When the Malfoys arrived on Neasto Island through the portkey, Solim was adjusting his accessories in the service of several women, and he had to wear more than ten pounds of clothing until 5 p.m.

"Straighten your back!Draco. "

Lucius walked over to Draco's side after handing over the key, patting him on the back.

"Don't let others underestimate ~ our Malfoy. "

"Got it, father. "

Draco also dressed up today, which his parents had brought him to customize in the United States. Lucius now tries not to show up in the British wizarding world as much as possible, not only does he not show up, but he even temporarily cuts off all contact with his previous social circle.

Lucius knew the current situation, and he was more sensitive in this regard than the average wizard. He knew that many of his former "friends" wanted to find him—of course, they didn't necessarily have malicious intentions, and some wanted to help him, such as Notte, but Lucius knew that it was not the time to reach out to these old friends.

"Lucius, Draco, and Narcissa of the Malfoy family—it's true, it's true. The wizard at the door took the invitation from Lucius, and glanced at the enchanted parchment in his hand.

"Welcome to Selwyn Castle and have a nice day. "

After saying this as a matter of routine, the three Lucius were ushered into the venue. Although the guests had not yet arrived, the garden in front of the castle was already quite lively, with the guests gathering in groups to chat, and the peers leaving aside the constraints of their parents and starting to wander around - there were not many opportunities for foreigners to enter Selwyn Castle, and the young people were ready to enrich their conversation so that they could show off later.

However, it had nothing to do with Draco, as he didn't have any peers in the room he didn't know...... Well, there were, Neville's uncle was talking to a middle-aged man, and Neville was standing there quietly, except that his gown seemed a little tight.

In addition to Neville, there was another Draco knew, Fleg. Orvis, it's just that Draco obviously can't go over now. Although they had known each other since the Triwizard Tournament, they were not that familiar with each other.

Now it's important for him to follow his father to visit the pure-blood members he knows, rather than running around with his own temperament.

It's just that the process is not perfect, it's not that Draco himself is wrong, it's that Malfoy's presence here has aroused some people's interest and ...... Oppugn.

"Malfoy, the family that has long since fallen down, how did they get involved with Selwyn?"

"As luck would have it, the groom went to Hogwarts and happened to be classmates with the heir of the Malfoy family......"

"Hehe, that's really lucky, and Stammering is related to Selwyn. "

"I remember that the current head of the Malfoy family married the young lady of the Black family......"

"You also pay attention to this kind of thing? Blake? Isn't that also a?"

"I remember if the whole family followed that madman?"

"How long has it been since you've been out and about? When was that, thanks to Selwyn, Malfoy wasn't a Death Eater anymore. "

Not only was he not hunted down by that person, but it is said that he was still in the United States. "

"You know that kind of thing?"

"The family has business dealings over there, I heard about this Lucius. Malfoy did have some means to help Selwyn win over a lot of local families. "

"Hey, isn't it Selwyn's name?"

"Indeed, without Selwyn's care, how could such a dingo-like family on the side of the road attend such a banquet?"

"Draco, concentrate. "

Lucius and his family were preparing to visit Greenwood as planned after greeting the Glover family from the United States, which were his recent achievements, and it was a good occasion to consolidate and introduce Draco to them by the way.

As for those words just now...... Draco heard it, could he Lucius still not hear it? It's just that as a person who has come over, he can hold his breath better.

On the American side, Lucius had heard even more ugly words, and today these could not have any effect on this battle-hardened man.

He knew who those tongue-chewing people were, and they were all on Selwyn for food, just like himself, and in that respect Malfoy was no different from the family.

"Don't go to heart, my son. Narcissa took Draco's hand and comforted, "Being a pure-blood doesn't mean you're educated, and I think you're better than a lot of people in that regard." "

"But they're telling the truth, aren't they?" Draco looked around for a moment and whispered, "If it weren't for Solim......

"That's true. Lucius slowed down with his delicate cane, "If it weren't for your friend's family helping us, Malfoy might have even been ruined in my generation, and even more terrifyingly, the Malfoy surname would have disappeared—just like so many families, such as Bones of Hogwarts, whose surname would be completely history in a decade, or even a few years." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's my duty to do everything in my power not to let this terrible thing happen, and luckily everything is turning around at the moment – thanks to you, my son. As I taught you when I was a kid, a strong and reliable friend is often able to step up when you need it most......"

"—That's a good point. Lucius. I think that's the difference between us. "

The conversation was interrupted, and Lucius was not annoyed because he knew the other person.

A middle-aged man stood on the side of the road, followed by a somewhat stocky young man. []

Draco knew him, the only Hogwarts alumnus he had ever been a guest at the party.

Lucius didn't speak, and Draco couldn't be the first to say hello to Neville.

"Ah—Albert," Lucius was the first to hold out his hand, "and it is not surprising to see you. "

"Yes, because you saw me as soon as you came in, so you won't be surprised at this time. Neville's uncle shook Lucius' hand.

"Draco, come and say hello—" Lucius beckoned, motioning for Draco to step forward.

"Good day, Mr. Longbottom. "

"Gee, why are we going to make all this name. Albert scratched his head, "I shouldn't have listened to Aguirre at the time, it was too much trouble." "

Neville winked at Draco.

Draco remembered the name "Aguirre", Neville had said, and his uncle had thrown him down the stairs because he was worried that Neville was a squib.

Unlike Draco, Neville hadn't heard anything harsh about Longbottom.

This was because of one of his uncles, Albert, who worked in an affiliate of the Presbyterian Church, and many of the wizards present would regard him as "one of their own".

Of course, it is more likely that Longbottom and Selwyn are related for a long time.

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