Scrimgeour's expectations were quickly dashed.

At Willard's reminder, Solim declined the Ministry of Magic's request to contact British government officials and members of the royal family.

"I'm so sorry, Secretary Scrimthair. "Solim doesn't care about his current position, but his position is here, and the statement that should be made must be done.

"As the head of the UK Liaison Office of the Muggle Affairs Authority, I think I need to remind you that the Ministry of Magic only has access to the British Prime Minister, and that government officials and members of the royal family have access to the Muggle Affairs Governing Council. Your request is unreasonable, so I have to refuse you. "

From the first day of its existence, the power of the Ministry of Magic has been emasculated. They could only manage what the Council of Elders allowed them to do, and not only that, but the Ministry of Magic was also strangled from operating funds - an official body with certain government functions, not to mention the Treasury Department, not even an accountant. That's telling.

Although Solim didn't deliberately inquire, he could guess as long as he thought about it, where could the Ministry of Magic, which had lost the political contribution of the pure-blood family, get a large sum of Galleons that could stabilize the daily operations of the Ministry of Magic?

Nothing more than Gringotts and the Presbyterian Church.

In terms of financial resources alone, a pure-blood family that can support the daily expenses of the Ministry of Magic will not have anything to do with them at all. For example, Selwyn, such as Orvis, they are directly within the Presbyterian system, and they can't fight with the Ministry of Magic.

None of the pure-blood families in Britain can afford the huge expenses of the Ministry of Magic, and it is usually a dozen families that support the Ministry of Magic to continue to operate.

Now that they lack the support of pure-blood families, only direct funding from the Council of Elders can help them tide over the difficult times, except for Gringotts.

Greedy goblins can't unconditionally fund the Ministry of Magic if they don't have enough profits, and the Ministry of Magic can't give much to the goblins, and if they die, they sell a few dragon farms controlled by the Ministry of Magic or some land deeds in Diagon Alley. None of this matter to the elves, and the right to use their wands that they want most is not at all controlled by the British Ministry of Magic.

So it can only be funded by the Presbyterian Church.

The Ministry of Magic is here to help the Elders stabilize the wizarding world, which is the reason for their existence. There has been a major change within the Ministry of Magic, and it is only natural that the Council of Elders should step in to stabilize the situation.

But that help won't last long, and the Ministry of Magic will have to take care of their own funding problems. For this reason, Scrimgeour even did not hesitate to play the emotional card against Solim - Hermione would attend tomorrow's meeting as an advisor to the Department of International Magical Cooperation.

"If you can agree to talk to us and make some concessions, Hermione can be promoted to head of the Office of Muggle Affairs, which is a new department with a lot of power in the future, and it is not impossible to even become an independent department. "

Percy was dressed in a crisp uniform and his red hair was well groomed, and as the secretary to the Minister of Magic, his influence was no longer comparable to that of him when he had just graduated.

"And what does this have to do with me?" Solim asked, "You should know that we have nothing to do with the Ministry of Magic. "

"Actually, there are. Percy smiled, "The Ministry of Magic is responsible for managing wizard-related activities. Although there is no clear law on the boundaries between wizarding and Muggle interactions, the International Confederation of Wizards is going to introduce such a law in place of the Secrecy Act. "

"And we all know that the Council of Elders will not take care of the overseeing of the place on its own, so in the end, the responsibility for overseeing wizarding and Muggle activities will have to fall to the Ministries of Magic - early in the evening. "

Seriously, Percy doesn't look like a Gryffindor graduate at all, but more like a Slytherin.

"Will be Barty. When did the people whom Crouch idolized become like this?" Solim asked, "Isn't it the pursuit of people like you to be honest -- or rigid and discipline-keeping?

Percy was Crouch's subordinate when he first graduated from the Ministry of Magic, and as a result, the meticulous man immediately became a role model for Percy, who was also rigid. Later, every time he returned to Hogwarts to talk, he had to talk about Crouch - as many of the students at Hogwarts knew.

"People change, Solim. Percy became expressionless, as if offended.

"Ever since he shielded criminals and helped his Death Eater son escape from prison, he wasn't the upright person he once was. "

Solim could clearly feel the anger and shame in Percy's flat tone.

Buddy. Crouch has clearly become an eternal scar on Percy's heart. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although it was later confirmed that Crouch was controlled by the Imperius Curse during the Triwizard Tournament, this still does not clear Percy's dereliction of duty - his immediate boss was controlled by others, and as a subordinate, he did not notice anything unusual. This made him a laughing stock, and to this day, there are people within the Ministry of Magic who talk about it behind their backs.

If it weren't for Dumbledore, if it weren't for the Order of the Phoenix, if it weren't for Scrimgeer's disapproval, Percy wouldn't have been able to climb to the position of minister's secretary.

Percy has a sense of crisis, and he knows that he has to show his value, or he will be marginalized even if he has a background in the Order of the Phoenix, and to solve this dilemma, he must take credit—a credit that is impossible to ignore.

Now is a great opportunity.

Convince Solim to give them access to Muggle officials and royals, and make a deal with the Muggles to find a permanent source of funding for the Ministry of Magic. Percy even felt that he might have a chance to look forward to the position of Minister of Magic...... Next one, of course. []

Percy was an official fan, as he knew when Solim was still a Hogwarts student. Generally speaking, such a person is easier to control, as long as you can grasp his needs and 860 hold his handle, such a person can be used for you.

"I'll give you an answer tomorrow. Solim did not reply on the spot. The first is that he really doesn't have the power to make decisions, and the second is that he needs time to think about whether he wants to do the Ministry of Magic a favor and what benefits it can bring him.

Allowing the British Ministry of Magic access to Muggle dignitaries is a big or small thing, and Solim can't really call the shots, but his immediate boss, his grandfather, can. As the head of the Security Liaison Office, Lesotho has this authority.

Solim was sure to convince him, provided that it would bring benefits to the family and the wizarding world.

This one is easy.

Since the Council of Elders is not responsible for the specifics of the wizarding world, this part will ultimately fall to the Ministry of Magic, and having a department that oversees communication between the Ministry of Magic and Muggles will be enough to convince the Muggle Affairs Authority to give the green light - it can increase the number of people and the scope of authority, and no department head will refuse.

Besides, this department knows that there is a lot to be made in this department - the Ministry of Magic must be approved and supervised by them for any situation of communication with Muggles, and when the time comes, someone will want to come in with a sharpened head.

As for Solim, if he could get the Ministry of Magic and the Muggles to accept his affection and remember his role in this event, he would be useless.

After all, wizards are also human beings, and they also pay attention to connections.

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