The capture of the Salem members was not a success, but it was not a complete failure either.

All the members of the gang who are still alive have been brought to justice, but the price paid for this is somewhat large.

Thirty-four people died in the British Ministry of Magic, three in the Presbyterian Church's Einsatzgruppen, one in Selwyn's house and one seriously wounded, not to mention the rest.

It is said that St. Mungo's is already in a mess.

There are 12 silent people out of 27 children, which is already an extremely frightening ratio, plus 3 of them are fully mature silent ......

To be honest, the ability to bring the situation under control and prevent it from spreading was entirely up to the elite wizards of the Einsatzgruppen team in exchange for their lives.

If the kind of soul scream that the mature body silently emitted was used as soon as it appeared, if nothing else, the wizards of the Ministry of Magic would probably die.

The obscurity of a mature body is extremely rare, because many times the child who is its host has already died before it can be reached. This time, 3 mature bodies popped up at once, but anyone who is not a slurry in their minds understands what this means.

The Presbyterian Church fought back unusually violently.

Two families disappeared overnight on the American side, and two seats were vacated in the United Council within the Magical Congress, and the resulting power struggle immediately became white-hot.

On the European side, in addition to those high-ranking and powerful families talking about it, the attention of ordinary wizards is still on this tragic and silent incident.

The British Ministry of Magic killed 34 people, which is definitely a seismic news, and even more shocking than this news is the 12 silent ones that appeared that day.

The Daily Prophet's report on the Silent Ran affair began to slaughter the pages.

From the introduction of what is Silence and Silence, to the famous events of Silence in history, to the details of the strength and weakness of Silence, various well-known scholars have been interviewed for this purpose......

For a while, the hottest topic in the whole of Europe was silent.

And, of course, the 34 heroes of the Ministry of Magic who gave their lives for it.

The Order of Merlin also awarded medals to commemorate their great service to the safety of the people.

It's like they gave it to Peter. Pedirou awarded the medal, but this time there would be no misunderstanding.

"They should send you one too. "

Elena said as she put a slice of apple from the silver fork into her husband's mouth.

"Even if it's not a first-class medal, the second-class one should be given to you. You've dealt a blow to the silence of a mature body. "

"Merlin's Medal?" Solim said slurred, leaning back on the bed, "that thing means nothing to us. "

The Merlin Medal is an honor, and the so-called honor is nothing more than a tool of domination. It doesn't matter to families like Selwyn, or even avoid it—they don't want to show their heads or make a big deal about themselves.

Swallowing the apple in his mouth, Solim began to talk about the Merlin Order:

"Maybe you don't know, but this so-called glorious group is not as fair and upright as most people think it is. "

"I've heard your sister tell me about Peter, right? They gave it to the wrong person. "

Elena forked another apple and put it in Solim's mouth.

"That was excusable, and the rat's first-class medal was withdrawn afterwards. "

Solim says:

"But something else might change your mind: Sirius—you've met him, his grandfather: Actulus. Blake was also awarded a First Class Order for his service to the Ministry of Magic. "

"Oh, and what did he contribute?" asked Elena, very cooperative.

"Galleons – a lot of Galleons. Solim snorted, "In other words, he bought a first-class medal." "

"I don't think it's a big deal, this kind of thing is very common, and it's an unspoken rule, and it's the same in the United States. "

Elena placed the empty plate on the bedside table, only to disappear within 3 seconds - the house-elf took it.

"And Fudge - this guy shamelessly awarded himself a first-class medal. Solim's upper body began to slowly move under the covers, and it was comfortable to sit and lie down. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I really don't know where he got his face, it is said that there was a lot of opposition within the Ministry of Magic at that time, and he was suppressed as a minister. "

Solim finally returned to his loyal bed, with only one head exposed.

"What kind of badge was awarded to these people? No, I'm just ashamed. "

"Then you can get some rest. "

Elena stood up and said:

"I'll come back in the evening, and I've replied to your sister's letter as you asked, and this girl is very dissatisfied with your behavior, saying that she wants to settle accounts with you after the holidays. "

"It depends on my absence, and I don't think the family will give me much free time. "

Solim closed his eyes.....

Although the family has already dealt with it, the soul injury will not be able to heal for a while, and he still needs to recuperate. Fortunately, things on the Muggle side have already put the framework up, and the family just needs to help keep an eye on it.

The damage done to him by Silent Ran had once again torn apart his soul, which was already tending to separate, and the effects were already beginning to be felt.

He can go deep into his heart anytime and anywhere to find another self.

It's still an oppressive gray fog, and there's no feedback under your feet, as if you're floating in the air.

Solim's presence changed the place for a moment, as the gray mist began to roll over and gradually form a human form.

"I'm still wondering how long you'll be able to endure it. "

A man who looked exactly like Solim appeared.

"Is this really irreversible?"

Solim scooped out the gray mist around him and asked:

"What will happen if the soul does withdraw from the split?"

The gray mist coalesced behind the figure, forming a chair, and he sat on it.

"It's irreversible, it can only be alleviated, but every time you get a soul hurt, the hole will be torn wider until the two of us are completely separated. "

It's like a Horcrux...... Solim couldn't help but think. A soul that is detached from the main soul and then sealed into an item completes the process of crafting a Horcrux.

"No, no, no, that's different. "

In front of the other Solim, the ontology was clearly transparent.

"The two of us are essentially 2.2 different souls, but we've just been forcibly pinched together - that made clear the last time you came in. "

But don't worry too much, there are good and bad things. If we separate completely, your mana level will drop dramatically, and you won't have as much control over your mana as you used to......"

Solim clenched his fist. These two points can be said to be the foundation of wizards, a wizard whose mana has dropped greatly and whose mana control is not as good as before...... Solim doesn't want to be in that situation if he could.

“...... But it's not without benefits. "

The other Solim lifted Erlang's legs and held his chin with one hand.

"The greater the degree of separation, the freer I am, like ...... I can even summon some of my magic and unleash an unexpected attack on our common enemy without interfering with your normal fight. "

"If you want, you can call it a triple mantra. "。

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