To do homework, of course, you must have reference books, and Solim has several reference books on his desk at this time: "Detailed Explanation of Ancient Demon Texts", "Analysis of Runi Language", "Structure of Spells", "Summary of Spell Principles", ...... These books were not put on display, but all opened and spread out on the table, waiting for Solim to consult and compare them from time to time.

"Translating" the Patronus Charm into an Ancient Demon Pattern is not difficult, it is the same as taking a dictionary to translate a reading comprehension word by word, as long as it takes time, it can be completed early in the evening. But the problem is that the translated magic patterns need to be streamlined, and the contradictions and inconsistencies need to be modified, and finally the streamlined string of magic patterns can be tested to see if it can restore a magic with the nature of a patronus charm.

This is the equivalent of using a piece of original text, first translating it into English, then translating it back, then continuing to translate the translated text into English, and finally having you use this translated plausible text to restore it to the original text, and not a single punctuation mark can be wrong, it must be 100% the same as the original text.

That's what Solim is doing now. It's not difficult, but it takes a lot of time to try and make mistakes. Fortunately, he didn't need to worry about the exam, and he had plenty of time.

Both Sylna and Draco were already familiar with Solim's current behavior, and seven years of life at Hogwarts had long made them accustomed to Solim's "onset" state from time to time. Solim, who has entered this state, basically ignores people, except for solving physical problems, all the time is busy with his own business, thanks to the bloodline sublimation ceremony, Solim's energy far exceeds that of ordinary people, and when they are resting, Solim can still study and research.

Solim returned to Hogwarts, but it doesn't seem to have returned. He even wrote letters to Dumbledore and the professors, hoping to take a leave of absence for a while. Thanks to his long history of good performance, and Dumbledore's approval, Solim was at Hogwarts, but no other students could see him except Sylna and Draco.

He put all his energy into the current research and decipherment work, and in order to save time for eating, he even poured nutritional potions directly.

Every five days, Solim chooses to sleep, and will take a sleep aid containing a small amount of life and death water before going to bed to enhance the quality of sleep, only two hours of sleep, and he will become energetic again.

The effect of squeezing his energy and time in this way was that the correct pattern of the Patronus Charm was found, and after careful testing by Solim, it was proved that it did indeed have the same effect as the Patronus Charm. It's just that the Patronus Charm is only one of the effects of this magic.

The Patronus Charm is only contained in this series of patterns, which are nothing more than the product of being intercepted and simplified. This true ancient magic was remarkable to Solim, and he didn't know who invented it, but there was so much in the whole string of magic patterns.

Solim, for example, discovers that the real Death Curse is an interception of a passage from this ancient magic, which is the same as the Patronus Charm, and even some of the details of the spell are similar - it also needs to be infused with the will of the wizard, but the will of the guardian becomes destruction.

Solim even gave it a try, but he gave up before he could start.

It's too dangerous.

Although the Death Curse also intercepted some fragments of magic patterns, its essence is still ancient magic, which is different from the Patronus Charm. That is, the casting of the Death Curse is bound to be successful, and if it does not kill the enemy, it will kill the caster.

Harness this dangerous ancient magic with the sorcerer's own will to destroy, and use majestic magic to drive this spell into effect. As long as one of these two does not meet the standard, the death curse will come back to itself. Solim didn't think his heart was so attached to "destruction" that he couldn't master the magic.

Only those shamans who are resentful in their hearts, who have suffered injustice for a long time, and who have extreme and extreme personalities, can have the will to destroy the curse of death. There is no doubt that such a wizard is extremely dangerous.

Not only the Death Curse, Solim has even discovered a magic that is the opposite of the Patronus Charm - injecting his own malice into it can form a special form of magic like the Patronus Charm.

Solim was a little eager to try this magic, which was the opposite of the Patronus Charm, and he wanted to see what would come out of the darkness in his heart, just like he had when he practiced the Patronus Charm.

Fortunately, he was stable and not impulsive. One is completely unfamiliar with oneself, and it is impossible to determine the dangers of an unknown magic just by guessing and judging. He didn't want to die like the wizards who had been killed by the spells he had invented.

Fortunately, he has a teacher who can solve his doubts.

Toth, like Solim, seemed to have little need for sleep, and when Solim put up the address book and used his magic to wake up the photo of Toth's activities on it, the old man was still sitting behind the desk, and there was still a lot of scrolls and parchment in front of him, as if he hadn't touched it since the last time he spoke to Solim.

"You contacted me, does that mean you've completed the translation of that magic pattern?" Thoth still didn't look up, for a wizard like him, magically judging a person's true identity was a routine operation.

"It's done. "And I found a lot of interesting things. "

"You don't seem to have tried?" said Toth, looking up and quietly looking at Solim in the photo.

"I wanted to do it, but I finally held back. "

"Good. Toth nodded repeatedly, seemingly very satisfied, "Many gifted wizards have a problem: they always feel that they are special, they always feel that they can do things that others can't do, and naively think that caution is the exclusive property of the weak...... You can resist this temptation, which is much better than most wizards. "

"I ......," Solim scratched his head, "I think I just recognize myself." I never thought I was a genius, nor did I think I was any special than anyone else. Everything I do in magic is the result of constant study and hard work, and I am well aware of the difficulties and dangers involved. "

"Well, tell me what you've found. Toth lowered his head again, as if the rest of the conversation wasn't worth his time staring at Solim's face.

"I didn't try the curse of death, but this magic is really terrifying. I can't think of how to resist it on a magical level. "

"Heh," Thort chuckled, "defend against it? If you can defend against it on a magical level, you'll be the most prominent contributor to magical theory in recent centuries." "

"The Curse of Death doesn't need to talk about it. Toth said, "If you really meet a wizard who can cast a death curse, there will only be two consequences: either you will be cursed by him, or he will fail to cast a spell and he will be consumed by the magic and die." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Casting the Death Curse is like playing Russian roulette, except that the wheel has a nest capacity of only two bullets, and the chance of death is 1 in 2 if there is only one bullet. It's a spell of life, but it's precisely because of this terrible price that the effect of the death curse becomes extremely terrifying - if it is successfully cast, it will definitely hit the opponent, and the person who is under the curse will die.

Although the death curse is not as immediate as the requisite curse, its effect is absolute, and there are no exceptions.

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