"It's like it's really happening. "

Sylna and Solim were standing in the backyard looking across the river. The weather is gray all over London today, as if a filter has been installed in front of everyone's eyes. It's not just the weather that's in problem, it's the temperature. Although it is normal to be cold this month, the current coldness from the bones and the uneasiness in the heart are felt by every ordinary person.

Wizards know what's going on, especially for those who have been in contact with Dementors, and they know exactly what the cause of this phenomenon is.

"Will it be serious?" said Sylna, looking at Solim.

"Casualties are a certainty. Solim's eyes caught a flash of green light in the clouds in the distance. He'd seen that kind of light, it was a life-requishing spell. Apparently there are wizards with flying charms in the sky fighting.

"Dumbledore didn't show up the last time they attacked Hogwarts, do you think he'll make a move this time?"

"If the Dark Lord really provoked this incident with the intention of killing Harry, then Dumbledore would definitely have taken action. Solim said firmly, but then changed his words: "Of course, it's hard to say, this time there is such a big battle, maybe it is to divert Dumbledore's attention and seek something else." "

"For example?"

"That diary ......"

"You mean Riddle?" Sylna thought for a moment, "Didn't you say that Dumbledore would carry something so important with him?"

"That's also when the score is scored. Solim said: "It is a special situation for the Dark Lord to lead people to attack Hogwarts, and it is to be safe to carry the diary with him, but after all, it is Riddle, Dumbledore wants to give him another chance to start over, and he will not take him with him every day, after all, he has so many secret things with the Order of the Phoenix, and he will definitely not let Riddle come into contact." "

"Hogwarts?" Sylna was startled, "Do you think the Dark Lord will turn around and run to Hogwarts by himself after making sure Dumbledore is here......?"

"Then you don't know much about our headmaster. Solim shook his head as he looked at the clouds in the distance, which had begun to flicker with a spell of light, "How could he have left such a big flaw in his actions? If he really didn't think of this, then it can only mean one thing-"

Solim turned to look at Sylna.

"What?" asked Sylna, cooperatively.

"—he did it on purpose. "

"That's how you believe in Dumbledore's abilities?"

Sylna had never had a deep conversation with Dumbledore, and had never taken the initiative to get to know Dumbledore, and although she had some general impressions of Dumbledore through Solim, she didn't believe that the old man, who was already over a hundred years old, could be foolproof - after all, people make mistakes.

"It's not that I believe in his abilities, it's that his abilities make people have to believe them. "

Solim continued to turn his gaze to the clouds in the distance, which were now filled with numerous flashes of spells, both green and red.

"Would you believe me if I told you that the Dark Lord had been calculated by Dumbledore until now that he had that feared name?"

"You don't think you have something to tell me again?" Sylna was keenly aware of the message in her brother's words.

"These things have nothing to do with you, and they are all old things, what do you want to do with them. "

Sylna glanced at Solim.

"Then you can stand here by yourself, and I'll go inside and watch TV. Sylna took two steps, then turned back and said, "What about you and Elena? You can't be like this all the time, you need to take the initiative to get to know her, she's actually a pretty good girl." "

Elena...... Solim frowned.

"We've had a lifetime of getting to know each other, and that's not bad for that time. Solim pouted, "Of course, that has to be on the premise that their family is not prepared to make any small moves, or rather, our side is not prepared to do anything to them. "

"Why aren't you tired?"

"Tired, but what can I do?" Solim finally turned around and spread his hands to Sylna, "You should know very well how things will develop in the end, me and Elena, we have no ability to interfere, if Grandpa doesn't do a good job in the United States, the family doesn't suppress it in the future, or some haunted family is fanning the flames on the side...... There's always been some caution within Greif - we've known that for a long time, but I'm afraid they'll do something substantial, and if something like this happens, I think you know what things are going to turn out of. "

Sylna bit her lip, she wasn't unclear about what Solim said, but women and men never considered things from the same angle and way - whether they were ordinary people or wizards.

"Will there really be that day?"

Seriously, Sylna's feelings for Elena are really good, she can see that Elena is a girl with no scheming, it should be said that she was too well protected by Greve before, and she has never been exposed to the dark side of wizarding society. Having such a girl marry her brother, Sylna is very satisfied. However, their future development will be extremely uncertain, which has always made Sylna a little worried.

"It's not for me to decide. Besides, I think it's good to be in this state right now. "

Solim spotted Cheedo floating around by the third-floor window, giving lessons to two little ones with the surname Eakins.

"Nice, why do I think you don't want to invest too much energy and time in Elena, lest something go wrong and make a trade-off later?"

As a younger sister, Sylna knew Solim too well. During the Triwizard Tournament, the French girl Reina. Miss Roderick took the initiative to give her a hug, but her brother was stunned and did not understand until the year passed. Why did Solim do this, Sylna, as a younger sister, naturally understands that for things that are destined to have no results, this brother of his will definitely not spend any experience and time. Besides, the Richie family was also a factor during that time, and Solim was worried that they would do something to their friends, and Solim's "girlfriend" was simply a good target.


Solim and Sylna were discussing their relationship under the influence of the Dementors, which did cause Solim some distress, but Harry was willing to swap things with Solim - at least he could feel at ease instead of having to keep an eye out for the spells coming from behind him, or the Dementors popping up from above.

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