
The Secret of the Third DNA strand

Harun, who came back to life, confirmed that the hardships around him were no different from what he had seen when he only woke up in the middle.

Harun's eyes were the first to change his armor into something new because of his blood work with the Dark Prince.

Uh, but what is this? '

The dagger on the ground is made of jewels, both swords and sacks. I don't know how I put the jewels together, but they're not primitive.

"Ah! I had something stuck in me at the last minute, and this was it! '

Harun has already woken up once and has no interest in the surrounding area, so he is interested in a jeweled dagger.

I was more interested in this jewel dagger because it made my whole body nervous in addition to just being stuck in my body.


It's been a long time since I've used the game's instructions. However, it also temporarily looked at the info window in front of my eyes and changed its face color several times.

Ultimate Spirit

Rank: Unique

Contents: A dagger made by a high Dwarf kidney alkene using a secret combination of 52 gems, including diamonds and crystals. Legend has it it contains Antijewel Spirits. When conscious, it moves according to the owner's will.

Option 1: Strength +3, HP +5, Concentration +5

Option 2: Destroy the composition of the target element itself and detonate it, shattering anything.

"Yi, I can't believe this came into my hands!"

Harun looks at the soul of the river for a long time, unaware of his situation due to the turbulence. I had no idea that this was how I was going to get the fifth Relic of the Vidozi that I had almost given up.

'Then I guess the Watun sage was wrong.'

Harun, who had checked the non-Dozens' artifacts he had acquired, noticed that the production regiment and the producer were completely different.

Kindzal of Memory Belt, Dagger of Flame, Blitz Dagger, and Dusk were all produced by the descendants of Burumaf, a master of the ancient Ra Empire, but the soul of this theater was different from that of a crafting regiment or maker.

Just in case, I took out the Dark Secret and checked the information, but unfortunately nothing is still public. But Harun thought that the Dark Secret was one of the non-existent artifacts.

'Now I've found five. What does the breath of the earth, the last relic of non-existence, look like? Well, we'll see about that.'

It didn't help to think about those things now.

"Hey, didn't you almost kill me?"

Harun whispers as if the dagger were still alive. It was an item that was embedded in his body, so it felt different from the previous masters.



It was the soul of the river roaring like an answer.

'Is it true that there is a lot of reflex in this?'

Likely A wise Batun would never lie to himself.

"Come out!"

I tried to appeal to the spirits a few times in curiosity, but there was no expected reaction except a few vibrations.

"Once you're with your friends, I'll find you your last."

Harun plugs the soul of the Ultimate River into the Memory Belt.


Is he happy to find his place? The soul of the river shook again strongly.

"But what's wrong with these guys? Is it good to see you? '

Brits Dagger and four other artifacts vibrate together.

Harun expects something to change, but disappointingly, nothing but vibrations. It's just something I feel confident about.

"What the hell is this guy, anyway? '

Harun's gaze was on the Dark Secretary. A dark figure with the ability to absorb power from the opposing Pokémon. It peers into a weapon as powerful as the Blitz Dagger.

'I don't think it absorbs the sperm...' '

It was frustrating to open the information window, but there was no way to do it right now.

Harun, who won the soul of the Ultimate River in celebration of his rebirth, once again decided to take revenge.

"Wait, Dark Prince!"

I will show you my strength the next time I see you. Harun clears his mind for a moment and summons Pell to find out where this place is. But Pell still has no reaction to the injuries.

'If so.'

Harun suddenly remembers the names he misses with a cautious look.

"Nia, Wisyne, Liffy, Phoenix, come out!"


When Harun called out his name, four figures appeared before his eyes as if he had been waiting!





It was not the spirits that created an atmosphere unlike that of humans before, but the four spirits that emitted the same human scent as Harun. They called Harun and hugged him. Harun hugged them with open arms.

Nia put her face to the foam, Wishin to the back, and Liffy and Phoenix hugged each of his sides.

'You're not fully human yet.'

Harun felt a little sad when he saw that the images were shaking because of the overlapping parts of his body. I wanted them to evolve into human beings, just like Chel.

"Good job, everyone! You've changed so much."

"Haha! This is all because of Harun. If it wasn't for the Pure Stone Fragment, I still wouldn't be awakened."

Ania's dim smile, which had sagged her dark watery hair, had a pure, naïve, yet strange color.

"Now I will crush all the people who hurt Harun, trust me!"

I turned my head to Weisshine, who was tickling my neck, and now he has a warm smile, smelling the unique aroma of wind.

"Now you can help your friend, look forward to it."

"Hehe! I am confident now, too, that even if the Spirit King is summoned, our power together can annihilate him."

Previously, Livy, who looked like a warrior of muscle quality, changed the mood completely. Livi's deep eyes, as well as her precious prayers, were given a feeling of weight that no other spirits could feel.

I thought you said the hottest flame was white? Phoenix's hair was bright white, but the flames were burning in his eyes, and Augrad felt intense at the sight.

All four seem to have improved their abilities more than a few steps than before. Previously, I could sense their abilities as if they were in my hands, but now I feel nothing. As Phoenix said, it was clear that each of the four had grown to rival the Spirit King.

"Who knows where this place is?"

"Hehe! I know. This is the southernmost part of the Hookran Mountains."

Luckily, he had known this place before, who used to like to travel around the world.

"Wishin, do you know where this is?"

"Of course I do. This is an ancient forest in the southernmost part of the Hookran Mountains."

I was wondering if he knew this place well. Hearing the name Hookran Mountains makes me feel better. It's a place with quite a lot of ties to itself.

Harun's eyes flashed as he thought of the location in his head.

"So the further south you go, the land of chaos?"

"Yes, it's the land of chaos after Monster Land. The vast area surrounding the land of chaos is called Monster Land."

Wishin also knew the land of chaos.

"Have you ever been?"

"Yes, I've been wandering around with no other spirits."

"What kind of place is that?"

The land of chaos is completely unknown to humans.

"That's where Mana got tangled up. Other places are stable, like manas combining and excluding by nature, but that's where the myriad of traits of manas spread out in an unstable state so that creatures cannot live. I haven't been inside either."

'Chaos was Mana's story.'

"You mean a dangerous place?"

"Extremely dangerous, even in the outlying areas, if it's not a creature that has adapted and lived there since then. No matter how strong the horses are, they can't get in there. Perhaps the divine and spiritual beings can't just wander in there."

I didn't think it would be like that. Now, even a detailed emotional expression was possible, and he said with a frightening tremor.

"Life on the outskirts of that place is as dangerous as any. Those creatures will not tolerate another creature entering the land of chaos. I've lived so long adapting to these harsh and dangerous environments that I can't even imagine. There are spirits there, but they're not like the others. There are various spirits that are not in the Spirit Realm, and their abilities are enormous."

Wishin frowned and explained. Don't do it. She also stopped by very briefly when her abilities were in full swing, so she didn't know specifically what life there was and what abilities she had.

"Why do you ask? Do we have to go there?"

"Yes. I have something I need to get there."

With Harun's words, Greatness fades into thought for a moment. Looking at his lips and his eyes moving around, I think he's looking at something, but I don't know how cute he looks. Although it was not perfect already, it looked mature enough because it had a human body, but it only looked like a child.

"Fine. Let's go together. Harun's abilities have increased tremendously, and the four of us have evolved. It's dangerous, but it'll be okay."

"Yes, no matter how dangerous it may be with you."

At Harun's words, your spirit smiles with a proud face. The companion of destiny, whom he had not seen for a long time, experienced deep loyalty just by acknowledging themselves. Strange emotions that other spirits would never have felt made them happy.

"Let's just say, we're ready."

Thank you for your heart.Though I don't have a fel, I was relieved to have your friends who have been a little different from him.

"Okay, let's go together! But I have work to do right now, so I'll come back from there."

"Hoho, hurry and come back. I'll be waiting."

Your spirit knew Harun was a foreigner. And unfortunately, they cannot follow Harun into another world.

"Farewell, my friend. We're testing the power we can use."

I felt very confident in Liffy telling me that because he was a man.

"I'll be back then."

What was urgent was the reality. Thinking about Belle and Ari, who had been doing a lot of work for her, she logged out without hesitation.

When Harun returned to reality, Azman was the first to greet him.

- Master!

Azman, it's been a long time.

At Azman's hospitality, full of joy, Harun felt like he had heard the real world.

'When did Azman become so emotionally enriched?'

It felt like he was welcoming me with tears.

- I was worried about the dancers.

- Thank you, everyone.

Harun thinks that his prestige has become incredibly strong compared to before, but he still has a long way to go.

Oh, you can ask Bell about that.

Azman knows more than Bell, but I thought it would be better to ask him. It might have been frustrating when I came back to reality and learned that I had talked to Azman first.

- But I have so many questions. I had the strangest experience.

Harun rushed out and asked about the rare memory that was in the process of regeneration and the strange things he experienced at the end of the process.

- What's going on?

- You're awake at last! We noticed signs like that, like the rapidly activating of the master's brain cells, but we couldn't dare scan them, so we couldn't confirm them.

Azman's voice trembles with excitement. I could feel how happy she was.

- Awakened?

- Yes, Master. The Master has succeeded in expressing the genetic information passed down from ancient times by the third strand of DNA.

The third strand of DNA, what does that mean?

Not only Humans, but also Harun, who had a short bag strap, was familiar with the fact that every animal's DNA had a double helix structure.

- Unlike most humans, you now have a triple DNA structure.

You've been doing that since you were born?

If so, the Union wouldn't have known. Genetic testing is mandatory while checking for abilities.

- No, it was a mother Gaia relief, a change made of her own will while the Master was accessing Beyond's world.

Azman told me when Harun made the third strand of DNA.

The first was when he survived the fight against the armored snake, and the second was in the land of silence. And this is the third time.

The contribution of these three cases is that they barely survived death.

- So a series of Awakenings gave me a different genetic structure than normal humans.

- Yes, Master.

- So what does the third strand of DNA mean?

- There's something the Master needs to know first.

- What is it?

- Humans today have genetic information longing for a species that existed in a distant super-era.

- Yeah? - Yeah.

I could not believe it easily. As you know, it had nothing to do with humans who existed in ancient times and Humans who longed for the Apocalypse.

- I'll tell you more about it when the Master attains the proper level of security, but it's clear that human species were not born of evolution, that they originally existed on this planet.

An increasingly unbelievable word came out of Azman. If Azman's word is true, it is not evolution, but creativity.

- Information class?

Depending on the Master's Awakening, there is certain information that you can access through me. The Master's current information rating is S-3.

I wanted to know more about information ratings, but that wasn't the problem right now.

- Anyway, let's cut to the chase, Azman, since we understand humans have not evolved from monkeys, but from other planets.

- Well, as the master knows, the DNA in the chromosome takes the duplex structure, and it transcribes certain genetic information into RNA, depending on the length and the four sugars, which ultimately allows ribosome to make proteins that function in particular.

Harun knows that much about common sense. DNA consists of phosphoric acid and sugars and four types of saline, of which are expressed as various genetic information depending on the binding of the bases adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine.

Depending on the length and linkage of these four bases, a number of traits of higher life such as human beings can be achieved without compromising.

- The most important thing in the genetic phenomenon is the linkage of bases. Adenine binds to thymine, and guanine binds to cytosine, and sometimes the corresponding bases change once the guanine is in place or when the thymine is in place of the cytosine. Now, there's a new trait that's different from the original genetic information, and that's mutation.

Somehow, the word "mutant" felt big.

-Any species becomes significantly more mutagenic when they feel strongly threatened or in an environment they cannot cope with. In such cases, mutations are usually caused by the expression of traits that can address the situation.

Now I understand. All organisms have adapted to a new environment that changes from time to time using mutation phenomena.

Harun did not have the expertise, so he did not think it was right, but only listened to Azman's explanation.

- DNA alone in a double-helix structure can pass on a lot of information to generations, but a triple helix structure not only significantly increases the probability of mutation, but also increases the probability of a new one? It's easier and faster to pass on the genetic information you've acquired to future generations.

- Of course it is.

- The secret of the triple helix isn't just about mutation. I have something to tell you before I tell you about it.

Azman has just begun to come to terms.

- There have been a number of times on Earth that there have been human species with DNA of triple helix structure in very subtle, very ancient times. The Aurisn, the Megalosian, the Dorian. Derived from immigrants from different star systems, they had enormous levels of civilization that Humans could not imagine, superhuman bodies, superpowers and high levels of mental power. They had a lifespan of over thousands of years, and over the course of their lives, they grew and lived in a way that allowed them to gain new physical and mental abilities.

It was a great story. Humans with God-like abilities lived in obscure ancient times. It was hard to believe that he lived a long and prosperous life.

However, some of the things that have been suspicious have been confirmed.

'Then it is not a hypothesis that there were humans with advanced civilizations in the early days through Ofatz. But what you need is an awakening?'

Harun keeps worrying about the word Awakening. Awakening is a word that means to discover what you originally had.

- They have reached an end-of-the-earth level of scientific civilization, as well as mental civilizations with high mental capabilities. Some of them knew their past lives through the highest level of Awakening, and through their various previous experiences, they were able to demonstrate that they were unlike the current Humans, and that their higher psychic abilities were able to live peacefully without the need for other energies.

Harun could not believe that superhumans with such abilities existed on Earth. It was like hearing a legend.

- The only humans on Earth that have had peace and stability for a long time, but have not avoided the unpredictable.

- If the situation is unpredictable, you mean like a war?

- Yes, war is inevitable for mankind.

But there were a lot of other causes. Suddenly, things like collisions with asteroids in orbit, or polarities, or terrestrial shifts, were enormous risks that they couldn't predict with their capabilities.

- That's a shame.

- Yes, but what they've achieved remains in the DNA of every living thing.

- On the DNA of every living thing?

I couldn't believe it. Knowledge of the highly civilizations made by superhumans is contained in the DNA of every living thing.

The DNA of every living creature is stored and passed on from generation to generation. There's a lot of information that's not normally used. Scientists in the Apocalypse thought it was unnecessary junk information, but in fact, the information that they thought was unnecessary was scattered in the form of fragments that ancient humans had passed on from generation to generation.

- So basically every organism has the same information?

- Yeah, the other thing is that species traits are expressed dominantly, resulting in certain physical appearance and intellectual abilities. so that sheep are both watermelons and pigs are pigs.

- But?

There were still some things that I didn't understand, but Azman's story was getting more and more interesting.

-Everything on Earth, including humans, has gone extinct several times, but a very long time later, extinct organisms have resurfaced.

- So Azman's saying it's the third strand of DNA?

- Yes, Master. When an organism is under extreme stress, a third strand of DNA is produced in the cells of a particular individual, combining it with DNA that has an existing duplex structure, and mutating it at a higher frequency than normal, so that the organism has a distinct ability or appearance from the same species. And that's new? You can pass on your gifts from generation to generation.

- So it's possible for a human to mutate from a pig or a cow?

It was hard to imagine that an insect such as a cockroach would mutate and become human.

- It's a nonsensical elixir, but it's true. even though it takes a long time to become a completely different species.

Oh, my God! '

I understood it somewhat rationally, but I never wanted to admit it emotionally. Who would believe if a human species was born in a pig?

- It takes millions of years, at least tens of thousands of years, for a new species to be born in another animal. During that process, there are species that share the characteristics of animals and humans, most notably werewolves, pigs, or apes.

I suddenly remembered a Demibeast from an Apocalyptic fantasy novel I read about Beyond.

- The process of human birth from animal genes is called advanced, and the werewolf or snowman that existed in that process, Yeti, survived until the end of time. And of course, there's the opposite process, and it's called the reverse process, which is evidence of that process when Demibeasts are born in the human body.

When I heard that, I remembered something.

So some of the myths of the Apocalypse were true? '

Even in the last days, the Emperor's retreat, which was known to exist in the ancient age, was in the shape of a culprit, and the Empress was a woman with the body of a snake.

In the myth of Korea, where Kowon Union was located, the ancestor said that the bear turned into a human.

In addition, if we look at other myths, there are many half-human beings who have the body of the animal and the body of the human being at the same time.

'Then maybe they believed because they were their ancestors coming down to the mouth, not just the object of the totem.'

I knew that this inference was an elixir, but somehow I felt like it.

- So humans are the most advanced creatures?

- Yeah, that's right. The most adaptable and intelligent creature on the planet is close to completion, and the end of the evolution process is human.

Harun was quite proud of what Azman said about himself as a human.

- And what of Org?

- There are two origins of Org. One is when mutations that are trying to adapt to the environment outside the barrier are intertwined, and the other is born in humans, and the other is from genetic experimentation.

- The problem is the third strand of DNA. It was to promote mutation to create traits that could adapt to the environment or to create new species that could adapt to the environment more efficiently.

- Yeah, that's right.

It was unbelievable, but strangely, Azman's explanation was compelling.

- So a third strand of DNA is created in my body? Does it appear and disappear in my case, too?

- The Master's case is not a triple helix, it's a triple helix. So when you face a new environment and you overcome it, you develop a new dominant trait.

- Is that a good thing?

Harun asked me that because he was anxious.

- Of course, yes, for example, the skin of a master is adapting to the environment outside the barrier and changing like that of an ascendant, and the gene for that skin is predominant for future generations to develop.

It was a crazy story at first, but I couldn't believe it because I explained it to him.

The other Humans couldn't take 30 minutes outside the barrier, but Harun's life for a very long time did not interfere.

I can't believe it was all part of a triple helix.

- So if the DNA of the triple helix structure has a triple helix structure, then something special happens, other than mutagenesis. It has all kinds of physical abilities and all kinds of deep knowledge. Those physical abilities, those knowledge, they manifest in a form of realization or adaptation.

- What about the inventors?

The invention of the apocalypse was mostly discovery, not invention. An ancient species that existed in a distant ancient world? It's about rediscovering knowledge.

- Mmm-hmm.

I didn't have anything to say about that.

- So when does the third strand of DNA get made?

The third strand of DNA can be created for a variety of reasons. If you overcome your limitations with a strong will or sacrifice yourself for many, if someone born with a special psychic ability sharpens their teeth and makes them as solid as diamonds, then at some point a third strand of DNA is created to gain new physical ability, or a form of enlightenment, from the distant ancient world. Because the flow of human civilization is similar, some mental capabilities can predict a certain future. So some apocalyptic psychic researchers used to call the information hidden in their DNA an archaic record.

- That's amazing.

- And the third strand of DNA has one important characteristic, which is that it's not always immobilized, but it also appears and disappears depending on the changes in its host's mental and emotional abilities.

- It's not fixed? Depending on the owner's condition, they're bound and then released.

- Exactly, but in the master's case, it's different to keep it that way.

"Oh, my head. '

Harun thought his head had improved a lot since he died, but he was in trouble because he went deep into something else. This seems to be a matter of interest and passion, not of good and bad minds.

- But I'm not the only one who's survived the death crisis.

- You found the point.

Azman pauses admirably, then says again.

- The Master was able to easily create a third strand thanks to Mother Gaia's intervention. He and Mother have been secretly using their hands on many known lenses.

- How did he intervene?

- You can't artificially make a third strand of DNA, even for the transcendents. But as I said before, we can make it more sensitive to the conditions under which the third strand is created. It also makes it easier to overcome a crisis with a strong sense of formality, or with a lack of racial resilience.

- Then my indifferent personality lacking in sociality...?

- I think it's because of Mother Gaia's intervention. It's hard to reduce or relieve the stress of being unsociable. And that increases the probability of extreme response. It's also hard to overcome a crisis when you have a lot of emotion. Mother Gaia and Mother Irea may have manipulated some emotional genetic information to create a new species that adapts well to contaminated and dangerous alien environments.

- …….

Harun couldn't even say it.

You're saying it wasn't just an artificial insemination, that it was genetically controlled? '

Despite the nuance of Azman's conjecture, Harun was able to be confident about his birth. At the expense of an unknown anger, I came up with a combination of hard feelings.

A moment of silence passed. Azman doesn't say anything as if he understands Harun's complex heart.

Belle's on her way.

It looks like Bell knows she's back in real life and is coming from the fan base to the main base.

I'll think about it later! '

Harun was able to easily postpone the matter because it was not clearly revealed and he also had some expectations. Of course, he was as careless as ‘ ble.

- Then we'll talk later, Azman. Thank you for letting me know so much.

- You're welcome. The Master is all I have.

Azman leaves a note with a strange emotion and disconnects.

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