
Pel wakes up, shaking his head.


Fel, who was about to wake up unconscious, screams at the strange pain. It was all broken hand bones.

"It hurts like hell. Human beings aren't all that good."

Fel grimaces as he grips and looks at his condition, tearing at the strange senses of pain. The intestines were dislocated and all the bones were broken.

I had to improve my spine. Fortunately, there was a piece of pure stone that had not yet been absorbed and it wasn't that hard because it was a spirit. Such a strange landscape appeared in Fel's eyes.

The place where he was lying was a small pond, and unusually, the water in the pond was black but smelled of dark mana.

The double glanced fel was able to see that the pond was on the bottom of a terrain that looked like a bottle of peach and that the first plants around the pond were growing.

This place, which corresponds to the bottom of the bottle, was at most fifty feet long, including a pond, surrounded by a glowing black wall.

Fel thought the visible landscape was unfamiliar, but he felt something familiar.

Where am I? '

Pel's crooked eyes gleam for a moment.

This must be it! '

This was the place where he was born. It was the same place that disappeared from memory.

'This is where I came up with the last moment of unconsciousness.'

Seeing the massive dark hand and the unconscious Harun spilling blood, Fel, who flew to him unconsciously, had already exhausted all his power, but he instinctively tried to move space as soon as he realized that it was extinct.

And this was the video that came into his head. It was a place I had never thought of before, but I don't know how I came up with that moment.

"Brother! Brother!"

Fel, who was thinking of the moment of movement, finally remembered Harun's existence and called out to him. I felt tremendous pain just by screaming, but now I don't even care that much.

Harun left the contract and was more precious to himself than anything else.

He barely got up, struggling with his broken and broken limbs, and he could see Harun lying on his back on the other side of the pond.


I was worried that I had no memory of the moment of movement, but fortunately, I moved here with myself. Fel sighs of relief and has to crawl to get to Harun's side. The leg muscles, as well as the bones, were all broken and could not get up.

"Don't die, brother!"

Not just because I'm a contractor. Unlike the previous contractors, Harun was too human and wanted to become human through his influence.

Harun had a peculiar charm that was lacking in all respects and incomplete compared to previous contractors, but could not express in words.

Harun, who was very narrow in his thoughts and emotions as well as his natural abilities, lived with him through his diligent efforts to grow as a human being.

As long as the former contractors were somewhat completed, Harun was an ever-growing being.

Fel thought he wanted to be human for the first time since meeting Harun. I wanted to travel around the world with him and meet a lot of people and grow up together in that meeting. Luckily Harun also cared about Fel, and he got him a lot of items, including spirit stones. That's why he was able to find his own memories.

'Hehehe! My teeth hurt, but I enjoy being alive.'

Broken bones and torn muscles complain of pain and nerve cells send a violent signal. However, he was able to feel pain, making him more vividly aware that he had become human and that he was alive.

The previous spirit would have simply ended up returning to subspace at the end of its energy. I feel pain, but not this kind of pain, but psychological pain due to the twisting and spontaneous movement of the energy that constitutes the fear of extinction and nature.

But now I could feel the pain so vividly. It made me feel stronger that I was alive.

How long have they been moving like worms?

Pel is able to move his thighs to Harun's side, lying facedown across the pond.

"Brother! Brother!"

I tried calling him several times, but Harun didn't answer.


I was terrified that there was nothing wrong with it. It can be reconstructed even if the human body disappears, but it is not Harun. If Harun dies, he will perish, bound to his fate.

However, when Harun thought that he was still alive, he was also not dead, he was able to escape the horror a little.

Fel, who reached out his hand and put his cheek to the ground, felt a faint trace of his breath.

"Thank God!"

However, Fel was urgent to take a closer look. Is there any blood leaking from your nose and mouth or your eyes and ears? It was already hardening, discolored. It means that visceral organs, including the heart, are at their worst, although I don't know about bones and muscles.

Come on!

I was in a hurry.

I haven't breathed yet, so I can feed the tears of the Elves.


Steady hands. Harun's body cannot be bent straight as it is now. However, the pain was no longer a problem because of the urgency of the heart. It only took me a long time to make my face look up at the sky. Once more, Fel's finger is pressed against his nose as he can no longer feel his breath. The heart's abdomen had disappeared and the body was getting stiffer. The so-called postmortem work is underway.

It was an Elven Elixir that can restore the soul within 30 minutes of death, but it can no longer be dragged (by the text). Pel used to tear the elf out of the subspace and drop it into Harun's mouth in an emergency situation.


Looking at Harun's face with eager heart, Pel realized that his body state was also headed for death as his eyes became dim. His heart rate is weakening and his blood flow to his head is rapidly decreasing.

"Brother, come on!"

Finally, Pel cheers with all his heart and transforms himself into a spirit to heal himself. Indeed, the spirit that had faded like a candle before the wind was in a state of urgency that would soon be extinct.

The pen infiltrates Harun's chest and there is a piece of pure stone that can restore itself.

"What do we do?"

Bell frowns with a white, dull face. She receives an emergency call from Dell and steps into the capsule to check Harun's condition.

The bones of the whole body were crushed and protruded from the flesh, causing the heart to stop and to stop breathing. The blood coming out of the whole body was already hardening and the flat head was completely dead.

His chest flutters and his whole body flutters, but Bell struggles to recover. I had this experience before, so I was able to manage my mind quickly.

"Dell, what's the situation?"

- Well…….

Dell explained the situation to Harun in detail, accompanied by a video.

"Then why hasn't anything changed for my brother?"

Beyond's avatar is slow but regenerative, so the real body doesn't change.

- I don't know about that. If you look at the situation right now, the body of reality doesn't accept fairy tales, so it's influenced by Beyond's avatar. It's hard for me to determine the cause of this disconnection.

Since the fairy tale rate was roughly 98 percent, I couldn't understand that the avatar had to be instantly reflected in the flesh of reality.

Bell chews her nails and rolls her head like crazy. There was something that seemed to come to mind.

Why is there no fairy tale? '

It was not a mechanical flaw. I was sure of that. Dr. Chung Il, his stepmother, completed the stall with great care, and the son of the transcendent Guy himself was the best work ever made.

'There must be a reason...' '

The last time, the tears of the Elves paid the price. But I don't know why not this time. If I had known this, I should have trained the tale of the Bolshevik king sooner rather than later. If the tuning process had allowed replicators to play Beyond, they would have been hit to some extent in this situation, but would not have gone to such a dangerous state.

- But there are some doubts.

"What is it?"

Bell becomes a straw catcher.

One is the existence of the dagger currently in the master's chest.


- Yes, a dagger with strange powers. In addition to the cutting force, the unknown force that breaks the basic structure of matter continues to impede the master's recovery.

"What do we do?"

Belle was so sad that she couldn't get to Yondu right away.

- However, we suspect that if the Elf's tears are brought to life and the Master is resurrected, the Dagger will fall naturally.

Thank God for that.

"Then what's the other problem?"

Dell takes a moment to make sure she's unsure about Belle's mining.

- Continuing to analyze the differences between the previous situation and the current one.


-They differ from the nutritional ingredients that are waiting to be supplied to the master.

"Nutritionals? Are you a herb?"

- Most likely. That's one of the reasons fairy tales don't come in 100 percent.

Beyond's world is not what it seems. Mana can be replaced with groups and various foods can also be replaced with nutritional ingredients injected into the capsule, but in order to cause the miraculous phenomenon that the tears of the elves produce, there had to be something special that had that effect in reality.

"Maybe you're right!"

Other nutritional ingredients were sourced by Bell periodically, but in the case of herbs, it was difficult.

"Ammu, I need to see Ammu. Even from Herb Town."

The group and the people of Herb Village seem to be naked, but they have what they value. Some of them will be herbs.

Bell's face is urgent, huh? Headed to base.

Ammu and the old man in the Great Mountains come to Bell's office, but they look confused. The base chief couldn't figure out why he was looking for them himself.

"How's life on the base?"

"Very good. For those of us who were slaves to the Human Guard with little reward for what we did, this place is a paradise where we can accomplish anything we try."

The older man was more satisfied thinking about his son's wife and grandchild than he was. I especially liked the system here where I could get the right training for free. I don't know about the Iners, but the Outers have been paying special attention for generations.

"I'm satisfied, too. Satisfied enough to fill your stomach with ease, but there is no better place than here because you can dream and hope that you can achieve it by working hard."

Ammu was also satisfied with the current base life. Above all, I was more satisfied with the environment in which Miang could grow properly.

"I called you both because I have a favor to ask."

When they got to the point, they kept their mouths shut.

"Actually, Captain Harun is seriously injured."


"What happened? How was the injury?"

I knew that Harun was the spiritual guardian of the storm base, and I was surprised that it was a special silver for both of them.

"I was injured while on a top-secret mission, but I'm currently unconscious. If we don't use our hands soon, the cells might apologize, so we have to hurry..."

Seeing Bell's serious face, I had a hunch, but it was worse than I thought. The two faces are also stiff and stiff.

"Trauma, too, but internal injuries are very serious. However, we can't cure you with the herbs the base stocks right now."


The old man in the Great Mountain can finally understand why Bell summoned him.

"Yes, I need to find some herbs. It also has a medicinal effect called elixir."

"Wild Ginseng!"

"Yes. We need ginseng, but we need other medicines like Sewers."

Bell and Azman confirmed through various data that Harun had played a major role in the recovery of his medicinal herbs, including ginseng. It was clear that certain ingredients contained in medicinal herbs, including wild ginseng, produced synergistic effects and played a large role in cell and long-term regeneration.

"I know where it might be."

The old man in the mountains shouted right away.


"Yes, Chief."

Bell's face brightens with the old man's reaction in the Great Mountain.

"I also know a few places where herbs grow."

Ammu also gave me good news. He had heard from Miang that he knew the location of the herb field. That is why I have summoned Ammu here. Ammu knew where Org Tungris were secretly reselling herbs.

"Do you have a list of herbs you need?"

"Yes, here."

Bell initially showed me that when she was sent to Harun in a capsule, she only pulled out herbs from the list that Dr. Cheol told her about. Even Azman's ability to confirm the individual efficacy of the herbs was unknown, so he had to prepare everything.

"Well, except for the ten medicinal ingredients, including ginseng, sewage, siromi, red sea ginseng, rosebush, and goldfish, there's very little difficulty finding them."

"I don't know what herbs I can find in the mountains, in Siromis, and in the sea, but the other herbs are the ones I know about."

Bell's face reminds me of relief when I heard them.

"If the commander's situation is known, the base's atmosphere will shake, so I want to handle it secretly. Is that possible?"

"Sure. Five, including my son."

"I, too, can infiltrate the Herb Field with about 10 frail colleagues. It's a place that's decorated like nature over a few mountains."

Luckily, I told them about Harun's condition even though it was a place they didn't want to go anymore, and they stepped out as if they were leaving right away. What we need now are herbs that can be collected from the sea, and Ari will take care of them.

"Then I'm asking you, there will be five highly armed Secret Service escorts accompanying you, so you don't have to worry too much about safety."

"You mean the Secret Service?"

They were greatly astonished by the words of the Secret Service members, who had not appeared properly, accompanied them. Rumor has it that the strength of the Secret Service members is immense among the promoters, Rosuna Cheolwoong. They said they had been secretly guarding the storm base while performing special tasks assigned by Captain Harun.

"But I'm afraid it's going to take a long time to get to the vertebrae."

"I see. It'll take at least a month to get there."

What the two of them were worried about was how long it took to get medicine. It's safe. I sighed that the Secret Service are joining us, but I can't move during the day when the intense light hits me, so the distance I can travel in the morning and evening is not that long. Once you enter the mountains, your movement speed will be slower.

"Don't worry. It takes less than a few hours to reach the vertebrae using the underground roads and magnetic cars used by the Secret Service. But where do you suppose that is?"

Ari has already restored the underground roads that have been pierced to the vertebral mountains. The underground roads were connected to mines scattered in the vertebrae, but were unable to repair or repair the collapse caused by the earthquake, leaving them abandoned and unaware of the presence of unitemperature at all.

Among the places that the elderly and Ammu told us about were also close to the exit of the underground road, but most of them were some distance away. But that saved me a lot of time going back and forth.

"I'll take what you need for your trip, so you two go back and gather your colleagues and prepare for the secret departure. I'm sorry it can be dangerous, but you'll have to say goodbye to people."

Once you enter the mountains, you don't know what will happen. That's why Bell is talking like this.

"I was worried about how I would repay the commander for saving the lives of the villagers, but I'm glad I was able to be this powerful."

"So am I. Given the commander's grace for accepting us with no place to go and allowing us to live properly, I will give you as little or as little as possible."

The two of them resolutely made up their minds and left the Chamber of Staff.

"Thank you for giving it to me in this dangerous way."

Bell was afraid that either of you would refuse to do him a favor. When it was dangerous, I thought I would do anything if I got out of that situation, but when I got safe, I was worried because I learned through Azman's data that it was human nature to forget that commitment.

"Brother, come on! This many people are starting to move for you."

Ari had already stopped what he was doing and headed for the sea. A submarine made it easy to collect medicinal ingredients grown in the sea. So many people began to move for Harun.

"Come on in!"

Mobius is still hesitant, but Gossavin drags his hand inside. His palpable breasts were crushed on his shoulders, conveying a strong sense of temptation.

"D-do you think it'll be okay?"

The interior, filled with furniture and ornaments that at first glance appeared to be the finest, was the head of the GunNoble family. Even if I sold the smallest of these, I had enough luxury to not have to worry about living for the rest of my life.

Mobius was very embarrassed because he did not know that Gossavin would bring himself to an expensive mansion.

Gossavin feels more satisfied than he thought because the owner of the charm who had drawn her without pity at several parties was embarrassed.

Do you know what I am now? '

I brought him here to show him how different he is from the squishy little frown Nobles, who seem to be completely mesmerized by what she thinks.

Suddenly appearing in the Nobles' world, Mobius has created a huge information guild in Beyond Games that you also play nowadays, and is a fast growing capable man who has established an information company in real life.

Mobius, who looked like a sculpture that could not be made by molding, and who had a great narrative and humor, had a lover called BiRyu, but was a man that every woman wanted to seduce.

Despite her blatant temptations, she finally seduced Mobius, who consistently demonstrated whether he was conscious of the rhetoric he was always following.

Gossavin thought Mobius was a man who would satisfy himself for at least a few years, so he decided to show all his charms from the first encounter. That's why they brought him to the precinct that is his background.

"Hmph! Honey, you're more scared than I thought."

Even though he was much older than thirty, he seemed to be melting his brain when Gossavin performed the euphemism.

"Not because I was afraid, but because I was wondering if I could visit at night in a mansion like this without an owner."

Mobius suppresses the anxiety in his mind.

"Hohoho. That's it. Don't worry, the old people don't stop by these days."

Gossavin raises the wind with his hot hands and takes off the shawl that was covering his shoulder.


Mobius' eyes widen and a hot nostril gushes out.

Smooth, oily skin was radiant as if it were glowing when touched with a finger. The long neck and swollen collarbone made the eyes hot and the fragrance mixed with the mild perfume made the heart beat many times faster.

'It's a monk.'

As he suspected, Gossavin was a woman who had the typical look and feel of a Kirerwoman, but in her heart was deadly charm.

It's melting! It's melting! '

It's not that I had not dated women from Noble before meeting him, but Savin was on a different level. She was the only man and woman in the Gossip family who had taken over Kowon Union's treasury, and she was an amazing woman who was on her way to becoming the next treasury director.

'This is dangerous.'

This kind of woman sucks all the blood out of a man. As a normal guy, I had to stay awake and fall in love until I fell into hell.

Having met upscale women so far, Mobius was able to anticipate the outcome of his work with the Gossabin family waiting for him.

'The bottom will die silently.'

Sabine, who has been divorced twice and is currently living with a man. If she becomes the heir of the Gossip Family and becomes a man, she'll be in trouble. And you're the only one who's been transfused.

But I am Mobius! '

He was now a businessman, but it was his specialty to deal with women. Some say it's because it releases pheromones that are many times more intense than other men, and others say it's because of the gorgeous looks and narratives that women must fall in love with, but it is Mobius who is confident to satisfy the woman they like.

"Would it be okay if the adults found out later? My new home in Sector S isn't so bad either."

"Tsk! I'm fine. Okay! If you're that nervous, let's go to the safest place in the world. There wouldn't be any sign of it."

"Safest place in the world?"

"Yes, there is. Let's go!"

Sabine grabs his arm with a red face, whether he has just had a drink or is expecting a hot moment to come. Her face is full of puberty, making sure the ball has not been thrown in vain.

Mixed with shampoo, perfume and the smell of the flesh of a mature woman tested his patience, but Mobius endured it as a player.

Despite his anxiety, Sabine's arrogance and Möbius' actions were also blasphemous.

Sabine walks into the room, presumed, and pushes the clothing rack to one side and grabs the wall with her hands.


Surprisingly, the wall moves to the side and the elevator appears.

"Hoho! It's been a long time."

Sabine pulls him in, placing her bountiful chest on Mobius' arm. There were only two buttons on the elevator. UP and DOWN.

Pressing the downward button, the elevator turned down without any noise, at which point Savin's hot red lips turned to Mobius.

Hot kisses.


It's been a while since the elevator arrived, but Savin doesn't expect to fall. It was Sabine, whose whole body was torn apart by her hot passion. However, Mobius' waist-circuited arm gives him some strength, and he regains his senses.

The two of them get out of the elevator without a single crack.

Mobius' eyes widen in tears.


"Haha! Surprised. This is some kind of safe house, 500 miles underground. My family calls this place the Secret House. It's designed to withstand a nuclear bomb or an earthquake over nine degrees, and it's equipped with everything you need to survive for hundreds of years without having to go outside."

In Mobius' glorious eyes, it was 20 meters high and thousands of square meters wide. The underground gardens, swimming pools, and picturesque three-story buildings with artificial lighting and all kinds of plants stimulated his eyes.

Mobius has seen this place, and has seen how the Nobles have survived since the Apocalypse, and have survived to Humansy Wake.

This is one of the forces of the First Noble! '

Mobius couldn't help but admire the hidden location of the Gossip Family, the first Noble among the Nobles.

-Welcome aboard, sir.

Mobius' eyes widen as he suddenly hears a voice.

"I'm going to take a day off, so prepare some food."

- Yes, sir.

The voice that came back from Sabine's words was female, but strangely, I felt no emotion.

"Who is it?"

"The artificial intelligence that governs the Secret House is the computer. It's not as advanced as the ancient, but it's the same grade as the union main computer."


What a great family. One family owns a superquantum computer that only one Union has.

Mobius walks into the three-story building, slightly frozen, led by Savin.


Mobius opens his mouth as if his jaw had fallen off. Now he couldn't go out and was not buried near Kowon Union, so the colorless marble he had just seen was lying on the floor. And furniture and ornaments that looked much more luxurious than that on the ground were making the interior more glamorous than anywhere else.

"I think you're sweating too much. I'm going to wash up and come out. I'm looking at the house."

Sabine was well aware of her condition. I finally seduced Mobius, who had been working for months, but he was so excited that he was sweating so much because he was so hot.


Mobius nearly spills his nose at Sabine's bold actions, taking off her dress and taking off her underwear one by one in front of his eyes. Thanks to its ability to receive superior genes and thoroughly manage periodic surgery, Sabine is an eight-high, voluminous body. (The novel seems to be getting more and more perverted...)

"I'll see you soon!"

With a smile and a sudden rise in excitement from Sabine heading to the bathroom, Mobius waved his head for a moment and lowered his mind.

"This is the secret house of the First Noble. '

I've heard of this place from my official lover, NonRyu. Of course, the upstream family is Noble, but they don't have the wealth to build something this secret deep underground.

Mobius makes his way to the chamber. Now that I'm here, I was about to find out what this place is like.

"Damn it!"

Mobius' mouth flutters with profanity as he enters the room. From bed to drawer, nothing was not the best quality.

It's old furniture from the Apocalypse. How have they been managing all these years, and are they glowing like this?

He also boasted about living in a good house because he made quite a bit of money, but this place was different. If you watch out for damage just by touching it, it will kill Gigi.

Mobius' eyes, looking at the room like that, suddenly glowed intensely.

It's a secret place!

If they had been in a room before them, it would have been one of the owner's expensive housewives and his wife, but what had happened was that there was a secret place installed on one wall.

Mobius, who handles information, heads for the wall without hesitation. Where a portion of the wall was pushed to the side, there was a room the size of the room, where the snowy treasures would be displayed.

This is the only treasure room I've ever heard of! '

In the movie of the Apocalypse, the treasure room in the house of disaster must have been installed. He secretly enjoys his collection at the exhibition.

Once inside, Mobius could see treasures, like golden crowns and bracelets, lying on a shelf lined in three rows on the walls and in the room. I wanted to have treasures that arose out of nowhere, but it wasn't enough to upset me.

If there is any security in place, it will be a big mistake to finish the long work soon.

"Arthur, Mobius!"

The man he gave to Sabine. What she receives is information and powerful influence.

Mobius is officially sorry for his mistress, but based on Gosabin, he was hoping to attract elements of Noble origin and extract advanced information from Union.

While others may not know what to say, Mobius intends to take everything he can from his outstanding looks and the skills to deal with women.

If you melt down the sole heir to the Gossip Family, the leader of Glory Gaia, it will be a great help to Captain Harun, who started a new business, as well as supported himself without any wind, to live the world properly.

By chance, Mobius had seduced her over the months to find out that she was an heir to the Kowon branch family of Glory Gaia and obtain important information to repay Commander Harun.

Mobius decides to step out, fearing that if he sees Sabine coming out of the bathroom and entering the treasure room unauthorized, he might lose his love for her. However, there was something that caught Mobius' eye.

"What is it?"

I saw documents that didn't match the treasure room. The title of the document in the case of glass protruded from Mobius' mouth.

"Unh! The New World Treaty?"

Mobius has an interesting title. Get the paperwork out. From the front. It was.

Mobius pauses for a moment. Then the hand holding the document began to tremble.

"Th-this is... awesome!"

The contents of the document were truly amazing. The content was about a secret meeting that some scientists and entrepreneurs had held with the help of three ancient computers, creating a barrier and gaining a new and safe home.

'So because they don't have any ownership, they use their abilities to weave barriers and build cities, they destroy the three nested ancient computers and then they con them into doing it proactively.'

It was not viewed in detail, but the contents of the document were.

At the end of the day, the names of the people who lived there were about 130 scientists, technologists and entrepreneurs who imitated the ancient computers and many others who dedicated their lives to what they had accomplished.

After this, what? Because their ancestors created the barrier and formed the city, it was natural for the land and buildings of Union to belong to them and to be treated as special. '

It was truly terrible. I couldn't understand how people who were only that many could do this. However, given the current situation of the Union, their conspiracy succeeded.

They have all the money and power in the world after Noble among Nobles, named First Noble. Ordinary people have ruled the world for generations, regardless of their abilities, forcing them to have arbitrary jobs.

Mobius, who had lived as a Bordeaux since he was a child, was split in two because of his incompetence.

Because of these people, the three ancient computers that created a new and safe world have lost most of their abilities, and the common people will become their slaves.

'If the contents of this document are known to the world...?'

A jolt of electricity ran through the whole body.

Mobius trembles with a fist in his hand. There was a revolution going on inside his head.

Up until now, the people of Union have paid most of their income in housing and living expenses. I don't even pay rent. Food prices were high, so I couldn't enjoy leisure except for games recommended by Union.

Mobius carefully rolled the documents and tucked them into his jacket pocket, looking for compassion around him. His heart, which he was proud of, was racing like crazy.

'With this, you'll make a lot of money using it.'

Mobius shakes his head vigorously. I am confident that such actions will only put my life at risk.

'It's worth something I can't help.'

No, Glory Gaia, of course, could not risk her life if she mishandled this object in a reality involving many of the Nobles.

But it's worth a lot to give up.

There is a figure that pops into Mobius' mind for a moment. Mobius strikes his knee, thinking of him.

'Huhu! If you give it to Commander Harun, he'll take care of it himself.'

Commander Harun is hiding in a secret place in battle with the Dark Prince, so you can tell Harun about it.

I didn't owe it to Commander Harun in real life, but Harun in Beyond has told me that Harun in real life is just like his own.

'What a lovely woman to give me such a treasure. Now that I've given you such a precious gift, you have to tell me what true love is like.'

Strong pheromones begin to flow from Mobius' body, gazing into Sabine's bathroom. For as long as he has met a woman, only she thinks she is in love.

'One more time, by the way.'

After forgery, I had to stop back here in a hurry to put it back in place.

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