Willard finally intervened, and if he didn't say anything more, Vanessa could take the group around the store for a day.

After forcefully throwing off a Gringotts generic pair to exchange tickets, Vanessa took a bottle of each perfume and left satisfied.

Reyna was very fond of her, and Solim could see that her aunt saw her own shadow in Reina. After agreeing to check in at Roderick's hotel this evening, Vanessa finally had time to teach Solim a lesson:

"You idiot boy!"

"Why didn't such a good girl take it in the first place?"

One thing to say, Regina is indeed more sultry than Elena. But Solim's marriage is not up to him, and since he can't decide his other half, according to his character, he naturally won't waste time on things that don't lead to results.

Reyna is a good girl, but that's about it for Solim.

After the group entered the venue and took their seats, Vanessa even found an excuse to sneak out, and did not reappear until the "Seven or Eighty" meeting.

The first wizarding Muggle meeting was undoubtedly important, but what was the main basis for judging the importance of a meeting?

The scope of the meeting's decisions, the status of the attendees, and the size of the meeting.

The scope of influence of this conference is the entire wizarding community and all walks of life in Europe, and the scope of influence is not small; the participants are either high-ranking government officials or members of the royal family, and the wizards are also high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Magic and the Wizarding Federation, and even the Council of Elders has sent people over; the total number of participants is nearly 800.

This is not the first time for wizards to have such a large-scale meeting, but it is also rare in Europe.

But such an important and large-scale meeting can be drowsy.

In a meeting, of course, the leader spoke first, which neither wizards nor Muggles could avoid.

But this time there was a bit of leadership.

The ministers of the Ministers of Magic in the countries that have suffered the main attacks of the Shadow Corps and the countries that have suffered heavy losses have to give speeches, but the content of the speeches of these leaders is much the same, describing how dangerous the dark wizards and the out-of-control dark creatures are, how terrible the damage and casualties are, and then proposing some restrictions and opinions on the current situation......

It's a waste of time, but let's take a look at the first day of the meeting:

The first was the speech of the President of the International Federation of Wizards - Dumbledore was in the limelight as the first speaker. Solim listened to the old headmaster's speech and explained Dumbledore's status and importance to the British officials around him. After all, this is the face of the English wizard.

Dumbledore's speech was short, at least much more streamlined than the ones that came later. Behind him were the presidents of the International Association Against Dark Wizards and the International League Against Black Magic—these were two people.

These two guys Rory ramble a lot about the dangers of dark wizards and black magic to everyone, and this incident and the last incident in London perfectly support their view.

Then came the speeches of the Ministers of Magic, more of a report than a speech. They exaggerated as much as possible the losses and casualties suffered by their own country, and at the same time tearfully demanded the assistance of the International Confederation of Wizards.

By the time the gang finished talking, it was already 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Somim's lunch was all eaten at the venue. While it's true that the food in France is much better than in the UK, this is not the place to eat.

Since the British government and the royal family are in charge of the Presbyterian Church, the people from the Ministry of Magic took advantage of the lunch break to frantically come over to get close. This forced Solim to put more effort into dealing with these people.

According to the regulations, the Ministry of Magic can only contact the Prime Minister alone, that is, they can contact the Prime Minister, but the Prime Minister cannot contact the Ministry of Magic on their own initiative.

This is far inferior to the Muggle Authority, a subordinate body of the Presbyterian Church, where Solim can contact whoever they want, whenever they want. They can even bring together members of the government and the royal family for a meeting. This is something that the British Ministry of Magic cannot do.

Anyone knows that the communication between wizards and Muggles will definitely become more frequent in the future, but the Ministry of Magic does not have the power to actively communicate with Muggles, which will marginalize them, and the consequence of marginalization is the loss of power and influence - although the power of the Ministry of Magic is given, although their power is only in the air, the Ministry of Magic still does not want to give up.

They were desperate to get some of the power to communicate with Muggles, so they wouldn't be given up.

This time, the British Ministry of Magic was well attended: Scrimgeur, the Minister of Magic, two directors of the Department of International Magical Cooperation and the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters, as well as several relevant office directors, plus a bunch of secretaries.

It needs to be said that Percy is among them. He is now one of Scrimthour's secretaries, after all, he has a background in the Order of the Phoenix, he is trustworthy, and is now in charge of communication between the Minister and the Order of the Phoenix. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Solim didn't know about the Weasley family, but it seemed that Percy was back in his family.

Scrimgeour is tough, but it is clear that a minister of the Ministry of Magic would not be a fool. He knew exactly how to capitalize on the alumni relationship between Percy and Solim.

In fact, he himself graduated from Hogwarts, but Gryffindor has always been out of step with Slytherin. If it weren't for the fact that the twins and Solim were on good terms, he wouldn't have let Percy come over to set up a close .....

Percy really didn't have much to talk to about with Solim, and if Harry or Hermione had come over, they would have been able to chat, but they had just graduated, and even with Dumbledore in the back, the Ministry of Magic wouldn't be so blatant in promoting the two to the point where they could attend the meeting.

According to Percy, Harry and Ron are still being trained by the Aurors. They hadn't been seen for quite some time, and as for Hermione, the Muggle-born witch had left her name in the Ministry of Magic. []

It only took her 3 days to memorize the various regulations of the International Magical Cooperation Division, and she successfully passed the relevant examinations. Hermione is now a full-time employee of the International Office of Magical Law.

It is said that he is now immersed in various legal texts.

Whether it's Harry, who hasn't yet become an official Auror, or Hermione, who has already been officially inducted, the only way to participate in such a meeting is the minister's approval—in fact, Scrimgeour has already done so.

Percy had told Scrimgeour everything he knew about Solim, including the news that Hermione and Solim were getting closer. As a politician, Scrimgeour certainly doesn't let go of such an opportunity.

The British Ministry of Magic needs to have some influence over the Muggle government. Originally, a connection with the prime minister would have been sufficient for most cases, but the current situation has greatly weakened this connection, even to the point of being dispensable. Then the Ministry of Magic would have to find a new way to influence the Muggle government.

But the relevant laws and regulations have been decided, and the Ministry of Magic only has the power to contact the current prime minister, and if you want to change the law, you must let the Wizengamot discuss and pass it. They tried it once before, and the result was that most of the Wizengamot members were against it, so they couldn't do it. Therefore, Scrimgeour wanted to use the Solley 2.3 mu route to get the Muggle Affairs Authority to more or less loosen some restrictions on the British Ministry of Magic.

Scrimgeour, the Minister of Magic, is also having a hard time right now. After losing the support of most pure-blood families, the Ministry of Magic is increasingly short of funds, and now that the Ministry of Magic has expanded, the gap is even greater. Scrimgeour desperately needed a way to provide him with financial support in the long term.

There is no one better suited for this than Muggles.

He'd even managed Gringotts in England, and as long as the Muggle government could agree to goblins' involvement in their financial system, he would be able to get a huge amount of Galleons from Gringotts for the Ministry of Magic every year.

Scrimgeour didn't care what would happen to the whole of Europe, he just wanted to take care of his one-third of an acre, or rather, he didn't have any other energy to focus on other things now - the Ministry of Magic only had enough money to run for another six months, and if there were not enough Galleons after half a year, the ministers who couldn't even pay their salaries would be ousted.

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