If Solim hadn't seen the dragon, he wouldn't have approached the Ukrainian iron belly in front of him so rashly, even if it was malnourished and bound by chains, it was because he had seen the precursors of the dragon's attack that Solim would be willing to approach the Ukrainian iron belly - it showed no hostility at all.

The dragon sniffed, its two narrow nostrils catching something, and it lay motionless in front of Solim. The sight was a bit of a sight for the elf, something it hadn't seen since it had been in charge of the family vault. He decided to escalate the matter later, and if the jingle piece was out of effect, or if the wizard had some sort of way to pass through the fire dragon, then sooner or later the defenses would fail.

"What are you waiting for?" Solim patted the fire dragon's nose, "We're here to do something." "

The goblin woke up from a dream and slipped towards the hole behind the dragon, still clutching a jingle piece in his hand, just in case. Solim took two steps back, and the fire dragon followed, as if there was something on Solim that attracted it.

"What did you do?" Bellatrix took two steps back.

Solim ignored her, instead walked straight to the hole behind the dragon, and walked through it to reach the vault. The Ukrainian Iron Belly cautiously followed Solim, and it didn't make any other moves, just lying behind Solim and sniffing constantly, ignoring the goblin and Bellatrix.

The goblin, who had a bit of a loop, slipped around the wall to get to the entrance of the cave, and Solim was already standing and waiting. Seeing the goblin trembling and afraid to approach, Solim could only take two steps back helplessly, keeping the fire dragon away from the entrance of the cave.

Solim's reaction to this fire dragon was more or less obvious, he obviously had a taste of interest in it, and this taste was obviously different from other fire dragons, and the Ukrainian iron belly did not show a violent mood and a tendency to attack.

When Solim entered the hole, the fire dragon directly blocked the hole with its long snout, and its nose was still moving, trying to find Solim ~ residual breath in the air.

"Oh my God, is that good?" Solim was dumbfounded, how would they get out then?

The defense of the family vault and the personal vault are different. Solim's personal vault only needs a key to open, but Gringotts' family vault doesn't have that protection. In order to better protect the assets of these wizarding families, the elves have chosen a method that is not safe in Solim's opinion - the head system.

The family vault is the responsibility of several "reliable" elves. They are each responsible for a region, and the family vaults they are responsible for are known only to the Gringotts higher-ups and themselves, and these family vaults can only be opened by these special elves.

In the original book, it was lucky that Harry and his party were able to open Lestrange's family vault, and they happened to meet the goblin in charge of the vault.

Solim had now shoved the monolithic eye that Babu had given him into his socket, and he was ready to take a look at the vault door and its contents.

The normal eye saw that it was just a rusty iron door, with no magic patterns on it, and nothing else of note, highlighting a mediocre one. But in Solim's other eye, the flash door was a little more exciting: unlike the dim environment, the door glowed brightly and softly under the lenses, and the brightness of each area of the door was different. Before he could see it, the elf's nails scratched it......

The brightness of the different areas of the door became uniform for an instant, and then the soft light on the vault door dimmed - but it didn't disappear.

Solim didn't care, he didn't come today to study the vault gate, the guy inside was the point.

"They're yours now. Bellatrix said irritably, "Our pact is complete. "

"Done?" Solim blinked his right eye alone and removed the monocle, there were so many things in the vault, "but they're still here, and they didn't fit into my vault." "

"Do you want me to move it myself?" Bella trembled under the wizard's robes.

"It doesn't have to be, I think the goblins at Gringotts will be happy to do it for you. Solim looked back at the goblin outside the door, "How long will it take to move everything here to my personal vault?"

The goblin's eyes stared straight at the room full of gold, and he almost wrote the word greed on his face.

"Oh, I need to remind you that everything here has been copied under the Charm of Replication, so be careful when carrying it - do you need me to give you a Drill Heart Charm? Mr. Elf?"

Solim's voice sounded very kind, but it was this kind and polite voice that woke the goblin, or rather, a noun in the passage that woke it up.

"Ah, it looks like you heard me, so what's your answer?"

"I ...... We haven't received the formalities—" The fairy replied tremblingly, fearing that the wizard would cast a curse on him, and that he thought there would be no normal person who could hang out with Bellatrix, a mad woman.

"If the formalities are complete......" This goblin is obviously a person who can observe words, and seeing that Solim's face is not good, he hurriedly said: "It can be done in a whole day." "

"All day...... It can be done," Solim touched his chin, "I'll send someone to supervise your work, whether it's a whole day or it can be done, I hope there are no problems with either of these." "

"We ...... Now, uh, is it up to the paperwork?" asked the goblin cautiously.

Truth be told, Solim is also a little uncomfortable right now. It must be said that he was a little inconsiderate just now, and he hurriedly came down to look at things, but forgot that there was also the issue of property transfer procedures. Without this thing, the elves can't get to work.

There was only one way out of the way for Solim to do so: close the door to the vault honestly, then get back on the small minecart and rattle back, then go back to the VIP room and sit on the couch where he hadn't had a chance to touch his ass before and complete the formalities.

However, when Solim and the others returned to the entrance of the cave, they encountered some trouble: the dragon's mouth was still blocked here...... Fortunately, the jingle piece that the goblin brought over before is still there, otherwise it would have been a while to get out of this hole.

Solim's attraction to this Ukrainian iron belly seems to be a little overdone, and even if the chains that bind the fire dragon are stretched straight, it still can't stop it from trying to get close to Solim. Solim, who was already in the minecart, could hear the anxious roar of the Ukrainian iron belly from afar.

It's like a child going to kindergarten for the first time watching his mother leave... Work....

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