For the first time, when Conno fully conveyed the entire concept of martial arts in a role similar to that of a pioneer (so far, the only one in the whole world), almost all the participants felt a sense of suffocation.

Judging from Dumbledore's erudite magical insights, martial arts as a subject is too big to use, and if Conno has this ambition, he can build a new school with the entire martial arts system.

Martial arts not only involves the three concepts of internal force, moves, and mental methods, but also requires the study of medicine, alchemy, and food supplements.

The first three concepts form the general framework of martial arts, like a most stable triangular structure.

The three concepts added later are like three support columns in a triangle, which makes the whole concept of martial arts more solid.

There are a lot of things involved in martial arts, so even if it is seven years of learning at Hogwarts, it may only be the same as learning magic, but it has just reached the level of beginners.

"What do you think, Severus?" Dumbledore asked, "Do you, as the Headmaster, think the Slytherin students are acceptable?"

"I don't think so. Snape seemed to be possessed by McGonagall, his lips pursed tightly.

On the contrary, McGonagall's expression was more relaxed, and she seemed to be at ease with Connor's teaching, at least for now.

Snape continued: 'They didn't trust Conno in the first place, and I don't think that's going to change because of that.

"Is that so?" Dumbledore nodded, "Looks like you're confident!"

"Of course!"

On the other hand, Conno's basic concepts have been explained.

"This is the overall concept of martial arts, seeing that your expressions are very confused? In this case, I will give you three minutes to elect a representative of the academy, and each representative can ask a question. Of

the four houses, Ravenclaw and Slytherin were the calmest.

Ravenclaw discussions were quiet and orderly, and there always seemed to be a habit of having such large discussions.

Slytherin had several students come forward, including Draco Malfoy, whom Conno had met on the train.

The few of them leaned together and muttered a few words, leaving only Malfoy at the front.

The Hufflepuffs were not so much discussing as they were conveying opinions, and they surrounded a tall, handsome guy in the middle, around whom they kept communicating.

This slender, handsome young man is Cedric Diggory, and he seems to be very popular in Hufflepuff House.

During recess last week, Conno had read at least two love letters from girls to Cedric.

Gryffindor is the most chaotic, with several students trying to get ahead and their way of resolving disputes is very simple.

The Weasley twins pulled out a few identical-looking candies and handed them to the final contenders.

Several students swallowed the candy at the same time, and in the end, except for Fred, the faces of the others instantly turned pale, and sweat broke out on their heads.

In this way, Fred won and became the representative of Gryffindor, and the representatives of several other houses also stood at the front, and the time was just right.

"Let's start with the penultimate place...... Conno pointed at Fred, "Weasley, what do you don't understand about what I just said?"

Fred glanced at the Gryffindor students behind him, "When will you be able to fly?" We want to learn this!"

"That's not flying. Kong Nuo corrected, "This is a light skill, a technique that can move at high speed with the help of foreign objects and quickly dodge, which belongs to the three major concepts.

"Can you release it......?" How far can you move?" it wasn't just Fred's eyes that lit up, but the Gryffindor students looked basically the same.

"A question! There will be a demonstration session later, which will give you a basic understanding of the upper limit of martial arts.

Conno looked at Cedric, who was standing in front of the Hufflepuff phalanx, "Next is you, Cedric." "

Hmm......" Cedric's face flushed, full of green and masculine feeling, and a few girls behind him made a different voice

, "What do they want me to ask...... Regarding the alchemy and food supplements, are these two contents the focus of the martial arts class?"

"Hmm...... Good question. Conno groaned, "Let's put it this way, the iron must be its own, the three concepts are the most important, and the others are auxiliary."

"If you want to speed up the cultivation of the three major concepts, alchemy and food supplements are very effective, while medicine helps you understand your opponent better, but you need to accumulate experience. Next, Malfoy.

"Our question is simple. Malfoy coughed lightly and asked with his head held high, "How can martial arts help us build glory?" We can't seem to feel this......

"Hmm...... Makes sense!" Conno suddenly flew out of the Slytherin phalanx and took Marcus Flint in his hand.

Marcus Flint's eyes flickered with confusion, and he didn't even react.

No one could see Konno's movements clearly, only to feel a gust of wind appear, another gust of wind to disappear, and then Marcus Flint was seen lifted in the air like a quail.

"Got it?" Conno smoothed the hem of his trench coat and carried Marcus Flint into the air, "Do you think he still has glory now?"

"Hiss......" All the students gasped.

They don't know if Marcus Flint still has glory, but one thing is certain for now, the professor likes to hold grudges.

They could only continue to look at Marcus Flint with pity, while secretly admonishing themselves not to provoke Conno.

"I'm not a grudge person. Conno put down Marcus Flint, and even helped him straighten his robe, "It just so happens that you're special, don't you mind? Slytherin adds a point!"

Snape's face darkened in the distance, and he had even pulled out his wand, and sparks continued to burst out from the tip of his wand.

The deans of the other three houses couldn't help but laugh for a moment, and even McGonagall, who was usually serious, had a faint smile on her face.

Kong Nuo smiled and said: "Students, glory is earned by yourself! I am just a professor and not your parents, and you have to rely on yourself for what kind of glory you want to achieve."

"Wouldn't it be glorious if he had been able to stop me and knock me down?

"If a gentleman is not heavy, he is not powerful, and if he is not heavy, he will not know how powerful." Kong Nuo's eyes narrowed suddenly, "Do you still have any questions about this?"

"No! no!" The students quickly shook their heads, they all said such things, how dare they have any doubts?

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