity." "

In order to get reinforcements from the three empires, it is necessary to deal with the Ghost that causes the quest to become the temporary head of the Guardian Lord.


It's a name I've heard a lot about. But I haven't thought about dealing with them specifically yet. I have paid more attention to the Darkness than I have to those in Golden Road.

"But they're still grumpy. They have to be bitter for once."

Harun needed some time to think.

"You may be disappointed, but I can't accept the quest right now. Too much information required."

"Apparently, the gale mercenaries can assess the nature of the defeat by analyzing the quest before accepting it, but they'll be able to complete the quest without problems, unlike those who go back and forth and accept hot stone quests with greed."

Huberon naturally accepted Harun's attitude not to accept the quest right away. Pulsecran, who has an urgent face, also thinks for a moment and nods.

'Well, the Storm Mercenaries have never failed. If the rumor is true, they gathered enough information about the quest and analyzed it thoroughly before accepting the quest. They did their best to get what they could, and neither did the torturers, nor the simple mercenaries.'

After nothing had been said until then, Lot watched Harun for a moment and opened his mouth.

"Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Furot von Reyzin, director of the Pyrin Empire Intelligence Service."

Somehow, he felt that his usual appearance, but his aura was dark and dark.

Harun also introduced himself again.

"Harun, leader of the gale mercenaries."

"I apologize."

"What is this?"

Hurotte gets up from his seat and bends to Harun. Harun, who was embarrassed, stood up and tried to restrain his actions, but had already apologized.

"I was in a position to gain more information than anyone, but with my foresight of mercenaries, I condemned you and the gale mercenaries. None of the mercenaries I knew had your insight or judgement, so I have met you and ignored you despite what Emperor Baja said. I apologize for that."

The intelligence agency's handheld is really working.

I didn't even know she looked like Hersh, but she looked different from the face she did, and once she trusted me, I believed her completely, and then I was betrayed.

After apologizing politely, Lot's impression seemed mild and honest. Maybe he's the type of person who can turn his own atmosphere into free material depending on the target.

"Find Ibelin. The Pyrin Empire is in desperate need of Empress Ibelin. I will give you anything in return. Emperor Pekah has promised me himself. Take the quest."

Seeing his earnest eyes and an incredibly polite attitude, he won't even accept rejection.


I was sighed at the intense pressure I had never felt under duress or under duress. Until accepting the quest, nothing seemed to make sense to Huloth.

"Very well. I also have a private exchange with Empress Evelyn's phone. I accept the request."

"Thank you, Lord Harun! Thank you so much! Your Majesty will be so pleased."

Huron rejoices as if he didn't know Harun would accept his quest so quickly and easily. If what they say is true, Queen Evelyn will soon be seen again.

"But we'll talk about the cost of the quest separately tomorrow. Our commander is in charge of the quest..."

It's important, but I didn't want to wake Tino up after all this trouble being dragged around by torturers all day in this ambitious time.

"Oh, I see. I'll stop by tomorrow for lunch and report the good news to Emperor Peña. I hope you'll forgive me for what happened first."

After a light greeting to the four accompaniers, Lot walked out of the room with his wings on his back.

"Haha! That's great! But this will push the ghost problem backwards?"

I was tired of Pearl Sekran's face, watching the situation as she smiled and then returned to a frown because of Huberon's serious change. On second thought, the request for the Merchant Guild could have been rejected or postponed indefinitely because of Queen Evelyn's work.

"That's not it. The disappearance of Empress Evelyn to the Ghost seems to be closely linked."

"Is that so?"

The face of the four who were serious returned to my color immediately.

"Yes. I'm not sure I have enough information yet, but I feel strangely like that."

"If that's what you're feeling, then perhaps you should consider the Ghost problem as well. The League of Merchants does, but we have to deal with them somehow, as well as our Garzlod."

Haven't been able to understand Harun's words, but Huberon, who trusts him strongly, has decided to think comfortably. He already knows that there is a group of information near Harun that is difficult to calculate.

"Very well. Information first."

"If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know."

Although they have not heard the answer to the quest, the group can leave Harun's room much comfortably, unlike when they came in.

Harun apologized to Ibelin for not caring for the last few days.

- Evelyn, Evelyn!

- Brother?

- Yeah, I'm fine, right? "

I'm not in a bad shape because the anxiety's gone.

Thankfully, unlike before, the brain waves seem to have stabilized quite a bit.

- You still don't know where you are?

I tried to get her to talk to me, but she didn't talk like a mute.

I can't go there unless I know where I'm trapped.

- There must be something we can do. We've asked the information guilds to hold out a little longer.

Where are you right now?

- He's at Fort Matsurut.

How's Garz Lord?

- Of course, it's not good that you went missing so suddenly.

Harun did not keep it a secret, but gave a detailed account of the recent situation in Garz Lord.

- So Princess Aggressia is coming to my seat?

Yeah, I think that might help you, too.

Ibelin has a large role to play in the new empire, Pyrin, and therefore needs to focus more on the administration of the palace than on Garz Lord.

- Well, it's better that way. I'm not greedy.

- Greed is what happened when you had to sit there.

- Anyway, Garz Lord made me uncomfortable, but I'm a little bit comfortable with the way things are going.

- There's got to be a way.

I'm sorry Harun had to say this. In the future, I felt I had to think about the Ibelin problem a little more actively.

- I'm counting on you. You have to come get me.

- Yeah, well, you gotta work hard, 'cause if you sit down, you're gonna drown.

I've had that experience in real life before. The more I lived in the room for days, the less I moved, the less motivated I felt, the more I would avoid people.

- Heh heh! Okay, I'm so relieved you took care of me like that. I never knew having a family was so good to have you.

Evelyn feels better, but Harun is sinking for some reason. I felt sorry for Evelyn for not being able to resolve this situation in a heartbeat, and I felt sorry for her.

- I'm sorry I couldn't save you sooner.

You won't be able to easily find me in your empire, but I believe you'll be coming to save me soon, so work hard, because I'm going to do my best to work on my supersenses.

- Yeah, trust me!

- I think I've talked too long. I have a headache.

You seem to be losing focus. Even if you have this ability, it must be hard because you don't have that many experiences.

We'll be in touch in a few days.

- Yes, brother.

Harun stopped the pulse of will and suddenly came to his senses, his eyes glowing.

Why did I forget? '

Harun remembers the grimoire from the land of tranquility. I once asked Taniella and Myrus to interpret the Magic Book of Intelligence for a real Sikistjo that belonged to Nine and Race.

'Seeing that there is no word, I don't think it has been properly interpreted yet, but I have to ask you again.'

If you have mastered the spiritual magic of Ibelin, who was born with this ability, you may be able to find out where you are trapped.

It will also be a great strength for the Psychics who are struggling with their training because they don't have the right instructor.

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