Nott, you look at me, I look at you, they are all scolding in their hearts, but there is no way, as long as they are still at Hogwarts for a day, they have to deal with Solim.

Besides, Solim wasn't a good guy to deal with - for them.

Many experiences have taught them that if they want to do it, it is better to save it, and they are not Solim's opponents when they are tied together, and judging from the lesson last year, Solim did not come to the real thing at that time, and he easily sent the six of them to the school hospital. So the hands-on option doesn't even exist in their minds for even a second.

Since you can't do it, you can only use your mouth.

But...... Who's coming?

But they don't have to worry about it.

"Vincent, tell me about it. Solim called Crabbe's name - something no one expected.

Crabbe became overwhelmed like Neville, who had been named by Slughorn. Under the gaze of everyone around him, Crabbe shook his head hesitantly.

"Ah—maybe they didn't take you seriously and didn't tell you at all, did they?" Solim turned his gaze back to Goyle beside him.

"And so are you, Gregory?"

The eyes of the group followed Solim as they looked at Goyle, who was as dumbfounded as Crabbe.

Goyle looked at Crabbe, then at Nott's companions, and then nodded at Solim - like Goyle, he didn't say a word, and those who didn't know thought Hogwarts was a school for the disabled.

"Tsk," Solim smacked his lips and said regretfully, "Looks like you two won't even be able to speak after you leave Draco." "

Draco looked blankly at Goyle and Crabbe, who were looking down to study the carpet pattern, and he had no hope for either of them.

"But it doesn't matter. Solim whispered, "I'm sure Theodore can talk, don't you?" I remember what you said on the train—unless you've had some strange illness or some strange curse in just a few hours since then. "

Sylna glanced at Solim and didn't speak, this brother of her own was disgusting. Last year, also here, Flint and the others were ready to admit it, but because of his words, they had to bite the bullet.

"We don't have much to say to you. "

Noether had no choice but to answer the call with his neck stiffened by Solim.

"We are hostile, do you think we have to answer your question?"

"Hostile, you and me?" sneered at Solim, "yes, you deserve it too?"

That's right, if you really want to talk about hostile relations, then Voldemort, no matter how bad it is, is with the Death Eaters, and the children of these Death Eaters are really not qualified.

But this is too ugly to hear, especially when all the Slytherin students are watching, and everyone knows what kind of "ingredients" Notte is, and the Death Eaters outside are thriving, but as a result, these "black second generations" in Hogwarts are pointed at and scolded?

But you have to do it...... That has to be able to fight, otherwise you have to be like last year's Flint, and you have to bite the bullet when there is no way back. As the "representatives" of the Death Eaters at Hogwarts, they had to give an account of the situation.

Sylna glanced at her brother angrily, thinking that unless Solim was intent on finding something to do for Madam Pomfrey as soon as school started, she would simply have nothing to do.

Nott's face was as ugly as Snape had seen someone sleeping in his class. He found himself in exactly the same situation as Flint at the time, and he had to respond to this insult and provocation as the "representative" of the Death Eaters at Hogwarts, but ...... Noether took a look around, since Flint and some of the students graduated, their personnel at Hogwarts had declined, and Flint couldn't handle Solim when they were there, let alone now.

Although the family warned against fighting Solim at school, Solim couldn't resist Solim coming to the door. Knott regretted a little that he hadn't gone into the bedroom as soon as he came back, otherwise he wouldn't have been in a dilemma here.

"Don't think you're safe at Hogwarts. Knott struggled to keep himself from pulling his wand, "You're going to get out." "

"Oh?" Solim looked at Noether with interest, "so to speak...... Do you know something?"

"Hmph, that's right. Nott sneered and looked at Solim, "You'd better pray don't get caught by us outside-"

"But you're right in front of me right now—" Solim didn't know when he drew his wand—it was the dragon staff, not the snake staff.

Seeing Solim take out his wand, Noether and the others quickly pulled out their wands in fright, and looked at Solim nervously, although they knew that it would not work if they really wanted to fight, but they still had to resist.

"This is Hogwarts!" Nott warned.

"You still know this is Hogwarts?" Solim asked, surprised, "I thought you didn't know about it." "

Then Solim's face sank, "Then put away all your thoughts! "

"We didn't do anything!" said Noether.

"What do you say about the train?" Solim squinted at him.

Everyone knew about the rush on the train, and for a moment the students looked at Knott, ready to see what he had to say.

However, Solim was not prepared to listen to Nott's nonsense, but glanced coldly at the students around him.

"I don't care what your family decides, but at Hogwarts, you'd better be honest and don't think about anything - I warned you. "

With that, Solim put away his wand. Seeing Solim's movements, Nott and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

The Slytherin students didn't say anything after listening to Solim's words, and saw that the seniors didn't speak as if they were a stake, and the freshmen naturally wouldn't be this thorn, and the Slytherin students were very good, although they didn't know who this arrogant senior was, but Solim's "specialness" at the banquet was still seen by these freshmen.

"Who-" Solim pointed to the crowd, just now he could see clearly, this was the new male prefect of the fifth grade, "You watch the freshmen, don't let them get hurt." "

The current Hogwarts prefects don't have a Death Eater background, and Dumbledore will make sure of that.

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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