Before the official entrance, Solim still had some time to chat with the trio. He did have some interest in these three mavericks.

Solim had seen many wizards who could enter and leave Selwyn's Castle, and for the Selwyns, those who were eligible to enter the castle were the backbone of the family, either holding important positions in a certain department or having a good level of magic. According to Solim's own observations, the trio clearly belonged to the latter.

Vanessa is a woman who doesn't see anything from the outside, she always has a big grin, and she looks very deceitful, but Solim can see that this woman is the "leader" of the trio, similar to Hermione's status in their trio.

Kent, the blonde-haired, handsome-looking guy with a gorgeous cane with him, didn't seem like a wizard, and if Solim was to say, he was more of a like Lockhart. Solim didn't need to study the staff to figure it out, it was either a wand, or it was simply a sassy staff, and of course, there was another possibility, a rapier with magic inside.

Is it strange for a wizard to use a sword? Not at all. This is also one of the ways wizards fight, except that wizards who use swords will generally only be opponents of their own kind.

Godric. Gryffindor is one such person. Wizards like them may not know anything about magical creatures, and they may not be able to tell the difference between a devil's web and a vampire vine, but they are adept at dueling—extremely good at duels.

They will use their wands to counter or fend off the spells of the opposing wizard, and in the process they will quickly approach their opponents, then use their swords to cut off the wands of these unfortunate ghosts when they are in a hurry or in a hurry, or cut off their heads.

If you don't have the experience of facing this kind of wizard and start the film rashly, the vast majority of wizards will not end well. They have long been accustomed to the shooting of spells, and suddenly a guy with a sword will be in a hurry and defeated.

Because there's one key here: their swords.

Even if you don't consider the sword made by the goblins, the swords made by the alchemist are not to be underestimated. There will definitely be the ability to resist some simple spells, and the more advanced ones can also pierce defensive spells such as the Iron Armor Charm. There are even whimsical wandsmiths who will simply make a wand into a sword, or a sword into a wand.

Solim thinks the guy named Kent is probably one of those rare wizards.

As for the bald head named Calvin...... Truth be told, Solim didn't really see what he was doing. But judging by that size, he should be a combatant.

The trio is famous, and not just within the Selwyns.

Vanessa. Marco. Amelia - This woman's background can be said to be quite deep. She is the illegitimate daughter of Levitheath's second son, who died in the Underworld some time ago, and Solim's late second grandfather, Brede, left behind in Italy. She was not as lucky as Solim to be able to take Selwyn's last name, but followed a motherhood: Marko. Amelia.

Solim can only smack his lips for this bloody thing, it seems that it is the "glorious tradition" of the Selwyns to sow seeds everywhere, but not everyone is as lucky as him.

"So......" Solim suddenly realized that this woman was of the same generation as his father, "should I call you aunt?"

As a result, he suddenly felt Vanessa's terrifying gaze, a gaze that could almost pierce Solim's skin.

"What did you say?" Vanessa suddenly narrowed her eyes and looked at Solim dangerously.

"Ahem-" Kent quickly interjected, realizing that something was wrong, "yes, you must have been worrying about duels lately, so someone is ready to let us help you - after all, you can't find any suitable opponent to hone your skills, right?"

As soon as he said this, Solim immediately shifted his attention. Moved from Vanessa, who wanted to eat herself, to Kent.

"Someone, can't you name him?" Solim asked, "Also, Dax was defeated by me, and if I could have defeated him then, then—"

"You want to say that you can do this duel too?" Kent lowered his head and tugged at his bangs.

"Or else?" Solim looked at him quietly.

"You might be getting one thing wrong. Kent held up a finger, "That stupid boy from Dax is indeed dead, but why do you think you're going to survive?"

Dax's betrayal of the family is a sure fact, and the family will definitely execute him, there is no doubt about it. It's just that the family wants Solim to be the executioner, if Dax's resistance is unexpected, or if Solim's performance is not satisfactory...... Of course, Solim thinks that the family will probably do something to Dax before the duel to ensure that the execution goes smoothly. He couldn't understand why Kent had a different opinion. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You mean, he's probably going to die with me?"

It's not impossible, but Solim has a phoenix to block the spell, which will greatly reduce the likelihood of Dax's dying strike succeeding.

"You may have lived comfortably in peace for too long. Kent shook his head, "Or maybe your Hogwarts studies have made you forget something." "

Seeing that Solim hadn't understood yet, Calvin's big bald head grinned. []

"Boy, don't forget the curse. "


Solim was stunned for a moment, curses can't be said to be unpopular this kind of magic, but there are not many wizards who can really use famous wizards. No matter how you look at it, a simple-minded family like Dax has nothing to do with this kind of profound magic.

"Seriously. Kent continued to shake his head, "You shouldn't have left Sculler, you can learn more from there than Hogwarts. Karl, tell this kid about it. "

"Listen up, boy. Calvin hugged his shoulder, "You've learned the basics of curses in Sgul, if you haven't forgotten them yet. Of course, it's okay to forget. I'm here to tell you this. "

Solim looked around for a few moments and seemed to think that this was not a good place to talk.

Kent noticed Solim's small movements, and he paused on the lawn with his cane, and then the sounds around him began to fade away......

"Boy, I'll tell you this, if it weren't for me, you would have died in this duel. Calvin terrorized Solim, "Whether you kill your big brother in a duel or not, you're going to die—because you're going to be cursed." "

Bound to be cursed?


Solim seemed to remember something, his face instantly froze, and his pupils began to tremble.

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