"How does it feel to talk to your mother?"

Azman asked me carefully. Harun was worried about making a complicated face.

"It's not that bad. Thanks to you, I can get rid of foolishness. But it's shocking Ari can't get pregnant."

"I can't help it. that the Transcensors had intervened in the New Human Project in order to create a new human being like the Master and spread that trait for generations to come, so it had to be a matter of Ari, if not Ari."

Hearing that, my shoulders became heavy.

"Am I to be the new father of humanity? '

"Hehe! That's funny. How did I turn out to be an incapable Border specimen?"

"The Master is more powerful than anyone else in the world."

"Hahaha. Is that so?"

'But you don't have to meet other women if you don't want to. Over time, the Awakening will come, even if it's not me.'

That made me feel more at ease.

"Hehe. I'm thinking all kinds of crazy things. '

Harun, who burst a bitter smile at his complex heart, was having a conversation with Azman, stepping away from the shock of his meeting with Gaia.

"Bell is coming and waiting."

"Okay, I'm out of here."

Harun leaves the capsule feeling somewhat refined.


Bell, held in the arms of a warlock, gives me a feeling of bloodlust, as always.

"Belle, do you have a lot to do? Why are you so skinny?"

In fact, I didn't notice much difference in weight, but now Harun is able to do this much lip service.

"Hehe. I'm so tired. Get out of here and take my stuff off."

Bell makes me sorry for crying.

"Yeah. Just hold on a little longer, just a little longer."

"Tsk! Okay. You'll keep your promise to travel to Beyond with me when you have time, right?"

"Sure. So, any word from flea?"


Harun sits the bell on a couch and rides. (NYD: The scan says Bell, but it looks like a typo...?)

"Hehe! I never thought my brother would be so sweet."

"Hehe. That's not weird, is it?"

"Not at all. Women like a gentleman."

They started talking about Dorado while drinking tea.

The city was doing fine without a big problem. Several attacks have made the citizens feel united and the administrative system is returning without crowds.

"What did he say?"

"The reality of the project that was concealed in the veil has been somewhat revealed."

"Really? What kind of experiments did they do?"

"A superhuman project, or an experiment called the Human Renovation Project, where we conducted numerous fundamental experiments on cells from virtually every animal and plant on the planet, including mutants, and clinical trials on numerous drugs, and we succeeded in the first one."

I could only guess the title, but I wanted to know more.

"The result of the project?"

"Yes. First results only. A total of seven people participated in the experiment, including GG's promoter, and in their mid-20s they not only gained a body, but also a substantial level of ability."

"Hmm. That cursed experiment worked."

The experiments that Dead Bunker has done so far have been somewhat knowledgeable with the information that flea has been passing along.

Mutates, as well as those with strong body and high intellectual levels among the outside and the inside, kidnapped and abducted abilities, extracted the organs that were the source of life, as well as exchange of organs, including forced cell transplantation and bone, was done in the dead bunker.

"So what's the mood of the dead bunker now?"

"It must have been huge for the world's leaders to hear that the first experiment was a success. The attendants have joined forces, so the researchers and the guards have to share a room, and some labs have to be converted into lodgings."

"Greedy people don't miss an opportunity."

"Many of the factors in the GPC have even asked me to make promises and participate in experiments."

It was also something that could be expected.

It would be more precious than anything to have a new body beyond the lifespan of those who possess immeasurable power and wealth.

"By the way, if the experiment is true, they want us to start the operation as soon as possible." "

"I hope so."

If those who are about to die receive a new body and these abilities, the world will soon turn into a place where there is no hope. To them, the common people of Union are slaves, not coworkers who have to live with them.


Suddenly, Azman intervenes in the conversation. Harun and Bell opened their eyes and focused on her voice, because this was never the case.

"I think it's an opportunity."


"Yes. The success of the experiment is known, and most of the people who have been classified as people we need to remove are there."


Bell quickly understood Azman's words, and Harun nodded his head afterwards.

"Clearly an opportunity for us. It will be easier to take down GG and HG with the characteristics of the slime tissue if only the people gathered there are eliminated."

"So I have a proposition for you."

"What is it, Azman?"

Harun asked for her opinion, thinking that Azman was strangely active today.

"Why don't we make them attack so they don't care about the Union? In addition to that, if you control the underground roads and disable the communications network, they will be off the Union's radar for a while. In the meantime, we're doing our job."

"That's a neat trick. Do it, brother."

Harun nods forcefully.

"Good. But I'm not ready for a revolution yet..." "

Harun planned to work in reality after saving Elaine.

"Mobius finally got the best hand."

"That's right, brother. That's why I asked you to come out."

"What did Mobius get you?"

"This is it!"

Belle reaches out the envelope she left on the table.

Harun opened the envelope and took out the old documents inside, looking at the title.

"The New World Treaty? What is this?"

"Read it first."

Harun's eyes quickly widened to examine the contents of the document, wondering what Bell had said.

"Oh, my God!"


The inhabitants of Union have been deceived by the GunNobles.

Most of the Gunobles have lived on the island of the southern hemisphere or in a large underground bunker, which was relatively less contaminated during the Dark Ages. Despite their direct and indirect relationship with the Apocalypse War, they managed to escape to a safe place or build bunkers to survive.

After centuries of darkness, radiation dropped somewhat, but the transcendents decided that if they no longer ignored humans, they would become extinct and began to act.

The transcendents needed the resource technicians needed to build the Union, and the ancestors of the GunNobles who had the wealth, knowledge, and skills that were accumulated by the vanguard joined them. Because they had so many different things than most people who were in a hurry to keep their lives alive, they quickly emerged as human leaders.

Many human beings have survived even in the dark ages in which life is hard to live due to the powerful ultraviolet radiation and radioactive environment that causes cancer. Most of them were human beings who survived due to low pollution, or deep mountains, where the telephone of the apocalypse had been turned aside.

Humankind was eager to provide labor when new leaders showed up and built safe houses. Despite the enormous war, the number of people who survived has reached tens of millions of people, so Union's construction proceeded at a rapid rate.

By the time the global Union was finished, the transcendents had gathered the most accomplished humans and conveyed their will.

The message that the Union, which many humans have built together, will be a place where everyone can live free and equal.

- I can't do that! You can't expect us to be treated the same if we count more balls than anyone else.

- At this rate, we can do everything we can and be treated like those lowlifes and incompetents.

At the height of the complaint, the GunNoble conspired against the will of the transcendents to take over the Union forever.

While the transcendents and their cyborgs were doing their best to build the Union, they advanced the wealth they had accumulated since the Apocalypse and the interests they had in Union in the future, seeking personnel and weapons and cultivating them as soldiers.

At the time of the short-circuiting of Union construction, they mobilized their troops to attack the transcendents and cyborgs. It wipes out cyborgs capable of handling Titan Walkers and other construction equipment, and the transcendents are rendered powerless with little to spare.

The Gnomes publicly proclaimed that they had constructed the Union while concealing the existence of the transcendents. In order to do so, many early humans who knew the transcendent existed were secretly killed by their soldiers.

They then conspired to make it fair to own the Union because they had built it, and the helpless were condemned to their slavery. I had no choice but to live in Union.

Such a conspiracy could have been possible because the transcendents were reluctant for their existence to be known to all. Only a relatively small number of humans knew the existence of the transcendents and their role. Moreover, at that time, the transcendents had a lot of work to do, so there was no need to pay attention to their movements.

The Gnomes thought it was okay to claim that they had built the unions if only they knew the existence of the transcendents, and their plot succeeded.


After quickly examining the contents, Harun sharpened his teeth.

"Surprised, brother?"

"I really have nothing to say. How could this have happened?"

"Human greed is amazing!"

"Yes, I think so."

How dare you conspire against yourselves to eliminate a lifesaver or a transcendent.

"Anyway, this paperwork is going to give us some momentum in what we're planning. It'll be easy to convince people."

It was.

If the New World Convention is known, there is no way that many human beings have been treated less than human beings.

The basis for Union's inhabitants to tolerate the rule of the GunNobles was that they thought they had built a safe habitat. If it turns out that it is a conspiracy, the world will be completely turned upside down.

"I think we should discuss this sooner or later. Where's Ari now?"

"My sister is trying to keep up with the underground network, and it's going to be over in a few days."

"Good. Let's discuss this as soon as Ari returns to base."

"Okay. In the meantime, I'll work on a scenario with Azman."

"Then it's a relief. Anyway, I'm always thankful for Belle and Azman."

"Hehe! Why do you say that? Looks like my brother's changed. But it's good to hear that."

Harun strokes Bell's head silently. It may be hard to touch Bell's body just a little further. It was already quite mature. (NYD: I mean, the text was mature, but it was mature, right? ^ ^)

"Ah! Jerico called?"

"Yes. He's tried to communicate with the brain waves several times, but he says he's unhappy. That's why I sent someone directly to the storm base."

Perhaps he tried to contact you when he was in the land of chaos.

"Yeah, what's going on?"

"I've got it organized here."

Bell brought another document from the table.


Harun prefers Bell, Ari, or Azman to explain in words rather than in person.

"I've sent you more information about the Dark Prince and what's going on with Glory Gaia."

Harun quickly searches through the documents, saying it was information about the Dark Prince. (NYD: The book says that there's a lot of typos in it.)


Alias: Dark Prince

Name: Song Myung In

History: Son between the promoter who is the ruler of Glory Gaia and the Golden Queen who is the ruler of Human Guard

Born into a lens and found at age 5.

Though it is presumed that they have received gifted training in a single breeding area, it is unknown what they are capable of.

He currently serves as General Manager Vinjold of Glory Gaia.

Personality: Cold and uncertain.

Recent Activity

Promoters and members of the organization are rapidly expanding their power between the Dead Bunker. Based on the direction of tissue remodeling, it is believed to be active not only in the vagina, but also in the area, and there is a significant complaint during the remodeling process.


A woman in her mid-20s, Shirin, assists as a personal assistant in reality and General Manager in Beyond. Shirin, who has excellent head and organizational control, has always acted with the Dark Prince, and according to members of the organization who have looked closely, the two of them play a large role in many parts of the relationship.


Unfortunately, that's all the information Harun really wants to know about the Dark Prince. However, more important information was attached to the back.

It was about tissue remodeling, but Harun's eyes narrowed as he read the details.

"You think you're weird too, don't you?"

"Yeah, this is kind of weird."

Judging by Jericho's findings, the Dark Prince now appears to be doing a tremendous amount of work to turn the organization into his own.

"Slimming the tissue as well as excluding existing executives may require the promoter to fully inherit the tissue……."

"Yes. Jericho and other intermediary executives, except for a handful, seem to be getting kicked out of the job or disappearing silently, making the lack of a promoter their own tissue. The armed forces are also new things that are unrelated to existing executives. But there's no way the promoter would allow that."

"It can't be. Those who struggle to live longer will never lose their power."

The disagreement with Belle suggests that the Dark Prince is trying to replace Glory Gaia with her own.

"It's odd, even in Human Guard, that there's an unusual change at the end."

It's a shame that Evelyn exists at this time. If only she had stayed where she was, she could have detailed the movements of the Human Guard.

"Looks like the day of the battle is coming soon."

"I think so, brother."

My heart started beating rapidly.

Harun instinctively sees a great opportunity coming.

"I should probably get back to Beyond soon. I think we need to organize things there and focus on the real world."

"Yes, brother. I'll call my brother as soon as Ari arrives."

Harun always cheers and believes in Vero, leaving Azman behind and heading to Bjorn.

"This is insane!"

Aggresia comes into her office, screaming loudly. The regretful Doang must have been stressed throughout.

"Calm down, Governor!"

"How is it that the more power the enemy receives?"

Huberon closes his eyes to the words of the gunman.

Recently, the dark knights and dark magic made the situation extremely bad.

Garz Lord and his allies were doing their best, but their forces were growing stronger. In particular, the number of undead and horses is already over 500,000. If this situation persists a little longer, we may have to give up the castles we have.

'I didn't think the mysterious raid and grave robbery had anything to do with Darkness.'

In fact, I was somewhat doubtful, but I couldn't think of a special way to respond just hearing the news. It was the same for the three empires who had suffered such a catastrophic event.

The knights and soldiers in the cities and territories that had to be stopped were stuck because of the pagans who were causing chaos at the time.

'I didn't think they would have done it to foreigners.'

According to information from the Typhoon Guild set up by a stranger, Darkness paid an enormous amount of money to the poor estramorwn and hired them as mercenaries. Those who stir up chaos can be captured, but unlike in the early days, it was not easy to suppress the foreigners because their power level had risen to a level similar to that of the guards.

Moreover, the foreigners who received the Master of Darkness couldn't handle the security personnel because they were in trouble almost at the same time, as if they had promised.

"Teacher, is there any way to raise money?"

In Aggressia's words, Huberon shakes his head. The money received by accepting the executive position of Garz Lord has long been gone, and the three million gold coins that he agreed to receive every month from the three empires are being spent on various goods and salaries as soon as he received them, so he has no time to spare.

"Is the League of Merchants still untouchable?"

"Yes, since the Ghosts have not been completely dealt with, it will not be easy for them to raise funds either."

A substantial portion of Ghost's power has been dealt with by the blast mercenaries, so small ascents have now been active, but large merchants have not yet begun their ascent. It's relatively safe compared to before, but even if you get hit, the damage is too great.

The Ghosts were individualized by the Special Forces created by the blast, and now the two or three hordes are moving at once, making it difficult for the Special Forces to deal with them.

That's why the Merchants Guild is hanging by the gale mercenaries. We were able to take some revenge on them because of the special force of the storm.

The three empires have not yet entered a position to support the League of Merchants as it overlaps with the massive turmoil of foreigners.

"Has Commander Harun heard from you yet?"


"It... can't be... right?"

Aggresia asked with an anxious face.

"I don't think so. The movement of the storm troopers has not changed at all. They say they're treating injuries."

"Hooray! I wish I'd shown up sooner."

Aggresia looks away from the window.

'If he were...'

Harun was neither handsome nor a mercenary, but I missed this moment more than anyone else.

A man with hair loss who thinks of a subtle number whenever it is difficult and worth a thousand words in a word.

The owner of a strange charm that still makes you feel pumped whenever you see it, despite the age difference.

An owner of a special ability that makes you believe that your current difficulties will all be solved if you actively move.

The man is Harun.

"Clumsy, but I miss him! '

I wanted to feel peace and peace of mind in his arms for a moment. I felt relieved at any time with his broad, firm arms.

Harun may not be the best prosecutor, but no one has ever believed in Aggresia as much. He must have a secret to overcome this difficult aspect.

Aggressia's gaze has long remained between the unnamed peaks of the Devil Mountains, which seem to be in the palm of her hand.

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