Harry and Hermione have found Solim very strange recently, although he usually has Draco in the back corner of the class, but he has never been lying on his desk, but now except for Potions class, which must be taken standing, Solim basically goes to Potions on his stomach, and he has not been to Potions class several times.

This is unusual. Solim often didn't go to history of magic and astronomy classes, and they knew that. Although it was compulsory, the importance of the History of Magic and Astronomy classes was obviously not comparable to that of Potions, and Solim was never absent from such important classes, but lately he had begun to miss the morning classes frequently.

"This is the second time Hermione has asked me about you. After finishing her meal at noon, Sylna returned to her dormitory and looked at Solim, who was reading a book while eating, "And you haven't been to class for two mornings, and Professor Flitwick asked about you today." He said that if he had any health problems, he would go to Pomfrey. "

Solim raised the brioche bread in his hand to signal that he had heard, but his eyes were still fixed on the book.

"And that little girl asked you too, that Miss Stamp. Sylna walked over and took a look, it was a small book, the sallow pages were densely covered with small print, and there were illustrations on the pages, but it was obviously not a good thing. Sylna glanced at the words in the book and immediately spotted some of the forbidden words in it. This is not just knowledge that students should not be exposed to, but a taboo that no wizard is allowed to touch.

"Stamp?" Solim looked up a little confused, then his eyes cleared, "Oh, you mean Ottalen, Evans's little niece, what's wrong with her?"

"What else, she wants you to take her around the castle. Sylna said awkwardly, "It's amazing that Slytherin would have such a student." "

"I don't have time to talk to her right now. Solim shook his head, then turned his attention back to the book.

"You've been very wrong lately. Sylna sat on the bed behind Solim, "Did your father put too much pressure on you?"

Solim apparently didn't hear it, because he didn't respond at all. Sylna frowned and raised her voice, "I'm talking to you! Can't you read that broken book at night?"

Solim still didn't respond......

Sylna stood up and cautiously approached Solim, only to find him trembling slightly, his eyes firmly fixed on the page, and the brioche bread in his hand already crumbled......

"Damn, I knew something was wrong with this book!"

Without hesitation, Sylna pulled out her wand and gave it to Solim, only to be knocked away by Solim's sudden burst of magic and break one of Draco's four-poster beds.

The whole bedroom was in shambles...... The only thing that was intact was the table and chair that had physical contact with Solim, and he was still staring at the book with a hideous expression, as if he was trying to resist something......

Soon Solim's resistance paid off—black mist continued to emerge from his eyes, nostrils, and mouth, converging into three black lines and burrowing into the book.

The sight of Syrna struggling to get out of the pile of gauze tents and sheets frightened her, and it frightened her, the book was clearly a magic book, and of the more evil kind. She could tell this from her background, but she wasn't sure if her brother would be able to touch it at this time, and it hurt her whole body now, especially her lower back, and she was now thankful that the four-poster bed at Hogwarts was not made of that extremely strong wood.

After the black mist returned to the book, the still heavy magic book began to "brush" the pages, and finally closed it heavily. Solim sat sluggishly in his chair, his eyes blank.

"You...... Are you alright?" said Sylna, leaning over to Solim on her tiptoes, afraid of a repeat of the scene she had just seen.

Solim suddenly fell out of his chair, his hands on the ground, and began to gasp for breath - like a man who had just sunk in the water and was about to suffocate.

"Hah...... Hah—I'm fine," Solim's wheezing gradually decreased, and he staggered to his feet in his chair, "A little side effect, not a serious problem. "

With a face on her shoulder, Sylna motioned for her brother to pay attention to the current situation in the dormitory.

"I don't think it's just a side effect, what the hell is your father asking you to do, why would he let you read such a dangerous book?"

"I'm so sorry, I'll pay attention to it later. Solim put the book away.

"So you're going to hide in a no-man's place and read that book in the future?" Sylna narrowed her eyes.

"Oh, don't do that. Solim pulled out his wand, he was going to clean it up so that Draco wouldn't have to explain when he returned, "I assure you, that's what this book can do to me. If it's something more dangerous, do you think I'll be eating in my dorm room and watching it?"

At this time, Solim seemed to realize that the hand of the wand was not quite right, and when he looked down, it turned out to be a hand of cream, not only snakeskin gloves, but also a lot of wands.

"Damn it. Solim scolded, he was very protective of his wand, and the wand he had bought from Ollivander had been using it for several years, but it was still as good as new.

"What the hell are you doing?"

It had been prevaricated by Solim before, and it seemed that Sylna was determined to get to the end this time.

"Do you really want to know?" asked Solim as he tidied up the room, "don't regret it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I think that's what I should say. Sylna crossed her arms, "Will you regret it later?"

The room had been restored to its original state, the broken bedpost had returned to its rightful place, the gauze tent and sheets had become neat, and if it weren't for the pain in Sirna's back, it would have been the same as before.

Solim lowered his arm, but he didn't put away his wand.

"If I don't learn this, I might regret it even more. "

"So, back to that question. What the hell are you doing now?"[]

"I'm still preparing, for the sake of (Zhao's) future and an evil—"

"Just after lunch, Scarhead and Granger came back to ask about you. Draco pushed the door open and entered, "I think it's better for you to talk to them......"

Draco wasn't blind, he could feel the atmosphere in the bedroom at this moment, his voice getting quieter and quieter until it disappeared. Apparently he wasn't welcome here at this point - it was clear from Sylna's eyes.

"Hmm......" Draco hesitated, "I remember, there's something going on with the team—"

"Well, I'm done eating, and I'm going to go out for a walk. Naturally, Solim put his wand away, ignoring Sylna's gaze, and went straight out the door.

"I'm ......" Draco had already guessed that he might have come in at the wrong time, and he looked at Sylna a little embarrassed.

"If you get the timing right every time, we're going to have a chance of winning Quidditch this year. "

Silna said angrily.

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