Solim has always been calculating and sneaking up on others, when has he ever been attacked?

Oh, and there was a terrible scar on his back that time, but that scar was fine after the bloodline sublimation ceremony. After all, he was very bad with Richie and the gang at that time, but in general, Solim was mentally prepared for that time.

But this time it was different, Solim was attacked by a wizard without the slightest psychological preparation - in the depths of the Forbidden Forest, in the midst of a broken tribe of dark horse people, by a wizard...... Who would have thought of such a thing? How could a Dark Horse man have a relationship with a wizard, and how could Dumbledore allow an alien wizard to hide in the Forbidden Forest?

Didn't Hagrid find any clues? The Graypoons didn't notice the changes in their old neighbors' tribes, but none of these issues mattered now, what mattered was to force the wizard out.

Solim was scared at first - after all, the effect of the spell just now was not ordinary, it was obviously a lethal spell, and it was going straight to his head, if it was true, Solim estimated that he would be finished. But after the fear came anger - he rarely had this emotion, and the reason for this emotion was the fragment in his hand now.

It's a good thing that can save my life, and I didn't cover it hot in my hand, and I didn't even hold on to it for three days before I was reimbursed. Although the amulet was meant to be used in such a situation, it was unacceptable for Solim to be used in a place like this, in a dilapidated tribe of centaurs, and in a place where there should be no wizards.

If it was used while fighting other wizards, Solim could accept it. But what is this place? It's the Forbidden Forest! How can there be wizards in the Forbidden Forest?

Solim's heart was going through a violent psychological activity, but the Basque was already starting to rejoice at this time, and the dark horse people with weapons were not his opponents, how could they resist the ravages of the Basque when they were unarmed and mostly entangled in vines?

The deadly fangs, the sight of death, the sheer size of their bodies, and their greater strength than the centaurs made them defenseless, and with the exception of a few centaurs who ran away without getting tangled in the vines at first, most of them were crushed into the dirt by the Basques, and a few unlucky ghosts met the Basque eyes......

The already very dilapidated tribe of the Dark Horse people has become even more dilapidated, those broken grass houses have been razed to the ground, and a few stone houses have been smashed by the Basques, and now the tribe of the Dark Horse people can be called "ruins".

The few undead centaurs lay in the ground groaning, and the Basque stared at them one by one, and gradually there was no sound in the field.

"Did you spot a wizard?" Solim asked Basque.

"No, the blood and that strange smell here is too strong for me to smell people. "What is that strange smell?" and what are these four-legged ones doing? I see a unicorn there. "

Belch...... What does this make Solim say? Basilisks are the product of magic, they have no ability to reproduce, what if after Solim finished speaking, Basque has the idea of finding a "mate"? Where is he going to find another basilisk? And even if Solim had the ability to help Basque find a kind, the basilisk has no gender, and he doesn't have that set of organs—Solim is sure of this, because he is so familiar with the snake's body, and he himself studied "research" when he was in the Animagus form It's over.

"The centaur ...... Well, bullying that poor unicorn. That's all Solim can say, don't look at the Basque is more than a thousand years old, but still a child......

Solim hastily answered Basque's question and began to look around, he was sure that the wizard who had just sneaked up on him hadn't left.

"What's going on?" Ferenze trotted over.

"There's a wizard here, and it's a very unfriendly kind. Solim's eyes scanned everything he could see, "He attacked me just now, if it weren't for the fact that I still have some family background, I would have confessed just now." "

"Find him, there's another human here. "

Solim suddenly hissed again, and the surviving snakes of the centaur tribe began to wander around, acting as Solim's eyeliner. There is one thing that the Parseltongue has in Solim's opinion is very advantageous - compared to human language, the Parseltongue can influence a fairly large range, so there is no need to shout at the top of your voice like ordinary people.

The wizard was still lurking in the dark waiting for an opportunity, which Solim knew, he wanted to see the "color" of the wizard who attacked him first, if he could deal with it, then naturally there was nothing to say, if not, Solim could also leave calmly. Just now he was caught off guard, but now that he has a defense, Solim can resist that means.

"You go first. Solim said to Ferencze: "If there is a fight in a while, I may not be able to take care of you." "

Solim already had a plan in his heart about the wizard lurking in the shadows, if that wizard was really powerful, in the case of a sneak attack, he could take advantage of Solim's flaws exposed at that moment to chase and fight, instead of hiding like now.

Therefore, Solim judged that the wizard might have two brushes, but it was only "two brushes", and it was likely that he was the kind of wizard who was very "biased".


Hearing the return coming from the air, Solim's eyes lit up, and he shot in an instant-


The huge explosion directly overturned a big tree hugged by two people, and a black shadow flashed out quickly, and hid behind another number.

Without Solim's explanation, the Basque Country ran over with his own size, knocking several trees crooked, and even turning out the soil on the ground.

Solim didn't strike again, and since the Basque Country was gone, he just had to wait for the wizard to be kicked out - he could now be sure that the wizard was the same spell he had just used was a little weird. This wizard isn't the kind of person who can use apparition at will in combat, otherwise things wouldn't have gotten to this point.

Now that the enemy has been exposed, Solim will naturally not be polite.

"It's a dwarf. The Basque Country was still on a rampage, and he was driving the wizard in the direction of Solim, "I can bite him now." "

"Don't bite him, give him to me. Solim hurriedly stopped, and was bitten by the Basques, and when Solim passed, the man died.

The centaur tribe was well lit, so Solim could see the guy who had attacked him—a short man, as the Basque Country had said, wearing a tattered robe with black skin on the outside of the robe, and a hood with several fist-sized heads hanging from his swarthy neck under the hood—apparently the wizard was black.

Solim seemed to know where the man who had attacked him had come from.

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