Solim followed Vanessa back to Selwyn Castle, and someone from the vampire family in France would take care of the follow-up. Solim hadn't wanted to make a trip to the troubled waters before, but now he could go back to Hogwarts, but he wasn't in a hurry.

Vanessa and the others reported to work, and Solim went into the Great Library. He found that his previous knowledge of the vampire species was still too one-sided, and much of his knowledge could only be considered common sense in the eyes of pure-blood wizards, and he had to make up for this missing part of his knowledge.

At the very least, he wanted to know how to maintain his combat effectiveness when facing a second-generation vampire again, instead of going straight to the street like he had done a few days ago.

Quite unusually, Solim saw Cheetos today, the ghost of the teacher for the Aikins siblings. He seems to have returned to Selwyn Castle today to "recharge".

Cheeto, as a ghost, lived a messy life for a long time after his death, and since Solim got him an errand, the guy has been teaching Derek and Devina siblings with great care, after all, this is the only act with a "purpose" since his death.

"What about the two little ones?"

Solim weaved his way through the rows of bookshelves in the library, looking up at the classification signs on them. Cheetos floated right above his head.

"Good learning. Cheetos was very interested, "Now they can do a lot of work, if you want to open a shop, they are more than capable of doing it, and I even taught them how to avoid taxes reasonably." "

Cheetto beamed with pride.

"Well, and then what?"

Solim waved his hand, and the ladder at the other end of the bookshelf~ slid automatically.

"I also taught them manners - but you know, I'm not very good at that, but it's enough for the general scene, and it won't be a shame for you to take it out. -"

Cheedo added at the end: "Anyway, I must be better than you in terms of pure-blood etiquette." "

"Does Elena sit on the couch and watch TV every day?"

"Hey—" Cheedo suddenly flew a little higher, as if to check if there were other people in the library, and floated down again after noticing anything wrong.

"It's not like I'm chewing my tongue, your wife really doesn't seem to me to be very good. "

Solim turned his head to look at him, his eyebrows raised and lowered.

"That girl...... Anyway," Cheeto touched his neck with his translucent fingers, "I don't think there's anything remarkable about it, I haven't seen her spell-casting ability, but I don't think it's going to be good......; She graduated from that Ephamoni, a place that wasn't even as good as a third-rate school like Hogwarts, and what could she learn, as for the manners of a pure-blood family...... I didn't see it either, I spent the whole day watching TV cross-legged on the couch, and eating on the coffee table - even Derek, the formerly savage werewolf, knew the etiquette of dining. "

"Can't you stand her?" Solim pulled out a not-so-thick book with a metal spine from the top of the shelf, and looked at the cover, "Vampire Revealed".

Wizards really don't have much talent for naming names.

Solim shook his head and looked at the signature—Jadrad. G。 Selwyn.

And then there's a subtitle below the title – to take you into the unknown world of vampires.

Solim suddenly lost the appetite to open the book, and if the author's byline was obscured, he would give the book to Gildero. Lockhart book fans will be sure to think that this is Lockhart's new book that has not yet been published.

"A good pure-blood wizard's wife should be the kind of woman who can share her husband's worries—" Cheeto was still babbling to Solim as he considered himself a "good wife."

"—she should have a keen and intelligent mind, be able to spot the intrigues against her husband, and be able to reciprocate them with the same means, she should be gracious, she should be able to add luster to her husband at banquets, and at the same time be able to win people's hearts, she should be ......"

"Speaking of which, Cheeto, do you have a wife?" Solim asked nonchalantly, "Of course, I mean when you were still alive." "

Solim unleashed a spell of silence on Cheeto.

The results are outstanding.

Cheeto stopped talking for a moment.

I have to say that although the title of the book is not good, the content in the book is still quite good, clearly organized, and properly listed.

After a while, Cheeto said with some hesitation: "I...... At the time, I mean, when I was still alive, I was old enough, but the job arranged by the family really didn't give me the opportunity to come into contact with good witches...... Moreover, as a Selwyn, he should be cautious when choosing a partner to marry. Although there were suitable unmarried witches in several families back then, for various reasons, I did not have the opportunity to contact them......"

"Plainly, no, huh?" Solim rubbed his fingers across the pages and flipped through them.

"It's not that there isn't, it's that there's no chance!"

Cheetos is still trying to explain.

"I'm not like you!"

"Well, I know, I'm bastard, and you're not. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Not this!" Cheeto's face would have turned red if he had a physical body.

"It is also important that there are no witches of the right age in the right family! And also considering the competition of other families, the brothers above me are bound to marry before me, and it will be my turn soon...... As a result, I died. "

The more Cheeto spoke, the lower his head became, and the more he spoke, the quieter his voice became.

"Very unfortunate. Solim concluded: "So the truth is: you have not ...... until you die"

Originally, Solim wanted to say "I haven't touched a woman yet", but when I think about it, I haven't touched Elena yet, so I didn't say this sentence after all.

"Alright, let's stop the topic. "

"Cheetto, I don't care if my wife is smart or not, if she can help me. I don't have as many demands on my partner as you do, I just want her to live in good health and get rid of the almost captivity of the witches who married into Selwyn. "

"Then you're whimsical. "

Even though Cheeto had been dead for many years, there was still a taboo against the daughters-in-law who were "centrally managed" in the back fort on the island of Neasto.

"Has Devina's magic grown?"

Solim found a topic to talk about, and when Devina showed off her spell-casting ability, Solim was still looking forward to it. A native werewolf capable of casting spells is quite rare. Solim believed that with proper training, Devina would be much more powerful than Greyback.

Of course, the premise is that Devina's magic is qualified.

"Ha!" Cheetos immediately smiled as soon as he said this, "My students are naturally good, the little girl's magic is still growing, and the levitation charm has been used in a good way, but ......"

"Wand?" Solim flipped another page.

"That's right, wand, I'm a dead man after all. This can't help her. "

"Leave this to me. Solim agreed, "Where's Derek?

"No, there is obviously a difference between the two siblings. "

"How's his state of mind? Is there any emotion like jealousy?"

"Not really, he's a big brother and he's pretty happy that his sister can cast spells, but at most he's a little disappointed - you know, he can't work on this kind of thing, which made him a little lost some time ago. "

"I'll go back and see them in the evening. Solim leaned back on the escalator, "But I'll have to wait until I figure out what I want to know." "。

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