Curses can be classified as a variety of types and powers, from small pranks that make people's ears grow hair, to withering curses that make people festering to death, or using certain special mediums and materials to target the bloodline of a certain family.

The difference between a curse and a spell is that a curse lasts longer and lasts longer than a spell. The hairy curse takes effect within a few hours, lasts from three days to a week without interference, and the high-end curse of the Absolute Heir can last for centuries until a wizarding family dies out completely.

Another difference between curses and spells is that curses require materials and preparation.

It can be the skin or bodily fluids of some kind of herb, some kind of magical creature, or the "two-five-seven" is a magical ritual performed when certain constellations are in the right place. However, in general, curses are slow to act, and they take too long to unleash magic that is not suitable for use in a high-intensity situation such as a duel.

But there was one curse that was the exception, and Solim happened to know it.

Soul Curse.

The name does not imply that the curse is directed at the soul, but rather that the price to be paid for initiating the curse is the soul of the person who casts the curse.

Of course, it is not enough to have a soul, otherwise this curse would have rotted on the streets long ago.

The soul of the spellcaster is only a consumable, the key is intense and lasting emotions - hatred is a very good medium. If the caster's emotions are not strong enough and do not last long enough, then the curse will fail.

The Soul Curse is very similar to the defunct Blood Curse on Harry's body. They all require the caster to pay the price of their lives, binding their will to the recipient. Lily Evans used his deep love for his children to ensure that the Blood Curse lasted for more than a decade, so Dax could use his hatred of Solim to ensure that the curse did not fail.

But it's still an extremely difficult thing to do.

There are countless wizards who have died in duels, and countless people have been killed by enemies on the battlefield, but how many soul curses have been successful throughout the ages?

This curse doesn't just say, "I'm not going to let you go!" The premise for activating it is that in addition to the caster's own quality soul, it requires a strong hatred - this is not to say that hatred is the only way to do, but any intense emotion is fine, but hatred is undoubtedly the emotion that most suits the mentality of the two duelists.

Dax undoubtedly hated Solim, but could this hatred reach the threshold of unleashing the curse?

This is not a state of mind that wants to kill Solim that can be satisfied, but there is no other concern in the soul and consciousness of the spellcaster except for killing Solim, there is no fear of death, there is no nostalgia for life, there is only a strong and strong hatred for someone in the soul and consciousness.

Even Voldemort's hatred of Harry was not to that extent - because he was still afraid of death, and his hatred was not pure. Dax: Can that gorilla do that?

Solim was skeptical.

However, Calvin quickly poured a basin of cold water on Solim.

"Maybe that fool can't do the full curse, but that curse will last on you for a while, and someone else will do the rest. "

"You mean...... Someone is going to complete the curse?" Solim was really flustered at this point.

Here's a ready-made example: Lily's blood spell to Harry. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dumbledore had strengthened the magic many times so that the protection would not weaken. The Soul Curse and the Blood Curse are similar in many ways, and as long as Dax is able to use the curse to affect Solim for a period of time, then theoretically, someone else can strengthen and maintain this incomplete or weak curse.

But Solim wasn't out of the question, he didn't give back what he had learned from Sculle to the professor there, he knew how to deal with it.

It's very simple, very simple, all it takes is a life-seeking spell to solve the problem perfectly.

Soul curses come at the cost of the curser's soul, so using a life-reapering spell that shatters the soul before the curse is cast can perfectly solve this problem.

"I'm going to ask for a curse. Solim said, "I'm not going to give him that chance." "[]

"I have no doubt about that. Kent nodded.

For powerful wizards, there is no question of whether the requisitioning spell will be used or not, only whether you want to use it..... No one would doubt that Dumbledore wouldn't have a Death Charm, but he never used it.

Solim can indeed use the Requirping Charm, but "can use" and "use it well" are two completely different concepts. Using a spell you're not familiar with in a duel with a skilled wizard isn't a good idea.

"The Requisition Curse is a good idea. Calvin agreed with Solim's thoughts, "But unless you're the kind of madman who can cast it with a raise of your hand, and use the Requisition Charm with as much ease as the Stun Charm, this spell will put a lot of burden on you, and if you don't hit, do you know what problems you'll face next?"

Requirition kills very well, and most defensive spells have no effect on it—but only if the spell hits the target. Solim thought he could try to limit Dax's range of movement in a duel, but the Requisition Charm wasn't a spell he was familiar with, and it would take him time to use it.

The Requisition Spell is not a stun spell that can be cast as long as it is pronounced correctly, it requires the desire to kill and hurt others - of course, this is not a problem when Solim faces Dax, but the problem is that the Require Charm has a spell duration, and it takes less than two seconds for Solim to release the spell, but this time is too dangerous in a duel. During this time of holding the spell, Solim could not use 0.3 with other magic, and if he was hit by Dax's spell without the protection of the talisman charm, it would be doomed.

"And what do you have to say?" Solim calmed down. He admits that this may be a hidden danger, but he still doesn't think he will fail.

"Simple. Calvin touched his bald head, "Next, in the period before the duel begins, we will train you, and it is said that there is a special place on you-"

With that, the trio invariably looked at Solim's snakeskin-gloved left hand.

"That's right, it's your left hand, maybe it will have an unexpected effect in the next duel. Calvin pointed his radish thumb to his chest and said, "I forgot to tell you that I am a cursed wizard who is proficient in all kinds of curses. "。

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