Diagon Alley has regained its prosperity compared to the previous period when the Death Eaters were wreaking havoc, and although it can't be compared to the pomp and circumstance of a few years ago, it has finally gained popularity.

Solim leaned against the door of Florin's cold drink shop, which was opened by Hogwarts seniors and still had no intention of opening, which was not uncommon in Diagon Alley, and not only that, but Madame Morkin's robes shop was doing well, and Solim had seen several waves of people entering.

Speaking of which, the location of Floring's cold drink shop is quite good, next to a shop, and beyond the entrance to Tumbledown Alley, diagonally opposite Gringotts, the rent of this kind of place is certainly not cheap - by the way, the shop next to Floring's cold drink shop that has never opened its door belongs to the Black family, of course, it belongs to Solim now, but he has not yet had the time to deal with these things.

A man in a black robe stood silently in front of him, wearing a hood that made his face unclear, but the presence of a few wavy, slightly split black hair roughly revealed the gender of the comer.

"It doesn't have to be like this. Solim tilted his head, still not seeing his face under the hood, "Isn't the compound decoction okay?"

"Once you go in, you're washed off. "

Solim was a little surprised, he knew the hooded witch of 747, but it seemed to be a little different from what he remembered. At least the sound is steady, unlike the original, crazy enough to make people think they're going to drop a spell in the next second.

Instead of letting the witch take off her hood, Solim reminded her to be careful not to be exposed. Diagon Alley, where the flow of people has resumed, is where tourists scream and run away if this woman dares to show her face.

Gringotts is very close to here, two steps away. Solim and the hooded witch were not stopped by the wizard security guards at the door, in fact, the wizard security guards arranged by the goblins at the gate were just like that, not so much security guards as they were there to provide comfort and fantasy to the goblins - the elves who had lost the war had the wizard show them the gate, which could make the goblins feel better.

The hall is still the same: on both sides are high tables where goblins conduct business, exchange pounds, open accounts, deposit money, and withdraw money...... The most numerous high tables were attended by wizards who had come to withdraw money. The elves sat so high because of their unspeakable fantasies—looking down on the wizard from above.

But they can only do this kind of careful thinking in this kind of place. Solim walked straight to the tallest elf sitting in the hall. On its table is a (CDCB) sign - VIP Business.

They didn't get too close, because they wouldn't be able to see the goblins even if they looked up, unless someone of Hagrid's or Maxim's stature could be eye level.

"Ahem. Solim looked up and coughed impatiently.

The old goblin, who was writing on parchment, looked up at the two people below.

"Ahh The old goblin put the quill into the inkwell, "Is there anything I need help with?"

"Transfer of property. Solim's hand under his robe reached out, "This is my key." "

After speaking, he looked slightly sideways at the person standing on the side.

A fire-painted envelope was pulled out by a hand with a swarthy fingernail slit. Solim saw that the skin of the hand was pale and loose, and the blood vessels under the skin were also shriveled, and it seemed that the owner of the hand was in very poor physical condition.

Seeing the logo printed on the envelope's fire paint, the old goblin looked a little surprised. It couldn't wait to uncover the paint, read the contents of the letter, and even changed a pair of glasses for it.

"There is no trace of forgery, it is indeed a proof of authenticity, but for the sake of safety...... I need to verify this ...... The identity of the lady. "

The old elf hesitated, it already knew who the hooded man below was. This person's identity is too sensitive to say anything that might attract attention.

"VIP room!" Solim frowned, "can you be more efficient!"

Instead of stepping down from the high table, the old elf assigned two more elves to deal with Solim's affairs. A Selwyn and a Death Eater were troublesome things no matter how they looked at it, so they simply excused themselves with their busy work and pushed the errand to these two younger goblins. That young Selwyn wasn't hard to deal with, but Bellatrix was a madwoman......

The old goblin just wanted nothing to go wrong.

After being taken to the intimate VIP room, the person under the hood finally revealed his true face.

"Sure enough, it's you, honorable Lady Lestrange. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The elves were clearly a little afraid of the "famous" Death Eater, and their tone and demeanor were full of humility and flattery.

"Take us to the family vault in Lestrange, right now!" Solim's ass hadn't even touched the expensive-looking couch in the VIP room, and he wouldn't be too much to waste half a minute here.

The two elves looked at each other, and one last last word opened the door, bowing their heads and inviting them out. No one spoke along the way, not even the goblin who led the way as they got into the minecart.

The Leprechaun sits at the front, as it controls the minecart. There is also a place next to it, but Bellatrix, who is discriminatory and dismissive of ordinary people, obviously will not sit next to it, and since this dangerous woman does not sit in the front, then Solim naturally will not sit in front and expose his back to her.

Solim gripped the handrail of the cart with one hand, and with the other he held his wand under his robes, and pointed at Bella next to him, just in case.

After a series of bumps, uphill and downhill climbs, decelerations, and decelerations, they finally reached the depths of Gringotts shortly after crossing the Burglar Falls. There are no personal vaults in this area, the personal vaults are all above, and the places below are family vaults that do not require keys. Luckily, the Lestrange family wasn't very prominent, and Solim's ass was able to suffer less. If they were like the last time they went to the Black family vault, they were still halfway there.

The layout here is markedly different from the rows of personal vaults above, and after the cat walks through a small door, Solim is presented with a huge space, and equally huge is a dragon lying there, the largest Ukrainian iron belly in the fire dragon.

Solim had seen what a healthy Ukrainian iron belly looked like, and the one in front of him was clearly underdeveloped - the scales were widely peeled off, revealing the skin underneath, and the horns were asymmetrical and fairly small.

"Please wait, I need to get a jingle piece. The goblin who led the way finally spoke, and it walked towards the corner with its legs, but Solim ignored it, and he was now staring at the poor Ukrainian iron belly.

The heavy chains that held the dragon around made an uncomfortable grinding sound, and as the grinding sound got closer, the elf began to panic as she tried to open the crate containing the jingle pieces.

"That goblin...... Don't use that thing of yours just yet. "

Solim's attention was on the dragon at this time, and he had the ability to guarantee that he would not be harmed at close range, so he had no fear.

"What are you doing?" Bellatrix was a little irritable, "Now that you're here, hurry up and get that damn contract done!"

"Oh, there's no need to rush. Solim said unhurriedly, "It's not bad for a while." "

Under the elf's terrified gaze, Solim stepped forward and placed his right hand on the dragon's nose. []

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