Solim was only interested in the extreme magic of the Death Curse, preferring a milder spell with less serious consequences of failure. Unfortunately, none of the ancient magic was mild, and failed spells often ended in the death of the caster.

Ancient magic is indeed extreme and violent, just like moody nature, but Solim doesn't need to master that kind of extreme magic at the moment, and it is enough for him to find a few suitable ones from the string of the most original magic patterns.

"I have one more discovery. Solim wanted to hear Thoth's opinion, he had never seen any record of that magic. But his brilliant mind and solid theoretical knowledge taught him that the magic that was diametrically opposed to the Patronus Charm did exist.

"Ah, you found it, I have no doubt about it, then...... Would you like to try it?" Thoth looked up, and something seemed to swell in his almost forever calm eyes, "There have been countless wizards who have longed for it, feared it, and longed to master it...... But very few people succeed, so, little one, do you want to try?"

"I ...... I don't understand—" Solim thought for a moment, thinking that there should be nothing wrong with this magic, its nature is the same as the Patronus Charm, it shouldn't be as evil as Thoth said, right?

Malice is something that exists on an individual, and the best of the wizards have a very good control of malice, how can there be such a statement that "very few 493 people succeed"?

"Do you understand?" Thoth had anticipated, reminding him, "don't forget, even magical creatures like Dementors or Eight-Eyed Spiders are only malicious to their prey. What we think of as evil is nothing more than a disagreement with how these creatures cook food. "

Toth is right that there are few species in this world that can be compared to humans, and few species can compare with human beings.

What is the difference between humans and animals?

Some say the difference is that people make and use tools.

It is also said that it is because of the superiority of human intelligence.

Of course, these views cannot be said to be wrong, but they are too one-sided, just like a blind man touching an elephant, only a small part of the facts are glimpsed.

For wizards, especially those like Toth, who have already explored the nature of magic, the biggest difference between humans and most other species is that humans are very emotionally changeable and irregular.

Dementors – Synonymous with evil in the eyes of humans, these disgusting creatures feed on people's pain and souls. But if you look at it from a neutral point of view, you can see that this is just a trait of the Dementor species, and they just don't like it when it comes to their choice of food.

The same is true for the eight-eyed giant spider, these creatures are only in conflict with human interests in terms of "biological characteristics", and have been artificially labeled as "evil", but in fact, these evil creatures are actually very simple, and are essentially no different from ants, migratory birds, lions, tigers, and other creatures - they are just following the instinct of survival.

But people are different.

There are so many behaviors that humans can't be classified as "instinctive". In addition to eating and sleeping, humans behave more to satisfy their senses and make themselves feel happy. Some people kill for pleasure but not for food, others love abuse just to satisfy their twisted desires...... These are not instincts necessary for survival.

"There is a devil living inside of everyone. Toth said, "Usually it is used to imprison it in a cage called sanity, but that magic ......"

Yes, that magic is for the wizard to inject his own malice, but without the balance of reason, what will become of those pure malice?

Look at the Patronus Charm, which is forged by the will of the sorcerer's guardian, so it represents protection and light. But with a malicious amount of magic, it can only be used for destruction without restraint, and it will be difficult for the wizard himself to control it - it is not easy for a beast to get out of the cage and then try to imprison it.

After thinking about this, Solim finally understood why Toth had said that.

"But there's always someone who will make it. "

"Yes, there will always be wizards with amazing talent who will be able to master that magic. Toll (CDDC) nodded, "But have you thought about what the failure will be?"

What kind of power can pure malice be catalyzed by a large amount of magic? You know, wizards who can access this knowledge are not trivial, and the consequences of such a wizard using this magic will be extremely serious once it gets out of control.

"Patronus spirits can give courage and hope. Toth said, "Then you might as well guess what what is catalyzed by the purest malice will bring to people?"

"Despair?" Solim said tentatively. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Cut, wouldn't the Dementors give this kind of thing?" Thoth scoffed at Solim's imagination, "The consequences of this magic, and the effects it can have when mastered, vary from person to person. "

"If it's a sadist - there are a lot of people like this, especially during the period when the Diamond Charm was popular, many people exposed their true nature. If such a person had cast this magic, all living beings would have been tortured to death within its area of influence—both physical and mental, compared to the Diamond Charm, which was like tickling a person, and would have strengthened the demon unleashed by the sorcerer. "

"Grow?" Solim's eyes widened.

"Boy, are you listening?" Thoth's eyes widened, "Malice!Malice!Like the Patronus, it appears with a purpose!Malevolence is much more active than passive guardianship, and you can understand it as a more powerful, more evil Dementor!"

Is this the case? The evil thoughts that are born in the depths of people's hearts, when they are not suppressed by reason, will act according to their instincts once they are released, and they will also strengthen themselves.

Isn't this just the beheading of three corpses?

Suddenly, a thought crossed Solim's mind. It was abrupt, but the effects of the thought were quickly subsided.

"Someone must be able to control this magic, how did they do it?" asked Solim.

He was keenly aware of the power and application prospects of this magic: think about it, if he could master this magic, he would be able to "expel his malice" from his body in a short time, would that mean that during this time, any white magic could be used?

Black magic and white magic are natural opposites, and some gifted wizards may be able to use both to a limited extent, but just as the balance of a seesaw needs to be maintained, going deeper into one will inevitably lead to a distance from the other. []

But this magic made Solim see the possibility of the two coexisting.

He can be a dark wizard normally, but after casting this magic, he will no longer have evil thoughts in his heart, so he can use white magic at will.

It's a huge temptation. Solim believes that few wizards can resist it.

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