Because of Draco, Sylna still couldn't ask for anything, much to Solim's temporary relief. If he could, he still wanted to be able to go unnoticed.

This time he was indeed a little careless.

After returning from Ogle for the second time, he brought back the magic book. "Study" the mystery as my father asked......

The "mystery" of this magic book does not lie in the knowledge in it - while this knowledge is indeed taboo, it is really not worth mentioning compared to the way of "seeing" the book.

Solim had read a lot of books, but it was the first time he had encountered such a ...... The vast majority of books use the eyes to read the words on the page, and then the wizard himself understands and remembers the knowledge in the book.

But this magic book is not. The wizard himself needs to drink a special potion before reading it, and use it with magic before he can officially start reading. And that's not all, the most peculiar part is that the wizard himself doesn't need to memorize the knowledge in the book - this knowledge will be squeezed into his mind by himself, and he doesn't need to understand it word by word, and it's okay to read ten lines at a glance, as long as your brain can recognize the words in the 140 books, you don't need to understand it, magic will help you engrave this knowledge in your mind.

Sounds good, doesn't it?

You don't have to struggle with Barra's study, you just need to drink a small bottle of potion and cast a spell on yourself, and the knowledge will be learned by yourself.

Everything has a price. The knowledge that is poured into the brain requires a lot of energy from the wizard to consolidate, and if the energy is low, what happened before Solim will happen. This kind of learning method is not necessarily as efficient as reading books on a regular basis.

Why is this magic book like this? Isn't it normal for people to read? Do you have to do these flowers? Solim had thought this way before, but after a few little experiments, he understood.

For confidentiality.

You can not drink potions, you can not cast spells on yourself, but the result of this is to read the book and forget - copying the spell is ineffective, Solim has tried, he has even looked at his own memory, but the result is very disappointing, the memory of the magic book is blank.

The maker had apparently considered the situation for a long time, and Solim felt that he didn't have the skills to crack it, otherwise he wouldn't be looking at it in the dormitory with a big grin. He wasn't worried that Sylna or Draco might accidentally read the contents - even if they saw the words in the book, they would forget them as soon as they looked away.

With such strict measures and such extravagant reading costs, it is natural that the record will not be idle knowledge. This not-so-thick magic book has only one thing to do with – evil spirits.

Evil spirits are no different in the eyes of ordinary wizards, anyway, they are a group of "bad things" with extreme negative energy that can bring misfortune to people. But for a very small number of wizards, evil spirits are "treasures".

The classification of evil spirits is rather chaotic, at least Solim has read several books on evil spirits and does not have a unified opinion. The first is the evil spirit that man has become, which in Solim's understanding is "ghost", and it is also "evil ghost". (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But there is a difference here: some evil spirits are gradually transformed from ghosts into evil spirits, and in the eyes of wizards, such evil spirits are not "pure" enough, and if you want to use this evil spirit, you must perform some magical rituals to strip away the remaining humanity of this evil spirit.

There is also a kind of evil spirit that is turned into a human being and is relatively rare, that is, it becomes an evil spirit directly after death. There are several types of situations here, and there are two main ones: one is an evil spirit driven by hatred, born of revenge or revenge, which is generally short-lived, but their negative emotions are quite pure. The other (CDAH) is because the deceased has done all the bad things in his life, he is a pure evil person, and the negative emotions in his soul make him become an evil spirit directly after death - this kind of evil spirit is extremely rare, but it is also the most desired by the shaman.

If a wizard wants to establish contact with evil spirits, this is the first choice. But it is really rare for a person to be "evil" like this, and there are relatively many wizards who have the ability to establish contact with evil spirits, and the imbalance between supply and demand has given birth to a high-end underground industry - evil spirit cultivation.

It is more appropriate to say that it is an underground industry, because the largest supplier of this industry is underground...... Solim was quite nervous when he knew about it, and whenever this disgusting family disappeared for a while, he would always pop up again to disgust him.

Yes, that's what the Richie family does. Their study of evil spirits is arguably the best in Europe, and their various inhumane magical experiments in the underworld have indeed advanced the understanding of evil spirits on a practical level, although this "progress" is based on a lot of blood and misfortune...... They will start to intervene in a person's infancy, carefully plan his life, in order to ensure that all kinds of man-made misfortunes will befall the target, and they will also guide the "evil" in the target's heart in various ways to see what type the target belongs to, so as to contact the buyer...... []

Of course, this kind of "customized goods" is not consumed by ordinary people.

The second is to find someone with a certain trait and make it into an evil spirit with a certain trait under the secret means of the Richie family - just as ripe melons and fruits are not as delicious as naturally grown, such evil spirits are not as powerful as natural evil spirits.

As for how the Rich family made sure that these poor people did not go to the "other side", but chose to stay in the world...... Solim thinks there's no point in thinking about it. Ordinary wizards believe that the creation of ghosts is related to personal choices, but the actions of the Rich family clearly show that this perception is wrong, at least not entirely correct.

With Serwin's relationship with Rich, don't think about getting an evil spirit through them. Fortunately, Selwyn is not a simple family, although the understanding of evil spirits is not as comprehensive and in-depth as the Rich family, but it still has its own set of processes. The magic book that Solim now has in his hand was made by Selwyn himself, and why did Solim know about it?

Solim is now learning how to deal with evil spirits, not only spells, but also various magical rituals developed against evil spirits. Originally, Solim thought that his knowledge should not be enough to deal with these problems, but when he saw the need for astrological knowledge, he understood that he needed to make up for it.

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