Hermione's well-trained arm was raised first, and Slughorn pointed at her.

"Truth spitting. - A colorless, tasteless potion that forces those who drink it to tell the truth. Hermione replied that thanks to Solim, Hermione had seen a lot of finished potions. Although the elixir looked very similar to the pot of life and death water next to her, Hermione could still tell it at a glance.

"Good, good!" said Slughorn happily. "Now," he continued, pointing to the other cauldron, "this comparison is famous...... It has also been highlighted in several pamphlets recently distributed by the Ministry...... Who can ——?"

Once again, Hermione's hand was raised. Without waiting for Slughorn to call her name, he replied impatiently, "It's a polyjuice potion—"

Hermione couldn't help but glance at Solim. The guy who never spoke in class was able to make this potion in his second year, even though there was a bit of an accident at the time.

Harry recognized the bubbling mud in the second cauldron, and glanced at Solim diagonally across from him, remembering how he had become Neville.

"Great, great! And this ...... here. You say, dear?" said Slughorn, looking a little surprised to see Hermione's hand raise again.

"It's an aphrodisiac. "Hermione is all too familiar with this.

It wasn't because Hermione had made the potion, of course, but because she had confiscated a batch from Fred and George, but it was a weakened version, and the two guys were going to sell it to the students at school.

"Not bad at all. It seems that there is no need to ask," said Slughorn, with a sincere admiration, "I think you must know what it is for?"

"It's the most potent love potion in the world!" Hermione said.

"Exactly! I think you recognize it by its peculiar mother-of-pearl sheen, right?"

"And its peculiar spiraling vapor," Hermione said with interest, "and its smell varies from person to person, depending on what they like best...... For example, I smell—"

Hermione suddenly stopped talking, and she glanced at Solim through the rising smoke.

Draco elbowed Solim.

"Honey, can you tell me your name?" Slughorn asked, seemingly unaware of Hermione's embarrassment.

"Hermione. Mr. Granger...... I mean—professor. "

"Granger, Granger...... Are you talking to Hertock, the founder of the Extraordinary Pharmacists Association. Is Dagworth-Granger related?" Slughorn asked.

The Extraordinary Pharmacists Association and the Pharmacists Association are two institutions. The former is privately run, while the latter is more official - it's just that the official lines in the wizarding world are blurred.

"No, probably not, sir. I'm Muggle-born. "

Some Slytherin students made pleasant noises.

Slughorn didn't show any disappointment. Instead, he smiled and looked at Hermione, then at Harry, who was sitting next to her.

"I'm sure that's the friend you're talking about, Harry?"

"You're right, Professor. "

"Good, good, add a well-deserved twenty points to Miss Gryffindor's Granger. Slughorn said kindly.

It was big news that the Gryffindor students had received extra points in Potions class, though it was clear to all the students that it had a lot to do with Snape's lack of being the teacher.

"Of course, aphrodisiacs don't really create love. Love cannot be made or imitated. No, this potion can only cause intense obsessions or obsessions. It's probably the most dangerous and powerful potion in this classroom—"

I saw that some students were unimpressed – especially some female students. Slughorn said solemnly: "When your life experience is as rich as mine, you will not underestimate the power of the demon's infatuation......

Indeed, look at Voldemort, his birth is inextricably linked to this potion.

"Now," Slughorn continued, "we should start class." "

"Sir, you haven't told us what this is. "

Just like the most competent of praisers, Ernie. McMillan said, pointing to a small black crucible on Slughorn's podium. The potion in the small crucible splashed happily, its color like molten gold, and large drops of liquid jumped on the surface, like goldfish, but not a drop spilled outside.

"Ho!" Slughorn said again. No one believed that Slughorn would forget about the potion, he just waited for someone else to ask, in order to create a dramatic effect.

"By the way, I haven't said that yet. Ladies and gentlemen, that thing is a most peculiar little potion called the Elixir. I think ......" he turned to look at Hermione with a smile, "you must know what the elixir does, Miss Granger?"

"It's a lucky potion! it can bring you good luck!" Hermione looked at the golden potion that pulsed in the cauldron, her eyes full of excitement.

"That's right, that's right. Slughorn said with a smile.

"As far as I know, though, the recipe for this potion is strictly secret. Hermione glanced at Solim again.

"Ah, indeed. Slughorn nodded, "If all of you here are going to take the title of 'Potions Master' in the future, you will know the recipe by then." "

Slughorn suddenly showed a look of remembrance, and his tone was full of emotion: "But it wasn't easy, it was a difficult time. "

Solim was probably the only one here who understood what Slughorn was feeling.

The brewing cycle of the elixir starts in half a year, during which you must not leave an inch, and there is no fixed time when adding materials, but according to the reaction of the potion during the boiling period, maybe when you are napping, there is a sudden reaction in the crucible, or when you solve a personal problem - at this time you have to put on your pants, and you don't even have time to lift your pants, you have to rush to the operating table to add materials.

Even if everything goes well, it will take half a year to brew a qualified elixir, and during this period, you have to eat and drink in the same room. Not to mention the consequences of failing to brew - in short, even if he had the ability to configure the Elixir, Solim would not do it, and brewing the Elixir was simply torture, and he had to bear the serious consequences of failure.

Slughorn seemed to return to reality, saying, "I'm going to give this vial of Elixir as a prize for this lesson. "

All the students immediately held their breath, and there was silence in the classroom, and every bubbling and boiling sound of the surrounding potions seemed to be amplified tenfold.

No one didn't want the golden vial in Slughorn's hand - except for Solim, who already had it, and lay in his chest eating ashes. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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