The next day, after the History of Magic class, Solim stopped a sleepy-eyed Draco.

"Draco, I remember that your family was a shareholder in the Romanian Dragon Farm, right?"

"Romania—" Draco looked left and right, then whispered, "Not anymore, my father has disposed of a lot of the property here, the shares of the Daily Prophet, the shares of the Romanian Dragon Farm...... Many shops have also been transferred. "

Solim raised an eyebrow, he didn't expect Lucius to be so decisive and decisive.

After leaving the ranks of the Death Eaters, Lucius still had a great sense of crisis, after all, the Dark Lord that everyone feared was not dead, and he himself knew that he could escape with his whole body thanks to Selwyn's protection, but even so, it was still an extremely risky move to continue to stay in Europe. So he sold the original family property at the right time through various connections, and he knew very well that now that he and his family were fine, it did not mean that the property in the name of the Malfoy family would also be fine, and instead of waiting for trouble in the future, it was better to take advantage of the Dark Lord to take care of himself when he had no time to take care of himself.

Lucius was shrewd. He used some of his very good assets to gain a foothold on the American side through the exchange of interests - although he suffered a loss, he didn't care, and later events proved that he did the right thing. Through good interpersonal relationships to help the Selwyns thread the needle, Lucius gets more.

"Your father is already the head of the Business Federation of the Wizarding Congress?" Solim hadn't heard of the organization's name, but he was shocked.

Lucius is a proper outsider to the wizarding family in the United States, but he was able to gain a foothold in such a short period of time and achieve a certain status. Although he borrowed Selwyn's momentum, it was also inseparable from Lucius's personal ability.

"Is there anything I need help with?" Draco didn't know what Solim meant by suddenly asking himself about the Romanian Dragon Farm. Dragon's blood wasn't hard to come by to his friends, and from what he knew, Solim wasn't the type to be interested in dragons.

"Uh, nothing, just want to be alone......" Solim suddenly thought of a great idea.

He still has a contract on him that hasn't been fulfilled, and it should be a good time to do so. Solim decided to contact the crazy woman when he returned.

"Looks like you haven't had a lot of time lately. Draco said, "I've been going on a lot lately—"

Draco began to complain: not to mention the academic things, the seventh grade has the ultimate wizard level exam, Draco originally thought that he could fully adapt to the junior wizard level exam, but he obviously overestimated himself. Not only that, but he also has to play ball this semester, for which he has at least two training sessions a week, and when he comes back from training, he has to complete his papers in various subjects, and there is a special course in the sixth and seventh grades - phantom shifting class. The Ministry of Magic would send professionals to teach the students how to learn the magic, which took up the whole afternoon of Saturday...... Suffice it to say, none of the seventh graders have much free time.

"Quidditch is your own request. "

"Yes, I didn't say I was going to quit, I just wanted to see if you had time to instruct me on phantom shifting. "

"Phantom shifting?" Solim shook his head, "I can't help you with that. You know, Apparition is not a simple magic, I remember telling you that it is an ancient magic that has not been simplified in any way, and you have to learn it on your own - and one thing you have to know, not everyone is suitable for learning this magic, and some unlucky people just can't learn it, it has nothing to do with the teacher's teachings, it is purely for personal reasons. "

Draco was a little apprehensive when Solim said this—he was worried that he was the kind of person who couldn't learn. There are many wizards who can't learn Apparition, and every year at Hogwarts there are such students who pay money to take Apparition classes, but in the end, they can't learn after being taught with money. Charlie. Weasley is an example of this.

"And what should I do?" Draco was a little worried, a wizard would be very limited if he couldn't master the magic of illusion shifting.

"Have you forgotten the principle of apparition?"

Solim and Draco made their way to the dark hallway, where their next lesson was Snape's Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

"Purpose, determination, stride......" Draco was silent. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Looks like you're aware of your problem, get over it - it's okay if something goes wrong and it splits. "

Snape has been completely free of himself since he got the position of defence-of-the Dark Arts professor of his dreams. He set detailed study plans and goals for each grade, with Year 1 and 2 students learning how to protect themselves from being attacked by dark creatures – from Red Hats and Grindy Low to Werewolves and Dementors. As he told Lupin at the beginning, this is something that younger students should learn. For older students, a deeper understanding of the nature of black magic and how to defend against it is the primary goal.

It has to be said that unlike the scattered teachings of the previous Defence Against the Dark Arts classes, Snape's teaching is a systematic, superficial and qualified teaching.

Although Professor McGonagall had a strong opinion of this, Snape, with Dumbledore's acquiescence, still brought some knowledge of the dark arts that students should not be exposed to into the classroom.

"I must say that I am very disappointed. "

Snape's image remained the same: a black robe and greasy hair.

"None of you, except Mr. Selwyn, has a paper that satisfies me. Stacked on the podium where Snape leaned was the papers he had just received.

"I remember that in the first few lessons, I have clearly explained the characteristics of the Mind Drilling Mantra, do you have no other views other than what I have talked about in class?

The whole classroom was so quiet that you couldn't even hear the sound of breathing. No one wants to make a move at such a time for Snape to notice him.

"Except for Mr. Selwyn, each of you is to submit a new paper on resisting the Diamond Heart Curse (Wang Lizhao). Snape's dark eyes surveyed the top of each student's head, "—next Friday." "

If it's another professor's class, or even Professor McGonagall's class, if the paper is rewritten, the students will make some noises such as grumbling or sighing...... But it was in Snape's class, and the students below didn't dare to make a noise at all, as if they were all Solim and that the matter of rewriting the paper had nothing to do with them.

"Given the slowdown in teaching caused by your terrible brains, I think you should be glad that I'm not Moody...... Of course, I wouldn't mind letting you experience it for yourself if the principal allows it, and maybe it will make your papers passable. "

Snape's class was very in-depth, but for Solim, who had to come into contact with the Mind Drill Charm every day, such a paper could be completed without using his brain. He was planning his timetable as he planned to leave Hogwarts during the day.

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