Solim wondered why Willard was able to agree to Vannasha Fox's move to place all British dignitaries in a hotel owned by the Roderick family, rather than the one decided in the first place. Such a move is of course risky, and the places arranged by the Presbyterian Council are fully secured.

Anti-Apparition Charms, Dark Creature Expulsion Charms, and all sorts of Vigilance Charms and Security Wizards, are these things in ordinary hotels? Although Roderick's hotel is beautifully decorated and serviced, it is commonplace for both Selwyn's wizards and Muggle dignitaries. Safety is the first thing they need to guarantee, not luxury.

Instead of having an opinion about Reina, Solim didn't quite understand what Vanessa and Willard were doing.

But he soon realized how immature he was compared to these seasoned old fritters.

The place arranged by the Council of Elders does have decent security measures, but it is more conspicuous in comparison.

Whether it is a wizard or a Muggle, all large units always have to be coordinated and planned in advance, and a large number of people means that the mouth is noisy, which means that the news is easy to leak. As long as specific implementation standards and things have been agreed upon, it means that others may also be informed.

So the place of accommodation arranged by the Presbyterian Church was leaked.

Seeing the frequent glow of magic in the distance, Solim knew that whether it was Selwyn's early receipt of the news or the keen sense of smell of the old Vantha, they had avoided a conflict with an uncertain outcome.

In the last second, Solim was still struggling to deal with the enthusiastic Reina, and after the fight over there, he appeared next to Fantha, who was watching the play, the next second.

"Did you already know?"

Solim ignored Kent and Calvin and stared straight at Vanessa.

"You know what?" Fanasha didn't even look at him, her eyes kept looking at the distance that shone with magical light

"I know that someone is coming to make trouble tonight. "

Solim couldn't help but look into the distance, because there was an extremely dazzling green light just now, and no wizard would mistake that heart-palpitating light, it was the Death Curse.

"Do you call this troublemaking?"

A green light flashed again in the distance.

"Who's here?" Solim asked, "the church, or cannon fodder for the Ridges?"

It is not appropriate to rely solely on the Requisition Charm to judge the faction. The Presbyterian Church is not the Order of the Phoenix, they also use the Require Charm, except for the people who have opened the church and don't use the Require Charm, the Aurors, the Presbyterian Action Team, the more powerful vampires, and the slightly higher-grade Dark Wizards, which one will not use the Require Charm?

"The people of the church. Vanessa didn't hide it, but said happily.

"Are they crazy?" Solim frowned, "ready to go to war with the entire wizarding world?"

"No, they're not crazy. On the contrary, they were well timed. Vanessa said, "When there is a problem within the Council of Elders, and the Richie family is in the same league with the vampires and the Dark Lord, the pressure to intervene at this time is minimal. "

Solim thought for a moment and understood what was going on.

Now that the whole of Europe is facing a serious problem of magic leaks, there are still a lot of dark creatures such as vampires, werewolves, and Dementors and dark wizards out there, and the ministries of magic and the Council of Elders are already in a hurry. At this time, there is not much pressure on the church to jump out, and even the presbyterian council will quickly reach some agreements with the church under pressure from all sides, which will be used in exchange for time to deal with internal problems.

"What is the purpose of the church?"

Every action of the big forces is purposeful, and it is impossible to do it directly as soon as the brain is hot like Xiao Young. Judging from what Solim had recently gathered about the Church, it was likely that they had come to disrupt the Wizarding Muggle Synagogue.

Vanessa's words also confirmed Solim's suspicions. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What happened to you in England last time was just a flashpoint, and the Church could not have allowed Muggles to have deep contact with wizards, and that would shake the foundations of the Church. Vanessa shook her head, and continued, "Don't look at the fight over there, but not a Muggle will have an accident." "

"Now that you know this, I don't believe that the heads of the Council of Elders haven't come up with a countermeasure. "

Looking at Vanessa's serious expression, Solim suddenly had a very bad thought:

"Wait! aren't they going to do it to Muggles and then to the church?"

It is very possible. []

What is the purpose of the Wizards holding this conference? Isn't it to strengthen communication with Muggles? If the Muggles can be made to have a bad feeling towards the Church and turn to the Wizards, then it is definitely something that the Presbyterians can do to kill a few Muggle leaders in such a chaotic situation today.

"That's right. Vanessa glanced at Solim, "That's why we're staying here." "

From a Muggle point of view, they had come to a meeting with the wizards today, and they had been well entertained along the way, but as soon as they entered the hotel to rest in the evening, they were attacked by a group of terrorists, and several prominent princes or high-ranking officials were killed...... What would Muggles think?

Of course, there will indeed be some reproach for the shaman's poor protection, but that will definitely not be the point. The point is on the church that dares to attack and kill Muggle heads!

You know, Muggles never considered themselves vassals of the Church, and the Church's approach would undoubtedly be at odds with the Muggle hierarchy. At this time, the relationship between wizards and Muggles is bound to go further - it can be said that as long as the people of the Church come tonight, the Presbyterian plan has been successful.

As for the fact that Solim and his party took the British high-ranking officials to live in the Roderick Hotel, which had not been reported and approved in advance...... It can only be said that what does the actions of the Presbyterian Council have to do with me, Selwyn?

In Selwyn's plan, Britain is already their own territory, so they naturally don't want to make troubles, and at the same time, it is just right for the royal family and those high-ranking officials to see how safe they are under the protection of Selwyn.

Some things are useless to just talk about them, and the embarrassed leaders of other countries are the most vivid examples. At that time, the British government and the royal family, after seeing the domineering style of the church, will only hug Selwyn's thigh.

At least on the surface, the wizards are more amiable and considerate of them.

Not many people can understand this big drama tonight. Although Solim was still far from the place of the battle, he still broke out in a cold sweat.

The Presbyterian Council counted Muggles and the Church together, and Selwyn took the opportunity to brush up on a wave of British officials' favorability, and it was not surprising that the people arranged by Selwyn would enter the venue to clean up the mess, and the Presbyterians would not be able to say anything about it.

Although it has long been clear that magic is not everything to wizards, such a close encounter with such layers of calculations still makes Solim feel bad, but fortunately, there is a powerful family behind him that can rely on three.

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