Vampires, like wizards, are very polarized in terms of individual power within their group.

Except for the first generation of vampires, which are almost invisible, the second generation of vampires can be said to be the peak of combat power among vampires. Most wizards never have the chance to meet a second-generation vampire in their lifetime, but when they do, especially when they encounter second-generation vampires with malicious intentions, it would be good if one out of ten wizards could run away.

Wizards like Kent and Vanessa make up a tiny fraction of the entire wizarding society, and the vast majority of wizards are defenseless when they encounter second-generation vampires, such as Solim. In terms of magic, control, and skill, he has surpassed most adult wizards, but he was still directly killed when he first encountered a second-generation vampire.

For the average wizard, meeting a second-generation vampire once in a lifetime and surviving it is already a good fortune comparable to winning the jackpot in the lottery, and it is almost impossible to encounter the same experience again. But Solim is different, he must be cautious of every source that can hurt his "five-two-three".

He's going to get to know vampires – from scratch.

The history of vampires, the powers of vampires, the weaknesses of vampires...... After an experience that was very close to death, Solim did not dare to slack off.

With Cheetos floating around, Solim couldn't concentrate all his energy on the secrets in his hands, dealing with Cheetos while trying to find valuable information in various books and codexes.

"Those old ghosts are especially envious of me now. Cheedo was floating sideways next to Solim, half of his body passing through the bookshelf.

"They spend all day doing nothing, just wandering around aimlessly, but I'm different...... However, there are a few more agreeable old guys looking for something to do. "

"What do you want to say?"

"I feel like Devina might need more teachers. I can't teach her much, at least not much in terms of strength. "

"She craves power?" Solim looked up and looked at Cheetos inquiringly, "You're trying to tell me about a little girl who hasn't reached adulthood yet...... Well, werewolves, now hoping for more power?"

"Is this hard to understand?"

Cheetos said with a tone of "it should have been," he said, "Think about her experience! Why do you think the Eggins siblings have no thirst for power after their families were ruined, they hid in Muggle cities to pick up garbage to eat, and they were afraid that their enemies would find them?"

"Actually, it's not just Devina, it's Derek too. They are indeed grateful that you showed up at their most difficult time and brought them where they are now, but after experiencing that feeling of powerlessness, it is normal to pursue power...... Not to mention that they are all showing some spell-casting ability at the moment. "

"They can't go to any formal wizarding school. They are over the age limit. "

"I didn't say you should throw them in that kind of place, in fact they don't fit into a school kind of place at all. Cheedo adjusted his stance slightly, "Send two primordial werewolves to a school full of wizards?"

"And what do you want to say?" Solim continued to flip through the book in his hand, "Find them another ghost teacher?"

"Yes, Alisthai has a lot of experience in training young wizards, and he is very interested in teaching native werewolves with spellcasting abilities. In fact, he is willing to teach even a goblin with the ability to cast spells...... After all, he hadn't taught a student for almost 200 years. "

"Alistay...... Why does this name sound familiar?"

"There are several famous Alistes, such as Fosco who improved the Reinforcement Charm, Bartók who invented the Smoke Charm, and Kabil His, who has made great achievements in the Runifin combination...... But you've never heard of this Alistay, he's been dead for a long time, and he has left little of a legacy in the wizarding world. "

Alistay. Pevinston is a teacher responsible for teaching magic skills, but his students are a little special, those who have passed the enrollment age and are not accepted by the major magic academies will go to study by Alistay's side under the arrangement of the family.

Why are schools of magic able to accommodate a large number of students? Because behind each school of magic is a pure-blood family or group of pure-bloods who support the school's daily expenses, and as a separate individual, Alista is not so strong - after all, some subjects in magic can be quite expensive.

"He only accepts purebloods?"

"He only takes the children of the rich. Cheeto explained, "It's not that he has an eye for money, it's that a little Muggle-born wizard can't afford it." You've also studied Potions, and do you think that as one of the most important subjects for pure-blood wizards, can the average family afford the cost of those materials?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging his character," Solim shook his head, "He's good at potions? I don't think it's necessary for the Aikins siblings to spend time and energy on potions. "

"Not only good at potions!" Cheeto hurriedly said, "That old ghost is an all-rounder! He can teach you any magic skill you can think of! That's why the parents of those hapless little wizards are willing to look for him." "

"You can teach anything?" Solim scoffed, "It's too big, Sculle doesn't offer all the magic disciplines, if he's so powerful, why don't those magic schools find him to be a professor?"

"He said someone had to give the little wizards who missed their age a chance....."

Solim was noncommittal. Nicely said, then why not recruit Muggle-born wizards, but instead focus on pure-bloods?

Cheedo knew what he was thinking as soon as he looked at Solim's face. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"He cared that the gifted little wizards went astray without being taught, and that most of the Muggle-born little wizards were so low in magic that they couldn't make any trouble. In contrast, a pure-blood wizard with more outstanding magic can do much more damage, not because he has any prejudice against blood, in fact, he accepted several gifted Muggle wizards back then, and even the cost of learning was given by him. "

"He's on Neasto?"

"Of course not, the ghosts here are all surnamed Selwyn, how can he be an outsider to come in?" Cheedo looked at Solim with the eyes of a fool.

"I'm going to talk to him first, and then I'll talk about it later. "

After saying that, Solim lowered his head and continued to flip through the book. []

"Alright," Cheedo floated above Solim's head, "what's wrong with you......? Vampires?"

Cheedo noticed the contents of the book.

"Do you know what these scum do? You can't be looking for a magical transformation ritual?" Cheeto's face changed suddenly, "I warn you! Vampire immortality comes at a great cost! If you're really unhappy with your lifespan, you can go for ......"

"I'm not interested in that, I just want to know what to do with them...... Especially when dealing with second-generation vampires, or even first-generation vampires. I hope to be able to fight back a little bit, so that I won't be solved by others in a single face. "

"What do you mean 5.2?" Cheetos said tentatively, "Listen to you, you met a vampire not long ago, and you are not of a low class?"

"Well, I first met a second-generation vampire, and I was let go of them in one face, and if it wasn't for Kent, I'd be finished. Afterward...... I witnessed the fierce battles in which only seven of the seventeen second-generation vampires died, and in the final stages I was fortunate enough to witness the heroic appearance of the four first-generation vampires and the entire process of their defeat...... Isn't it exciting?"

"You're crazy!" Cheetos stood up, "How dare you participate in a contest at that level at your level?"

"Oh, you seem to know a lot about vampires. Solim assured him that Cheetos was talking about the signature abilities of the second-generation vampires.

"I haven't told you yet. "

Cheeto's voice was low.

"Do you want to know how I died in the first place?".

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