

Harun's consciousness was floating in the cloudy mist. He tries desperately to get out of the fog, but the fog around his consciousness clings to him.

Why, why, why! '

It is so frustrating. I think the crew is crazy because they want to know what their condition is, but they are nervous and anxious because their bodies are stuck to the fog and even their consciousness can't move.

I made a promise to Watun and I have too much work to do.

Am I dead? '

Suddenly, I felt that anxious. No one knows what the world is like after death. It was never revealed through human history. We only speculate that there will be a new world through religion.

Some said they saw the light guiding them, and some said they met the Grim Reaper and received India. Others said they saw heaven and hell, and some said they saw a river that washed their souls.

'But I don't think this is it.'

Harun thought this place might be hell as long as his body and soul remain in restraint. This helplessness is the worst for a human being who wants to be free.

It's even crazier if you don't know the time. I thought I might get split up if I went this way.

How long has it been?

Harun is able to escape from anxiety. He slowly began to reflect on his short life. Starting from the youngest I can remember, I felt vivid about the situation and its thoughts and feelings.

It was a strange thing. At some point, even things that had disappeared from memory could be remembered vividly like a documentary film. and the feelings that I felt at the time.

'What a stupid life.'

My childhood self was a child hungry for affection. Therefore, everything was focused on the emotions of the people around him. Like other children, I did not pay attention to my peers, toys or play and cared about the feelings of others around me.

Why were you so nervous? '

Now that I think about it, I don't understand. Even when babies of his age were instinctively curious about their surroundings and their bodies, Harun wanted someone's attention and cried all day long.

'What a irritating baby.'

Probably bothered anyone. If you can't see a person, start crying. However, Harun was able to feel the crazy anxiety and deficiency he felt from time to time when he was a baby.

It was much more fun to see and feel myself as a lost baby than I thought. I felt like I was spying on a secret I didn't even know. Perhaps that's why Harun consciously turned back the clock to a younger age.

Got it!

It's so strange. How do you remember a baby less than a month old? It was not clear, of course, but a silhouette of memories and emotions.

'But where am I?'

Was it too much time? Harun realizes he's in an opaque liquid. The memory has finally risen to the fetal state. I don't think it was amniotic fluid, but the fetus was growing very comfortably.

There was a voice. There was something that sounded unclear as if it was coming through something, but I could understand all the voices in my memory. Voices belonged to older men and middle-aged women.

What is the status of the -sps?

An old man who felt a cold voice asked.

- Certain lenses are growing normally. Everybody's amazing. Especially for this sp11, we see a significant difference between the items of the emotional index, but across almost all of the different metrics, we go to Tam3.

It was also the answer of a cold-hearted middle-aged woman, but the fetus Harun laughed as she heard her voice.

- That's not good. He's responding to you. For other sps, the emotional index is the lowest value.

In fact, other sp subjects, with the exception of sp11, have the lowest sensitivity.

- The lenses that are being cultured in nine other laboratories, as well as the SP subjects that are being divided and cultured, as well as a number of ongoing studies, show the same figures as your own. Especially for sps, I don't know what two transcendent beings have done in the middle of the corrective work, but other areas have the best latency figures, and emotions are the worst, so I don't know if I want to feel human emotions right.

Poor thing, no matter how experimental she is, she can't really feel her emotions.

A middle-aged woman said as if she felt sorry for him. At that moment, a kind of warm and emotional energy was conveyed through an opaque liquid.

- Keep your cool, though. One of these sps was created by the transcendents using their last resort. These are the beings who will lead the future of Humans, and they will find what the Humans need through a different world. It will be the ancestor of the distant generations of Humans. Maybe it's for the best. Leaders are the worst poisons to be swayed by emotion.

- Okay, Doc. I keep in mind, but personally, I wonder if I should have created these beings.

- I doubt that. Even with the barrier gone, not everyone dies, and there could be resources among normal humans to carry out the Human Rescue Project. Do we really need to artificially insert genetic information to create a new race? The apocalypse, which seemed to conquer the entire universe, was ultimately destroyed not by human abilities, but by the playfulness of religious issues and giant tyrants and powerful people trying to control the world in the dark. And ultimately, the destruction of the world is due to the monopoly of extreme selfishness and material pluripotency and wealth and power. WGC, the dying transcendents, I think they're misjudging us. Humans lack the power to destroy the world, but they overlook the more dangerous behavior of minority allies seeking to pursue and monopolize power and power. We don't need experiments like this. We need to leave a spiritual heritage that will draw the Humans right out.

The old man choked on his elongated tongue as if he did not like the current situation.

- I'm very fond of these kids because I didn't have a baby. Especially in the case of SP11, which is very unusual to me, it feels like my skin.

It's because you're so gentle and affectionate. Anyway, good luck, Dr. Lee. As soon as these kids come out of the tube, they're going to be distributed to the big unions, so work hard until then.

- I just feel sorry for him.

Harun, a premature fetus, did not know the meaning of the conversation, but was happy that the warm energy was transmitted through the hands of a middle-aged woman.

Is that so?

Harun is able to get a piece of the secret convenience surrounding him through the reversal of his memory. that he was called SP11 before he was a citizen, and that he was the product of a project that was designed for some sort of purpose.

Dr. Lee? '

Despite not knowing his name and just taking away his sex and job, Harun was able to recall Mother who gave him endless care and affection with her loving hands and eyes.

'Is that why I've been longing for Mother's love since I was born?'

As long as I can remember, Harun had never felt satisfied with love. Some of the foster parents gave him special affection, but Harun was not satisfied. even though that dissatisfaction led him to lead an unhappy life.

I really wanted to meet Dr. Lee if I could. Just thinking of the name made me feel a strange reaction that I had never felt before because my heart was pounding and I missed it.

'Go up, Bolga. You're not gonna make it to your last life, are you?'

I heard there was a previous life, but it was never confirmed whether it was real. It was not concluded at the end of the age that science had developed. Depending on the religion, we can only conclude that we believe in the existence of our previous lives or not.

Harun, who refused to remember, suddenly opened his eyes. Suddenly, an unknown amount of knowledge poured into my mind.

'What, these?'

They quickly came in and out of Harun, but some of them were able to recognize the title.

'Earth Migration Project'. 'Earth Atmospheric Construction Project'. 'How to link to maternal status'. 'Evolution Project'. The Sirius Planet Alliance. 'reproductive projects'. 'Awakening using mental energy'. 'The technology of making DNA'. 'The identity and utilization of dark matter'. 'Reporting on Earth Structure and Life Centers Formation' …….

The name alone did not dare to guess the content, and that was the amount of information that could not be counted. Most of them attracted Harun's interest, but unfortunately they disappeared so quickly that they couldn't find out.

Did the superatoms plant this information in my DNA? '

It has also been shown that DNA is a material that passes on genetic information to future generations, and that the amount of information is so vast that it cannot be handled at the capacity of supercomputers. That is, DNA has been the most efficient and capacitive of all known information storage materials.

In the last days, various studies have been conducted to modify genes, and there have been significant advances in many fields, but it has been found that it is impossible to manipulate information contained in the content of DNA, such as extracting or inserting it.

Harun focuses on consciousness and tries to recall information that has already disappeared into his body. The current memory point was estimated to be immediately after the fertilization, so the body had to be fertilized.

Rather, they easily accepted the alien stimulus, and Harun's will was now involved to easily extract information that had entered the fertilized self.

'So... no!'

When the information just came back to me, Harun's consciousness suddenly got sucked into somewhere as if he had moved space with Pell.


Harun opens his eyes as the powerful suction disappears.

The world was drenched in darkness, and some of that darkness saw what was thought to be planets. Among them, his body was sucked into a bright, green planet.

Soon he could see that he was lying somewhere. Harun wakes up, instinctively awakening.


It's strange. His eyes, despite his obvious rise, saw his own body turn into a mess.

Are you out of your mind? '

I just heard. I didn't think such a phenomenon was actually possible. Harun's eyes widen as he looks down at his body, but he returns to the top shortly.

Where is this place? '

Where he was, there was a cavity about 35 meters in diameter, with pools of sunshine and plants growing all around the walls that had never been seen before.

Harun, who was about to take a step to look at the plants carefully, realized that the fluid could not leave the body. It is known that when a soul leaves the fluid, it can move anywhere it wants, but it is not the case for itself.

Is the body awake and only the soul awake? '


I called out to him, but I didn't hear any answer. Harun sensed the presence of Pell in the subspace connected to Middle Ocean and summoned him several times, but there was no response whether he was repairing the damage.

Is he regaining his strength, too? '

It looks like it. It must have run out of power since it moved all the way here.

Harun, who judged the situation, stopped his interest in aliens and focused on his body.

'Thank goodness.'

His body was slowly undergoing a process of regeneration in a collapsed state. The appearance of bones or muscles was already normal. Perhaps Pell shed an Elven tear.

The regeneration process was too slow and frustrating, but the exhausted Mana was fully stocked and more stable than ever.

Some parts have already been played. Unlike other parts of the brain that are still undergoing regeneration, it was functioning completely normal, but the mind was strangely clear and seemed to rotate quickly.

Is your head better? Or have you gotten stronger? '

I don't know which one of them was right, but it was clear that my head had gotten better. I don't believe it, but the crystal seemed to have improved tremendously considering the reversed memories until now.

"Where the hell is this place?"

I was able to guess that Pell had moved here, but I had no idea where this place was. However, there is no way to move without your body becoming normal.

How long has it been? '

He had a lot of work to do, so I was most curious about the progress of time. From making promises to the wise man of Batun to the dead bunker, I was frustrated because my body was lying here.

I tried to log out of the frustration, but it didn't work. But something was possible. The part of the brain that was functioning was able to communicate with the brainwaves.

Harun sent an EEG to Elaine right away.

- Elaine!

- Oh, brother, is that Harun?

- Yeah, it's me. How are you?

Why are you calling me now? I thought you were dying of anxiety because I didn't know what happened to you!

Elaine seems to have contacted herself several times. It was full of poison, but I felt relaxed when I was worried about myself.

- We had a run-in with the Dark Prince, and he almost died and he barely survived.

Harun told me everything that had happened.

- Phew! Thank God. I was so anxious. I'm not the brother who won't be contacted when nothing special happens. Are you okay now?

- Yeah, it's all cleaned up.

Harun lied because he was afraid of Elaine.

In fact, the regeneration process is underway but if it is completed, the body's state will be much better than before. It was instinctive to know that the strength and density of the bones would be higher and the muscles would also be able to exert a stronger force.

The three conductions were completely seated. Since the body has not fully recovered, we have not fully determined the condition of the bloodstream, but the period sensed in the body has become more mild. Perhaps that is why the devices are also more stable than before.

"What happened to the spirits? '

In the case of Pel's Awakening due to the fragment of pure stone, it was likely that changes occurred to the four spirits too. But given Pell's reaction, they were more likely to be, too. However, only the head was functioning properly.

- Take care, brother! You're the only one who can save me.

- Hahaha! Got it. By the way, do you have any success with your training?

Of course, who am I? I'm surprised that no one interfered, that it was quiet, that the training was so successful, that I'm surprised. I think I finally got my supersenses.

- Hypersensitivity?

- Yeah, I think I've got a little bit of a knack for raising my senses and calling it sixth sense.

Harun is curious because he doesn't know anything and doesn't feel much curiosity.

- So you figured out where it is?

I'm not sure, but I think this is the basement of a large arena, combining the smell and the sound of wind from the body of the person who brings me food and the conversation that comes from outside.

- Tell me in more detail.

- I'm trapped in a cell on the fifth floor of the basement. It looks like it was built a long time ago, and I'm the only one incarcerated. The fifth floor in the basement was a focus on the sound of a person's footsteps bringing me food, and the prison was a hyper-sensitive scan of the surroundings. But when the door opens, the only sound I hear sometimes is the shouts of those who are excited and the sound of rough breathing. I could barely hear it, and I said, "How much did you walk?" 'Kill him!' There are things like "high dividend." Given the way these horses feel and the supersensory atmosphere, there seems to be a Arena above this building. It's a big arena when you see a match almost every day. Oh! And the strong scent of Pacho makes it look like a mountain or a mountain of Pacho.

'There is a large Arena, a mountain of Pacho or a mountain...' '

- Okay, just a little harder. Soon I will destroy the Ghost and come for you.

- The Ghost is the tissue beneath the Goal Road?

The Beyond of the Human Guard, which excluded you, is Golden Road.

Harun gave Elaine detailed information about what he knew.

We're short on reality, and we're trying to take all the money in the world. As soon as I get out of here, it's over.

Elaine had an enormous hatred for the human guard she was carrying. He was raised from childhood regardless of his free will, but he became like that when he was exploited, so he could not help but gnaw his teeth.

- Anyway, when you get out there, get your body ready to move.

- Don't worry, brother. Unlike the people in the grave, Elaine, her brother, is also a princess of the Pyrin Empire and a Human Guard.

Elaine was confident that at least those who followed her would never betray her. They shared the same goals, not as money or position.

Okay, got it. Then we'll hang up.

Harun was delighted that Elaine had been stuck alone in the darkness for so long without losing her grip.

- Take care of yourself, too, 'cause if you get hurt again, I'll mix you up.

After being a body of English and living alone for a long time, Elaine had special feelings for Harun who was the only one who could communicate. Although she was not a brother and sister, she developed a deeper bond than that.

"Hold on, Elaine!" (Be careful in the text)

Harun resolutely resolved to think about Elaine, who had been locked up for months without anyone to tell.

Next, it is your turn to inform the crew of your safety. The terrain has prevented the communicator from operating. Harun ponders about his crew, one by one.

'But I sent an EEG to Taniella. But it didn't work.

"Phew. Even an apothecary shouldn't be born without this ability."

Harun, who learned something new, sent an EEG to the adviser, Ashu, from Fomercan.

Shamans thought it was possible because they were born with the Upper Ocean active, but they were right. Ashein's advisor responded directly to Harun's brainwaves.

What's this? Who's calling me from my head?

After several attempts, Ashein's advisor responds to his brainwaves.

Harun, do you copy?

- The commander? How could you do this?

I drew a picture of Ashen's embarrassment. Among the torturers, he smiled publicly because he was the most solemn Ashen.

- It's an EEG. It's also called a running aptitude conversation.

- Intelligent conversations are used by the wise. I've heard that before, but I didn't really think it was possible. No, this isn't the problem. Sir, are you all right?

Ashen quickly regained consciousness after being overwhelmed by Harun's thoughts that were being conveyed directly into his mind.

- Yeah, I'm good now. He was so badly injured that he was hiding in some sort of place and treating him. Feldo was in the wilderness, so I don't know what he was doing.

- Oh, thank God. We never believed it, but even though the Darkness had killed the commander, we were a little nervous. Haha! As expected, our commander can't go wrong with that kind of injury.

- But you don't see the time flow here. How long is that gonna take?

- About a month ago.

He's been unconscious longer than I thought. On second thought, I passed the deadline I had promised to the Batunhyun.

- So what's the situation with the mercenaries?

- Something bad happened a while ago.

Ashen told me about the tragedy of Beren's special force.

- How did that happen…….

Harun was devastated. Until now, I've managed to run a mercenary army without any major sacrifices, but something terrible happened while he was gone.

- Why didn't you run?

I was angry and frustrated. Isn't life the most important thing in the world? Harun thought he had a chance to back off without ever having to catch up with them.

- I wouldn't back down. As the commander always said, a mercenary's life is not the life he trusts with his customers. They gave their lives to protect their trust.

- Well, that's true…….

Harun himself emphasized from time to time the attitude of the mercenary's heart.

In the future, he decided that the mountain tribes would have to live as mercenaries for the long term in order to blend seamlessly into the world. He made it as a mercenary because he thought it was the best way to slowly accept and adapt the context of the outside world through his life as a mercenary.

- They live forever in our hearts. He's not dead.

For generations, the mountain tribes faced death and lived with demons, and their mindset was slightly different from that of the rest of the world.

- I know, but it hurts so much.

Harun, who has no family, once made a connection, is much more precious than others. That is why, when they are harmed, they are greatly hurt.

- Thank you, sir.

It wasn't to be heard, but Ashen was greatly moved by the words of Harun's heart. Not only did they rely on Harun, but Harun was moved by the fact that he was giving his love to the mountain tribes.

- But Barron's team had a huge inventory of images of our mercenaries.

- You did?

- Yes, the Special Forces team as well as the entire mercenary army have been greatly imaged and many quests are coming in through the Empire Intelligence Guild and the Typhoon Guild.

That was unfortunate. Many people were aware of the trust that was guarded by death.

- What about the rest of it?

- Except for that, the commander couldn't care less. The wounded stopped working for a while, but luckily, the Birkhoff crew has recovered and is reopening operations on Ghost in the foothills of Commander Tino. Fell crew members are experiencing minimal damage to the missing barrels, but they are still tolerable.

- I'm glad.

I knew Mino and Sunny were in shock, but they were pretty serious. Still, I'm glad you're back. It is fortunate that the operations planned there have proceeded normally.

- But with no pel, the maneuvers are down.

I was worried about that. The power of the Special Force is so great that you'd think that Pell occupies half the force.

- I still need time to recover, but Pel's not that bad, so I'll send him there as soon as he's recovered.

- Haha, that would be a lot of power. Everyone wants you and Fell back.

- How's the Darkness?

- Quiet. Their base has retreated to the headquarters of the Tar Basin and now only 20 castles are occupied.

- Where's Garzlod?

- There's still no movement like this. If it wasn't for us, we'd be curled up in a crisis of extermination. Strangers, like Garz Lord, have little movement.

I won't be able to. Since his tenure as General Aggressia, he has been devastated by the fact that he was almost killed in ambush.

After the brainwave communication with Ashen, Harun tightened his fist with a fierce grip.

Harun, who roughly saw what had happened in his absence, sent his intentions to Bell this time.

- Jonathan!

Belle reacts as soon as she sends her message. He must have been waiting a long time. Why wouldn't I? More than Harun thinks of Bell, Bello thinks of Harun.

- How are you?

- Are you okay?

His body's still recovering, but his brain is still awake.

- Just wait a little longer. I'm gathering the herbs I need, so I should be able to recover soon.

Bell has now explained to me the phenomenon of Harun's mind and body. When I heard about the fairy tale rate, I quickly understood what the problem was.

- Ari's worried sick. Call me soon.

- Okay, I'll be in touch.

Ari has been devastated by Harun's contact for a while. Harun only felt sorry for her because he could see how distressed Ari was.

- I'm so sorry to make you worry like this. When this place is done, I'll never trouble you again. Let the three of us take a leisurely trip.

- I made a promise.

- Yeah, I promise.

The bitter lover's squeaking offered her apology, as well as a sweetness and happiness that could not be expressed in words.

- Where are you now?

- Near the one Union. Just a few more days and we'll have a network of underground roads connecting the unions.

Ari and Bell have succeeded in accomplishing the most important work on the base. A network of underground roads connecting Union will be of great benefit to Union as well as to subsequent storms.

- Anyway, I'll be back soon.

- I'll get better soon and go see Ari. I love you!

- Me too. I miss you so much.

Continuous EEG communications may have caused extreme fatigue since the rest of the body is abnormal except for the part of the brain, but there were still more people to contact.

I was curious about the country at hand and tried to communicate with Hersh, but she didn't respond at all because she wasn't a gifted person or shaman.

Harun regretfully attempted to communicate brainwaves with Watun this time.

Batun accepted Harun's determination most quickly, being the chief speaker.

- Who, who are you?

I can feel the state of the confused Bartoon.

- Harun, wise man.

- Uh, how do you have an intelligent conversation? It was Balmon's power, so maybe it's something... I was worried about your death, by the way.

- We had an inevitable situation that prevented us from keeping our promise.

Harun's head aches, but he straightens up and destroys the situation.

So that's how it is. The Dark Wizard of the Seven Circles who uses Magic Warfare. I'm so scared. The more time like this, the tighter we have to stick together...

Harun senses a strong regret in Batun's words. I was anxious that something had gone wrong with my plan.

-How is the alliance of the mountain tribes progressing?

- The union is unanimous. But everyone but the Aka and Cephas has made you their leader. It seems you have not forgotten the blood of the mountain tribes and that you have not personally ascertained that you are a descendant of Balmon.

The Batunwise man seems to be in a bad mood, but perhaps that's natural. Who would want to place a stranger in a position of importance?

It's a good thing for Harun. I didn't want to be the head of something that I didn't want to be.

- It's a natural decision for mountain tribes. And I didn't want to be chief either.

- Hoo-yoo, I never thought I'd be so lucky to see them. By the way, will you help our mountain tribes?

Batun is still a pity.

- Yeah, sure.

Harun told me where to take the important information I learned from Ashen earlier. In addition to the current situation of Devil Mountain Bag, the mountain union had a number of opinions to take as well as appropriate places for the mountain tribes to settle into the castle that would be held together by one of the castles built by Darkness.

Thank you. If you take the castle and build new castles like you said, it won't be hard for the Alliance to live in the Devil Mountains in the future. I'm also capable of intelligent conversations, so I'll be in touch with the Torture Advisor from time to time to cooperate.

- Yeah, well, if you take the cavalry with you, that shouldn't be a problem. They don't care about the mountain tribes right now.

Harun, who finished his conversation with the Bartoonist, asked about Gaz Lord, decided to contact Aggresia, then gave up and called Pell back for a thought.

Hey, are you awake?

Thankfully, Fell responded. But modernization still seemed to be a problem.

- I woke up, but I just woke up, and my body wasn't fully recovered. But are you hurt badly?

- Yeah, it hurt a lot. I tried so hard to save my brother.

Thank you, Pell. You saved my life.

- Heheh heh, it's been a little rough.

The laughter was still alarming, but it seemed a little slower when I saw it speaking.

- What's his status?

- Almost healed. Good thing there's still a lot of pure rock in your system.

- Then we should head to Koem Castle as soon as we recover. You fall and your maneuverability drops, causing serious damage. I knew the Special Forces couldn't do it without you.

What's going on?

Harun told me about the massacre of Tim Beren that he had heard from Ashen.

- Son of a bitch! That's what made him on our side. I'm not gonna let you do anything.

Pel was amazingly angry with Harun.

- My body cares about reality. It takes time, but it'll heal. So as soon as you recover, go to Koem Castle and help your team.

I was going to build up my abilities until you woke up, but I can't help it if this is what you need me to do. Just trust me, brother. I'm Harun's younger brother, Pell. Don't worry, I'll take care of my brother. Just get well.

A little praise would still have been a child, but Pell's ability would certainly have been a great help to the Special Forces team.

Now all I have to do is recover quickly. Beyond here should not be a problem if Fel joins us. My swordsmanship and sorcery skills make me stronger than Harun.

The restoration problem of the body took some time, but Bell is still concerned, so the rebirth problem of the avatar should be resolved.

I felt exhausted as I thought I had done everything I could. I wasn't even in the flesh, but I was so tired.

Let's take a break. '

Harun lowers his heavy load and falls into a deep sleep.

Chapter 5 in Harun25

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