"Needless to say, no doubt everyone in the wizarding family has heard of Nicolame and his Philosopher's Stone. Ron was talking to a group of freshmen, "Hogwarts once had one. "

The freshmen let out a suppressed exclamation, and the Muggle-born wizard asked his classmates what the Philosopher's Stone was.

"The Defence Against the Dark Arts professor that year was a guy named Quirrell, but his real identity was a mysterious person!" Ron's words caused exclamations from those around him again, and now it was not only the freshmen, but also some of the junior students. Although there were welcome ceremonies for new students in previous years, there was no telling of what happened in the school in previous years like now, and the story that Ron told is still very attractive.

"The mystery man?" was he able to enter Hogwarts?"

"yes, no one expected this to be the case at first, but facts are facts, and the mystery man grew on the back of Quirrell's head. Ron twisted his neck and gestured to the students around him to where the mysterious man was, "At that time, no one would have thought that there would be a mysterious person under Quirrell's turban. "

"And then, how did Senior Harry find out?"

"This brings us to the Philosopher's Stone mentioned earlier. Ron said, "He came to Hogwarts 23 for the Philosopher's Stone, and he tried to use the magic of the Philosopher's Stone to regain a body - can you imagine how much damage the mysterious man would bring to the wizarding world once he got it?"

But he failed. "

"That's right, the mystery man failed. Ron was a little smug after all, after all, he had experienced it firsthand, "We made it through the barriers set by the professors......

"What's the level?" the freshmen seemed to have made an appointment, one question for each person, but fortunately, Ron was still able to withstand it.

"It started with a three-headed dog - that's Hagrid's...... I remember calling Lou Wei. Ron turned his head to look at Harry, "Really?

Harry nodded, and because of Ron's relationship, Harry was also stuck in memories of his first year. He felt that he was stupid enough to firmly believe that Snape was trying to kill him, even though Hermione had so much evidence in front of him...... Thinking of this, Harry stole a glance at Hermione, only to be glared at by her. Apparently Hermione was thinking about what happened to her first year: the trolls in the bathroom, and the two humanoid trolls, Harry and Ron, trying to walk around the castle with a young dragon.

"I dare say that there are not many people in the whole of the UK who have ever seen an adult three-headed dog. Ron said, "He's going to swallow you little ones in one bite." "

"If it's really a three-headed dog, then how did you get through it?" asked the question, apparently from a wizarding family, "I remember that its breath was poisonous. "

"That big dog has a fatal heel – it falls asleep as soon as it listens to music. "Ron's big mouth is really no gatekeeper, even if Lou Wei has completed his mission in the matter of the Philosopher's Stone, but this does not mean that it will not come in handy in the future, and it is really unnecessary to expose Lu Wei's weaknesses in a big way just to brag in front of the new students.

"Then we passed Professor Sprout's Devil's Web, Professor Flitwick's Keytrap, Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration Board, and Snape's Viper's Trap...... We found Quirrell in the final room, along with the mysterious man on the back of his head. "

During this time, Ron talked a lot about how he commanded Harry and Hermione and cracked Professor McGonagall's mechanism, and he even told him every move he took, which shows how important that game was to Ron, and even after years, he still remembers every move.

"Hahaha, I thought I was going to die. Ron seemed to enjoy the adoring glances of the freshmen, "But as you can see, I'm alive and well now." "

Fortunately, Ron also knows what to say and what not to say, and there is no trace of Solim and his party in his story, otherwise a few people with popcorn suddenly appeared in a serious and tense story, and this feeling would be completely different.

Ron's second story even Colin came over, as a "victim", he has a lot to say about the attack, and not only that, but Nick, who almost lost his head, came out of nowhere and began to scare the new students, and was proud of his ghost identity.

Hermione heard Ron talking about the Chamber of Secrets, and glanced at Harry on the side. Unlike Harry, who is still kept in the dark, Hermione knows the truth, and not only the truth, she even knows the horrific fact that Riddle is still alive today. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I have to say that Ron may not have any talent in other areas, but he still has some merit in storytelling. He was surrounded by a circle of junior students, and after listening to the Philosopher's Stone Secret Room, he began to talk about Sirius's prison escape.

It was in this story that Solim's name first appeared.

"That Slytherin Selwyn broke Peter's hands and feet—in front of everyone," Ron said in a tone that was hard to fathom, "you weren't there, so you don't know his attitude, and hurting people was a common thing for his kind of people—his expression didn't change at the time." "

Ron still has a great prejudice against Solim.

"But that mouse is Peter Pettigrew, isn't it?" the freshman still knew, "What if 170 he turns into a mouse and escapes? I also know from the reports of the year that if he really escapes, the grievances of the stars will not be washed away." "[]

Peter deserved it. Ron wasn't in dispute with that, but the way he hurt others was extremely offensive—after that, Peter tried to escape...... And ......"

"And kidnapped you—" Hermione interjected, "If Solim hadn't broken Peter's hands and feet earlier, do you think you'd be saved by him in the end?"

"Since you remember this, do you remember the serpent's expression?"

"He cut off Peter's hands and feet, but he didn't even change his eyes!

The students' eyes panned back and forth between Ron and Hermione, as if they wanted to hear what else they could say next.

"You two, it's okay. Harry hurried over and tried to take control of the situation, "Ron, you can continue your story. "

"Okay, I'll move on!" Ron glanced at Hermione, then said to the freshman, "I'll tell you the story of how a Gryffindor student defected. "

Harry knew something was wrong as soon as he heard it. Sure enough, Hermione looked at Ron with an angry face, as if she was about to pull out her wand and give it to him.

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