A person has only one body, one soul, and one consciousness.

This is true for wizards, ordinary people, trolls, giants, or other magical creatures.

But Solim was a little different.

The Curse he had been given at birth, which had led to the loss of his original soul, and coincidentally, a strange and equally broken soul had merged with him.

If nothing goes wrong, these two different souls will gradually become truly one as the body grows, without separating each other.

But things don't always go smoothly.

Sculler's training in the Diamond Curse and the Imperius Curse for the young wizards made it impossible for the young Solim to fuse the two souls completely, and later, on the eve of the family's bloodline ascension ceremony, he recklessly extracted a large amount of memories and caused the soul to be devastated......

At this point, the two souls completely lost the possibility of merging.

Solim is special.

While the souls of other young wizards were growing normally, his souls were growing twice as fast. This is also the reason why his magic is far superior to that of ordinary wizards.

And now, with the split of the soul and the awakening of another consciousness, Solim has gained more advantages, but at the same time has more flaws.

"In the future, as long as 23 is not too big a power gap, you don't have to worry about a wizard being able to threaten you - of course, if you make some low-level mistakes because of carelessness, that's your problem. "

The gray mist began to churn, and finally began to howl like a storm, but another word from Solim came to his ears clearly:

"But you have to be careful, extra careful. Your soul can't be seriously hurt anymore......"

"No one can guarantee that. Solim said, "No matter how careful I am, accidents happen. "

"Of course, of course, we all know that. "

"What if...... What will happen?" Solim already had a guess in his mind, but he needed to confirm it.

The gray fog suddenly stopped, and the violent storm seemed to be paused.

"Didn't you already guess that?" the other Solim stood up, the chair behind him turning into gray mist and blending into the storm.

He walked slowly in front of Solim.

"You've been spending too much time on irrelevant things, look at what you've been up to lately. Is that what a wizard is supposed to do?"

"Do you understand your evil spirit manifestation spell?"

"How should you go on the path of the Great Wizard, do you have a plan?"

"Are you paying attention to the balance of black magic?"

"How many books have you read in the castle that can help you?"

"You know what? you don't even have the same time as you did at Hogwarts. At that time, you were at least willing to spend time making potions and practicing spells. "

Solim knew that he was no different from ordinary wizards who graduated.

During school, he was able to learn new spells and deal with crucible potions, but after graduating, he began to work for work, and he no longer had the time and energy to follow the path of pure wizarding.

How long has it been since he's touched a crucible?

When was the last time he made potions himself?

Last Potions lesson?

He couldn't remember anymore.

"What can I do?" said Solim, a little deflated, "the family arranged for me to go to the liaison office, and then put me in charge of British affairs, can I refuse? "

"And what are you hurting this time for?"

Solim heard the sarcasm, but he didn't care.

"I was arranged by the family, and now I am understaffed, and most of them have gone to the United States to ......" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Then why don't you refuse?"


"Yes, no. The other Solim sneered, "What do those silent rans have to do with you? Cleaning them up is a matter for the Council of Elders and the Ministry of Magic, are you a team under the Council of Elders, or are you part of the Ministry of Magic?"

Solim frowned.

"Remember the people at the scene? the Aurors, the Strikers, the Presbyterian squads, and even the people sent from abroad were all Aurors, and they were there for a valid reason, because it was their job. "[]

"And what about you? in what capacity do you deal with those silent ones? a Selwyn, or that group of advisors?"

Sighing, Solim knew he was right. I don't have to meddle in silent matters at all, even if it is a family arrangement, there is a legitimate reason to refuse.

"You take yourself too seriously. Do you really think there's no one to deal with without you, or are you actually a Gryffindor who likes to be in the limelight?"

Solim began to wonder when he had become like this. He remembered that he used to do things with a very purpose, and he would not be involved in unrelated things at all. Can ...... now

"That's because we're separated! separated, you know?"

"I wasn't here, I was one with you! Soul! Consciousness! We are one! But now, apart from the body, our soul and consciousness are separated!"

"So...... Is this who I really am?" Solim looked at his palm, and he couldn't accept it.

"I really doubt that if we weren't one, and you alone, the Sorting Hat might have sent you to Gryffindor, or worse, Hufflepuff? "

"If it's you...... What would I do if I wasn't in that state of separation?"

"How?" The other Solim tilted his head, as if to confirm what he really thought about 790.

"After graduation, you won't get involved in any mess and put all your mind and energy into magic - oh my God, there are so many ways and opportunities to improve yourself, and instead of taking those time-wasting classes like at Hogwarts, you'll have a lot of time to delve into the more worthwhile knowledge - black magic, white magic, ancient magic, advanced magic patterns, all kinds of forbidden potions......"

"Find the way to the Great Wizard, sublimate your soul, and stop your soul from aging, only by becoming a Great Wizard can you have the most basic strength to wrestle with those old antiques. But you've wasted so much time on these inconsequential things. "

Solim felt his body tremble.

"Of course, there are two sides to everything. The other Solim restrained his emotions and said calmly, "If it weren't for that silent soul scream that hit you hard, you wouldn't have come here again, would you?"

"So, have you decided now? What are you going to do in the future? Do you want to keep your time and energy focused on things that don't matter, or do you really want to be a wizard?"

The still gray mist suddenly began to churn, obscuring everything in view, and the scene in sight began to distort......

Solim opened his eyes, and the candlelight was already lit in the room, and the night had fallen outside the window.

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