"Is it necessary for you to do it?"

As soon as she got back to her bedroom, Sylna asked.

"Of course it's necessary. Solim opened his box and began to fetch things outside, such as the ash shelves.

"I don't think so. "

"Proper beating is necessary. Solim took his wand in his hand and began to lay things out one by one, "The Death Eaters out there are making a lot of noise, and if you don't give them a wake-up, they'll turn the hell upside down." I don't want them to be as smoky as they are outside. "

"Dumbledore won't care?" Sylna questioned.

"Our headmaster is too busy, so don't bother him with such trivial things. "And I don't think he's going to focus on the school in the current situation." "

The situation is now almost white-hot, and since Voldemort's appearance at the Ministry of Magic, the activities of the Death Eaters have become more rampant and frequent. Since Solim was either at Selwyn Castle or Orvis Manor, he could barely feel the panic and pressure that the Death Eaters had brought to the wizarding world—after all, Voldemort and the Death Eaters could not affect either place. Not feeling it, it doesn't mean not knowing, Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix must have been busy with their feet not touching the ground.

One thing that Solim is most satisfied with at the moment is that Dumbledore has not had his time running out because of the Gaunt ring, and as long as Dumbledore is healthy, the situation is fine. As a person with a relatively broad vision, Solim understands very well that whether it is the Order of the Phoenix or the Death Eaters, they are just embellishments and side drumming roles, and the key is still in the two great wizards Dumbledore and Voldemort, as long as the two of them don't have an accident, no matter how lively the fight is outside, it is generally balanced.

The key now is whether Dumbledore was killed by Voldemort first, or if all of Voldemort's Horcruxes were found first, and other than that, nothing else mattered.

When they got up the next day, the three of them still did not go to the Great Hall to eat, but were personally delivered by the house-elves. Since the choice is prudent, then it is better to follow through to the end, at least until Voldemort is solved, Solim is not prepared to give anyone a chance.

For Year 6 students, there are no classes this morning, they need to bring their report cards to their respective deans, and then get the dean's approval, count the list, and finally decide which classes to take, and the class schedule is also arranged during this time. After all, there are grade regulations for the sixth grade course, and if you don't meet the requirements, you can't get in.

Solim was still the same: Spells, Shapes, Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, and Ancient Patterns, and other than that, Solim wasn't ready to waste time on other subjects

Draco is different from Neville and Solim, they all have a lot of classes, for example, Neville also chooses herbs and magical creatures, but his Transfiguration is strong enough to meet the minimum requirements of the McGonagall Sect, according to Neville himself, Professor McGonagall advised him to give up Transfiguration, but he eventually did.

Coming to the sixth grade means that the so-called class teaching, but the students of the four houses get together to take classes, and once they come to the sixth grade, the difficulty and degree of teaching are not at the same level as before.

Take Defence Against the Dark Arts as an example, when you reach the sixth grade, you start to get into the dark arts. Of course, the standard for this dark magic is the kind set by the Ministry of Magic. This meant that the forbidden area of the Hogwarts library would be open to students, much to Hermione's excitement.

Officially getting started with black magic is something to look forward to for almost all students. Regardless of how students express their opposition to the dark arts in their daily activities, when the time comes to get their hands on it, it's a different story—the more forbidden things are, the more they arouse curiosity, which is a common human disease, and has nothing to do with whether they are witches or not.

Even though Snape was teaching this year's Defence Against the Dark Arts class, it still couldn't stop the students' expectations. It's not so much that the students are looking forward to Defence Against the Dark Arts class, but rather that they are looking forward to learning about the dark arts.

Unlike Snape's Defence Against the Dark Arts class, Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class became more boring and esoteric. Transfiguration is a discipline that requires extremely strict theoretical knowledge, and even the slightest sloppiness is unacceptable. This is difficult for wizards who have not been trained in systematic logic – or, in layman's terms, mathematics classes – to make sense of the interconnections between theories and accepted laws.

Solim has read the textbook, and this year's Transfiguration will begin to come into contact with the concept of secondary transfiguration, and most Aurors can only do this, so you can imagine the difficulty of it. However, this is no longer a problem for Solim, who is very good at mana control, and has mastered it quite well.

As for the potions class, which has been resisted by students before, this year will also begin to officially contact some practical potions, whether it is a living hell decoction used to harm people, or the preparation method of antidote used to save people, this year will start to learn systematically.

In short, the study of the sixth grade is fundamentally different from the previous five years. More esoteric, more difficult, and ...... More practical.

For most ordinary students, the last two years at Hogwarts will determine their future capital in wizarding society, and every year a Year 7 student collapses because they can't find a suitable job near graduation.

Year 6 students have their own timetable in the morning and start classes in the afternoon. Students from the four houses have a class together, which is a new sensation for students who have just entered Year 6.

It also gave them a new feel to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom - yes, just the classroom, not the professor who taught it.

The professor of this course still feels the same to the students. Even the students thought they were in the wrong place and had arrived in the Potions classroom, which was exactly the same as Snape's Potions professor.

Apparently, Snape had branded his own personality traits into this classroom. The curtains were drawn tightly, except for the faint glow of the candles, which was dimmer than usual. There are some pictures on the walls that were not there before, many of which depict people in pain, hideous wounds, and bizarre twisted body parts.

Although there was some discomfort in the senses, the students were more excited. _

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