Aurora. Sinista is a professor of astronomy at Hogwarts. Truth be told, the professor's presence is low, and while her classes are compulsory, students have little interest in her classes, and in that respect Sinista is not even as good as Trelawney – at least Trelawney has a loyal following...... Although more people think she is an old liar.

Anyway, Sinista was a professor, and the knowledge she had was what Solim needed at the moment, and Solim did honestly take a few astronomy lessons, which surprised many people, but Solim soon found that Hogwarts astronomy lessons didn't help him.

Astronomy lessons are quite boring, even more boring than the history of magic, at least the history of magic can be heard as a story, but astronomy lessons only have the orbits of the stars, when they appear and where they appear, which stars represent what, and what events may be caused when certain stars are in a special position...... It was so boring and boring, and it reminded Solim of the time when he was carrying the currents of the earth.

There is a difference between astronomy and astrology, and although astronomy is boring and hardly used in everyday life, Solim also admits that it is a serious subject. But astrology is different, and it seems inexplicable to Solim, a modernly educated "pseudo" wizard, that it should belong to a girl who likes to gossip, such as Gryffindor's Lavender. Cloth, not something that can be associated with magic~rituals related to evil spirits.

Astrology is divided into four schools: natal astrology, secular astrology, divination astrology, and day astrology. Associated with the magical rituals of evil spirits are natal astrology, which is related to the receptor of Solim itself, and the latter to the right time for the magical ritual.

Realizing that he couldn't get what he wanted from Professor Sinista's astronomy class, Solim turned his attention to the Hogwarts library and the Ravenclaw library, which he didn't have in his collection.

It wasn't until Solim was urged by Mrs. Pince for the third time that he should go to dinner, and his mind was already in a mess with the stars, constellations, houses, phases, and so on...... Solim couldn't help but wonder if this seemingly unreliable, more imaginary thing was really a reliable piece of knowledge, and although the magic books clearly stated that magical rituals needed astrology, Solim didn't think it was reliable. He now prefers to believe that he has not found the right book than that there is something wrong with astrology itself.

Solim was the last student to enter the Great Hall, and most of the students were half-full by this time.

"Solim, that broom is great!"

As soon as Solim sat down, Draco yelled excitedly.

"What...... Oh, you mean the one your father sent you. "

Looking at the excited Draco, Solim felt that he was out of place with the current Hogwarts, as if all of a sudden the people and things in Hogwarts had become strange, and the noise of the Great Hall had become distant at this time.

“...... So we did a test," Draco's voice abruptly woke Solim.

At this time, he had already cut off a piece of meat steak and was about to put it in his mouth.

"—I've seen the Firebolt and know its limits, and I dare say we've won!" Draco, who was in his excitement, apparently unaware of Solim's anomaly, was still gushing: "The new broomstick is fantastic, Scarhead's Firebolt will definitely not be my match." "

"Oh, come on. Sylna splashed Draco's cold water, "If you're still like that during the game, I'm sure Harry can catch the Snitch before you even if he's riding a comet." "

Draco's face suddenly turned red, "Are you questioning my abilities?"

"Yes, and your brain. Sylna rolled her eyes, "I'll apologize if you can stop sneering at Harry in the ring and show off your broomstick - if you can focus on finding the Snitch and catching it, of course." "

"I'm right for Scarhead...... Forget it, you'll see how I defeated the famous savior. Draco huffed and took a bite of the steak.

"We'll see. Sylna said, "But I doubt it, after all, you never seem to have won against him." "

It was a heart-wrenching remark, and Draco stopped talking, just squeezing his anger at the food. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The scene suddenly cooled down. But in someone's eyes, it's a good opportunity to speak.

"Senior, when have you been free lately?" Ortalene poked his head out from Sylna's side.

"Not available. Solim immediately replied, "Didn't you see that I almost missed dinner?"

"Are you going to date this guy?" said Sylna with a smile to Ottalen, "Then you can die for it, this weird guy has never dated a girl in seven years at Hogwarts." "[]

"You forgot, the Beauxbatons ...... during the Triwizard Tournament" Draco suddenly stopped talking, as he noticed that many of the freshmen were watching him.

"Oh?" the other freshmen didn't dare to talk, but the girl Otaraine was obviously not among them, "I've heard about the Triwizard Tournament, but the Warriors haven't heard the gossip yet, and of course, I'm not talking about the shitty reports from Skeeter......"

"Do you remember her, my dear brother, and did that charming Miss Roderick write to you later?" said Sylna with a wicked smile.

"No, I think it's because she's a good girl who is empathetic. Solim glanced at his sister and began to process the food, he still had a tough battle to fight later, and he couldn't do it without a full meal.

Mention the Reyna back then. Miss Roderick, Solim found that his heart did not fluctuate in the slightest, and even a little bored, he was not interested in these unimportant things at all, he preferred to devote his time and energy to magic rather than these troubled things, there were so many problems for him to solve now.

Solim, who had returned to his dormitory to make some preparations, came to the secret room again. Yes, he will pass this evening. Just as he took a deep breath and was about to open the cabinet door, a voice that made him feel creepy sounded from behind him:

"The food at Hogwarts seems to have improved, and it has been able to delay you for so long, and I have waited for you here for so long, you know, I haven't tasted food in a long time. "

Solim had already pulled out his wand the moment he turned, and he couldn't understand why he had met this guy here. At the same time, he realizes the mistake he had made: the person who knew how to enter the Chamber of Secrets was someone other than Harry and his siblings.

"Did Dumbledore let you out, or did you come out on your own?" Solim pointed his wand at the solid figure behind the pillar, "Tom. Riddle people. "。

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