Wizards are a special group of people who are not unique to Europe, and there are people with magical talents all over the world. It's just that the application of "magic" and the emphasis are different

The black man lying on the ground now was clearly a wizard who did not belong to the European wizarding system - as Solim had previously judged: although this wizard could have some strange spells, he was not very strong in combat overall. If Solim was to say it, Harry might be able to beat this guy if he was careful.

The "black" wizard who had his tracks exposed was quickly brought down by Solim - who had a crushing advantage when it came to spell speed. Apparently this wizard is the kind of wild man who has not been professionally trained, as Solim has seen since the guy showed up.

But it was such a wild wizard who asked Solim to reimburse him for a talisman that could block the spell for him at a critical moment, and Solim didn't recruit "280" to provoke him, why did this wizard sneak attack without saying a word?

Again, who would have thought that in the depths of the Forbidden Forest, there would be a wizard hidden in the tribe of the Dark Horse people?

The guy on the ground was already tied up, and Solim was ready to be interrogated on the spot, anyway, there was still a lot of truth spitting in the potion that Gilvais had given him for Solim to squander.

After pouring the elixir, Solim woke him up with his wand.

"Don't think about struggling. Solim sneered at the wizard in front of him, "Don't be careful—I've put away all the bits and pieces on you." "

The wizard tucked his chin and looked over his chest, and sure enough, the few human heads he had hung around his neck were gone.

"African wizards are rare, and if I hadn't learned about it, I wouldn't have been able to see what you were doing. "

Solim waved his wand, and the vines on the ground twisted together to form an alternative chair, and Solim sat on it.

When Solim was still in school at Sculler, the professor there had spoken about the current state of magic in various parts of the world. One of the closer to Europe are the wizards of Africa.

There are two types of wizards in Africa - one is the regular wizard who studied at the Ouagado School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Uganda (this Rowling has mentioned), this type of wizard is not much different from most wizards, and also lives in a crowd to disguise his identity as a wizard, but the other is the tribal wizard, and it has to be admitted that there are still many tribes on the continent who follow the ancient precepts, they are far away from the modern society, away from the crowd, and completely dependent on the tribe for self-sufficiency. The lineage of such tribal wizards is very private, and is often nurtured by the old wizards of the previous generation who select suitable children in the tribe, and because they have little contact with the outside world, these wizards often have some "alternative" magic.

While these "alternative" forms of magic may seem unworthy to most formally trained wizards, there is always something that will make people shine - such as the method of making the corpse that came to Europe from African tribes.

"What's your name?" Solim looked into the wizard's eyes, I don't know if it was because of the skin, Solim always felt that the whites of the guy's eyes in front of him were particularly white.

"%............*" The wizard spat out a barrage of things that Solim didn't understand, apparently his name.

After talking about a bunch of nonsense, a look of horror appeared on the wizard's face. He was clearly frightened by his state. He understood English, so Solim would only respond when he asked him to say his name, but apparently he didn't have an English name.

"What have you done to me?" The earth wizard's English was somewhat accented, but he was able to understand it.

"I just want you to be honest. Solim smiled and said, "Then I'll call you ......"

Solim struggled to recall the last few sounds of the guy on the ground when he signed up.

"Oschatz ...... Sasse? Well, it doesn't matter, it's just a title. Solim pulled off a small sprout from the vine in his hand, grinded his fingers, and said, "Why are you here?"

This is clearly a critical issue.

"I was tricked!"

Oschatz ...... Let's call it Oschath, and Solim decided on the English name of the wizard.

But this answer surprised Solim a little, he was tricked? What does this mean? Under the effect of the truth elixir, this answer is directly related to the question asked by Solim.

"By whom?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

"Those wizards in black robes. "

Death Eaters?Solim thought of them at once.

"Masked?" asked Solim again.

"Yes, they did come to me with a silver mask....."

This one...... Solim thought about it, and felt that it was not incomprehensible for the Death Eaters to do such a thing. Attacking Hogwarts was an extremely risky affair, especially if Dumbledore was still alive. Death Eaters...... Or it makes sense that Voldemort wanted more cannon fodder for his men. After all, although it seemed to be a huge day that night, the wizards they recruited were really not good, and it was entirely the Death Eaters who were supporting the scene. []

Dumbledore did not die, and although the Ministry of Magic was controlled by the Death Eaters, it did not fall overall, and it was to be expected that Voldemort's side was understaffed.

It's just such a thing as Lajonding...... Solim felt that it was a bargain.

"Do you have an accomplice?" Solim didn't believe that Voldemort sent a Death Eater to Africa and brought one back, there must be someone else, otherwise Voldemort wouldn't have spared the Death Eater on this mission.

"They're all dead. "

"How did you die? Fearing that there were other accomplices hiding in the Forbidden Forest, Solim moved his ass forward slightly, signaling the Basque Country.

"There were five of us, and those black-robed men asked us to drive those giant spiders to attack the back door, and we met two wizards, one lame and the other dark-skinned like us. "

Come on, Solim didn't think he needed to listen anymore. Encountering Moody and Kingsley, the two top Aurors, there was still one of the five of them, it would be better to say how the guy in front of him survived. 3.1 Don't look at Moody as a lame leg and old, but if you take the half-wizard like Oschatz in front of you as a benchmark, let alone five, even fifteen Moody and Kingsley can kill them all.

"How did you survive?" Solim was genuinely curious this time, judging by the level that Oschatz had just shown, he would be overturned if he met Moody. Solim cleaned up and he only used two tricks - so simple that he didn't even need to write about it.

"I was driving those spiders from behind......"

Solim rolled his eyes, it turned out that this is how he survived. Just as he was about to learn about the magic that had just sneaked up on him, the corner of Solim's eye suddenly caught something—a black mist that suddenly appeared in the air.

When the black fog cleared, a figure appeared.

Solim recognized the face - Levitsis, Elrond's father.

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