Harun no longer feels pain. I've heard so many great secrets.


In other words, the identity of the three ancient computers named transcendents was the everlasting guardian of the human race.

They were artificial intelligent computers and intelligent mechanical life created for generations by the authorised ancestors who migrated from two to 1.8 billion years ago from the Sirius, the Orion and the Titan star systems, respectively.

The three transcendents have been in the tents for generations to protect the preservation of the human race, but have lost considerable power due to the apocalypse war. In that state, it was almost destroyed by the attacks of Glory Gaia and Human Guard, which were launched shortly after the creation of the barrier.

With barely enough power left, the three ancient computers did the last thing they could. Gaia and Irea were involved in a new humanity project, and Vera integrated the capabilities of many AI computers to create a connection to other dimensions.

Three ancient computers have been gathering information about humans for billions of years.

The descendants of human beings who have migrated from three star systems exist alone or simultaneously, and have struggled, restrained, and sometimes harmoniously lived in various civilizations.

And then a very special species emerged, and they were Aussies. They are giants over five meters tall and have tremendous physical and mental abilities through several Awakenings, though only hundreds of them.

Their specialty lies in the structure of DNA.

They produced the first human DNA strand. The third DNA strand contains information about the abilities and knowledge of all living things and combines with the DNA of the duplex structure to express the ability to be optimized for the environment.

The third strand of DNA that they originally created did not disappear after the destruction of the Auruses. As long as there are bases, sugars and phosphoric acids that become seeds in the natural world, they are produced in any organism if the requirements are met.

The requirements were myriad, such as when all species were severely stressed by special environmental changes or when they were fully cardiac; when they were articulating, or when they had a powerful realization or when they were full of life energy and when they overcame death or had a high mental strength, etc.

In this case, a third DNA strand was created within the cells of the party and combined with the normal duplex structure to act as a reflection or awareness of the necessary abilities or knowledge in such a way as to cause mutation.

Although humans are extinct and an environment in which countless animals disappear is created, a third DNA strand is created when a long time has passed and certain conditions have been met, which naturally mutates, and that mutation occurs in a direction that is optimized for the environment, resulting in an organism that has not existed before.

In short, the third strand of DNA was the key to promoting evolution, deeply involved in the ever-recurring emergence of humankind and the tradition of knowledge.

Humans were destroyed for a variety of reasons, but they were able to emerge again and prosper through animals such as pigs and cows. Gaia and Irea were involved in the new human project to create a new human being that could more easily create a third DNA strand.

such that the spontaneous awakening that takes place through trials and overcoming processes can make you realize the tiny universe itself and its hidden beaming.

Those were the lenses, including Harun, and Vera connected another dimension of the world with a completely different environment so that they could easily awaken.

Beyond's world is a place where the spiritual powers of nature and drink are involved, where people can experience life in different ways and promote arousal. To do this, three transcendents secretly delivered capsule skills and materials of special grade or higher to some scientists.

While ordinary humans were enjoying Beyond's world in a virtual reality game, new humans were given supercapsules through tightly woven umbrellas so they could experience the world and awaken to life.

"Cook! Cook! Cook! You did it! '

I had no idea that such a huge background existed in his birth that he had no other abilities.

"I was chosen as the worst subject in the world. '

It was because he inherited the genes of an incapable parent, he thought he was almost definitely incapable, but he corrected it with the same hope.

Damn it!

The sarcasm rises.

Why are you playing with your life? '

Thinking about all the pain he had experienced before he became an adult, he was filled with tears. I don't know about the talented, but he was desperate and self-conscious of his inability to recall death from time to time.

'The more I think about it, the angrier I get.'

I do not know how much I resented why I made myself born into a world where everything is determined by ability. Life where everyone treated garbage was hard to endure with their minds.

But it's different now! '

I overcame fear and overcame death.

Weak will is hardened like steel, and empty, desolate hearts are filled with warmth.

There were those who loved themselves and many who believed in themselves. Of course, there were more people who loved and believed.

Now I know how to live together and am used to giving and receiving.

"Thank you, Father! '

It doesn't matter who the parents are to Harun now. Dr. Cheongil, my stepfather, gave me the foundation to live a different life.

'By the way, Gaia is also grateful to me.'

Although he overcame many adversities on his own will, it became a great power for Gaia to manipulate the gene so that a third strand could be easily generated.

"I was born with no abilities, but what about the abilities of the lenses that were hand-picked for Guyana Irea and Vera? '

As it turned out, the Dark Prince, who had shown such nonsense as a stranger, would have also benefited from one of the two transcendents.

'The dark prince must have been chosen by Gaia, since Darkness must have some connection to Gaia.'

Perhaps many of the gamers who have demonstrated extraordinary abilities in Beyond have a relationship with two transcendents.

Suddenly, I remembered what the Pioneer Apostle Feron once said.

'He said there were five Humans who inherited Gaia's genes…….'

If so, the artificial lens born with special abilities would be a total of 10 people. If you had been involved with Vera, who connected Beyond's world, that number would have been longer.

Some of them will discover the secret of Gaia planted in the third DNA ring, just like Harun did.

'I was born with no abilities, but most people know that because I was born with them, right?'

Some may be as talented as the Dark Prince, but others are completely unknown.

'They will be the ancestors of a new species, as the three transcendents would have wished.'

Their abilities will be enormous as their fundamental abilities differ.

'Although I am less than them, I am proud to be a descendant of a human species.'

Obviously, everything changed as if it was the same as when I thought of death from time to time, living every day with difficulty as an incapable.

'To what degree did they evolve?'

In their case, they would have risen to a higher level because they could use energy in reality, their skin would have changed like that of Org, and they would have breathed into the polluted atmosphere while still being free of starvation.

Harun was jealous of them, not even by himself. I thought my own progress was lacking because the fundamentals were so different.

'How much more will I have to evolve?'

Harun's awakening totaled three times.

We could clearly see the physical changes, but the intellectual part could hardly feel the effects of Awakening because we felt that it was inadequate to use our normal heads.

And I didn't feel like I wasn't awake at all.

Meanwhile, even though the information that had never been known before was grabbed and passed through my head like a picture, it was not organized. It was mixed up with something.

'We need to focus on intelligence from now on.'

Harun decides to focus on the evolution of the intellectual field once everything he is planning in reality and Beyond is cut short.

'But some information remains.'

At least a few of them could remember it clearly.

'I didn't know there was such a secret on Noah's Ark.'

In the Apocalypse, Noah's Ark, which appeared in a religious book, was a huge ship built by a person named Noah in response to the flood. Before God condemned the people who did not repent with water, He decided to save Noah and his family. It was the story of Noah's ark that Noah built a huge ship and burned two of the living creatures in it, one by one, to escape the crisis of the flood.

The story was true. The flood legends around the world were also evidence, but in fact, there was a massive flood in the area where the person named Noah lived, and that flood occurred almost exactly the same across the globe.

I thought it was crazy when I saw the story like before.

Even if only one pair of living things were burned in the world, it would be unimaginable. But the truth of the story relates to biological genetic samples. A person named Noah collected genetic samples of animals and plants that had spread widely throughout the region in which he lived.

It was now clear that a significant level of scientific civilization had already flourished in the ancient age of the Apocalypse. However, there was not much information Harun fully comprehended.

'You mean you haven't been fully Awakened.'

Maybe it's because they didn't go through a pure process of enlightenment. Some of the lenses were given information by a third DNA strand through trials or through overcoming the crisis of death.

How long has it been?

Harun realizes he's still alive and is furious.


My body moved freely. Harun looks around, surprised that his body was moving so naturally.

The pressure's gone! And the strange energy that had entered his body disappeared like a wash. '

It turned out that the gray air stream that made it invisible was still invisible to Harun, but he could see things around him through the air flow.


Elasticity protrudes. Fantastic footage unfolds in front of him several decades.

Is this heaven?

Religion was living in a lost world, but the landscape was stimulating to his eyes and senses, wondering if heaven existed.

In the lower part of the sky, where the enormous trees corresponded to the size of a building, there was a small castle made of white stone, with a small lake and numerous fruit trees growing next to it.

Tons of flowers bloom in the sky and herbivores roam between them. The clean energy of fresh herbs calmed my mind.

There was an enormous difference between where you stood and where you were not too long ago, like hell and heaven. I didn't want to stay here anymore.

Harun took a light step and soon went inside.


Just breathing cleanses the stabbed body and soul. I can't believe you can have this pure energy. I could live in a place like this for a thousand years.

Harun, who was wandering around for a while, finally heads for the small castle. Would it be similar to expand a house in paradise tenfold? Harun steps into the small castle and opens his throat for a moment.

"Wow, that's amazing. '

I thought I had only gotten stronger, but my senses became more sensitive. As if his body was moving, his sensation was detecting things that were passing by alive. His sensation of moving along the rotating staircase going up quickly sweeped through the entire seven-story tall castle.

'No one.'

If someone lived in a place like this filled with gray energy that the sword master could not stand and almost crushed to death, that would be strange, but somehow I felt energized.

Harun began to look around the castle slowly, exhausted.

Numerous rooms were well-decorated and decorated with all sorts of rare things. All the utensils in the pantry were made of gold and silver, and the ornaments in the hallway and stairs were excellent enough to show that they were luxurious even to Harun.

So Harun looked down at all the castles with more than 100 rooms on the seventh floor. It's the only way he can get to where he's going. Perhaps there is a pure stone in the room that emits pure energy, full of the castle as well as the outside. That's why I came too late on purpose.


A door that had been closed for a long time was opened with a small noise.

Balmon and his wives! '

It was an old man lying or sitting on a bed, a couch, and a couch with an open door. Harun was able to instinctively see that they were Balmon and his wives in the myth. We could also confirm that the myths were based on facts.

An impressive old woman with white beard and stunning eyes sat with her feet extended in a couch, and an impressive old lady with long, blonde ears on the bed with a high pillow.

On either side of Balmon was an old lady with an elegant complexion with yellow skin and a beautiful old lady with black hair on the couch.

Harun bows.

"This is Harun, the leader of the gale mercenaries. I'm sorry to disturb you. It's an honor to meet you."

I felt like I had to say hello somehow. I didn't feel the breath of a living person, but I was looking at myself with an unclosed look on the face of a living corpse.

Suddenly, the bodies that had been keeping my appearance began to turn into bright light. Harun stared at me with his eyes wide open, because his appearance was so dazzling.

Finally, all the corpses turn to light, and the light becomes a lump and slowly moves toward Harun.


What the hell?

When I came to my senses, I was suddenly wrapped up in a swarm of light.

Then there was a voice in my head.

─ Welcome, my long-awaited successor. My name is Balmon.

─ I, I am Jung Ming, no Harun. I came from this world....

─ Hehe! I know all about it. By the power vested in me by my wife, Miyos, I already knew you.

─ Yes?

Harun was in a state of embarrassment because he was in such a state of shock. I was even more confused by the familiar name Myos.

─ No time. Focus your mind and feel me!

Concentrating on the words that hit his head like lightning, Harun recalled the appearance of Balmon earlier, and he was able to strangely vividly recall the memories of someone other than himself.

The memory could be read through conversation as if Balmon were still alive.

─ This…… case?

─ It is my memory and some notion. It may not be very helpful right now, but every time you wake up, you'll remember more. Some of them, like the tough battle with the Demon King, may not be of any use to you, but most of them will help you.

Harun could see a human life, emotions, moments and realizations passing by as quickly as a movie. The depth and vibrancy of the Forus were similar to the memory of the Forus, but also felt emotions and realizations.

─ This is a gift left to my successor who crossed over from the same world. Of course, adding a few Awakenings will help you to embrace my experience as your own, but it will be chosen by the Guardians and will help you to awaken again. My experience is worth a lot of lives because I've lived harder than anyone else.

No, I did. Even though too much information was imprinted at once and it was confusing, Balmon's life was completely blue.


Harun, who was watching Balmon's life in seclusion, suddenly panicked. Balmon was a human being who lived on Earth 220 million years ago. On the Earth where he lived, civilizations built by highly intelligent humans flourished.

"The Megallonian?"

The Megalos were descendants of humans who had migrated from the Orion star system.

Although predecessor migrants were short-lived and mostly dead due to the composition of the atmosphere or various illnesses, some of them persistently survived with the help of the predecessor's artificial intelligence computer, the transcendent. Some of them built their own civilizations and others struggled to marry the descendants of the Aussies who had previously settled on Earth.

Some of them activated the third strand of DNA created by the Aussies to develop their abilities and ultimately thrive as much as the Aussies had long ago.

They prospered peacefully with many species who have lived for tens of thousands of years.

Their total population was only tens of thousands, but they had highly advanced intellectual and scientific civilizations, and they were able to travel through dimensions using spirituality and special machines.

Like the aurish, dimensional travel was a kind of amusement to enjoy a variety of lives, and experiencing such a life ultimately led to a highly intelligent way out of pleasure.

At that time, the earth was truly heaven.

Nature, which was not contaminated at all, had a strong life force, and numerous sub-species derived from the Austrians had long enjoyed peace.

Megalos, who had enormous physical and mental abilities, were considered divine beings to many species, who fundamentally hated war, so their influence on humanity made them peaceful.

When Harun found out about it, he had a strange thought.

─ Hehe. Why did he die here, abandoning such a world? Peace is a desperate hope for those who have experienced the tragedy of war, but not unlike those who have not experienced it like me, it was a dull and stagnant time. I thought that life here, fighting monsters, magic, and magical creatures, protecting myself, my family, and the herd, was a real human life.

Compared to the giants, Aurish, the Megalos belonging to Balmons had a lifespan of nearly 1,000 years and a tremendous capacity for thousands of people.

The Megalos lived in reverence for their gods, despite their teachings. There were highly developed megalogists who were at peace for a very long time.

It's a peaceful life that everyone wants, but Balmon has a different mindset than most Megalos. In the case of a two-way trip that was essential for Awakening, the Megalos were mostly reluctant, but not the Balmons, because some or all of their abilities were sealed and had to live fiercely unlike the Earth.

─ Humans are rational beings, but also emotional beings. I hated boring times, even though they were peaceful. So, even though I was destined to die in this little place, I did not return to Earth. Unlike Earth, it was a place where many Demihumans, celestial beings, or spiritual beings were interposed, and life collided vividly and intensely. I didn't want to leave this place where every moment was new, where every moment was tense, painful, and happy, and above all, I couldn't escape love.


─ Miyos, who is worshipped as a god here, has given me infinite love and special power to cross over to this world and have no power whatsoever. Because of that, I couldn't let go of her, who had lost the power of God. Nor could I refuse the hearts of other women who gathered to me like fate. So I gave up my Awakening and chose a life here. That way you can't go back to Earth, but you can be with the women who love and trust me.

Suddenly, my heart trembled.


To give up everything for love!

Harun, who had lived instinctively longed for love since childhood, was more moved and shocked than any other word.

─ Miyos has moved beyond this world and allowed me to use the power of Blood Essence that I used to have over me. The force is derived from the dark matter that occupies most of the universe, which can be converted into any force and is a mysterious force that is constantly absorbed during extraterrestrial emissions. Using its profound power to absorb any kind of Mana and turn it into another kind of power, I was able to deal with the Demon King and his followers, and I was able to save the world in captivity.

The secret of Blood Essence was revealed a little.

Harun also has some common sense about dark matter.

The dark matter discovered at the end of the age accounts for 90 percent of the matter that constitutes the universe and is not observed with all electromagnetic waves, but is a mysterious material that has been revealed by gravity alone.

The concept of dark matter contained dark energy, which was defined to the extent of the strong scales present in the universe.

Given the fact that dark matter is associated with the birth and disappearance of stars and black holes, and the fact that it is related to the birth of the universe, to some extent we can understand the power of the Blood Essence.

'Is it possible to accept all kinds of Mana as well as express it in other forms of Mana?'

I didn't understand what it meant.

There were some things I knew for sure.

It was the fact that Blood Essence was actually the power that Lady Myos had and passed on to Balmon, that the essence of Blood Essence was related to the dark matter that created and composed the universe, and that it contained all the power.

─ The Blood Essence my wife Myos gave me, although the Demon King has undried magic, allowed me to absorb the pure negative dimension of mana and even the magic of the Demon King that the corpses possessed. Because of this, my colleagues and I were able to win a grueling battle. Unfortunately, my body created here had difficulty accepting and accumulating Blood Essence efficiently. I've had four total Awakenings here, and each time my body has changed more strongly than ever before, but I have struggled to contain the power of the source of the universe, Blood Essence.

Balmon's story spread to the depths of what Harun was curious about, and he engraved it on his head with all his heart.

─ Blood Essence can be passed on to others and can be used by any force, but note that if the soul is not strong, it can never be used. The successor must keep this in mind and keep his spirit and soul constantly sealed, making it as solid as a golden stone.

"How can I always use Blood Essence? '

Even though it existed in the body and sometimes was absorbed unwanted, Harun was still unable to use its power, so his stuffiness became increasingly unbearable.

─ Practice the Blood Essence, which cannot handle your mind and soul, because it is poison. Blood Essence will be at peace with desperate will.

─ Just a little more!

I feel like my lips are dry just a little bit more and I might know how to do something. Unfortunately, I couldn't talk anymore.

─ The mind behind you is strong, but unfortunately you are still weak in spirit. Because, as I did, imperfect Awakening was achieved, not by my own will, but by the help of others. You will have to experience the world more and feel a variety of emotions while enhancing your spiritual strength through those experiences.

Balmon's voice is getting weaker.

─ My successor, I have a favor to ask.

─ Tell me.

─ If the descendants of those I'm related to are still generations away, I hope you will take care of them.

─ Progeny?

Balmon told me more about his allies. Balmon welcomed six wives: one a goddess of Myos, the second a highelf, the third a Rump woman, and the other a drifting woman.

The descendants of Myos were Dwarves. The descendants of High Elves, of course. It's part of it, but Harun already has a good relationship with Dwarves and Elves, so taking care of them is not that difficult.

The ancestors of the mountain tribes were ordinary people, unlike him, who came here with Balmon. They said that during the battle with the Demon King, they followed Balmon from Earth and were invaded by Magi, who had flowed from the horse system.

─ They have fought alongside me against the power of the magic system for a long time, so they have unwittingly gained Maggigi and become unable to live with the common people of Beyond. When they learn magic, they will destroy the world because of their magic. It will be a long time before Magi, imprinted in their blood, will disappear. So I told them to stop the horses from going out into the world. I told him to wait for his successor. Please consider the lessons they have learned in this world and help them adapt to it.

Although the Rumphs were invaded by the Magi tribe, Blood Essence also gives them a solid lump on the head and body, so that the world can be mistaken for a beast of horsepower.

─ After a long time, the magic engraved in their blood will disappear and the side effects caused by Blood Essence will disappear except the horns of the head. They too, like the successors of my subordinates, will live a long disconnected life because of the teachings I gave them. I ask you to take care of them.

─ I will. But…….

Harun is heartbroken.

The reason I came here was to get the pure stone, but I couldn't find the chief in the castle.

─ Elder, where is the Pure Stone?

─ Pure Stone is already yours.

─ Yes?

─ Creating the world is not someone's will. There was an ancient explosion and the world was in chaos. However, the dark matter that was born out of the chaos worked together with the time of eternity to create the present dimensions and myriad worlds. Pure stone is a collection of the energy of pure chaos, and the energy of the beginning that produces natural forces or dark matter is collected. The Pure Stone is already...

"A little more!"

I cried out in sadness, but Balmon's voice was already gone. It was Harun who sat on the floor with his empty heart, but he suddenly woke up.

The castle and furniture were turning into light.

"What the hell is going on? '

The castle was rapidly transforming into powder of light while Harun was bewildered. It looked similar to what happens when users die. In front of Harun, the castle turned into powder of light and the beautiful landscapes followed.

Soon after, Harun was standing in the middle of a grey stream. The beautiful landscape disappeared and was occupied by a stream of gray air.

It's like I'm dreaming! '

But it was definitely not a dream.

The conversation with Balmon was so vivid that I could recall some of the memories he shared with me.

The mark of Blood Essence was spread throughout the body as another proof. Harun can't see it from the outside, but he can feel it.

Where the hell is the Pure Stone? I got it? '

I searched every inch of the Spirit's sub-space, not to mention the inventory, but I couldn't find any rocks. When I thought of the Pure Stone Fragment, I felt a great energy, but I couldn't sense anything.

Harun, who was disappointed, was able to sense a special change in his body.

"Mana has turned into one thing! '

Every Mana in your body turns black. The color reminds me of a hideous aura, but this black Mana makes me feel extremely pure.

The three oceans were filled with black manas, and they sat on the crown of their heads, and the stubborn eyes of the Demon King disappeared. No, not only that, there was a whole new Mana full of it.

Manas, which had been divided into precognitive mana, natural mana, and dark mana, could no longer sense the pure stone Manas that had tattoos.

It was not the only surprising thing.

Manas in Mana Storage had been transformed to black mana one day, and the black mana could be sensed all over the body. At the very least, there were three Mana Oceans that were concentrated more strongly than anywhere else, so I could tell where they were.

Harun, who looked inside his body with such a strange and surprising mind, was surprised by more surprises.

Mana Lord is gone! '

Harun is frightened.

The changes that occurred to him were too shocking.

Harun, who was in a deep panic, barely calmed his mind.

'Maybe it wasn't lost, it was absorbed by this black Mana. So this black Mana is Blood Essence?'

Though it was a sudden thought, Harun was convinced that Mana, who was now full of himself, was the Blood Essence.

Harun remembers what Balmon said, thinking that a new change might have occurred because Blood Essence was activated.

'Let's test it!'

Harun recalls his brain power and focuses on his fingertips.

"Brainmetastasis, show yourself! '

At the end of the finger, the bloody epileptics begin to discharge, as if they were angry at Harun's determination.

I knew it!

The fact that Black Mana is Blood Essence was also true. Blood Essence was able to accept anything and transform it into any Mana.

Harun was relieved to some extent. Although it is undetectable, there was also a Mana Road, as the Mana of epilepsy was emitted through the fingertips.

"That's weird."

Obviously it exists, but it can't be detected.

But I was glad I didn't lose my strength.

Can't you turn the Mana Flow, then? '

Blood essence that was full of the body made it impossible to detect Mana Road, but it was manna flow operated countless times.

Harun carefully planted his will on Blood Essence.


Fortunately, Mana, a pure black, quickly reacted to Harun's will.

It's moving!

I'm moved by the Blood Essence, which has never been able to activate itself in any way.

Harun moved the Blood Essence where the Mana Ocean used to be and traveled through the Mana Road that he could not now feel.


Is it like a ship with a hurricane behind it? Mana Flow's work ended quickly.

What the hell?

The question returned to its rightful place for a moment, as Blood Essence became more dense and familiar.

Harun is so fascinated by the Mana Flow that he travels so fast that he forgets the passage of time.

How long has it been?

Harun suddenly stopped the Mana Flow, realizing that the blood essence, which had filled his whole body, was located in three Mana Ocean, 108 Mana Storage and several other places.

'It's still a long way to get the Blood Essence right.'

Harun is home to the majority of Blood Essence in the Mana Reservoir, but he can feel the traces of Blood Essence vividly within his body. It was able to sense strange Mana that was filled with bones, muscles, and intestines, as well as cells.

The Mana, who knew it existed but could not use it on her own will, was filling her whole body to the point that she could never be compared to before. It was as if my whole body had become Mana Ocean.

I love it! '

Harun opens his eyes with a satisfactory smile.

Every time I woke up, my body was full of vitality that was unparalleled by the feeling of refreshment. At this rate, a wave of light could bring down a huge mountain.

When did this happen? '

The gray air currents that had just surrounded him were very thin.

Did I absorb it? Or is it because the pressure is rising? '

I don't know.

Harun has not felt any other senses for a long time, except that he has flowed Mana.

Whatever! Anyway, it doesn't affect my body anymore, so that's it. '

You don't have to hold on to the unknown until you think about it.

Harun decided to ask Azman about more details later and organized his thoughts.

Let's give it a try! '

Harun's eyes gleam brightly as he takes out Kindzal of Dusk and consciously thinks of Mana of Darkness. The familiar Mana of Darkness moved from three Mana Oceans to her hands at an incredible speed.

Even though I only injected a small amount of Mana as a test, the blade popped up brightly gray, which seemed to be enough to be two meters.

"Whoa! As Balmon said, Blood Essence could be transformed into any Mana."

Harun soon realized something else, confirming Balmon's words were true, and was greatly pleased.

The length or color of the error blades, their shape, and the density of the injected Mana produced by the intention of lightly testing it was certain that they could be made with a sword master intermediate.

'If I go a little too far, I might be able to learn advanced swordsmanship....'

Harun was envious of the flying order blade Dylan used. He also needed an enlightenment in managing Mana and swordsmanship to become a Sword Master, but he really needed an enormous amount of Mana.

'Good. Let's try something else.'

Harun decides to do what he thought he would do one day while he had the chance and calls Mana in. He then injected Mana into Kindzal at dusk, reminiscent of only the nature of Mana.

"Hehe! Will do!" '

The shimmering blue blade rises from the tip of the scabbard. Harun, who regained the Mana of Nature, injected the cerebral power into his cerebrospinal cord this time.

I support you, Tsurut!

Kindsal of dusk turns into a swirled sword of a two-metre warhead, frightened by intense current. I changed my appearance as if it were a longsword, not a blade. Swinging the sword, the brainstorm extends into the gray air flow.

Now there was one last test.

Harun gave his will to Blood Essence itself and ordered it to move to Kinsdzal at dusk.

Low savings.

Harun's face became dazzling with a clean black aura that seemed to be sucked in. He saw Kindzal turning into a longsword.


Harun shakes Kindzal at dusk with a haunted look.

The long, pure-black longsword splits the gray air flow clean.

Surprisingly, the cracked gray air rarely returned to its place.

It's absorbing! '

Harun was able to sense that the blood essence embodied by the blade was constantly sucking the gray air flow. Blood essence, which had disappeared to some extent through Mana Flow, was introduced and spread back through the body like smoke.


Then there was more to try.

Harun recalls a fierce, hot flame this time.


A fierce flame erupts from Kindzal at dusk. The flames were fiery and shaped like dragonglass swords, but they were a little strange to call blades, but the flames flew around.

'The Mana of Fire has never been acquired. Then something else.'

Harun tested whether Manawa's Ice Property and Manawa's Wind-Work Property were implemented in succession.


Harun smiles like a madman on the gray ground with no one.

Truly, you have gained tremendous power. The power of Blood Essence was so unfair that it had never been able to be used.

'I'm not afraid of magic at this rate.'

I couldn't help but rejoice that I was able to use almost all of the Mana of Attributes. I don't know, but I think I can use Black Magic Power.

The current self is several times more powerful than before the battle with the Dark Prince.

Among other things, Mana's amount has increased greatly. And I liked it even more because it could be transformed into anything.

"Dark Prince, even though you can master more than one level of magic through magical transference, I'm not so good anymore, so wait! '

Although he used the power of the other Black Wizards, I now feel confident that I can deal with him.

Harun notices that he doesn't need to be here anymore, looking at his condition somewhat closely again.

Unlike when he came in, Harun was able to clearly see through the gray air currents that had weakened a lot. It was a land with nothing but gray air currents that clumped together and repeatedly scattered as if it were alive.

I was nervous about not knowing the whereabouts of the Pure Stone, but I was sure it wasn't here. If so, Darkness will never get pure stone.

Harun gets up from his seat with a calm mind and shouts.

"Ah! I almost forgot to ask."

Harun hurriedly takes out the seeds of the Agrawatt he was keeping in subspace.

'But can we live in such a barren place?'

Harun hesitates for a moment, thinking that Agrawatt had asked him to plant his seed in the land of chaos because he knew something. Harun takes out Kindsal from dusk, digs the ground appropriately, lays out the seeds, and covers the gray soil.

"If I let it go like this, it won't even kick properly." '

Harun hesitated for a moment and sent his thoughts to Nia.

─ Nia!

─ Are you okay, Harun?

Nia's voice, answering, filled with worry.

─ I'm fine. But can you get out?

He entered the land of chaos and entered his body without being able to withstand the flow of gray air.

─ The human body will be tough and I'll go out as a spirit.


A blurry figure appeared before Harun's eyes and quickly materialized.

─ Oh my! This is different.

─ Are you okay?

─ The pressure is significantly weaker. This should do it. And I can feel my properties.

─ Thank good.Can I have some water here?

─ Oh, I planted a seed. Hoho. Leave it to me.

Nia made a big puddle of water with a fresh smile and burst over the place where the seed was buried.

The dry gray ground quickly wets. Then, I couldn't believe that I just couldn't feel the life force at all. The surrounding area was full of vitality.

─ Well done.

─ It's not a big deal.

Nia embraced Harun's complimentary attitude in his arms with joy.


Harun sighed as he felt a unique flavor of Nia. Despite being a spirit, her unique scent and elasticity was so vivid that it felt strange.

─ But what's changed inside me?

─ Yes, I'm so full of pure energy. So I was frantically absorbing the energy of my properties.

Whatever happened, it seems to be true that the pure stone is in his body.

─ What do you want to do? Are you going to be human now?

─ No, later. I think if I absorb a little more energy, I can become a more perfect human being.

─ Yes, then go back. Tell me when it's time.

─ Just like that?

As if disappointed, Nia looked at him with wide eyes and felt the aesthetic and base that had not been before.

'Bad things are learned too quickly.'

Even though he was a shrewd age, his actions became more active as he became jealous of Wishin's aggressive actions.


Harun kissed Nia on the cheek.

─ Hey.

Nia smiled, twitching her back to see if she was feeling well. Her body and her charm were that of a mature woman, but her emotions were literally over the age of bells.

After Niah returned, Harun took a quick look at where the Wagdawat had been planted, then took a step outside.

─ Grow big. Someday many Elves will come under your shadow. By then, we'll be able to enjoy each other for a long, long time, just like your ancestors did.

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