Harry vaguely remembered that it was his birthday, and from the experience of the few birthdays he had in his 17-year-old life, this birthday was undoubtedly special. This wasn't to say that he was an adult, but he never thought his birthday would be like this—riding on a broomstick to dodge spells from all directions, or using the Patronus Charm to drive away the Dementors who came to him. As for the wizards who clung to their back, it was up to others to deal with them.

"Concentrate on, Harry!" Sirius flew over Harry on a broomstick, and returned a stun spell in the direction the spell had come from.

"Where are we going?"

Harry had just opened his mouth with a mouthful of wind, and there was a strange smell. Before he could ask any questions, Moody shoved a silver arrow 700 into his hand, and Harry himself had a firebolt, though he hadn't flown in a long time...... But time was running out, and Moody didn't give Harry a chance to go back and get the firebolts, and forcibly shoved the antiques under his ass that could now be used as collectibles.

Harry could be said to have been forced to fly by Moody and the others, and by the way, Harry didn't get any explanation, although Harry had already seen that the wizard who was chasing them was a Death Eater, but he still didn't know what was going on, and Sirius and Professor Lupin obviously didn't have a chance to explain to him right now - both of them were constantly dodging the flying spell and fighting back from time to time.

Although he didn't know exactly what was going on, Harry was well aware of the situation he and the others were in. Ever since leaving Privet Road on a broomstick, Harry felt as if he had entered another world - gray everywhere, with Dementors coming out of the fog every now and then, or some colorful spell shooting from behind. The most dangerous times were a few wizards who had the ability to use flying charms, sneaking up from a great height with a churning black mist, but fortunately Moody and Sirius were both experienced wizards, otherwise Harry felt that he would not have been able to break through this blockade alone.

Unbeknownst to Harry, the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters had already started while he was sleeping last night.

According to the news from Snape, almost everyone in the Order of the Phoenix thought that Voldemort would be eager to lead all the men and horses to Privet Road, but when they kept guard all night and did not even see a single figure, there was news from within the Ministry of Magic that there were many unknown people near Hogwarts and Hogsmeade - this attracted the attention of the Order of the Phoenix. They even sent a few people to the Weasleys' Burrow to divert their attention.

Although the Weasleys were fine, the house burned down completely—just last night. So when the Order of the Phoenix, which received the news early this morning, was preparing to split up in two ways, all the way to Hogwarts and all the way back to the headquarters with Harry, an overwhelming number of Dementors appeared, mixed with a lot of Death Eaters.

The Death Eaters did not take advantage of the darkness of the night, as the Order of the Phoenix had envisioned, but attacked in the open during the day. Dumbledore explained that he was not allowed to leave without the effects of the Blood Curse had worn off, which gave the Death Eaters a chance - after all, the Order of the Phoenix could not have dragged Harry out of bed at the beginning of the day.

The Order of the Phoenix was disrupted by this sudden formation. Moody, as the most experienced Auror, decisively divided the people into two groups, one wave broke through in the direction of Hogwarts, and he continued to maneuver with Harry.

"Why are we riding broomsticks?"

Harry certainly didn't hate riding a broomstick, in fact he loved it, but he didn't understand why he couldn't get out of here by apparition.

"There are Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic, they already control the vast majority of departments, and the Department of Transportation is already theirs. Moody "lay on top of a strangely shaped broomstick, firing a spell behind him without looking back.

"They've locked down this area, and any wizard who has passed the Phantom Shifting exam and is registered with the Ministry of Magic can monitor it, so we can't use Phantom Shifting, let alone using Phantom Shifting to go to HQ. "

Any wizard with a formal magical education is registered with the Ministry of Magic, and from the time they bought the wand, they have been under the supervision of the Ministry of Magic, and the Ministry of Magic can monitor the wizard's spell casting behavior through these regular channels of selling wands, and can also monitor the movement of wizards who have obtained regular apparition qualifications. Moody, as a wizard from Hogwarts, naturally had already been registered with the Ministry of Magic, not to mention that he was still an Auror.

"Then can we only be chased and beaten by them like this?"

Harry saw Sirius and Lupin join forces to knock a Death Eater off a broomstick. It seems that the number of enemies around them is beginning to increase.

Since it was daytime, Harry had to fly high to avoid the Muggles' sight, but fortunately, the dense fog brought by the large number of Dementors concealed their figures, but it also concealed the Death Eaters' bodies well, which made the Order of the Phoenix a little overstretched to deal with.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to repel a wave of attacks, Harry hurriedly shouted at Sirius, "Where are we going?"


Harry was a little overwhelmed by the situation, and had to follow Moody's actions. But that's good, after all, there's someone to protect him, isn't it? But who are the people of London going to protect them? They don't even know what's going on.

Something is wrong with London today, and many people have found out. It was almost noon, I don't know what was wrong with the weather, it started to turn gray, this situation was very abnormal, and what was even more abnormal was everyone's feelings—unexplained palpitations, panic, and even some of the more mentally fragile people began to show signs of collapse, and the children—their cries never stopped.

Ordinary people didn't understand what caused it, after all, they had never seen a Dementor, and of course, they couldn't, even if the Dementor stood in front of them, these ordinary people without magic would not be able to see these disgusting creatures.

However, this does not prevent ordinary people from concluding that something is wrong.

"Foggy City" is actually a slightly pejorative term, and no one in the City of London has called her for a long time, but today everyone is reminded of the accident of 1952. It was the same time, gray, with a strange smell in the air, and then a large number of people fell ill and died......

Naturally, this is what happened today: people suddenly convulsed and fell on the road, showing frightened looks, but could not say a word......

Ordinary people certainly don't associate this unusual weather with something like "magic", but sometimes the truth of the matter is brutal - Muggles can't see Dementors, so they simply don't know what makes them feel cold and gives them creepy feelings.

The city of London is going to be in chaos......

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