Living Hell Decoction is the official name, and it also has a widely known common name: Life and Death Water.

Now Slughorn asked them to configure such a potion.

Just like its common name, the water of life and death can cause two effects in the person who takes it: slumber and irreversible slumber. This is a very dangerous potion, and the effect depends on the amount of key ingredients added and the amount of finished potion.

Solim had practiced with the Water of Life and Death for a while, but not for the potion itself, but for the precision with which the ingredients were added.

You need to be extra careful when adding ingredients to the Water of Life and Death, as too many materials may cause that irreversible lethargy - although many people deliberately add more materials when configuring it, after all, the Water of Life and Death is a potion that is relatively easy to configure to "harm" people.

"So," Slughorn said, suddenly in good spirits, "turn to page ten of Advanced Potions Making, please." We still have more than an hour, and you can use this time to make a good potion of living hell. I know it's more complicated than anything you've ever done before, and I don't expect anyone to make a perfect potion. However, the one who does the best will win the vial. Alright, let's get started!"

There was a cacophony of scraping, everyone pulling the crucible in front of them, and then the sound of clanging weights on the scales, but no one spoke, and the high concentration made the students look nervous.

Brand new textbooks, so Harry couldn't get "help" from Snape. When Harry saw Harry handle the sleepy beans in the same way as the other students described in the textbook, Solim couldn't help but sigh: maybe this is the best manifestation of the butterfly effect.

Solim still had time to observe the others, and everyone else was nervously trying to hold down the sleepy beans that were jumping around.

Having learned of Slughorn in advance, and knowing that his grades were not as strict as Snape's, Harry had prepared his Potions textbook before school started, which gave him no advantage when it came to handling materials.

Just as Harry, like the other students, was struggling with the slumbering sleepy beans, he stumbled upon Solim, who was slowly squeezing the irritating beans with his silver dagger and it seemed to work quite well.

"Hermione—" Harry whispered to Hermione next door.

Hermione ignored him, though, as she was concentrating on the sleepy beans in her hand. Every time she held down the sleepy beans to cut them, the magical beans would break free from her hands and start bouncing around - just like any other student.


"What?" Hermione replied irritably, not even looking at Harry, for she had to keep an eye on the bouncing beans or she might jump under the table.

"Look at Solim—"

Through the smoke that began to rise in the classroom, Hermione could see that Solim had begun to add materials to the cauldron.

"Look at what?" Solim's drowsiness was over, and Hermione naturally didn't see it.

"Squeeze it, don't cut it. Harry said as Lim did what he had just done, and it worked surprisingly well, as if the "lively" ones had suddenly died, motionless.

Hermione saw Harry's methods, and although she was surprised by the unexpected honesty of the beans in Harry's hands, Hermione decided to question them.

"But that's not what the book says—" Hermione glanced at the book, "—and it clearly states that it's 'cut, not 'squeezing,' and that doing so might change some of the properties of the material. "

Hermione's words are right, potions are such a thing, and the effects of the materials will be different depending on the way they are handled, but most of those are high-end potions, and for entry-level potions like the Water of Life and Death, this kind of thing does not exist.

While Hermione was still struggling with whether or not to learn from Harry, Solim's cauldron had turned pale cyan, while the rest of the students were dark purple.

"Ho, it looks like Mr. Selwyn is ahead of his time. Slughorn didn't know when he dangled to Solim's side with a big belly, "The others need to hurry." "

Seeing this, Harry did not hesitate to put the juice into his crucible, and the potion immediately turned the pale cyan color mentioned in the book, and he glanced at Hermione in surprise, only to find that Hermione did the same thing without saying a word after seeing this scene.

Harry grinned, and continued to observe Solim's movements through the thick fog that had begun in the classroom.

"You're cheating. Hermione said that, but she was honest.

"No, I think it's learning from other people's experiences. Harry quibbled that he really wanted the vial of the elixir, though he knew that there was a good chance that he would not be able to compete with Solim.

"Yes, very good!" Slughorn's voice startled Harry, the balding pot-bellied old man who didn't know when he had come over.


"Don't worry about me, old man. Slughorn smiled at Harry and said, "You should focus on your potion, I see you're on good tracks." Of course—"

Slughorn struggled to stick out his neck and glance at Hermione's cauldron.

—Miss Granger as well. "

Slughorn said happily, "I'm glad to see that four of the students are ahead of the curve, keep up the good work-"

Four?Harry looked around at the students around him, confused.

Ernie was still scrambling to press his beans. Ron was cursing and clutching his hand, apparently cutting his own hand. When he saw Draco next to Solim, Harry suddenly realized.

Hermione said something like "this is cheating", but her eyes glanced uncontrollably at Solim's side from time to time.

"That doesn't seem right. Harry said, stirring his crucible, "It should be pink by now—Solim's, but I've been stirring it for a long time." "

"His approach is different from the one in the book. Hermione's ability to observe was stronger than Harry's, and she quickly noticed that something was wrong, "The book says to stir counterclockwise, but look at Solim—"

Harry couldn't see anything, for Solim had already done that. But Harry glanced at Draco next to Solim.

"Look—" Hermione said in surprise, "My potion has changed color!"

Sure enough, the potion in Hermione's cauldron had turned from dark purple to pink.

"I'll be sure to ask him when class is over!" Hermione said through gritted teeth as she stared at Solim. "_

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