With Harun's contact, Pel quickly made a space move.


"Phel! Huh? Suddenly, you're bigger. What happened?"

Without seeing it, Fel had grown to a point where he could see clearly. Not only was he taller and taller, but his facial mammary glands disappeared and he was fully grown as a boy.

"Hehe! I've been awakened again, as well as recovered from injuries from the Pure Stone Fragment. Now I can move through space in succession and never get tired of it."

"I see. I'm glad. So now you can move space into your own world?"

"It's still hard. But, bro, something's changed."


"Yes. I can feel the immeasurable power in your body."

It's also an essential spirit, so I quickly realized that it's an essential spirit.

Harun told Pell about the performance he met in the land of chaos.

"Wow! So you have Balmon's power and purity?"

"Yes. But I don't know the energy of the Pure Stone."

"You can definitely feel the sheer, pure power in your body. With this kind of power, I should be able to awaken again soon enough."

Fell was the face that wanted to give up the human body and return to its rightful place at once.

"I shouldn't be without you right now! Just wait a little longer."


Pel smiles, smiling as if he feels good about being recognized.

"Now we have to move fast. Let's go to Koem Castle first!"


Pel grabs Harun by the hand.

Koem Castle was full of energy. After the Special Forces took their place, some of their favorite mercenaries and travelers, but they were close to Fort Matsurut, and even with the Warp Wizards installed, many estramorwn found them.

"Fell, has anything changed lately?"

"Yes. For a while, the Allied forces, including Garz Lord, have remained dominant, and that has recently changed. The Darkness has become an increasingly rapidly pushing figure."

"More people?"

"Yes. The number of demons has doubled and the number of undead has nearly tripled. With the arrival of the elite undead, the Dark Knights and the Dark Magians, the Allies are unable to keep up their pace.


I didn't expect the situation to change so rapidly in such a short time.

"The advent of the Dark Knights and the Dark Magicians has confirmed that Darkness is behind a series of attacks that occurred last time. The three empires, of course, are either being ambushed or their ancestral graves have been ravaged."

'So is the reorganization almost over?'


That's why the Darkness has been so focused on defense for so long that it can expand its power fiercely.

Harun talks with Pell and heads to the familiar building.

The building of the storm troops, which the currents were particularly considerate of, was one of the largest buildings in the castle and was working on a safety plate to keep Koem Castle safe.


Upon arriving at the entrance, a member of the mountain tribe, whose name I don't remember, recognizes Harun and greets him with a glance. Then you press the transmitter immediately, and after a few words of communication, all the mercenaries rush out.


"Hahaha! How are you all?"

Harun smiles brightly and greets his team, making eye contact.

A smile of relief and gladness came over the faces of the exhausted crew. I had already heard from Ashen that Harun was safe, but I was glad to see him in person.

Harun and his men head for the Council Chairman.

Tino suggested a break, but Harun ordered the meeting immediately because he had no reason to.

It was Lemi who saw society. She was in charge of information for the Gust Mercenaries, but she had grown to see things through in a short amount of time.

Remi reports on what happened in Harun's absence and the activities of the blast mercenaries. Fortunately, nothing happened after contacting Ashein's advisor.

Harun listens to the report and smiles gladly. Despite not being confident, the storm troops all grew large internally and externally.

'Now is the time to turn into a mercenary, not a mercenary.'

The total number of combat troops was already more than 3,000.

The warriors of the three mountain tribes who admired the role of their masters worked hard to train their training ceremonies. Considering useless sacrifices, the number of troops was rapidly increasing, although we were able to limit their qualifications to errors.

Members from the battalion commander's position has been upheld by the intensive guidance of the combat team advisors and the pure stone provided by Pell. This greatly strengthened the entire mercenary force as well as the Special Forces team.

What was unusual was the fact that the former knights were joining the military, with the exception of mountain tribes. Twelve new recruits joined the Sword Master, and the Expert rank alone was close to 300.

That's because the mercenary training system is known to be much more efficient than other mercenaries or knights. Since Dylan began, high-ranking knights like Mashain and Illum have been on the rise shortly after joining the gale mercenaries, and there has been a procession of former knights lined up since it became known to the world that the treatment is also immense.

The number of outsiders was close to 300. Even though the group had recommended to meet military members who were close to them, some foreigners who had heard rumors of the blast mercenaries had come voluntarily to teach their masters.

Tino appointed him interim head of the Foreign Legion and held him accountable for almost everything from military to training. Duel and Bunker had military experience, they worked together to do a lot of that work enthusiastically, and with the help of advisors they were training foreigners properly.

Donnie was tasked with training 400 archers using Marie as his assistant. The goal was for the crew to have the ability to play the archer's role and participate in combat at at the same time.

The Hurricane Horse Tower also grew enormously.

As officially part of the league of towers, the fan tower was easily able to replenish its superior human resources with a large crowd of untreated wizards. Also, shamans from the mountain tribes have been carried to the inner tower and are now learning some systematic resonance magic.

Harun was greatly pleased to hear all the reports.

"I've seen and heard well. Thank you, Commander, and many other advisors, for leading the mercenaries so brilliantly that you think it would be better if I didn't."


"What are you saying?"

The crew responded to Harun's words in a variety of ways, but they were also happy to look back on their position as they listened to the detailed report.

"The following concerns ghosts commissioned by the Merchants Guild."

Remi reports on Ghost Nodes, which he has identified along with his activities with the Special Force. As expected, most of their Nodes were related to the Heropa Merchant Guild. It was located mostly in the back streets of the city or outside the castle.

"That was a lot of work. Special Force teams are greatly appreciated."

Harun bows to the Special Forces team and thanks them.

Even in his absence, the Special Forces have been on an unshakeable mission, and until now, they have been able to annihilate the Ghost by a third. Although there were no sacrifices, the Mino and Sunni's maneuverability and spirit of mercenaries led to a remarkable rap sheet.

In Haroon's soothing greeting, the members of the Special Force made a proud face.

"Sir Dylan, how do you prepare for the Devastation?" "

Harun's gaze is on Dylan.

"You're already perfectly prepared. Otherwise, I listened to Fel and thought he would arrive the day after tomorrow."

"You've done a great job."

The Devastation Operation involves plunging into the Ghost Node and the Heropa Merchant Guild Branch, the Golden Road Node behind it. It's an operation to root out ghosts.

For this operation, Special Forces Team 1 and Team 2 paused and went on this mission. Almost all of the money from the advance, 30 million gold, and more than 50,000 intermediate mercenaries who responded to the quest, gathered in secret.

At first, the Guild was only going to commission Ghost disposal, but it added 100 million gold as a condition of checking the abilities and statuses of the storm troops and disposing of them until the rear.

This was due to the large-scale work of many skilled men and even more medium-scale mercenaries operating onstage in the three empires.

"What about the Empire and the League of Merchants?"

"The three empires are all prepared. As they begin to supply criminals with undead materials, their security has stabilized and given them ample power. The League of Merchants has already hired the best knights to do it."

I'm glad to hear that Tino, as well as Dylan and the others on the force, have been working hard to get everything ready for this.

"Of course you're sure about the blackout, right?"

"Yes. I've informed the mercenaries hired as top escorts. That's what everyone knows, except for the head office."

The world will no longer be able to postpone its ascent, so it will be known that it will resume its ascent even after taking the sacrifice.

It was a prerequisite for this devastation operation that many of the cities and territories departed at the same time and were known to carry out troops, including numerous mercenaries and knights, on the same day, because the Ghosts still had to travel at the same time to reduce damage.

"Very well. Then we will proceed with the operation in two days' time."

Harun's words make the crew's eyes widen.

"Elaine, wait a little longer! '

- Elaine, I'm here!

- Hurry up and save him.

Since I had already finished the meeting and had been contacted immediately, Illaine knew that Harun was coming, but I was anxious when what I had been waiting for was coming.

- Just wait a little longer.

Early in the morning, while the darkness was still out, Harun, who was hiding in a building across the alley that was forming a black market, confirmed Elaine was safe by telegram and set his sights.

Elaine was a slave auction house at the end of the black market.

It is commonly used as an auction house, but on special nights it is used as a battlefield of darkness, where Elaine is trapped on the fifth floor of the basement. Around the building, various items were targeted for assault and theft by the merchant guild.

Harun glares at his eyes as a stream of wind enters through the window.

- Harun, I've been there. Pussy!

Yshin, summoned as a spirit, completes the mission entrusted to her and returns with a kiss to Harun's arms.

- Do you know where Elaine is?

He's trapped in the basement of the sixth building to the left.

- Have you located the people hiding in the buildings?


- Then mark it on the map.

Wishin marked the location and number of his enemies on the map spread out on the table in the room.

- There's a fourth building to the left, a sixth building, a third building to the right, and three men who can wield the shining sword in the last building. And those who smell bad...............,

Thanks to Wishin, Harun was able to ease his mind, knowing the power of his enemies easily and accurately.

Fortunately, there was no Master of the Sword or its equivalent in any other place but the Auction House he was in charge of. The Auction House building was not the headquarters of Golden Road, but it was definitely an important equivalent.

'Four sod masters and two 6-circle wizards.'

Most of the sod masters owned by Golden Road were beginners, but they were a little overwhelming with four numbers. The 6 Chuckle Wizards were enough for the four spirits to take over, so I didn't mind much.

'I'm worried, but don't be afraid now that Blood Essence is available!'

I thought so, but I was a little concerned that I was the only one with the power of the sorcerer in this place.

Niah, who felt such anxiety, embraced him and whispered softly.

- Don't worry, Harun can handle it. Let me help you.

After feeling Nia's body and a soft and warm body, Harun's nervous face loosened. Tension fades from Nia's soft touch touching her breasts.

'Yes, I now have more intimate and powerful colleagues than anyone else in the world.'

In the short time that Harun was able to absorb the pure stone's energy and quickly unravel his frozen face, thinking of the four commandments that had the ability to be compared to the Sword Master.

Your spirit wanted to be human again, but Harun asked you to stay spiritual for a while. It was because the spirit, which was otherwise undetectable, was much more helpful to him.

Twinkle, twinkle!

Harun pulls the rope from the inside of the window, and the people standing by come inside. There was one Ein leader, two super mercenaries, two knights and a wizard responsible for the storm troops. The two captains and wizards of the Fight Mercenaries have been hired, and the two knights are the commanders and deputy commanders of the Air Force responsible for the defense of the city of Everton.

The faces of the people were very tense. I had no choice but to explain the destruction operation 30 minutes ago. It was a complete and utter disaster for those who thought it was their duty to escort them up.

"Now, look at the map."

Harun was already familiar with the face, so he explained the situation of the assignment and gave detailed instructions on the operation.

"Given enough time, it's important that we intercept our enemies as quickly and accurately as possible, as they can incinerate or steal evidence of their crimes."

"Don't worry about us. But will you be moving alone?"

Chiffon, director of the Everton National Guard, asked.

The fact that there are nobles and high-ranking Dylan, Mashain, and Illum in the storm troops is already spreading around the world, so his words were like that of his line manager.

Since then, the storm troopers have been treated like knights, not just mercenaries.

"No. Four higher spirits will assist me."

"Oh! Four higher... higher spirits!"

The faces of those who were nervous brightened.

It is said that Harun's moonlight is not very high, but the four senior spirits were either too eager to think the power would be too strong.

"As soon as we're done, we'll help elsewhere. You may be embarrassed later, so beware of the presence of a Spirit Master on our side."

"I see. This operation will succeed if four higher spirits prevail." We here are experts in our own way. "

The leaders were now able to get rid of the anxiety completely.

Commander Harun of the Gust Mercenary has no idea how he found out, but he has located the structure of the building and the specific forces of the enemies, as well as the locations of the enemies across the black market.

There will be no contingencies, as we have made each area responsible for the union of different forces.

"I'm going to the Auction House. If you have an emergency, don't hesitate to contact us right away. Then let's attack as soon as Mana interference spreads over the operational area. Good luck to you all."

The wizards of the Cyclone Tower are already surrounded by black markets. Enemies were expected to broaden Mana interference throughout the black market for the possibility of space travel. Then the space movement by the teleport scroll or magic circle will be abolished.

'It must be done at once!'

More than 300 mercenaries have gathered from more than 300 castles or cities across the three empires for the devastation operation, and the city or castle knights have been summoned.

Some of them were for the windbreakers, but the targeted locations included more than intermediate mercenaries, retired knights in the area, or members of the Warrior Hall.

For this operation, Tino and other mercenaries had to IM the Typhoon Guild and Empire Intelligence Guild to keep in touch with the security chiefs of the three empires and the head of the Mercenary Alliance from time to time.

He did his best to make sure that the devastation operation was completely discreet, except for those in charge before the operation started to go unnoticed by Golden Road.

Harun summons all four spirits while the officers go out and explain the operation to their men who will be confused.

"You're going to have to take over the auction house with me."

"Hehe! This is exciting. Finally, it's time for me to do my part."

Livy and the other three spirits were very excited.

"Let's go! Wishine, please!"

"Hoho. Leave it to me."

A thin film emerged from Wishin's back. As I held the membrane wide as a cloak in my hand, Wishine flew out of a wide window like a bird. The world was just getting brighter when I went out.

It was a quiet flight with no wings, but Wishin quickly flew up into the air and into the Auction House building, which is far away.

As I flew down, I noticed that the wizards were not located on the tall building near the black market.

They will use the magic faction to create a wide range of Mana interference.

The Auction House building is the largest cut nearby. It was a three-story building on the seventh floor underground, once popular in the days of fighting, but now it belongs to the Heropa Merchant Guild, where illegal fighting and human trafficking took place.

Harun and the four spirits secretly sat on the rooftop of the Auction House building and inspected the weapons, waiting for the Mana Interference to unfold. Harun inspects the new masters, and your spirit closes its eyes to check its condition.


The atmosphere begins to vibrate strongly. There was a flow of Mana that forcibly twisted the Mana that was spread over a certain area.

"You guys clear the ground! I'm going down to the basement."

As soon as Harun's words fell, your command vanished before his eyes, each with his own skill. Your spirit will take over the earth now, so Harun can go directly underground.

Harun, who was going down the stairs, was as fast as the wind.

The door to the outside was closed, but the stairs were empty because it was dawn time to fall into a difficult sleep.

"Who are you?"

For the first time, they were guarding the stairs going down to the basement as expected. But before they even heard Harun's answer, they were the ones who moved like living snakes.



Though I was concerned about being a Golden Road Node, I could not stop Harun's lightning-fast attack with skills as small as those of Expert. They slam their hands on their necks or foreheads before they even take their weapons.

According to Wisyne's scouts, there were four presumed Sword Masters in the first floor of the Anse, but now there was no time to deal with them. After securing Elaine's safety, I decided to deal with her.

Harun didn't even have to pull out his sword. Most of the people who were vigilant at dawn were asleep, and they had just woken up from the noise they heard upstairs. I didn't even see the man, but I was not good at stopping the divine sorcery from flying through the shadow of magic on the wall.

Harun quickly goes down to the fifth floor, executing the guards stationed around the stairs. There are a line of at least 50 prisons on the fifth floor that appear to be dark without a magic lamp. However, thanks to the activation of the power of the beast, Harun can see inside as if it were a reflection of the moonlight.

'This is where the gladiators used to be.'

Most of the prisons had rusted bars, but some of the rooms in the corner were sealed with steel so that they couldn't even enter the light. Harun senses that there is someone in the last room and runs away.

Harun, who took out an ordinary scabbard, injected Mana.

Despite the sudden rise of the light black blade, the thick steel door was torn like a bell and made a large hole.


The steel door, cut with a big tongue, runs outward as Harun's palm touches it and falls to the ground with a loud noise.

"Elaine, your brother's here!"

"Oh, brother? Harun!"

When I was trembling with anticipation, excitement, and anxiety about the words, Elaine jumped up from the corner and flew.

"You're here, brother!"

"Well done!"

"No, no! I can't tell you how happy I am that you're here."

While she had been trapped for a long time, her face was a mess, Elaine's eyes, looking up at Harun, were shining like a morning star.

Son of a bitch!

It was not awkward to have a few conversations over the distance.

The two of them felt each other's warmth for a moment, then met their eyes when they sensed the rustling noise upstairs.

"Can you see it?"

"Of course I did. I had my supersenses."

"I came all the way down here to save you, so I have to deal with them now, so follow me a little further. Let me show you how smart you are."

"Hehe! Got it. I'm really excited about how good Elaine's brother is."

I felt overwhelmed by the thought that the sister who believed in me was behind me. I've never felt it before. I was ashamed to think that it wasn't age-appropriate, but fortunately, the enemies were pouring down.

Even after activating Blood Essence, Harun's enemies, who became possessed by the supersenses, could not even see properly without using the power of a tattoo, were not even a meal.

Harun was already fully opened to the senses of the whole body, so his senses were spread throughout the building.

Shhh! Shhh!

As the dreaded blood essence infused screams erupted from all over the building.

The opponent notices something is flying and rushes away, but Blood Essence, full of Harun's entire body, is tied to the scepter, making it impossible for Harun to control it freely like his hands and feet.

About 20 people fell in a hurry, and no one else came down.


Harun smiles at Elaine with a raised thumb, walking towards the stairs and throwing back the guards in succession.

Whee! Whee! Whee!

He turns to the stairs with a low scream and hides his face.

Though it was invisible to the eyes directly, the senses could clearly sense the situation above the stairs. It was one of the abilities that changed after I met Balmon in the land of chaos.

Following Harun's back, Elaine could feel the breath of surprise as she watched the guards move like they were alive.

: Hehe! "

Screams that come in succession again. However, after a while, the scream was suddenly cut off along with the metallic. And four people who had a strong presence immediately entered Harun's senses.


The talented people on the first floor of the basement showed up. Suddenly, it lit up around the stairs. It looks like it's bringing a magic lamp and illuminating the area.

Is that 10 now? No, there's dozens more coming after that. But the sod masters are all here. Do I look okay to you? Or is Elaine important? '

Your spirit's movements have also felt vivid inside his senses. Each of the four spirits casts a confident enchantment and quickly deals with the enemies in the building. No casting, no delay, and no one dares to challenge you.

'Let's give it a try!'

What power will the Blood Essence now be able to control? Like Belle did, can she separate consciousness and coordinate the individual masters?

Harun felt confident that he could do something. After gaining the Blood Essence that Balmon gave me when he came back from the dead, his skills were truly overwhelming.

'If we could separate the consciousness and adjust the leaders, the distance wouldn't be a problem at all.'

Harun threw the Ten Sacks of Elixir, including the four Bidozi artifacts, all at once. The Blitz Dagger was still connected to the brain power, but the nine remaining notaries were infused with Blood Essence.


The flying scaffolders, along with the thin roars, twist their heads up the stairs as if they were alive and shoot arrows at each other.

Harun can clearly feel that the viscous Blood Essence is connecting him and his masters. It was as far away as holding a sword. Even the amount of Blood Essence could have been adjusted.


Harun instantly increased the density of the Blood Essence in the middle, and at the same time, the notaries immediately doubled in size. In a harsh state of distance, a blade is formed as it flies.



Cawing! Cawing!

As expected, the rest of the group, except for the four who had a strong presence, were suddenly unable to stop the guards as large as the sword.

The moment I came into the snow, I suddenly came upon it like lightning, and I couldn't beat it with Expert's skill. Only four of the Sword Masters were able to avoid or accept the slanders with a clever move.


The sod masters who fell to the ground, avoiding the assault, raised their blades to prepare for the next attack.

However, the notables connected to Harun by Blood Essence were not merely metal weapons. I dodged or kicked the scaffolding and watched it bounce off, but I was momentarily careless and swooped towards the four sword masters much faster than before.

Cough! Cough! Thump! Thump!



"W-what! What a shock! Knng!"

"Oh! It's hot!"

"Suck my mana! Aah! Demon! Evil!"


Even if it was difficult for a normal master, the Blitz Dagger, the Dagger of Flame, the Ultimate Spirit, and the Dark Master were producing blades, and they were able to draw freelance trajectories, so they dug through their bodies at the end of several workshops.

The Blitz Daggered opponent is exposed to the sword immediately, paralyzed, and unable to stop the attack. The Sword Master is caught in the flaming flame and becomes black ashes as he strikes.

The other two sod masters have suffered worse. The soul of the Ultimate River explodes as he digs into the target's body, and his body is crushed to death. The last of the opposing Pokémon turns into a fast-paced specimen without being able to detect the dark secrets that were flying along the floor.

The other six masters dig into the opposing team's urethra as if they were alive, checking for shortness of breath and finding another opponent.

The opposing team is invisible, but the blade comes flying out of the air and the sod masters are annihilated. The rest try to run, but the guards don't look at them.

In the end, the Golden Knights gathered here were wiped out by the Ten Shadows.


Though the opponents are beginners of the Sword Master, they didn't strike the sword directly. They can be slaughtered in the streets.

Harun's unconscious excitement stops and flies the guards upward.

Even though the fourth and third floors were already empty, there were still quite a lot of enemies on the second and first floors. One of the brigadiers, who turned into a pure black error blade, broke or destroyed the magic lamps and torches on each floor first, and the other brigadiers began to choke on their confused enemies in the dark.

"That's cool!"

It was as if he had divided himself into 10 people and became a master of a sack.

I inherited Myos' Blood Essence through Balmon, but I didn't know because I didn't have a chance to test it. It was like a dream that you could separate the rituals into 10 and control each of the ratios individually.

Come to think of it, if I was strong enough, I could practice this kind of sadism before. Among the forces of the horse, there was something that could control the metal as rigidly as brain power or dark mana.

I heard that Bidozzi fought the Sword Master as a guide, but this must have been how he performed the dogma.

After a short time like that, the masters came back to Harun and drove themselves into expectations. Like I have nothing else to do.

"It's over!"

I could no longer detect the presence of my enemies on the ground floor of your spirit.


In the background, the ritual of Elaine's guardianship was separated and restored to one.

"How? Brother, how can the guards act like they're alive?"

After he said he had completed his supersenses, Harun seemed to have discovered a series of events underneath this building. If not, you will be surprised to see the masters who have just returned to their rightful place.

"Hehe! I'll tell you later. Let's get out of here. This building is clear."

"Phew! I thought you were hiding your great skills, but I didn't think it would be this good."

Elaine shakes her head as if she were truly surprised.

Harun and Elaine, who came up to the first floor, encountered four spirits who had almost 100 men and no signs of combat.

"Good work, everyone! Can you help me with something else?"

As soon as they appeared, Harun expanded his senses and could still see the battle raging across the black market, but he was able to catch a victory.

"Haha! Okay."

"Just leave it to me, my friend."

"Don't worry, Harun."

"It was good that I was unwinding."

Your spirit flies into the black market streets as if awaiting Harun's words.

"Hey, who's that, bro?"

The rolling eyes seem to feel the immense spirit your spirit holds. Ordinary people cannot sense the presence of your spirit, but it appears to her who has completed her supersenses.

"My friends. They're higher spirits."

"Wow! My God! Four higher spirits?"

Elaine opens her mouth, knowing that Harun is a spiritual being, but not expecting to be able to summon four higher spirits.

"Didn't I tell you? My brother, your brother Fell, is a great spirit."

Elaine hears about Pell and doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut.

"Now, shall we collect the loot?"

Harun pulls out his armor coat for Illaine, who is in a mess, and takes a light step toward the location of the secret vault. The location is already known through Wishine.

On this day, Harun made a total of 10 space moves and attacked hidden Ghosts and the Heropa Merchant Guild Nodes.

The devastation operation was a success.

Hidden in the black market or in the back alley, over 150 Heropa Merchant Guild branches, as well as the Ghosts' posts, were completely destroyed.

The Ghost, which had been halved by the Special Forces' actions, had been wiped out except for a few. The Heropa Merchant Guild, which had been deeply involved in all kinds of bad things while sucking the blood of the peasants, also disappeared completely, except for a few places where information was lost.

Nearly 10,000 casualties occurred among those deployed in this operation, but the damage was minimal because they were twice as powerful as the enemy based on specific information gathered by spirits, including Fel in advance.

The documents from the Heropa Guild proved the crimes they had committed for hundreds of years, and it seemed that the three empires had changed because they were able to isolate many of the world's deadliest criminals from society during the course of the operation.

The Merchant Guild, which brought together healing priests and wizards and guarded the rear of the operation, moved swiftly as soon as the operation was over to secure their secret warehouse, where the Heropa Merchants Guild found treasures such as hidden gold Ingots and the huge quantities of merchandise they were dealing with.

When the Merchants Guild distributed the money and goods from its covert damage reports evenly to individuals active in the Merchants Guild and Devastation Operations, the world resumed its active business as if it had.

When the enormous money and goods were released at once, the people who suffered from the paralyzed economy cheered as well, and the three empires quickly went to rest. The security forces in each city and castle were well paid, so they became financially strong.

It was the mercenaries of the Mercenary Alliance that showed some outstanding activity during the Devastation process. Since these are high-ranking mercenaries and the stone mercenaries were so empathetic to the spirit of mercenaries who were preached to the world by their deaths, the Alliance did not touch the loot as previously requested.

Of course, mercenaries occupied the loot that was on Golden Road's post, including Ghost. Harun and Pell had the ability to find the secret vaults hidden in secret, so they took the loot in secret, but no one could know about it.

This large-scale operation has changed the status of mercenaries. Even though the mercenary coalition had begun and made a long effort to promote its image, this operation did not change much, and it was able to give the public a clear message that the virtues of mercenaries are honesty, faith, and promise.

The mercenaries' employment followed, and the three empires began hiring mercenaries for the same reasons they had postponed.

The Merchant Guild paid 10 percent of the loot to the blast mercenaries as stipulated by the detailed contract with the balance. That's because the horses are 10 percent and they are goods, and in return, a huge amount of money came into the stone mercenaries' camp.

With the exception of the expense surpassing 50 million gold, the storm troops dared to raise an unimaginable amount in a single quest. Plus, all the loot I had, the top teenagers had money.

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