At this moment, a discordant voice suddenly appeared in Slytherin House, and without raising a hand, he asked in an impatient voice, "Hey, since it's different from the current magic system, why should we learn?"

It was a tall boy with a pair of rabbit-like teeth, a pair of gray eyes full of malice, and a face full of thick freckles that was sorry for the audience.

"Hey, hey, hey......" The boy grinned, and even a few of his classmates around him laughed.

This situation, Kong Nuo had long anticipated, and even a little bit eager for this kind of thorn to appear. And he was sure that if he reported his name, there was a high probability that he would attract a Slytherin thorn.

Based on a week's observations, it became clear to him that the Slytherin snakes valued the so-called bloodline, which was why they were incompatible with the other three houses.

"I didn't force you to learn. He blinked, "Your name is Marcus Flint, right? Fifth grader, the O.W.L. exam is going to be taken at the end of the school year."

"I know you, you're outstanding. Do you wear a wig or have you grown your hair now?I remember in Professor Flitwick's class last week, it was like you set your hair on fire with a fire charm?"

"Do you know what boiling milk looks like? I wonder if that fire charm makes your brain swell up like boiling milk?"

"Brain swelling is good for you, at least it can make your brain look a little bigger, and it can bluff like your physique."

"By the way, I don't really want students like you to take my classes, after all, your brain will be on fire when you deal with exams, how can you divide your mind to accept this new field?"

"Actually, you can leave now, some things are contagious. I don't want someone who has a hard time coping with exams to pass on something bad to other students.

Fred and George couldn't help but whistle, "Cool!"

Usually only Snape would target other students in class, especially Gryffindor students.

Now that a Slytherin student had been targeted by Conno in a similar way, the Gryffindor students were immediately excited.

The Hufflepuff students didn't react obviously, and their discussion was mainly focused on the content of the textbook, discussing the use of various herbs.

Ravenclaw was a little more uplifting than it had just been, but their goal was Conno, and they wanted to urgently prove that with Ravenclaw's wisdom, they were more than capable of accepting this new discipline.

As for the Slytherin students, they are also a little more settled than before.

The few students who were standing next to Marcus Flint all moved a few steps in all directions, not wanting to be too involved with him.

PUA, aka CPU (not), is a great trick to use.

Especially in the face of these little wizards who are still at the end of the twentieth century and have not received the era of the information explosion, it is simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

Compared with the underage children who were already ghosts and goblins in their previous lives, the students of these magic schools are much simpler, and they eat PUA very much.

If Marcus Flint leaves now, it means that he really is the kind of person who has a bad brain, but if he doesn't leave, he will be ridiculed by the other three college students, which is really a dilemma.

Conno looked at Marcus Flint, whose face had turned red, and shook his head slightly.

If you really want to complain, just complain about your dean!

As a good teacher who destroys people tirelessly, Kong Nuo asked with a smile: "So! Do any other students have any questions?" I will answer your questions kindly and kindly!"

"No! no!" The students shouted.

"Then go ahead!" Conno tossed what looked like an iron can, which stretched out in all directions as it lifted into the air, forming the shape of an iron rod six meters long.

With a soft "bang", a huge white cloth hung down. This is an alchemy prop that Conno asked Flitwick to help make, and it works on a similar principle to the operation of a projector screen.

A huge and incomparably clear profile of the human body appeared in the curtain, and the profile of the human body was drawn in an extremely fine manner, and all kinds of silk threads started from the position of the dantian and diverged into every meridian of the body.

Conno organized the students to sit cross-legged on the grass and asked, "Can you see what's on the curtain?"

Marcus Flint!Your sacrifice is worth it!

" Then let's start with the three concepts of internal force, moves, and mental methods...... "

Dumbledore in the distance saw the huge magic curtain, and immediately fell into deep thought, and asked with a low groan, "What do you think?"

"What are you referring to?" Snape's eyes were focused on the group of Slytherin students, and his expression was not very friendly.

"I think it's nice to be able to bring so many students together at once and also be able to do the organizational work. McGonagall pushed her glasses, "I can see that there was a whole arrangement for the whole class." "

Isn't that Professor Snape's demonstration?" said Kettleburn, laughing, "for the first time in the last decade, I've seen those little snakes deflated."

Flitwick's voice was a little high-pitched, and he pointed to the curtain and said, "This is what I did! I need to combine the magic curtain spell, the traceless stretching spell, the magic lighting spell, the scaling spell, and the water and fire invulnerability spell......"

He recited more than a dozen life spells in one breath, and his words were a little breathless, "This alchemy prop is so ingenious! How can you describe it? If it weren't for Conno's design sketches, I wouldn't have been able to fuse all these life spells together, just like the fan spell he had conceived before."

"Fan Charm?" Dumbledore was a little curious, "What kind of magic is that?"

"Levitation Charm and Spin Charm!" Flitwick explained the principle briefly, and picked up a leaf to demonstrate, "Amazing, isn't it?

"The most important point! The Wind Swirl Charm needs to be cast continuously, but the Fan Charm does not need it, and it can stay there for a long time!" Looking

at the leaves that were constantly rotating and generating air currents, Dumbledore was very emotional, he didn't expect that so many interesting things had happened in Conno's only a week in this castle.

Now is only the beginning of the class, I don't know what kind of surprise Conno will bring him in the next time?

Even though he is in a good mood now, for some reason, his temples still start to ache suddenly.

What went wrong?

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